A new kid

As they were walking,a zombie jumped onto Jayden's back!The zombie also looked like a singer,except he was paler.His skin was almost like milk!Jayden punched the zombie in the nose and the zombie stumbled back.The zombie's nose started to bleed which was hard to notice since the zombie was pretty much covered in blood.Jayden saw faith in this zombie so he grabbed a potion out of Success' backpack and poured the liquid all over the blood covered zombie."Jayden!",Tanner yelled."What?",Jayden replied."I saw faith in him."

"We have to save the potions!",Phoenix yelled."Just don't worry about it guys.",Success said calmly.The boys skin under all the zombie skin was pretty much the same,just paler.The boy seemed shocked to be out of his zombie cage.Success punched a zombie that was behind him and then he said,"Hey kid,we're the Corona Killing Crew,And our goal is to resurrect everyone in the world with resurrection potions",Success explained."Would you join the crew?",Tanner said from behind him.The kid thought hard about the decision and decided."HELL YEA!",The kid yelled.His name was Chris.

Now that a new member had joined the crew,the crews' strength was reinforced.