A new way of thinking

Jayden saw a hockey stick on the floor.He picked it up and then decided that it would be his weapon.This was good because a zombie was sneaking up behind him!He turned around and whacked the zombie in the face!The zombie fell onto the ground."This guy looks like an idiot!",Jayden said.Jayden then lifted the hockey stick up and beat the zombie dead with it.Then he grabbed a tennis racket from the floor and put it in Tanner's bag.The zombie got up once more but then Jayden smashed it's head open with the hockey stick. KERSPOOSH!!

The zombie finally died.

Another crowd of zombies came up to the crew.Everyone pulled out their weapons.Chris took the tennis racket out of Tanner's bag and got ready to attack. Chris whacked a zombie's head open as it fell to the floor,the Jayden knocked a zombie out by hitting it in the head.Phoenix,Success,and Tanner stabbed 3 zombies in the stomach.Phoenix ripped the zombie open,Tanner sliced the other zombie in half,and Success sliced the zombie into a million pieces."Take that!",Success yelled.Finally all the zombies were dead.Success falls over in exhaustion.Finally.....
