A compromise

I stood up and bowed to Yale.

"I'm sorry Yale, could we reschedule this for some other time?"

Yale nodded as he smiled. Yale then shook his phone.

"I already have your phone number so I'll just text you later."

I nodded as I turned to an angry Kaden. I took his arm and pulled him towards the exit of the fast food place. Once we exited I pushed him in the wall near the driveway. He was taller than me so it looked hilarious.

Kaden looked down at me with anger in his blue eyes.

"Lyra could you explain to me what I have just witnessed?"

"Are you my boyfriend or something? I have the right to have lunch with friends if I want to! All we did was kiss! I've even promised to not tell anyone about what you had done. Look Kaden. I don't care who you are or what you do. That's your own business. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just forget that kiss and stop bothering me."

I then walked away as I looked for my keys in my pocket. What the fuck? I dug in every one of my pockets. My keys were gone! I turned to see Kaden chuckle as he held my keys. He then walked up to me and out his hand on my shoulder and leaned in.

"Lyra, you aren't in the position to bargain with me. I am the son of a great Don. Do you think that I would let you go after seeing that?"

I sighed. I don't need any shot right now-Wait a second did he say the son of a Don? As in a Mafia Boss's son?


I sheepishly laughed as I looked at Kaden.

"Oh Kaden dear. I think that this was all a misunderstanding. I'm sorry but I seem to have heard you say that you were the son of a Don?"

Kaden nodded as he punched my cheeks. That was when my last brain cells ladies and gentlemen decided to go on vacation.

"Kaden dear, please let go of me for one second."

The second that Kaden released my cheeks, I booked it. I ran like I was on fire.

This is crazy. My life is crazy. I'm crazy. And that weird ass psycho is crazy.

I just wanted a calm high school life. Instead I get a weird ass psycho chasing me outside of a McDonald's. I turned and screamed.

Was the fucker Usain Bolt? I'm on the school track and field team yet he easily caught up to me. I darted between parked cars as I saw the trail in front of me. I did not know what the fuck I was doing anymore. The only thought that filled me was to run.

My lungs burned as my legs pumped. I ducked as Kaden's hand tried to touch the top of my head. Tears of shame were falling down my cheeks.


I swear that if I get out of the situation I will date the next fucker who asks me out.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around my waist as I was hoisted up in the air. I looked at the sky and smiled.

Oh it was a clear blue sky today. What nice sight to see before dying.

"Lyra! Why are you such a difficult person to deal with!"

I looked down at Kaden as he picked me up Simba style from the Lion King. His hands tucked under my sweaty armpits. Oh dear Lord. This man is probably cringing at the disgusting state of my armpits. I haven't even wiped them yet. The best thing to do is to compromise with him.

"Why should I compromise with a stranger Kaden?"

Kaden looked at me and set me down. I watched as he put his hands in his jean pockets. I slapped my forehead. Please Lord let this devil wash his jeans when he gets home or else he'll have the smell of my armpits following him everywhere he goes like a GPS.

"First of all Lyra I'm not a stranger. Second of all I'm here today to make a deal with you."

My ears perked up. A deal?

"Go ahead Kaden."

"The deal is that I'll forget the fact that you have seen what I have done only if one condition is met."

"And what is that condition?"

"You become my girlfriend."

Huh? HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH? Did I just hear him right? Girlfriend? I looked at Kaden's smile. What the hell did I get myself into?


Thank you for reading my luvs❤️Stay safe😷😍