
"Rhea get your fucking hand off my hair."

"You know that Yale and I could leave you right now? Then you would be a lonely stalker. By the way who the fuck are we following?"

Rhea, Yale and I were following Kaden. After some initial investigating I found out that he was also a senior in my high school but we don't have any classes together. After school I managed to get his schedule and I'm now following him as he goes home. I wanted to formally answer him about his request. Yesterday I ran away after he asked me to be his girlfriend. My eyes are now bloodshot as I've not gotten a single wink of sleep yesterday.

I slapped Yale's back multiple times.

"There he is! He finally got out of the small convenience store."

Yale and Rhea looked up at me with faces of concern and disgust. I mean I don't blame them. It looked like I was following a celebrity or something. Suddenly Kaden turned to look in the spot of our hiding location. I pushed back Rhea and Yale behind me. He must have not seen us. I turned to see Kaden look at me and smile. He then winked and gave me a thumbs up. I slapped my cheeks. Fuck! He knew that I was following him!

"Did he find out?"

"I'm not sure but I think so Yale."

"Oh so his name is Yale?"

I turned to see Kaden standing next to me with a stiff smile. I turned only to see that Rhea and Yale were running in the opposite direction. I slapped my forehead. Such trustworthy friends.

"Can you please explain to me why you are stalking me Lyra?"

I removed the mask and shades that I was wearing. My heart beat quickened as I looked at Kaden. Shit! How is it possible that he gets hotter every time I meet him?

"I wanted to answer your question."

Kaden smiled as he leaned against the pole which I was watching him from behind. I chuckled nervously before saying.

"Well. Um. You are handsome and smart but the problem isn't you it's me. I can't date you. So why don't we just forget this whole thing and pretend like we've never met?"

"Is that a formal rejection Lyra?"

I nodded. Thank God that he got the message. I put together a formal rejection yesterday night while I stared at my ceiling. Kaden then leaned in and placed a light kiss on my lips.

"Well what if I say that I don't think that your rejection is convincing enough?"

I blushed as Kaden took one of my stray hairs and twirled it around his finger before kissing it. God above! I have just met the devil! I need to learn exorcism so that I can eradicate this evil hot spirit! How am I supposed to say no to such a face?


Thank you so much for reading my luvs❤️Stay safe😷😍