Chapter 1

*People Lie*

Everyone in the class turned to look as the door slid open. Even Shikamaru, who had gotten pretty good at impromptu naps over the past several years, hadn't had time to fade out for his morning 'me time'.

Shiro the Orphan walked in, almost an hour late.

"Shiro! You're…" Iruka trailed off. "Late," he finished lamely.

Shiro paused on the way to his desk, visibly struggling for a moment before offering up a weak smile and an insincere 'sorry'.

He looked like hell. Leaves in his hair, dark circles under his eyes, dirt on his clothes, and dried blood here and there.

He sat in his seat with none of his usual energy and propped his head up in his hands.

It was far from the first time he'd ever been late to class. There had been days where he'd never shown up at all.

But it was the first time he'd shown up to class looking like someone had systematically beaten the crap out of him.

Usually, he was, if not stylish, at least clean and well-groomed. No one could ever really be considered stylish wearing outlandish black pants and a black t-shirt, often with a black jacket thrown over it.

"Ah, I assume you have a good reason for being late?" Iruka hazarded. Shiro was great at making up unusual excuses, usually just to get a laugh from the class and a thrown bit of chalk from Iruka or Mizuki. Today, whatever Shiro said had happened, Iruka was prepared to believe him.

Shiro seemed slightly taken aback by the question like it hadn't occurred to him. "Huh?" he said cleverly.

Iruka walked closer, real concern creeping into his voice. "Shiro? Are you alright? I asked if you had a good reason for being late."

Shiro considered it quietly, his eyes wandering away from Iruka's like he felt guilty about something. Finally, he sighed.

"No. No, I don't have a good reason."

Iruka wasn't sure, but it sounded like that depressed him.

Several of his classmates looked at him in concern, just as shocked by that as Iruka.

"Well, uh, okay. We were discussing the techniques for coded messages, Shiro. If you don't understand, be sure and ask me after class, okay?"

Shiro nodded tiredly, then, over the course of the next thirty minutes, quietly faded into a haze.


(During Lunch Break)

"Did you see how that bastard Shiro Manipulated Iruka Sensei?", said one girl who was sitting alongside 3 more girls eating their lunch

"Huh? Manipulated?", asked another girl

"Did you not see it? Everyone was like, here comes another excuse for being late, and yet everyone left him alone feeling sympathetic because he looked like that"

"Hm... Now that you said it, I think that goes true actually"

On the tree branch, Shiro was lying down trying to get some sleep, When he heard it, it didn't matter to him the least, Shiro closed his eyes if he ended up sleeping more he will just have to make another lie, that's all.

Shiro an Orphan at Konohagakure is infamous in the Academy and in the Entire Village as well... He is the Liar, the Manipulator, any Kid near his age no matter how much of a genius that fought him ended up losing.... not that he is super powerful for his age or super-strong Prodigy, he is nothing but a simple Orphan...

He never lost because--

"SHIRO SHIRO WAKE UP", Shiro opened up his eyes and look at the side uninterested

"Uzumaki Naruto what are you doing"

"Huh?... What do you mean, I came to wake you up, the bell rang, everyone is going inside, I saw you still sleeping and came to wake you up ju--"

"Naruto", Shiro interrupted

"What is it", Naruto asked tilted his head

"Are you that desperate"'


Shiro chuckled, "A little Kid, with no friends, no family, hated by everyone... Who do you think you are, to hang out with me... Apathetic Loser, who can't even do a single Jutsu tr--

"Shut up", naruto said with grinded teeth and fist clenched

"Oh, Are you getting angry, But I wonder, what can a person who failed the academy four times even do?", said Shiro chuckling even more


Naruto brings his fist forward ready to punch that guy

But the punch didn't even reach Shiro who was Just standing there like a statue

!!..?? Huh?

He suddenly found himself at the ground, as he looked at the standing Shiro who was standing with the needle

"W-W-What J-Ju-Just happened?"

Naruto can barely open up his mouth, It's like his entire body is getting out of his control

Shiro Chuckled as he squat down looking at Naruto right in the eyes, "I will tell you Because you are so stupid that you wouldn't be able to figure it out... Listen carefully ok... I poisoned you with the paralysis poison", He showed Naruto the needle in his fingers.


"That's for me to know, and you to find out... Well, I thank you for waking me up regardless, Stay here, You can come later in the class... Aah, One more thing try to contain that anger of yours"

Naruto grinded his teeth and watched as Shiro that bastard walked in the direction of the class.


"Uzumaki Naruto... What's your excuse for being late in the class that's right after the Lunch Break", asked the Chunnin Teacher who was annoyed that his class is interrupted.

"Sensei, I swear it isn't my fault, It's Shiro, He--

"Where is Shiro? Is that bastard Bunking the class again", Interrupted teacher with a tick mark

"Huh..? He isn't here?"

(In The Graveyard for the fallen Shinobis of Konoha)

Shiro was lying down on a tree branch ready to sleep his day off...

Shiro was an Orphan of Konoha, he never lost against anyone of his age... No, it's safe to say, he didn't even take a single punch from any one of his age, He is not super powerful for his age... He is not some super strong Prodigy... He is Batman [Just a Joke]

The reason he never lost, is because he never fought them head-on, He is a liar, a manipulator, he is infamous throughout Konoha for being an Upcoming Poison and Trap master.

He uses people's rashness against them.

Shiro the Orphan was a Unique Individual, with a deep past.

He clenched his heart that feels like it would give in any moment... Before letting go

"You are bunking your Classes again", came an Elderly Voice

Shiro sighed, "You are Hokage for god sake, don't you have a better thing to do, than following me all day long?"

Hokage chuckled, "If you stop giving me so much trouble, I would let you off on yourself"

Shiro didn't reply and just tilted his head to the side, sleeping again

"Wanna eat?", Ask Hokage


"Too Bad... We are going to eat", said Hokage

Shiro sighed


(At Choza Restaurant)

"I saw what you did with Naruto", said Hokage as he took in the piece of barbeque chicken

"It's his fault, who told him to come and talk to me", said Shiro as he too chews on his chicken

"Sigh... I thought you were smart Shiro, You figured out Naruto's identity Just by Looking at him... I thought you would be different from the rest, and see past your hatred"

"Grandpa Hokage, My Hatred for Naruto will never go away, I know this isn't right, and I know that he is a Hero who is keeping the Kyuubi on the bay and protecting everyone", Shiro said with some anger in his eyes.

"Then why can't you see past your hatred?", asked Hokage, as he tried to change the opinion of at least a single person who hates Naruto for what he isn't

"If I don't blame him, then I would no one to blame onto, I think I will go mad if that happens, I hate him, Gramps, I hate Uzumaki Naruto, I will always hate him"

"Yet you never harmed him or tried to take the revenge", said Hokage smiling


"That's because you are smart, You are smart enough to identify Kyuubi container, You were smart enough to identify the fourth Hokage Son, you were smart enough to understand why Naruto is a hero... And you are smart enough to realize, He is Just a pitiful Child"


"One Day Shiro, One day, you will Forgive him and befriend him, One day you will stand by his side"

"You think so"

"I know so"

"I will never forgive him, Gramps"

"Don't you think it's unfair, for him to sorry for something he didn't even do in the first place", said Hokage as he looked at Shiro in the eyes, "Why should he apologize for something he never did"

"Call it a Luck that he is the Jinchiruki of that Demon Kyuubi"

Shiro stood up and walked out, Hokage sighed and Just keep on eating alone


Days passed, as they usually do. Today was a Tuesday, which meant a lecture day. Two hours of lectures in the morning, two hours of ninja equipment, lunch, then another three hours of lecture, followed by an hour of stealth.

Shiro didn't like Tuesdays.

Tuesdays were kind of sad, because he didn't seem to do very well on Tuesdays, or really, any lecture day.

All that energy, all that drive that he showed in everything else he did, just disappeared. Sometimes there'd be little flashes, funny comments he would make.

Listen to the Story told by the bards throughout the ages, This is the story of Shiro the Liar...