Chapter 12

(Hokage Office)

Yukimura sensei was standing in front of Hokage who was reading some scroll.

"Good Job in protecting the noble's daughter, The client seems very pleased with your work"

"Thank You, Hokage Sama"

"Save that Thank you for Later, I need you and your Team as a backup team to the land of waves"


"Kakashi sent this report of the C-rank mission they went, read it", Hokage threw a scroll towards Yukimura

Yukimura Sensei mouth agape when he read the contents of the Scroll

"Hokage sama, This… This is a B- Rank Mission, my team is not prepared for this, isn't it better to send me alone, rather than with fresh out of the academy Kids"

"It's important, that Your Team is there"

"Uh… Why?"

"It's a Land that is closest to Kiri, and the only place we can freely go before entering Kiri in the first place"


"Yes, Mizukage is acting weirdly, no one in their right mind will just go and kill their Bloodline Users, That's stupid, it not only weakens your military might, it also gives rise to the Civil War… and no matter what, we can not find the reason for this stupidity"

"So, the reason we are going to the Land of Waves is… Shiro?"

"Yes, the boy is different from us, He somehow knows the truth, Just by watching someone or something for the first time, he is not Just smart Yukimura, Shikaku is smart, that boy, he is just very perceptive… once he sees Mizukage, I am sure we will find out the reason for this madness"

"Hokage sama, I don't understand, why do we care"

"You don't need to understand Yukimura, You just need to follow up on my orders… Am I clear?"



(Next Morning) (Konoha's gate)

"Sensei, what's the mission that requires us to go this early not to mention just after coming from our Previous Mission"

Blade Asked feeling sore all over

"It's a backup mission, I will give the mission details on the way, so let's go as soon as we can."


So, Team Yukimura alongside another Chunnin went out of Konoha


(A few hours later)

"So, the possibility is we will be facing a group of Chunin and led by one Jonin?" Blade asked while jumping through the tree.

"Correct...", Yukimura sensei replied as he grabbed one of the tree branches before using it to flip himself and bounced to another tree

"Kakashi said his team is capable to take down the Chunin, however, it will be a problem if there is more than one Jonin"

The Chunnin who was with them was impressed with the speed of Both Akira and Blade, as they easily kept up with them.

'Tch', The Chunnin following them clicked his tongue as he took a glance at Shiro. The deadweight of the team, this team could be traveling much faster if not for that idiot Shiro.

Shiro is quite popular, he is dumb, idiot, weak, and the only thing he is good at is Lying… and despite all of that, Hokage sama personally filled in his form as a guardian…

Why? No one knows the answer to that question.

Shiro said nothing as he landed in one branch before jumping to another tree while following the team. He knows he is dead last in terms of physical strength.

He even noticed the disdain the Chunin is sending his way…

But who cares.

He just casually kept moving forward

While they were on our way to Wave, Yukimura sensei had given a briefing about the mission.

Kakashi asked for reinforcement after he faced Demon Brother's and now had them guarded by one of his Ninken.

Kakashi wanted the duo missing-nin to be captured by Konoha and then to be given to Kiri. The bounty of those two was higher if they were alive.

The Chunnin that was following Team Yukimura is given a job to take them into custody back in Konoha, he won't participate in the mission.

"However..." Yukimura sensei paused "Depending on the Jonin... It actually can become an A-rank mission or even S-rank if there something unexpected will happen..."

Blade falls back to talk to Shiro…

"Hey Shiro, Don't you think it's weird"

"What is?"

"Akria, She has been quiet all this while… Normally she would be overly hyped about… everything, yet she didn't speak a word… do You think she is… scared?"

Shiro scoffed at the idea, Scared, Her?… Akira the brave and overly active one of this team… scared, Ha don't make a joke, She can literally be sent to the scariest place in the world yet she still won't be scared.

'So why is she quiet, Blade is not wrong, she is acting weird, why, Scared? No, Transformation, Did someone replace her? No, No, No, It's all wrong, Think Think, something is wrong… what is it?'

"Shiro?", Blade seeing the anxious state, "Why are you so anxious buddy, I was just commenting"

'Anxious, That's right, Akira is anxious, but why, why someone like her could be anxious… that's right something is unsettling her, something her instincts are picking up'

With that, Shiro closed his eyes for a moment before opening them, Now, he could feel the heat signatures of everyone coming out of their body

He found nothing…

'There is no one… Unless they are moving underground'

Shiro knows better to doubt the instincts of Akira Sarutobi, Everyone suspected her of being a sensor, But she is not, They did all the tests to confirm that.

Shiro alongside many others can't seem to find the answer to the question name Akira Sarutobi, yet they all agree that Akira Instincts are a new bloodline ability and she is the first one to have it.

It's a speculation, But this is the only theory they could have right now. And if it's entirely new Kekkai Genkai, she can't be tested either, I mean what test they would run on her, Blood test? She is the first one, if anyone else has this kind of Bloodline they could run this test, but not to her.

"Blade, Get ready for any possible ambushes"


At noon they reached the place where Kakashi dropped the Demon Brother under the protection of his dogs

However, what came to their sight was surprising.

Two dogs that were supposed to guard Demon Brothers now lying on the ground... Their bodies were not moving or twitching and there were no signs of the brothers.

Suddenly out of no indication what-so-ever… Akira quickly took out a pair of Kunai and threw it in a random direction.


The Kunais went to the little bush frightening a bunny.

"Why are you firing and throwing your Kunai randomly", The chunnin yelled, feeling irritated they came here to get the demon Brothers only to find out that they escaped and the dead dogs.

"EVERYONE SQUARE FORMATION", Yukimura sensei ordered and without a single thought, everyone went into formation.

"Yukimura sama, why are you taking the Kunai thrown by a mere Genin Seriously"

No one listened. No one cared about his babbling.

Akira threw another Kunai at the bush…


The Kunai got deflected and pair of Kunai holding cloak ninja with a mask came into view

"Who are you?", The chunnin asked

"Fight first, Ask Questions Later", Blade said that as he started to run towards the cloaked man…

The cloaked man with a mask scoffed and threw the pair of Kunai in his hand towards Blade.

Blade Jumped dodging the Kunai and reaching the Cloak masked man at the same time…

As he punched down. Only for the masked man to sidestep and dodged the punch.

Yukimura sensei and the Chunnin tried to help. As they turned around.


Yukimura blocked the Kunai coming at him.

As a shadow came over him with both Kunai in each of his hands.

The Cloak man swings his fist at Blade, as Blade staggered back, the Cloaked man took out Kunai and went straight for the Heart. Blade Throat Jabbed him.

The Cloak man tried to use his Knives again. But Blade countered it by hitting on the wrists, and then went ahead to do the Backfist, then Pectoral Jab, Dodging another attempt at him, Blade gave a jab to Liver, Counter another punch and then Hook to the Jaw, and using the momentum Double Jab to the face.

"You are Weak", Blade says as he tried to do the Powerful Right Uppercut


Blade wrists were caught by the Cloak man who knee gut Blade.


Blade threw a bunch of Spray blood

Shiro who was standing with Akira scowled, "Akira, you go help Blade"

Akira nodded and ran

And Shiro disappeared from his position.

The Cloak man was trying to finish the fight, when a shadow came over to him, as he clicked his teeth and dodged the flying kick.

Using the momentum he already thrust his Kunais at the new arrival. It was purely unblockable or an Undodgeable attack.

Yet the new Arrival of the girl dodged it like it's nothing.


"What the---

Before he could even finish his sentence he was kicked in the face and was flown far.

Blade who was on his knees grin, as the newly arrived shadow is Akira, she can practically foresee any kind of attacks thrown at her and if possible she can even dodge it.

When She bent down to pick Blade, they were defenseless for a moment.

"Never let your guards down brats", The Cloaked ninja threw a Kunai at them with Lightning attached to it.

Chichi chichi

The Lightning Kunai went straight for them at Quick speed, with increased Piercing power.

A Silver line shined, and the Kunai went back at the Cloak figure, and straight for the throat.


The Cloak figure leaned to the side and dodged the Kunai…

Only to be backstabbed…

"What… the… hell"

The Cloak figure swings his hand back to find no one.


He Asks the thin air

"I am Batman"

Came the voice of the one who appeared besides Blade and Akira


Shiro shrugged his shoulders

The masked man felt weak on his knees, as he knelt, 'Great, Now I am poisoned'

Shiro watched Yukimura sensei sidestepped and countered the sword of the assassin.

And seriously wounding the Assassin.


"Sensei, I want to bring these guys to Konoha"

Shiro said as he watched the unconscious two people lying on the ground.


"These two followed us from Konoha, they must know something about the disappearance of Demon Brothers, and besides, bringing these two back will look good at my resume"

"Shiro, if you want to become Chunnin So fast, then we will just take the chunin test next time"

Blade said

"Yes, But you should know that after becoming Chunnin one require numerous good deeds to become Jonins, taking these guys back will be first of many deeds that I will perform"


The Chunnin who came here with them as a backup and just did nothing, could not help but pick up his ears, "Shiro, I don't know what you are thinking, but you guys have a mission… Yukimura Sama, I request to send these men back to Konoha"


"Shiro, stop it.", Yukimura sensei turned towards Chunnin. " It's okay you can take them"

"I Fare you well, Yukimura sama"


Team Yukimura jumped trees after trees

"Tell me the truth, why did you wish to bring them back to Konoha", Yukimura sensei asked Shiro

"That Chunnin was annoying the hell out of me"

"Wait, so you mean to say, those guys that we defeated are not valuable", Blade asked

"Valuable? Pfft… Don't make me laugh, Those guys were weak, clearly the cannon fodder for the one who was following us, as he or she used these cannon fodders to get away, those 2 almost surely don't know the one following us"

"And do you guys know the best thing, I saw the ambition in that Chunnin, he will try to interrogate those two for hours before taking them back, and once he gets back, He will get yelled by Hokage Sama for neglecting his duties"

"Shiro that's… Awesome, you sure are good at lying, using and throwing people away", Akira chimed in



That's not how you compliment people.


At night, He was patrolling alone, Like always…

It did feel weird to everyone, But Jonin Yukimura is the incharge, and they can't go against him.

While he was playing with a stick, Steps of Yukimura came near and sit on the same Wooden Log that Shiro was sitting.

"Hey Sensei"

"Tomorrow morning we will reach the wave"

Shiro nodded

"Do you know, why we are going to the wave as a backup team"

"We are going to Kiri, to investigate that Idiot Mizukage who is creating bloodbath for no reason"


"What the—How did you know?"

"The mission of Wave is B-Rank or Possible A-rank mission, we are not prepared for this, and sending you alone would have been more beneficial for this mission… so why send us?... the Answer is simple, it's me, Wave is under the Direct Protection Kiri, it's possibly closest to it as well, and considering Mizukage is creating a civil war, Grandpa Hokage is trying to create an Alliance between Kiri and Konoha, and thus, I come into play with my ability to read people"

Yukimura sensei grin, "Sharp as ever"


(At Morning)


Akira Blade and Yukimura sensei came out of their tent to see Shiro rolling around in pain, his entire skin is blue, and is giving smoke, the cold feeling in the air, and the Ice appearing all over the place…

Shiro at this time was having a nightmare…

The time when He was 5. Shiro is drafted into the group. Children were crying in fear. The group is led into a cave and then underground.

A pale black hair man came into view as he started selecting the one who has the most potential to be successful.

The group of children is forced into killing their fellow orphans' brother and sisters, till only one is left standing. It was to test their durability, Orochimaru could get many more experimental subjects.


"Shiro wake up"

"Akira don't go near him and don't touch this ice"

"But Sensei, Shiro is in pain"


Shiro was 5 and a half when he experiences death head-on once and again, but this would not be the last time.

He has claimed many lives, the lives of his friends the kids he grew up with, the fellow orphans, just to be able to live and survive he becomes a monster just like that

He was covered entirely in blood from head to toe.

Orochimaru decided Shiro is perfect in terms of Durability for Experiment.

So, He does the experiment

Shiro was in pain. His arms, legs, face… every part of his was in pain.

The Mad Scientist cut him open and stitch him back up.

A never-ending process.

In the dark, he laughs, wondering if he resembles the ragdoll from one of his Nightmare


"Sensei Is he alright? He is rolling around and I have never seen him in such pain"

"Believe me Blade, Give him some time, He will be fine… Maybe"

Shiro was one of few children who survive the procedure.

he pukes and coughs and vomits all of the meager content in his stomach. he glances around and sees nothing but dead or dying bodies of children.

And he might become one of them.

he swallows. There was not a single grain of food in the entire underground cave

"… help…" One of the children, a boy, begs, whispering.

The boy was begging for help and Shiro can see a girl urging the boy to live.

But Shiro knows that he will die.


��Sensei, this is too much, he is our friend, I can't just let him die like that"



Shiro's hands tighten around the kunai pressed against his leg.

A weapon was given to end their life if it became too hard to survive.


Pushing the other girl aside, he plunges the kunai into the boy's heart, his eyes emotionless as he watches the dying kid's eyes dim.

The girl shrieks in horror and her cries echo throughout the cave. No one care. Shiro just kept watching her. Coldly

Shiro stood up, blood splattered across his face and shirt.


Shiro opened his eyes finally ending the nightmare

"Shiro, Shiro are you alright", Akira went to him

Only to held in place by Yukimura sensei.

She can't touch him, she will die

He turned his head to the side, watching the anxious Akira, as his eyes teared up.

He remembered, he killed the little girl, his only companion living in that Underground Cave, and eat her flesh only to survive.