The Untold Past

Elan was waiting for her nana by the fire place for the story of her families past. Her nana returned in the room and she began to talk.

Elan this all starts back in 1600 when one of your great great great aunties saved someone who was trying to kill them selves by jumping off the bridge which is now know as suicide bridge. The girl your auntie saved was from a powerful family that most people feared thinking they were to be involved with witch craft or something that wasn't right for the human world. As a gift to your auntie they gave her the power of dreams which after the age of 21 or 22 she will have dreams that would predict the future. Your auntie wasn't grateful for this gift because only the future predicting dreams would start at 21 but until than she was having the strangest dreams just like you right now. She went back to the family and begged them to take back the gift they gave her but they only said that she can pass it on to a future person in family of she doesn't want it. She agreed to the terms but because she didn't want this gift and they thought of her as not a appreciative person so they made it a curse for the next person who has it. So instead of seeing just the future your dreams will come true. The night your parents died you blamed yourself for their deaths but it wasn't your fault because your curse hasn't been activated yet. The only way for the dreams to not come true is by falling in love with a person and for the to love you back. You will still see the future but your nightmares and other dreams that aren't about the future will no longer exist unless they don't love you. This gift is more of a curse that is passed down every 100 to 200 years and it is only passed down to the girls in the family as we were seen to be unappreciative to the gift they originally gave us. On your 18th birthday you will learn more of our history as your mother's will passes on the note books of your past family members and the stories all the way back to the 1600's. So the dreams you are experiencing right now will not be understandable till your 18 years old because that is when your mother wants you to know the rest. For now you should get some rest because it is getting late and you have school in the morning, so goodnight and i love you.

Elan was in shock to hear this whole story from her grandmother because she thought her dreams had no meaning but they secretly had such a long story behind them and the fears that her family line had to experience hoping they wouldn't get the curse that was passed on. Elan was thinking on the bright side of this curse and of how to use it to save other people but she was getting tired and had to sleep because she had a long adventure ahead of her.