Elan continued to have strange dreams and she had no one to talk to besides her nana. She was to be home schooled all the way to high by the wishes of her mother and that is when she can choose her self if she wants to go to a public school. Elan started having realistic dreams that started to make her think and she got scared because they started to become real. Just like how her nana told her but wasn't supposed to happy after her 21st birthday why was it happening now. It was her 14th birthday she was confused. Elan went to her diary to right down her dreams even though hasn't forgotten a single one she wanted to keep track just like her family before her. Her realistic dreams stopped and it went back to the strange dreams. She noted in her journal that she thinks she will have surges of realistic dreams the closer she gets to the age of 21. The first dream she had that she wasn't sure if it was a strange dream or a real one she wrote in her journal. Elan stated...
I think last nights dream was real but I'm not sure it was more of a mix of a nightmare. I haven't had a nightmare since the following weeks of my parents deaths. I wasn't sure were I was but I remember that I was an adult. I worked for this big company and for some reason I was abducted right when I got off work late. For some reason though they were saying that it was my husband's fault but I wasn't scared as if I knew it was going to happen. I wanted to ask nana but I didn't want to worry her because she is getting really old now. So that is why I write it down as a way to keep me calm. For some reason I woke up right before seeing his face I remember he had brown hair that was kinda churlish but more of like a short wavy type look and he was really tall. I hope this doesn't happen in the future because all of the danger I sensed in that dream didn't make me feel comfortable.
Elan kept her dreams a secret from her grandmother even though that was the only person she could talk to. Something was off because Elan's strange dreams instead of it being a new dream every time she only had that one dream over and over again. She never had a different dream and every time she wrote about in her journal she started to pick up key factors she didn't see before but she always woke up before seeing his face. Elan realized this is her dreams trying to worn her about something big is going to happen to her when she gets older. Elan was on a deadline of trying to find out what this dream means before it actually happens so she can protect herself from the dangers that are lurking around the corner.
Two months have passed since she first had this dream and she filled up almost half of her journal with important information she noticed in her dreams. She went through the realization that she doesn't have the power to prevent this event from taking place in the future but she does have the power to change it and to make sure she completely understands the dream before it is to late. Because it's her 14th birthday she only has 7 to 8 more years before the future becomes a reality. Only time will tell if she can figure out what the future has in store for her.