High School

Elan finally has the choice if she wants to go to a regular high school or to stay in home schooling. Elan wanted to be like a normal kid so she decided to go to York High School. Elan's first day of school she made a couple of friends but most of them were guys because Elan didn't know how to interact with other girls her age. She has two friends but for some reason she feels a strange connection to them as if she seen them before. There names were Jacob and Lucas and they were twin brothers. But Elan was able to tell them apart right away because she had very good eyesight it was one of the powers she had from her gift. Her nana warned her that she will become better than most people at her age in all sorts of categories such as academics and physical activity. She was extremely strong for the age of 15 as teenager girl. Elan,Jacob, and Lucas has so much in common that it made Elan curios but she just rolled it off as a coincidence. Over the months in high school she didn't make any new friends. Jacob and Lucas were Elan's only friends and they did everything together. They went to the movies and played sports outside of school but their favorite things to do were to go on adventures. One day Elan decided to tell them about her dreams going against her grandmothers words. Elan felt like she could trust them. Elan told them of her past.

Hey Jacob and Lucas I have something to tell you but you have to keep it a secret okay. Lucas said okay we will keep your secret and Jacob agreed. She told them the history of the cursed gift that was passed on to her family. Over the past 11 years I've been having strange dreams but they were always different and had to deal with me as an adult but for the past 3 months I've been having the same dream over and over again. I haven't talked to my nana on why my dreams are repeating because I don't want to worry her. I always wake up before I can see the persons face but I am tied to a chair and the person that kidnapped me says it's my husband's fault. Do you guys have any idea if this could me starting to see in the future?

Elan decided to trust her friends and they gave her honest answers to comfort her Jacob had a crush on Elan and wanted her to be happy. Jacob didn't know that his brother Lucas also had a crush on Elan but they both knew something was off. It was getting towards the end of the year and they decided to throw a little party for them making it through their first year of high school.

At the party it was only them three because their parents were out of town and Elan's nana trusted Elan to not do anything dumb or stupid. Something bad happened at the party because someone from the parents job came over to check on the kids but they also brought their kid with them. But when Elan opened the door and saw the kid she recognized the kid as the adult in her dreams and she remembered everything from her dream and it wasn't her husband's fault in the future. It was because she told her secret to someone else which caused her to be in danger. As soon as she locked eyes with the kid at the door she blacked out and was rushed to the emergency room. On her way to the hospital she was laying in the kids car being rushed there. She over heard that the kids name was Tyler but as soon as she heard the name she completely blacked out again. Elan's nana was called and told the news about what happened to Elan and she went to the hospital to find out.