The Beginning of a Mystery

Elan finally recognized someone from the dream that she's been having for the past three months. His name was Tyler she didn't know his last name yet but to her it was a start. While she was waiting in the emergency getting another head scan and blood test which as soon as her nana showed up she stopped the test from being finished. Elan's nana decided to take her home before any questions were to be asked. Tyler thought it weird on how Elan's nana acted to a simple test being down and decided to study Elan's every move. On the way home Elan's nana decides to tell Elan why it was dangerous to go to the hospital before she got a hold on her dreams.

Elan until you get ahold of your dreams you can't get your brain examined unless by someone of the family line or close friends with the family that knows about the dreams you are experiencing. If you get a scan and you are unconscious they can see that your brain isn't like a normal persons brain. The effects of that happening would your life and all of our families lives would be in danger. Most importantly your life would be in danger .

Elan stated... Nana I haven't told you this because I didn't want to worry you about this but I've been having this same dream repeating for the last several months. The dream feels more realistic than my strange dreams as they show me as an adult but I'm tied down to a chair. Nana for some reason I wasn't scared like I felt comfortable I always wake up before I see the people's faces in my dreams. I always think about the dream because I have the same one every night so I've been taking notes in my journal. Nana do understand why I could be having these dreams?

Elan continued to ask her nana question after question but her nana didn't know how to answer her questions. Sophia(Elan's nana) was showing signs of concern about what Elan was saying that has been happening. Sophia decided on not saying what it means and keeping it a secret from Elan because she can't tell her before she is 18 because she promised Elan's mother before she passed away.

Back at the hospital Tyler was talking to Lucas and Jacob about Elan trying to figure out why Elan was different and how her head scans were difficult. Even though Elan's nana took her from the hospital she didn't have enough time to avoid her head being scanned and her results were already taken in an envelope by Tyler and his dad. As the dad was the owner of the hospital and told Tyler to spy on Elan to find out her secrets of how her brain activity and use it above 90% while a normal person uses only 10%. Tyler agreed to watch Elan's every move and he also agreed to be transferred to Elan's school even though he liked his other school he found Elan very interesting. Elan is going to have to start being very careful if she wants to avoid the future even though she doesn't know it yet but her telling the twins about her dreams was the person she wasn't supposed to tell. It was time for summer and Elan,Jacob, and Lucas were invited to go to California for the summer with Tyler and his dad. Jacob and Lucas's parents agreed but when it came to trying to convince Elan's nana it was harder because of Elan's dreams anything could happen. So Elan said that if she can tell the twins that they will help her but her nana said if you want to go that badly I will tell them about your dreams and make they won't tell anyone else. Elan told the twins about what her nana said and the plan was in motion and the two boys pretended to not know about her dreams. They were shocked because Elan forgot to tell them that she has photographic memory and super strength but she can only have the super strength till 21 or 22 when her visions start. They agreed to the terms and that they would all have to share a room to make sure her dreams were okay and to wake her up if she starts talking in her sleep. With their bags all packed they were ready to travel to California for the summer and to explore a new terrain.