Two Past Become One

This starts back when Tyler was 6 years old. Tyler was really adventurous loved hanging out with his friends Jacob and Lucas. They went to the park together all the time with their moms. While they were at the park they would always stay to them selves. Tyler didn't like playing with other kids.

One day a little girl caught the eye of Tyler along with the other two. She was crying because she didn't want to be outside. Her grandmother was trying to get the little girl to play for a bit. Tyler walked over to see if he could help since she looked truly scared.

*This little girl was Elan*

It was about three months after her parents deaths and her grandmother was trying to help her. So she brought her to the park. Tyler patted Elan on her head because his mom would do that to help him stop crying. Tyler didn't know why she was sad but knew he wanted to help. Tyler asked the grandmother if he could take the little girl to meet his friends. Elan's grandmother agreed because she wanted anything to work.

Tyler walked the crying girl over to the other two and told them we need to cheer her up. They didn't know why she was crying and they didn't want to ask why. They played games with her and she started to smile a little bit. Elan thought Tyler was cute but she didn't know his age and she didn't want to be attached to another person.

The day was coming to an end but Elan hung out with them everyday at the park till she started to have nightmares. She never seen them after that besides in present time. They both remember back then but they don't it was each other.

*Back to Present Time*

That night after the Darby incident Elan had a dream of that time from when she was a kid. It wasn't nightmare it was just a regular dream. When Elan woke up the next day she went to her dresser and picked up a picture frame. This picture frame had all of them in a picture together the last time they hung out as kids. She smiled and said "my first love and I have no clue where have went". She put down the frame and left the room since the guys were still sleeping.

Tyler woke up and went down stairs after waking up the other two. They ate breakfast and decided to go play video games before they would go and do their homework. They did this everyday of the two weeks that they requested off from school.

On the last day of their two weeks Tyler was looking around Elan's room and found the picture frame of them as kids. He was so shocked he dropped the frame and broke it making glass shoot across the floor. Elan, Lucas, and Jacob ran up the stairs to find him looking at the ground. Tyler stood up and grabbed Elan and pinned her to the wall and looked at her. He moved her face to study it and then he shouted "How did I not know this entire time". Elan was puzzled and wondering why he was acting this way and she tried to push him away to figure out what he was looking at. Before she looked down Tyler hugged her and gave her a kiss. He shouted with joy "I've been trying to find you since we were kids". Lucas and Jacob looked at each other in confusion and then back at Tyler as if his gone crazy.

Tyler than pulled out his wallet to reveal the same picture that Elan had in that picture frame. Lucas said "why are you screaming about the picture of us as kids". Tyler pulled Elan away from the wall by her shoulders and said "Guys she's the little girl from our childhood". Lucas bent over and picked up the picture off the ground while being careful of all the glass that surrounded it and said "omg it is her". They sat Elan on the bed starred at her and wondered how they didn't realize this sooner.

Elan looked up at them and said " How did I not realize I have wonderful memory. You guys changed way to much since then I probably would've never known. So that means Tyler was my first love". Elan blushed and Tyler laughed and said "I knew you liked me back then. What happened to you and why did you disappear without word. You made us all worried and we felt like you stopped being our friend".

Elan told them about when her nightmares got really bad and she went to doctor after doctor. Also the reason why she was crying that day is because it was following her parents murder. They looked at each other in amazement and laughed for a little bit. They thought it was insane after so many years their friend group would get back together.

Elan stood up and said "we should totally revisit the park and retake the same picture from just like back then. Also you do owe me a new one since you just broke the old one picture". They all decided they would go to the same park on their way to school in the morning since it was already becoming dark outside. They ate food and watched movies till they all fell asleep while watching them.

The next morning on their way to school they walked past the park and they stood by the bench where they met Elan. They took out Tyler's phone and took a couple silly pictures there. Then they continued on their way to school since they needed to go to the office to turn in all the work they did over the last two weeks. They enjoyed rest of the day and went to Dutch Bros during lunch. And continued on with their day.