As Time Passes

It's been three weeks since they discovered that they all knew each other. School has been going well for all of them. Elan's grandmother returned to find Elan with all of them sitting in the front room playing video games. She walked up and said "okay how long have they been staying over".

Tyler stood up and said "we need to tell you what happened while you were gone". Elan's grandmother sat down in her rocking chair which was positioned towards the couch. She stared towards them and said "whose gonna start". This moment Elan saw how her grandmother was being serious.

Tyler started to tell her everything. "You remember when Elan got kidnapped in California. Well the person who kidnapped her was her ex-guardian. His name is Darby, he goes to our school,*Tyler pulled out his phone* he looks like this". Elan's grandmother gasped and said "Elan how come you didn't tell me when he was in the house, I would've kicked him out".

*Elan pulled out her phone and showed her the text*

Elan told her that she didn't say anything because his threatening to kill you. Elan looked scared and said "when I live by myself I will be in danger. That's why I didn't like the though of you moving out on my 18th birthday. I did read the first journal and how it says the following 3 months after I will be extremely weak".

They continued to tell Elan's grandmother everything and how he showed up to the house and almost rapped Elan. Elan's grandmother didn't like all the things that happened to Elan while she was gone. She decided to take her power of the family to get Elan some help.

Elan's grandmother told all of them to get dressed they are going on a small road trip. After they got ready they asked if they will be back in time for school on Monday. She told them if they weren't she will talk to the principal since his also part of the guardians. They all were shocked to hear that Mr. Silva also knew about all of this.

They went on the road and about 12 hrs later they woke up and noticed they were in the middle of no where. Elan's grandmother said "we have arrived. Whatever you do don't get lost and stick together". They walked through this alleyway to a small house at the end Elan's grandmother nocked on the door and said a password. They went in and she told the people to take us to "him". We were all thinking are we about to get killed or something this is really sketchy.

We were walked into another room and met a really old guy sitting in a chair. Elan's grandmother said "How have you been sweetie". All of the kids jaws dropped in shock. Even Elan's as she thought her grandfather was dead. They all sat down on the two couches in the room and started to have a conversation. " Elan's Grandfather said wow you've grown up a lot. Also are these the kids you want me to train". Elan's grandmother shook her head yes. She told the guys that they are going to become Elan's new family guardians which means they will stay by her side for as long as she needs them. Tyler secretly asked the grandfather if this would affect him liking Elan and wanting to date her. He said "no your allowed to do that all you want and you seem like a nice kid but now I know you want to be with her you will have to work harder than others to keep her safe".

Tyler agreed and looked towards Elan's grandmother and asked how long will this take and what about school. She replied with you all have been switched to an online schooling system for the next two to three months. After you will resume school as if nothing happened".

They all looked at each other and Jacob said "is Elan training as well". Elan's grandmother and grandfather said "yes but her training is different and it will cause a lot of pain so you guys will have to comfort her every night. Her training will make her unblock everything in her memory day by day to help her powers grow along with her being able to control them. There is a large amount of stuff that is suppressing her strength and we have to pull off the bandage. The thing I'm scared about is making her seeing her parents getting killed again".

Tyler gave Elan a hug and said " don't worry I will help you everyday to make you feel better". He stood up and said "because they had such a long trip they should head to bed and relax before their training". While everyone was walking to their rooms which kids get one room and adults get the other. Tyler stopped the grandmother and asked why Elan doesn't have dreams when she is around him. She said "you will learn that during the training tomorrow morning".

They all went to their rooms and laid down Elan was scared because she doesn't know what she blocked in her memory. There is always a reason something gets blocked and she doesn't want to relive those moments. Tyler gave her a hug and laid her down on the bed and tucked her in. Tyler told her "don't worry you have all of us to help you threw this, you won't be going at it alone like you did before. Also after all of this happens I have a question to ask you". Elan said okay and went to sleep. Tyler went to bed shortly after wondering how he should confess his love for Elan and how he liked her since the first time he saw her at the playground.