70 - 80

Friday, January 29.

From the 18th, the profits generated by "Sea Fortress" have been gradually recorded, and the weekly income is around 500,000 to 500,000!

The next settlement is January 31, and there are two days left.

During this time, Pei Qian was still struggling to spend money.

The servers and bandwidth of "Ghost General" and "Fortress at Sea" have all been expanded, and all the leased cloud servers have given the highest specifications.

Outsourced the most expensive customer service team with the best service attitude and the highest end of Tai Chi Kung Fu. Although it still cost little each month, it was still an overhead.

即使 But even so, Pei Qian still feels hopeless!

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Host: Pei Qian]

[100: 1 earnings conversion ratio, 1: 1 loss conversion ratio]

[Next settlement time: 2 days later]

[System Fund: 1124355.3 (↑ 624355.3)]

[Personal property: 708.3]

Pei Qian felt a bit ruthless.

七 The original system fund has 70,000 to 80,000 yuan left, and it has not been spent.

In the past two weeks, even if Pei Qian was working hard, the system funds still broke one million!

The good news is that with the declining number of new players, the income of "Ghost General" has finally started to fall sharply after three months, and only accounted for more than 200,000 this week.

The bad news is that "Fortress at Sea" has started to make money. This week, it made a net profit of more than 400,000!

The worse news is that this is likely to be just the beginning.

海上 "Sea Fortress" is different from "Ghost General", these two games are too different!

"Ghost General" will at least be noisy in the mobile game circle, and because the price is too conscience, at most it will buy 30 lifetime cards, so the power will inevitably be insufficient.

But "Sea Fortress" is different.

As a successful FPS game, it is aimed at the largest number of client players at present!

Moreover, it is free and extremely diffusive.

Its high gold ceiling, although there are not many players who buy Fire Unicorn, but as long as one, you can win 88 ordinary players in "Ghost General" ...

I am afraid that the income of "Fortress at Sea" will be higher in the future.

He considered that if he wanted to update the versions of "Ghost General" and "Fortress at Sea", and then paid a large price for a batch of art resources, he could spend another sum of money.

However, when a new version is released, there must be a new charging point. This is a system requirement.

And there must be no unreleased products one week before settlement, otherwise the settlement will be delayed.

So, similar ideas for the new version can only wait for the next cycle.

其他 For other expenses, no matter the celebration or bonus, the system allows it, but it is not unlimited. It can only be maintained within a reasonable range!

In other words, want to reach a loss in two days?

Very difficult!

But Pei Qian did not lose hope!

谦 Pei Qian considered it before, and now he has nothing but two choices:

Choose one, no longer lose system funds, and wait for settlement.

The advantage is that about 6,000 yuan of personal property can be converted.

The bad thing is that the target amount of system replenishment funds is mostly about one million, and the current system funds have reached this number, so ... definitely will not be replenished, just like when the last settlement.

Option two, continue to lose the system funds, how much can be lost without affecting the settlement.

The advantage is that no matter how much money is lost, the system will definitely replenish the funds, which is very comfortable.

The bad thing is that less personal property can be transformed, and five thousand may shrink to three thousand or two thousand.

However, if you can make a loss of less than 490,400, you will earn more than the current surplus!

After a little thought, Pei Qian wanted to understand.

I still have to continue to lose!

As for how to lose ...

Need a new trick!

Uh ...

During this time, Pei Qian's understanding of the system has also deepened.

According to the system's regulations, system funds can only be used for aspects related to the company's business activities, and the use of personal property is completely unlimited.

How to use the system funds is not so rigid. It can be slightly modified within a certain range!

拿 Take the simplest meal.

Pei Qian can not eat system money in private, invite friends to eat.

However, there is no problem in asking employees to have dinner together.

But things like gathering dinners can't be too frequent, you can't have dinners every meal, and you can't exceed a certain amount.

For example, we just had a dinner yesterday. If we want to have dinner today, it is not possible, unless we find a reasonable reason.

Like those reasons that Pei Qian found before, exchange and study, celebrate the success of game development, etc., are all possible.

In this regard, the system behaves quite intelligently, and the judgment of violations and the restrictions on the use of system funds are in a dynamic situation.

Many things are not absolutely forbidden, and sometimes they can be done in disguise.

Similarly, before renting a house, renting a car, buying a high-end suit, buying a high-end game book, and so on, Pei Qian also passed on his personal needs to the company's name through "cleverness.

Of course, such "cleverness" is not a panacea.

For example, Pei Qian wants to buy a pair of tens of thousands of shoes? Go buy a concert ticket for a favorite singer? Buy a set of high-quality cosmetics? Buy a luxury supercar? Reward a female anchor?

Everything that can't be done in the name of the company is impossible.

Pei Qian now has 1.1 million system funds. After considering it, he decided to continue to spend money!

The third settlement must be a loss, I said!

It's not easy to stop anyone!

Pei Qian has formulated a detailed plan. UU 看书 www.uukanshu.com

After I decided, Pei Qian called Assistant Xin to his office.

"Is the salary standard revised?" Pei Qian asked.

Xin Xinhailu nodded: "Yes, President Pei, I have done exactly what you explained before."

"First of all, the salary is adjusted. According to the rank, the supervisor's salary is increased by 60%, and everyone else is increased by 30%."

"Second is the implementation of the project bonus system, 15% of the game's net profit as a project bonus, distributed to all employees involved in research and development."

"There is also caring for employees' lives. Each employee issues 1,000 shopping cards every month."

Pei Qian nodded: "Very good."

These expenses, whether it is the increase in salary adjustment or the share of project bonuses, are the highest values ​​allowed by the current system.

Pei Qian wants to give higher, but the higher system does not allow it and can only give up.

之前 Before "Sea Fortress" went live, Pei Qian also thought about project bonuses and issuing shopping cards, but it didn't make sense.

Because "Ghost General" was made by Pei Qian himself, holding the money of "Ghost General" to give these people Huang Sibo a bonus is indeed unjustifiable.

But this time it's different. "Fortress at Sea" came out of this group of people from Huang Sibo, Bao Xu and the design team. It is reasonable and reasonable to send a bonus!

Moreover, the company's profitability has come up. It is also reasonable for each employee to issue a shopping card as a benefit.

Assistant Xin Xin held a small book: "Salary should be paid today, are there any other orders?"

Pei Qian settled down a little, and when the wages were sent out, the system funds could kill more than 300,000.

Bringing the project bonus this time is almost the rhythm of the monthly salary of all employees!

Are there any other expenses?

Pei Qian suddenly remembered again: "Wait a minute, I think of another. I decided to give each employee a certain reimbursement quota, and can reimburse a certain value of office supplies in a cycle. As for the specific quota ... um ..."

"Each month in March, each employee can reimburse 3500 pieces of office supplies."

Pei Qian is not thinking, he is exploring the system.

If the cycle is shorter than three months and the reimbursement amount exceeds 3500 yuan, the system will not allow it.

Xin Hailu was a little puzzled: "General Manager Pei, we currently have no limit on reimbursement for employees, including their overtime taxi fares, travel expenses, etc., which are fully reimbursed. The 3500 yuan limit, specifically ... "

Pei Qian explained: "This is called 'special reimbursement', and they can freely purchase anything related to work."

"For example, Bao Xu doesn't like to play games? He can use the money to buy cards and equipment."

"Another example, an employee already has enough headsets, but if he feels that a better headset allows him to hear better game sound quality and is helpful for making games, then he can use the money Come and buy a gaming headset. "

Xin Xinhailu nodded: "I see, President Pei."

Pei Qian only recently noticed this.

It is also reimbursed, and the system's tolerance for different behaviors is also different.

The original reimbursement was a uniform standard for all employees.

For example, you can get a full reimbursement for overtime taxi, everyone is the same.

For office computers, everyone is equipped with a mechanical keyboard, dual-screen display, and so on.

But some special requirements are not recognized by the system.

For example, Bao Xu said, if I want to experience a certain game, what should I do to charge money?

The system does not report.

And Huang Sibo said, I want a 2,000 mechanical keyboard, or 3,000 gaming headsets, which will help me experience the game, okay?

The system does not agree.

These far-fetched reasons were originally not allowed.

The system has different standards for the "necessary conditions" required by everyone in the company to complete the work.

Pei Qian, the boss's standards are very high, buying high-end suits is also allowed, this should be the special favor of the host or the boss.

The limitation is that the host, as the boss, cannot pay himself ...

Other employees can only be reimbursed for necessary expenses within the scope of work.

This is also very reasonable. If the system reimburses the "recharge game" and "high-end headphones purchased for a better experience of the game", Pei Qian only needs to let all employees go to play the domestic gold game and go crazy Money can ruin the system funds.

The system is obviously not stupid.

But now Pei Qian has deftly circled.

He found that the system is not totally intolerant of this "unnecessary overhead", provided that there is no unlimited reimbursement and a fixed limit is required.

So, set a limit for each person, and they can spend as much money on system funds as Pei Qian just as brightly as work!

Pei Qiang pointed out a calculation.

From this perspective, only the "special reimbursement" item can cost 30,000 to 40,000 yuan more per month!

What's more, the money is not related to the production process at all. It is purely an employee benefit issued in strict accordance with the company system!

In other words, will not delay the settlement!

Pei Qian could not help but secretly rejoice in my heart, what a special genius I am!

Uh ...

Uh ...


Recently, the entire company has been immersed in an ecstasy.

The design team is refreshing the game data almost every day. Seeing that the popularity of "Fortress at Sea" is getting higher and higher, it completely crushes "Bomb Marks"!

Although everyone can't see the specific data of "Bomb Scarf", from the ranking of the official game platform and subsequent recommendations, the car crash is quite miserable.

It can be said that it is getting worse!

Although the charging structure of "Scar" is much more reasonable than "Sea Fortress", it is useless.

多少 How much money the game earns is not based on the fee structure, but on the number of players!

再 No matter how reasonable the fee structure is, what else can players do if they run away?

品质 The quality of "Fortress at Sea" can be said to be better than that of "Scar Scar", so the result of this collision is various crushing, and slowly the players of "Scar Scar" are robbed!

Players spend less, "Sea Fortress" earns more money, the only thing is that "Blast Scar" ...

思 Huang Sibo couldn't help but sigh, President Pei was really inscrutable!

Maybe he already expected this scene when he exchanged successful experiences with Tianhuo Studio?

发布 Deliberately and "Bullet Marks" were released at the same time, in order to make "Bullet Marks" promote "Fortress at Sea", and their popularity?

It's too hard, and I've bald the bullet marks!

In fact, everyone is very curious, what is the current status of Tianhuo Studio, but they dare not ask ...

I now ask, it is easy to be regarded as ostentation, the hatred value is full, and the revenge on the spot.

I ca n't stop thinking about it, even if I do n't ask, the hatred is already full ...

Forget it, what do you want to do if you have made money ...

Huang Sibo was thinking, the phone rang.

Take a look, pay SMS!

"... What do you mean, how much is the salary ????"

大 Capital question mark on Huang Sibo's head!

This month, he didn't actually work much overtime, and it stands to reason that there should not be much overtime pay.

I can take a closer look, this salary almost scared him!

The base salary was originally 4,000. After raising the salary by 60%, it came to 6,400!

The project bonus is profitable from the game "Fortress of the Sea" ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ A total of about 130,000 on Mondays. As the main strategy for the project, Huang Sibo can get a little more than other employees, about 8,000 Piece.

So, this month's salary has reached a staggering fifteen thousand!

Of course, you have to pay the five insurances and one fund in full, and you have to deduct taxes.

However, the monthly salary in 2010 was more than 10,000 yuan, this is a proper income that can be put out to force it!

What's more, with the continued popularity of the game "Sea Fortress", the more the game income, the more project bonuses Huang Sibo can get. In this way, the salary next month can only be higher!

的 The project he was responsible for was completed, and President Pei generously gave out a large bonus.

It's double happiness!

Alas, this is not over.

Xin Xinlu came to the office to start distributing shopping cards.

This is a pale gold shopping card with the logo of Jingzhou's largest mall.

After all the distribution was completed, Xin Hailu came to the middle of the office and smiled and introduced.

"Don't lose the shopping card in your hands, there will be 1,000 yuan per month, you can go to the mall to buy some necessities at will."

"In addition, from today, President Pei has developed a 'special reimbursement' system for everyone."

"Every three months, the company can reimburse everyone for spending no more than 3,500 yuan, including the following ..."

Assistant Xin Xin briefly introduced the scope of this "special reimbursement", for example ... game recharge can also be reimbursed.

Everyone listened for a moment.

Especially Bao Xu, the whole person is energetic.

What else is good about this? ? ?

Doesn't that mean that you do n't have to recharge your own money after playing games in the future?

Everyone is a little embarrassed!

The company has arranged high-end computers, overtime pay for overtime, there are project bonuses, what snacks, daily reimbursement are all full.

Now, can the employees reimburse the game recharge money? ? ?

Xun seems to be aware of the concerns of everyone, Xin Hailu smiled and continued: "Don't be embarrassed. Pei will go to the mall with everyone this afternoon to celebrate the success of" Sea Fortress! "

"Everyone clean up and get off work at 3 pm, the bus will wait on time downstairs."

Uh ...

Pei Qian had expected that someone might be embarrassed.

Especially for this special reimbursement of 3500, Pei Qian is worried that some people will be embarrassed to use it.

So, today he is going to take this group of people to the mall deliberately, so that they must use up their shopping card and special reimbursement quota!

After all, Pei Qian is now spending money on surprises, and the system will naturally add it when the fund is settled.

He calculated for a moment.

System funding is now approximately 1.1 million.

工资 The cost of salary and bonus this month is about 400,000 yuan, more than 30,000 shopping cards, and the special reimbursement quota for all of them is full, which is in the early 100,000 yuan.

Pei Qian bought something for herself and spent more than 100,000 yuan?

Let's calculate it like this, there is still hope to make a loss by spending money suddenly!

Unfortunately, the rent and other expenses have already been paid early in the month, and it is not possible to pay the next month in advance.

Pei Qian became more and more happy, and decided to take everyone to the mall to spend money!

Everyone must pay me the special reimbursement of 3500, and there is no money left!

Uh ...

多 At three o'clock in the afternoon, everyone took the bus to the mall.

After getting out of the car, Pei Qian clapped her hands gently to signal everyone's attention.

"To celebrate the success of" Fortress at Sea "today, everyone is working hard, so reward everyone for paid shopping!"

"1,000 shopping cards must be used up, and the special reimbursement limit of 3500 must also be used up! One person ca n't spend it, and everyone is not allowed to leave!"

"Well, let's go!"

Everyone looked at each other, and then burst into cheers.

"it is good!"

谢谢 "Thank you Mr. Pei!"

A few young men rushed to the counter immediately.

Paid shopping is so beautiful, I have never seen that company have such treatment!

You can buy such a big mall!

The money they can spend is not only the 1,000 shopping card and the special reimbursement limit of 3500, but also the salary!

The salary of everyone has just experienced a general increase, plus the bonus of the project, all of them have a huge sum of money, there must be many things to buy!

Pei Qian soon watched that the staff members were divided into several groups and scattered.

The fastest run is probably the strongest desire to shop, and it is no problem to spend all the money.

Those who hesitate and walk in when they see the store may spend a little ink, but there should be no left.

As for the last few grinds, the desire for shopping is not strong ...

Pei Qian felt that he must focus on them.

These people are likely to spend money!

This bad habits of spending money without decisiveness must be changed!

Huang Sibo, Xiao Lu, Lin Wan, Ma Yang, four people gradually fell into the last echelon, Pei Qian decided to focus on them.

Except for Lin Wan, the other three people belong to the category that does not cost much, and the material demand is not high, so there is not much enthusiasm for shopping.

As for Lin Wan ... she really feels that she lacks everything. If she lacks it, she bought it long ago and won't wait until now.

她 For her, observing Pei Qian is more important than spending money!

In Lin Wan's opinion, as a boss, Pei Qian is so special!

Is it okay to issue a shopping card and give everyone a special reimbursement quota, and take the initiative to take everyone to the mall to shop?

I'm so sweet!

Is this the legendary warm male boss?

A few people walked aimlessly in the mall, and soon came to the store of Shenhua Digital.

Shenhua Group, as the largest communication technology and hardware manufacturer in China, although it also engages in real estate and high-tech industries, but its main business is still digital products, computers, mobile phones, headsets and so on.

Xiao Xiaolu picked up a latest flagship phone and couldn't help it.

In Pei Qian's view, compared with the mobile phones of the previous period, the selling of these mobile phones is actually quite good.

智能 In 2009 and 10 years before, smartphones have not been popularized. The mobile phones on the market can be said to be various, with a lot of physical keys, and even many have full keyboards.

In this world, the popularity of smart phones is earlier. Most of these mobile phones are full touch screens, which is about two to three years faster than the previous life. It is not much different from the original Xiaomi.

Bian Xiaolu is now holding a Shenhua G9, which is a rare mobile phone player currently on the market, and the price is 3999.

After watching for a long time, Xiao Lu put down in silence again.

Pei Qian was not happy then.

怎么 "Why, don't you like it?" Pei Qian asked.

Xiao Xiaolu hurriedly said, "Uh, no, I just think that my current mobile phone can still fight another year ... And, 3999 is a bit expensive ..."

贵 "Expensive? Special reimbursement!" Pei Qian said.

"Ah? President Pei, can this special reimbursement be used?" Xiao Lu was a little aggressive, "I buy this phone, it has nothing to do with work ..."

Pei Qian shook his head: "Why doesn't it matter? We don't rule out that there are mobile game development plans in the future? Maybe make a new version of" Ghost General "? Why buy a game phone as a test machine?

"Uh ..." Xiao Lu was speechless for a moment.

"The special reimbursement reimbursement limit is 3500, and you use your shopping card to offset the remaining 499. Isn't it good for UU to read www.uukanashu.com?

Tong Xiaolu blinked: "But ..."

"But what is it, don't you want this phone? Your G6 is a mobile phone two years ago, and it's almost ready to become a PPT? I want to criticize you, using this phone will obviously slow down the work efficiency!"

"If I have something to look for you in the future, it turns out that your mobile phone is stuck. Isn't this a delay? For work, please change it for me!" Pei Qian looked up.

Xiao Xiaolu nodded and said, "Good President Pei!"

He was a little excited to pick up a brand new unopened mobile phone on the counter and go to checkout.

"Remember, 3500 credit card, 499 shopping card, and then the small ticket to Assistant Xin for reimbursement!"

"Don't spend your salary!"

I watched Xiao Lu go to check out, Pei Qian was a little bit unhappy.

He looked at Huang Sibo: "I think it's time to change your mobile phone?"

思 Huang Sibo hurriedly waved his hand: "Don't, President Pei, I just changed my mobile phone more than two months ago ..."

"But your mobile phone is a youth version, youth version is digital junk, you know?" Pei Qian saw through at a glance.

"Without President Pei, I have other things I want to buy." Huang Sibo still refused.

Pei Qian nodded, since there are other things you want to buy, then wait.

He looked at Lin Wan again, but Lin Wan raised his left hand and showed his Shenhua M10.

This is the latest business flagship mobile phone, the minimum with more than 5,000, and Lin Wan's hand color is quite special, most of which is a high version.

Zhe Linwan said, "I basically have everything in this store, President Pei."

Pei Qian: "..."

Limp, rich second generation can do whatever they want, you are great!

Pei Qian turned around in the store again and turned to the headset.

"Ma Yang, I remember that your earphones are still more than 20 yuan of stalls." Pei Qian looked at Ma Yang.

"Qi ... Oh no, President Pei, it's a spread, but it works well." Ma Yang stopped the car in time, without revealing his relationship with Pei Qian in front of others.

"How can that be, ground spreading is ground spreading, which is enough? This newest earphone, 2999, get it. Listen below 10,000."

Pei Qian directly plugged the headset into Ma Yang's hands.

Ma Yang Yiyi: "Uh, President Pei ... but my current job is not related to headphones ..."

Ma Yang is currently working in the design team. Basically, he occasionally fills out a form, uses an editor, or mentions resource requirements. The work does not have much to do with the headset.

Pei Qian thought for a while: "Be prepared for future work. In the future, you may need to communicate with outsourcing, mention music and sound effects requirements. Without a good pair of headphones, you ca n't hear the quality of the music and sound effects provided by the outsourcing company. How is it? "

Mao Mayang scratched his head: "But, isn't the headset with the company's computer already good?"

Pei Qian's face sank: "Can you take back the company's computer-equipped headphones? After work, in case of an emergency, you need to communicate with the music outsourcing company?"

Ma Yang was speechless.

It seems like ... it makes sense ...

Da Chang's face burst into a smile, and Ma Yang took the headset and ran away to checkout.

Like Xiao Lu, he really wants to buy, but he can't bear the money himself, and he is a little embarrassed to use the special reimbursement quota!

But when Pei Qian urged them, they had no psychological burden at all.

When you get something in your hand, it is a word, beauty!

The key is that you don't spend a penny, the company has all paid for it. Where to find such good things!

Soon, the two people checked out.

Xiao Xiaolu put on a new phone on the spot, she couldn't help it.

A few people continued to shop in the mall, while Pei Qian strolled, staring at the employees, to see who dare not spend well!

Forced Huang Sibo to buy a new tablet, which is called "improving productivity".

Forced the two little girls at the front desk to buy a few beautiful clothes, called "improving the company image".

There are some other things, anyway, as long as you see the employees want to buy, immediately set up a name for the arrangement!

In some cases, there is no reason to create a clever name. For example, there is a male employee who wants to buy a female bag and send it back to his girlfriend. This Pei Qian can hardly think of it and can only change it.

After visiting the mall, Pei Qian expressed satisfaction.

Huh, everyone's money is almost spent!

Checked it out, the system funds originally amounted to 1.1 million. Today, Pei Qian went through a crazy operation, paying wages and bonuses, issuing shopping cards and engaging in "special reimbursement". He has done more than 530,000.

System funds remain 570,000.

"Well, I can only rely on myself ..."

Pei Qian knows that other employees have already tried their best. The last 70,000 yuan must be launched by themselves.

After losing 70,000 yuan, every extra penny can be converted into personal property 1: 1!

Now is the last step of the Long March.

Pei Qian first came to a high-end suit shop, and deliberately avoided Jesse, who had previously bought it.

However, he quickly left in silence.

The system refuses ...

Probably because Pei Qian bought too many suits last time, the system thinks that he does not continue to buy clothes at all now.

After that, Pei Qian came to Ralis's shop and wanted to buy a watch.

This time, the system did not directly reject it.

However, Pei Qian saw all the way from the most expensive 200,000 watches all the way, the system only allowed him to buy a basic entry model, 40,000 yuan!

Although it is also a Luxor, it is too cheap ...

Pei Qian had a painful egg, but thought it was money for 40,000 yuan, so she took it decisively.

As the saying goes, "The more you wear your power, the more you take responsibility." Pei Qian believes that as a boss, he is the person with the greatest responsibility. It is reasonable to wear a 200,000 Rally watch.

But it is clear that the system does not seem to think so, and probably thinks that Pei Qian is only worth 40,000.

Pei Qian is sore.

Continue shopping.

You can't even buy a watch that is too good, then you can't buy other things that have little to do with work.

For example, very expensive men's perfumes, men's care products, and so on.

Pei Qian was not in a hurry, more than 40,000 pieces of flowers went out, and he finally felt a little bit bottomed out.

Come on, this is the final stage of the assault!

Zhe Linwan and Huang Sibo have already completed their own shopping quotas. While strolling with Pei Qian, they silently observe President Pei.

Especially Lin Wan, very curious about what Pei would buy!

Just after watching for a while, she found that her understanding of President Pei seemed to be subverted again!

Mr. Pei turned out to be such a frugal person in his personal life? !!

She can clearly see that there are certain things that Pei Qian really wants to buy!

For example, the classic luxury perfume gift box with G brand, a thousand things, Pei obviously likes it.

However, after watching it, I put it down again!

There is also a tailored suit. President Pei also tried it on a bit, it fits well and looks good. The price is only in the early ten thousand, and he didn't even buy it!

There are watches from Rex ~~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Pei looks down from more than 200,000 watches all the way, and even took only one of the cheapest entry models, only more than 40,000!

成功 A boss as successful as President Pei only wears more than 40,000 Ralisks? ?

Zhe Lin could not help but be shocked.

Pei Qian continued to shop, buying things scattered.

购买 If the system prohibits purchase, you can only stop.

The system did not say that it would not let you buy, all for the whole!

But even so, Pei Qian couldn't buy too much.

Because the system is too numerous!

I took a fountain pen from Babron, more than seven thousand; bought a belt with a golden G, more than three thousand; bought a business bag for men, in the early twenty thousand ...

Some are the most expensive and some are mid-range, which all depend on the system's limitations. All Qian Qian needs to do is to buy the best within the range allowed by the system.

I strolled around, Pei Qian found that there really was nothing to buy.

After taking a few counts, Pei Qian felt that she had bought a lot, but there were actually not many bags in her hand.

的 The total price of everything is 73,000.

Completed more than 3,000 losses!

Pei Qian could not help but look happy.

Historic step! !! !!

This is the result of a sudden assault on money, and a lasting victory that has always adhered to the "don't be the best, just the most expensive" philosophy!

每一 Every penny spent next can be seamlessly transformed into your own personal income!

裴 And Pei Qian's smile has some different meanings in the eyes of others.

Zhe Linwan was very emotional.

The success of "Fortress at Sea" is conservatively estimated that how much Mr. Pei has earned in a month has to run two million.

I ended up being so frugal? !!

Zhe Linwan noticed that President Pei passed by some luxury brands of personal products several times, and left without even entering!

A thousand or more luxury perfume gift boxes, even did not buy!

Everything Mr. Pei buys is all things related to work. Even belts and purses are the types that are more conducive to business negotiations!

Together, I only spent less than 100,000 yuan!

Zhe Lin was shocked at night, what a powerful self-control!

Ask yourself, if it's someone else, earn two million a month, no, even if it's one million, it is estimated that tens of thousands of pieces of clothes, bags and watches have to be bought.

But Mr. Pei spent less than 100,000 yuan and was satisfied!

Is simply admirable!

I think that the generosity of President Pei in terms of office conditions, and the generosity in wages and bonuses, are in stark contrast to the current scene!

Zhe Linwan, Huang Sibo, and others couldn't help getting their eyes slightly moist.

怎样 What kind of a fairy boss!

As for Pei Qian, he did not notice the reaction of the crowd at all.

He was still racking his brains and thinking, where else could he spend more money!

Now that it has entered a loss state, any extra penny is blood gain!

However, he has already made a round around the mall, and basically bought everything that is not restricted by the system.

Almost everyone's shopping was over, and they came to the first floor to gather. Everyone was holding shopping bags in their hands, and smiled on their faces.

Paid shopping is cool!

But Pei Qian didn't want to go like that.

I finally lost more than 3,000?

How unwilling!

He looked at Xin Hailu with a flash of aura.

"I want to buy a gift for a friend who is the boss. Any suggestions?"

He can't say it is for his own use, it will look strange and trigger a system warning.

Everyone will think, if you want to use it yourself, buy what you want, and ask us what to do?

But if you say it was bought for a friend, everyone will put forward some suggestions, and Pei Qian just uses this to sort out what she still lacks.

Xi Xinhailu began to make some suggestions quickly, others also rushed to propose.

Such as high-end suits, perfumes, watches, pens and so on.

Pei Qian shook his head again and again.

He 's seen most of them. He bought everything he could, and the rest did n't let the system buy it!

I mentioned it all over again, and everyone was a little bit exhausted. I didn't know what was left to send.

At this time, Lin Wan tentatively said, "Why ... send a pair of glasses?"

Pei Qian's eyes lighted up: "Glasses?"

Lin Lin nodded late: "Yes, if your friend is short-sighted, you can send myopia, but the premise is to know his power; even if you do not know the power, or he is not myopia, you can only send the frame."

"Some good-looking glasses can also enhance temperament, which represents taste."

Pei Qian simply wanted to give Lin thirty-two likes later!

Glasses! Why didn't I think of it?

Pei Qian is not short-sighted and doesn't wear glasses, so he didn't even consider this aspect.

Now I think of it, it seems reasonable to buy glasses for personal use!

He looked at Assistant Xin: "Where are the most expensive glasses?"

Xin Xinlu thought for a moment: "There is a Louis Vuitton selling glasses here, which should meet the expensive requirements, but most of them are sunglasses, I do not know if it meets your needs."

"take me to."

Two people took the straight ladder and quickly reached the store of Louis Vuitton, and found the counter selling glasses.

Pei Qian looked, this price is OK!

多 The cheapest is more than 2000, the most expensive is more than 9,000!

A pair of glasses sell more than 9,000, I have to say that this is a bit beyond Pei Qian's understanding, but this is a good thing!

It's just that Pei Qian picked up those over 9,000 pairs of sunglasses and the system forbids them.


Pei Qian is speechless, isn't the system not allowed to buy?

Isn't that gratified then?

He tried to pick up more than eight thousand glasses next to him.

The system has no warning this time!

Pei Qian could not help but overjoyed, and after carefully comparing the two glasses, I found that the front model was too exaggerated. At first glance, the sunglasses and the frames were too fancy, which totally did not meet the needs of business.

Although more than 8,000 glasses, although the target is also sunglasses, but the thin gold wire frame, the shape of the lens is quite satisfactory, not so exaggerated.

Pei Qian put it on and looked at Xin Hailu: "How?"

Xun Xinhailu nodded: "It's very temperament, President Pei."

Pei Qian was ecstatic.

No wonder the system has no warning, because this glasses can be used as business glasses, and indeed has the effect of improving temperament!

In the concept of the system, these glasses can be worn to enhance temperament during business negotiations, and they have the same function as high-end suits, so they are not limited.

Pei Qian took the two pairs directly, with slightly different shapes. This is the highest quantity allowed by the system.

"Buy it."

Pei Qian swiped the card immediately.

The shopping guide lady was so flattered that she quickly took out a beautiful gift bag and packed Pei Qian.

Bian just wrapped one, and when the other, Pei Qian waved his hand and signaled that it was unnecessary.

"I wear this myself."

Pei Qian directly took off the light-colored sunglasses and put on the frame.

I looked into the mirror.

Hmm, it seems that it is a bit more refined.

Limp, wear!

Okay, it's more than 8,000 yuan of glasses.

查看 Checking the system funds again, Pei Qian is satisfied.

The energy of milking was brought out, and finally successfully lost more than 20,000!

This is a small step of Pei Qian, but a big step to defeat the system!

Back to the lobby.

Everyone keenly noticed some changes in President Pei's image.

A pair of gold wire frames was added to the bridge of the nose. It looks like the temperament has improved a lot!

"Mr. Pei is so handsome!"

"Did Mr. Pei buy a pair? Looks good!"

"How much are these glasses, is it estimated to be thousands?"

In the face of the rainbow farts of the employees, Pei Qian smiled slightly, his heart was calm.

"Let's go back to each one and call the fare company for a report. Take a rest on the weekend!"

Uh ...

Uh ...

On the 31st, the system is settled!

The light curtain appeared again in Pei Qian's vision.

[Wealth Conversion System]

[Host: Pei Qian]

[100: 1 earnings conversion ratio, 1: 1 loss conversion ratio]

[Coming soon ...]

[System Fund: 478723.5 (↓ 21276.5)]

[Personal property: 608.3]

[Settlement in progress ...]

[Wealth conversion in progress ...]

[System Fund: 478723.5]

[Personal property: 21884.8 (↑ 21276.5)]

Pei Qian was so moved that he wanted to cry. UC Reading www.uukanshu.com

at last!

After so much effort, I finally lost 20,000 yuan!

Don't underestimate the two thousand yuan.

This is a historic step!

This is a small step in loss, but a big step towards success!

Soon, more content is displayed on the light curtain.

[Next settlement time: 90 days later]

[The system fund will be replenished, the target amount: 1 million]

[System Fund 521276.5 is being supplemented ...]

[System funds are replenished. ]

[System funds: 1 million]

[Personal assets: 21884.8]

特殊 [Special task for this cycle: The company has any physical store under its name, which needs to be located in the downtown area or around the university. ]

[Special mission completion reward: based on the original conversion amount, an additional 10%. ]

Sure enough, as Pei Qian expected, this time the system's funding limit was raised again, from 500,000 to 1 million!

If the system funds of Pei Qian were higher than 1 million before, most of them will not be replenished this time.

Pei Qian rushed to spend money, spending more than 470,000, not only successfully converted 20,000 personal property, the system also automatically replenished the funds to 1 million, it can be said that it was earned blood!

Moreover, Pei Qian noticed that there are several differences this time compared with the previous settlement.

First of all, after the number of funds reached 1 million, Pei Qian no longer needed to go to zero.

Second, the system released a special task. The company owns any kind of physical store. If this goal is completed during settlement, the original wealth conversion value will be increased by an additional 10%!


"I like such an open system!"

After gradually understanding the temper of the system, Qian Qian felt that he was more comfortable with the use of the system.

难 Is this special task difficult?

There is some difficulty, but it is still acceptable!

Moreover, even if there is no system to issue special tasks, Pei Qian already had similar ideas.

Pei Qian is very clear that one of the major trends in the next ten years is that the physical stores are getting worse and worse!

There are two main reasons for this.

First, rents have risen, and the cost of renting a shop has increased significantly.

Second, the rapid development of online shopping platforms and takeaway platforms, more and more people like to stay at home.

I used to open any shop at the entrance of the university, and I made money.

Even if you open a kiosk or set up a print shop, you can basically make a lot of money.

If you open an Internet cafe or a restaurant with a good reputation, the profitability will be even stronger.

后来 But then, more and more brick-and-mortar stores have become sluggish and are closing their doors.

Because the functions of many physical stores have been replaced by e-commerce platforms!

In the past, many college students bought computers and went to the nearby computer city.

Later, everyone went to Goudong, who still went to Computer City to pit.

Some daily necessities, and some people go to the supermarket to buy them, but some people choose to deliver them directly.

Eating, more and more people are calling for takeaway. At most, they go to a high-end restaurant on holidays, and generally do n't go to the fly house on the roadside.

In short, no matter what form of physical store, basically it is getting worse and worse, a veritable sunset industry.

And this is what Pei Qian likes!

But ... what kind of brick-and-mortar store?

The system did not say what to do. Anyway, as long as it is a physical store, the only restriction is that it must be opened in the downtown area or around the school.

Even if it's a kiosk, a bookstore, a print shop, etc., it's totally OK.

Pei Qian fell into short thinking and comprehensively analyzed the probability of success in this matter.

Although physical stores will get worse in the next ten years, but now, if you engage in physical stores at this time, can you definitely pay?

It doesn't seem to be necessary ...

Because it's 2010 and online shopping and takeaway are still in their infancy, physical stores are still making money!

For example, bookstores, small supermarkets, Internet cafes, etc. in front of the school are very popular.

Even 犄角 旮旯 opened a print shop casually and made a lot of money ...

Students usually print papers, print assignments, photocopies, and so on, and they inevitably have to run to a print shop.

Looking back ten years later, most physical stores are losing money.

But in the short term, there is a great profit potential.

And Pei Qian is also tangled, how exactly does this physical store open?

Less investment and less compensation, if you are lucky, you can't pay if you earn a little;

If I invest more money, what if the quality opens a lot of other stores, what should I do?

This is a technical task, and it has to be considered in the long run!

However, before opening a physical store, Pei Qian decided to implement the "first elimination system" he had planned for a long time.

I was just trying to attract a bunch of bastards, but all of them were potential stocks. Is this okay?

Especially the two people Bao Xu and Huang Sibo have endless troubles after staying!

With them both, it is really difficult for Tenda's game business to lose money!

As for Lin Wan ... you can observe it again.

After all, she was able to contact those players just because she happened to be in charge of this communication when she was in Tianhuo Studio.

I changed her project, and her connection would not be effective at all.

So Pei Qian thought about how to arrange Bao Xu and Huang Sibo.

Should not be fired on the spot and demoted.

No evidence, no reasonable reason can be given, the system can not agree.

Pei Qian was lost in thought.

Uh ...

周一 Monday, February 1.


"Brother Huang, look at it, there are many people on the Internet discussing our games fiercely. It seems that there are still many people in the industry?"

Xiao Xiaolu brushed the webpage as if he had found some big news.

思 Huang Sibo nodded: "I see, I have been watching."

思 Huang Sibo looked at Bao Xu: "Brother, do you want to see?"

Xi Baoxu's expression calmly: "What does it have to do with us?"

Huang Sibo thought about it, too, what does it have to do with us!

Many people on the Internet have been arguing fiercely around "Fortress on the Sea". The heat of this issue has been going on for almost half a month, and it hasn't stopped since the game was launched.

At first, the players of "Fortress at Sea" and "Blast Scar" scolded each other, but they were noisy and did not know why the topic became more and more hot ...

At the beginning, everyone debated which of the two games, Fortress on the Sea and Bullet Marks, was better.

Noisy afterwards, there is no more "Blast Scars" ...

Everyone starts to argue, is "Fortress at Sea" the industry conscience or the industry tumor? ?

There are also many practitioners from other game companies participating in the discussion.

开 Open a post at will, you can see that the two factions are arguing with each other.

"" Fortress on the Sea "is likely to be the creator of the domestic game' Golden Age '!"

"A permanent weapon sells 888, it can be said that there is no one before! And as an FPS game, it even sells attributes? Does this company have a little love and integrity in the game?"

"You can be scolded as a dog by other in-app purchases of two or three hundred yuan in other games. Why is this game made a weapon of 888, and you still lick?"

"There is also a server for this game, it's full, it's stuck, junk!"

"How many sailors did you buy for this game? Obviously it is a heavy gold junk game, but it has also become the light of domestic FPS games?"

But these views will soon be refuted.

"Heavy junk game? Oh, it seems you have never played it!"

"Yes, I'm the navy of" Fortress at Sea ", tap water, what's wrong?"

"Emphasis, why do you say this game conscience? Because it only sells a 888 weapon, all other content is free! If you are doing in-app purchases, the product entries can be turned. Is this the same thing? "

"There are many 3A masterpieces in this game 's story mode, and they are very good. How can you get 200 for 3A masterpieces? This cuts in half and sells 100 yuan or even 50 yuan, which is reasonable."

"But this 憨憨 company is completely free! The plot mode is free to experience! Is this not conscience?"

"888's weapon is nothing more than the money that everyone originally needed to pay, UU reading www.uukanshu.com all transferred to the local tyrants, and the local tyrants are still willing to fight this weapon, aren't they all happy?"

"As for the server card holder, I'm sorry," Sea Fortress "is no longer card! It should be renting a new server and expanding bandwidth!"

哎 "Hey, some people now, just don't know the priority. Other companies develop games and provide services, and can't use love to generate electricity, right? I waived the threshold fee and passed it on to the local tyrants. As a result, you are not happy?"

Uh ...

In the end, whether it is a tumor in the industry or the conscience of the industry, no result was discussed in the end.

不管 But anyway, everyone is so noisy, the heat of the game has gone up!

The key is that 888's Fire Unicorn is too topical. Many passers-by who don't care about the game at all, even when they heard that the game sold a 888 weapon, they will subconsciously remember the name of the game.

Therefore, the data of "Fortress at Sea" continues to rise!

思 Huang Sibo was a little worried that these quarrels would affect the reputation of "Fortress at Sea".

But now it seems that not only did not affect word of mouth, but also played an objective communication effect!

Huang Sibo is relieved, it seems that everything should be in the plan of President Pei!

At this time, Pei Qian came out of his office.

Mr. Pei, who wears new glasses (frames), looks a little bit more temperamental with bamboo in his chest and a win in his hands, making Huang Sibo admire from the heart.

"Look at the internal group, I started a poll."

"This is a secret ballot, please vote for the best employee you think."

Pei Qian smiled and said, "There are mysterious rewards."

Best employee?

Mysterious reward?

总 Mr. Pei is talking about merit rewards?

Everyone clicked the mouse to select the best employee in their minds.

I soon voted for everyone.

Pei Qian looked at the voting results, Huang Sibo became the first place with 14 votes, and Bao Xu followed closely with 10 votes.

Zhelin had 3 votes, and I don't know who voted for it.

Pei Qian's eyes motioned to Assistant Xin.

Xi Xinhailu immediately took out the customized small trophy and handed it to Pei Qian.

Pei Qian came to Huang Sibo and presented the trophy: "Congratulations!"

Huang Sibo was a little weird. He hesitated for a moment before he stood up and took the trophy with both hands.

The office area immediately gave a warm applause!

Most people do think that the title of this best employee is none other than Huang Sibo!

Who is he, to urge development progress before and after running?

Who is He, who works hard and complains every day and stays overtime?

"Fortress on the Sea" was a great success. The first achievement must be attributed to the research and development team, and Huang Sibo, as the main execution strategy of the research and development team, contributed most!

Of course, some people think that Bao Xu's idea is very important, so Bao Xu also got 10 votes.

However, there is the credit of President Pei in the matter of creativity. After all, it was President Pei who made three requirements, and Bao Xu thought of this idea based on these three requirements.

Is equal to the correct answer after reading the prompt.

Moreover, Huang Sibo has always been responsible for promoting the development of the game after the busy time, the strongest sense of existence, so Huang Sibo won the first vote.

Huang Sibo was holding a small trophy in both hands, and his excitement was beyond words.

小 This small trophy looks quite unique. It is specially customized at first glance, which is completely different from the rotten street goods with dozens of dollars casually lettering!

What's more, this is not a question of money.

Trophy, this is an honor!

The words "Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd.'s Best Employees" engraved on the trophy are the greatest praise and affirmation for his work. How much money can't be exchanged!

In the applause of everyone, Huang Sibo felt that he should say something.

He cleared his throat and said, "Thank you President Pei for your trust and cultivation, and thank you for your continued cooperation and help!"

"I think the success of" Fortress at Sea "should first be attributed to President Pei who pointed us in the right direction so that Brother Bao and I could continue to move in this right direction."

"Secondly, it should be attributed to Bao Ge's wild inspiration. If he did not come up with such a great story mode and such an innovative battle mode, this game would be difficult to reach the current level!"

"It should also be attributed to the unremitting efforts of all of us. During this time, the design team worked with me to work overtime and worked hard, the liver project progress, and everyone else gave us the maximum cooperation. This is the result of everyone's joint efforts!"

"I think this trophy belongs to everyone!"

Huang Sibo finished speaking, and immediately rang a round of warm applause!

Zhe Lin was very moved with tears in her eyes.

Look, look!

Isn't this what a true conscience company should look like?

Sure enough, I didn't make the wrong choice. I came to Tengda!

The applause gradually subsided.

Pei Qian continued: "Next, we need to reveal the special rewards for the best employees."

"Huang Sibo, starting today, you will not be a part of the design team. Lu Mingliang will be in the position of chief executive officer."

Xiao Xiaolu was aggressive.

what? ? ?

Huang Sibo was also stupid.

What do you mean?

Am I just getting the best employee?

What's the situation, fired on the spot? ?

Everyone else has been aggressive, I don't know what Mr. Pei's hand means.

思 Huang Sibo has done a good job in implementing the main strategy, and the results have been remarkable.

I ended up giving it to me directly?

Not only did she no longer serve as the main executive strategy, but also kicked out the design team directly? ? ?

Pei Qian continued with a smile: "As the best employee, I decided to give you 1 million dream funds so that you can fulfill your dreams!"

"You are still an employee of Tengda, but you will no longer be in the gaming department. You can choose any industry you like and invest these 1 million. Whether successful or not, companies will pay for you!"

Huang Sibo, who was so frightened and frigid, had a 180-degree turn in an instant!

Great, President Pei is not trying to fire me!

Moreover, it also rewarded me with a million dream fund to fulfill my dream!

思 Huang Sibo felt like he was dreaming, and couldn't believe that it all happened!

Everyone else also had their eyes wide, with envy and envy on their faces.

Is this the treatment of the best employees? !!

Hey too ... incredible?

1 million venture capital, high degree of autonomy, regardless of success or failure, companies will pay for it!

Envy, envy!

思 Huang Sibo's hands trembled slightly, and he was almost unable to hold the trophy.

"Mr. Pei, I'm afraid I'm not competent enough to be competent ..."

Pei Qian shook his head slightly and motioned him to stop talking.

"Becoming the best employee, you have proven your ability. I believe in you, and you should believe in yourself."

Pei Qian spoke very sincerely.

思 Huang Sibo has tears in his eyes, his lips twitch slightly, and it is difficult to express thousands of words, but he bows deeply: "Good President Pei, I must work hard !!"

Pei Qian was so pleased with her face, but she was secretly pleased.


This is the first elimination system!

This is the method that Pei Qian worked hard to figure out.

成功 The success of "Sea Fortress" has proved that this group of people is definitely not a group of bastards, especially Huang Sibo, who is definitely a buried talent in the field of games!

Pei Qian also has no time to think about why he is so unlucky that he always encounters buried talents ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ The urgent task is to find a solution to this problem.

Otherwise, let Huang Sibo and Bao Xu toss this way again, and then come up with an explosive game, is it okay? ?

Therefore, the first elimination system is imperative!

However, Pei Qian cannot fire Huang Sibo or demote him.

Unreasonable, it will cause other people to doubt, and the system will not allow it.

So, Pei Qian thought of such an excellent solution.

Transfer Huang Sibo, don't it?

He may indeed have a little talent in game production, OK, no problem.

Since that's the case, stop playing games!

Let him go to an unfamiliar industry, give him 1 million casually, most of them will fail!

At that time, the game side lost money because of Huang Sibo, and Huang Sibo lost 1 million because of poor management. Isn't it the best of both worlds?

Hehe, I can come up with such a perfect plan, and it really is a genius!

Pei Qian simply admired himself.

I ca n't say anything ...

Xu Baoxu is also a confidant.

很大 A large part of the success of "Sea Fortress" is due to Bao Xu's creativity, which may be due to Bao Xu's extremely rich gaming experience.

Pei Qian looked at Bao Xu and said, "The second place in this vote is Bao Xu, who also contributed to the company."

虽然 "Although it is a pity that it is only the second place, the company will not forget your contribution."

"As the second place in the selection of the best employees, you can get a month's paid vacation. From tomorrow on, you will not be used for work. Going to play around and seeing the world will be helpful for future work . "

Bao Xu was surprised for a while.

"Uh ... Mr. Pei, I don't need it. I think it's good in the company."

This is what he really said.

Hang out? Is there anything to play?

Don't you continue to make Internet cafes?

哪 How can there be a company in Internet cafes?

Everyone here is talented, and they speak nicely. I really like it!

Pei Qian had expected that he would say so, his face immediately became serious.

"It's not right for you to think so, it's so wrong!"

"As the saying goes, read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles. Game design is not behind closed doors. If you want to achieve something in the future, you must broaden your horizons!"

"Within this month, you ca n't make an Internet cafe. I 'll ask Assistant Xin to make a schedule for you. You have to run through some of the famous attractions in the country, check in one by one, and then go to the major game companies Investigate and improve yourself. "

"This is a job need, you can't refuse, understand?"

Seeing President Pei's complexion, Bao Xu didn't dare to neglect, so he nodded: "Good CEO Pei."

The conversation between the two of them was shown to everyone next to him.

What is this fairy employee and fairy boss!

The boss wants to give employees paid vacations, and the employees would rather work overtime at the company!

Oh my gosh!

哪里 What must have gone wrong in this world!

Zhe Lin was even more touched at night, and even hoped to be able to shoot this scene with a camera.

She is very worried, and worried that she will tell this scene to others in the future, and no one will believe it!

But such a company, such a boss, such an employee, really exist!

Smoothly killed two outstanding employees, Pei Qian felt refreshed, and the whole person was comfortable.

Huang Sibo has left the gaming industry under his arrangement.

旭 And Bao Xu is going to swim outside this month, and can no longer interfere with the development of new projects.

After waiting a month for Bao Xu to come back, the design draft of the new project has already been written and has already been made. No matter how good your ideas and ideas are, they will not work!

Of course, Pei Qian has no idea what to do with the new game project.

But, it 's absolutely true that these two people will be separated first!

After the outstanding employees were praised, Pei Qian called Ma Yang to his office, while the others returned to work.

Xiao Xiaolu, also known as Lu Mingliang, felt that his enthusiasm for work had never been higher.

The recognition of outstanding employees this time is a large amount of chicken blood with high quality!

Pei always told everyone the facts, what was the result of hard work.

As long as you work hard and get the best employees, you can get a dream investment to realize your dream!

Even if you can't get the best employee, just get the second place, you can get a month's paid vacation!

As long as there is one such real case, it will be more useful than other bosses to draw 10,000 cakes!

Uh ...

Pei Qian's office.

Xi Mayang apparently criticized Pei Qian's arrangement.

"Qian Er, although you are my boss now, but because of our relationship, I must be honest, and you must say it if you don't like me!"

"I think it's inappropriate for you to let Lu Mingliang take Huang Sibo's class!"

"I don't think Lu Mingliang has any special ability. If he can implement the main strategy, then ... I think I can do it too!"

"I also participated in a lot of design work during this time, and I have seen pigs run without eating pork!"

Pei Qian crossed Erlang's legs on the chair and smiled at Ma Yang.

"Rest assured, what is the relationship between us, can I treat you wrong?"

"Old horse, although the best employee today is not yours, but you have to believe that I always treat you as my most trusted person!"

"The reason why I haven't arranged any important positions for you is because I have more important tasks to give you!"

"This is a key step for Tenda Group to develop into more fields. I am going to leave it to you. Are you ready?"

Xi Mayang's eyes lightened gradually.

"Really ... really?"

Pei Qian turned the computer screen slightly, pointed at the Jingzhou map above, and said, "Come and come, look."

这里 "Here, here, and here. It's a popular business district in Jingzhou, oh, and around our university, this location is also good."

"I consider choosing the best of these places to open a large chain of Internet cafes!"

"This matter, I leave it to you! What do you think?"

Luo Mayang's eyes were confused: "Qian Er, the important position you said ... is the owner of an Internet cafe?"

Xi Mayang felt a huge gap.

Pei Qian frowned: "What Internet cafe boss is not the same thing!"

"In my plan, this is not a simple Internet cafe. It should be a large entertainment center that integrates Internet cafes, gaming experiences, hardware monopoly, movie viewing and other experiences!"

"You haven't understood the importance of this matter."

"Our main business of Tenda is now concentrated in the game field, but what do we lack? We lack a window and platform to communicate with players!"

"Our goal of Tengda is to become a giant company across multiple fields such as games, entertainment, hardware and so on! And offline is one of the important layouts of our company!"

"I don't trust others for such an important task. It must be given to you!"

Looking at Pei Qian's sincere eyes, Ma Yang determined that Pei Qian was definitely not joking.

He is serious!

Xi Mayang's hands trembled slightly: "Qianer ... I ... I ..."

Pei Qian patted his shoulder: "Stop saying nothing, I understand."

"But, I'm a bare-headed commander, nothing ..." Ma Yang was uncomfortable.


"If you have money, what else do you want? Do you think there is a shortage of talent, go to recruit! Don't worry, we have a big career in Tengda now. Both of the games on hand are cash cows. , I'll give you the bottom, what are you afraid of! "Pei Qian was full of arrogance.

"So, how much budget can I get?" Ma Yang asked.

"Budget? There is no ceiling!" Pei Qian waved his hand, "How much money do you want, despite speaking! But you have to say in advance, after all, capital turnover also takes time."

Ma Mayang nodded fiercely: "Okay! I must complete the task!"

"Okay, go and prepare. Let's work out a rough plan. I remind you that our Tenda is going to do something big, even if it's a physical store, it can't be like other Internet cafes, understand?"

"The decoration standard must be in line with our company, and we can't drop the price!"

Pei Qian made thousands of suggestions.

Xi Mayang patted her chest: "Relax, wrap it on me!"

Xi Mayang pushed the door and went out.

Pei Qian looked at the back of Ma Yang's departure, and couldn't help feeling.

Sure enough, passersby are unreliable.

In the end, it still depends on the brother!

很大 The reason for the failure of "Fortress at Sea" is that Pei Qian mistrusted Huang Sibo and Bao Xu.

If you hand over this project to Ma Yang at the beginning, maybe the result will be different!

Now, Huang Sibo took a million to do other things, and Bao Xu was forcibly arranged to take paid vacation.

The game project was given to Xiao Lu, and the Internet cafe was given to Ma Yang.

Last time, Pei Qian made a sudden assault on her milk to spend more than 20,000.

I tasted a little sweet, but I didn't quench my thirst at all!

The next time you settle, as long as Pei Qian controls the system funds to just about 200,000 or 300,000, that will be 700,000 or 800,000 funds in an instant. Think about it!

At that time, the system will not allow you to buy everything, you can buy enough!

on Wednesday.

meeting room.

Lu Lu Mingliang was nervous and embarrassed.

Because at this conference table, the thighs I could rely on are gone!

Xi Baoxu didn't come to work yesterday. He took a vacation with pay for one month, and Mr. Pei forced him to go to major scenic spots in the country to check in cards and exchange with other game companies.

Huang Sibo also did not show up recently, and he does not know where he intends to spend the 1 million Dream Fund that President Pei gave.

The two big brothers will not be in front anymore. Lu Mingliang suddenly took the burden of implementing the main strategy. I feel inexplicably stressed!

And at this meeting, after President Pei stated his recent work goals, Lu Mingliang was even more worried.

Because President Pei said that "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress" will not schedule an update plan recently, all manpower is still invested in the development of the next game!

This is really unexpected to Lu Mingliang, and it also worried him.

According to the normal thinking, there are two successful games in hand, and it is time to desperately make money.

Open a new version, make some new cards, and come up with a new epic weapon ...

I can lay down to make money, which is a lot of money!

At the same time, Lu Mingliang also just completed the transfer of work.

First make a new version of "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress", adapt a little, adapt, and develop a new game. This is the most secure way.

However, Mr. Pei didn't even have a plan to develop a new version at all, so he just started a new project!

This made Lu Mingliang, who had been inexplicably taken over as the chief executive officer for the past two days, very panicked.

Of course, Lu Mingliang knew very well that Mr. Pei's arrangement must be his own reason.

Pei is always a progressive person, not the kind of mediocre boss lying on the credit book.

Don't develop a new version that lays down to make money, but to set up a new project with a high risk, which reflects President Pei's ambition, as well as a broad vision and mind!

"I have an idea about the new game, listen to it."

At the top of the conference table, Pei Qian calmly and calmly held the audience, making Lu Mingliang more firm in his judgment.

However ...

Pei Qian was completely out of diametric considerations.

Why not develop a new version?

Because the new version is developed, it must be launched with a payment point.

Either charge according to DLC or join new in-app purchase service.

The new version is completely free and is not allowed by the system.

But the problem is that the player base of "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress" is very large, and the enthusiasm for paying is very high!

这种 In this case, after the new version is released, the new payment point is likely to be bought instantly ...

Therefore, Pei Qian thinks it is more reliable to start another new project. After all, it is easier to smash a new project than to stir up an already successful old project!

Many new games are violent on the line, and even professional celebrity producers can hardly turn things around;

Many successful old games, even after repeated death, still persist.

Therefore, Pei Qian decided to start another stove, and to learn from the last lesson.

哪 Where was the biggest mistake last time?

I lie in trusting Huang Sibo and Bao Xu too much!

Pei Qian never expected that their three requirements were even misinterpreted by them, and they became the selling point of the game!

This time, Pei Qian decided to strengthen the control of the entire game a little, and the situation of "Bastion of the Sea" can no longer occur!

He didn't even dare to let Xiao Lu play freely.

What if ... Xiao Lu secretly consulted Bao Xu, or he flashed his own light, and came up with a good idea!

So, Pei Qian has to do it one at a time.

He looked around and said slowly: "This time, we are going to make a game that can remember the history of the youth!"

"It's called ..."

"Game Producer!"

Everyone in the conference room looked at Pei Qian intently.

I do n't know why!

It sounds great!

Is this to adapt the story of Tenda in the game industry into a game?

But for this subject, it should be possible to make a documentary and an interview. How can this be a game?

Everyone listened carefully.

Pei Qian was well-informed, and chanted.

"The content of the game is simple. The player plays a game producer. In the game, he needs to make choices constantly, and each choice will lead to a different ending."

"For example, you can freely choose the type of game, payment method, promotion strategy, etc ... At the same time, players will also encounter a series of unexpected events."

最终 "Ultimately, players will develop a game and see the profit and sales of this game after it goes live."

"Probably this model, if you have any questions, you can ask at any time."

No one spoke, and the expression on his face was slightly aggressive.

Pei Qian smiled with confidence.


That's right!

This is a niche theme that no one has ever done, and the content is not attractive, and there is no big scene, and the gameplay is very simple!

The game industry is so bitter and boring that it is definitely not fun to make a game.

This subject is absolutely fluttering!

Even if a wave of players is gathered as an independent game, it is difficult to become a hit.

At that time, spend more money to buy art resources, the price is set lower, and it is very simple to not recover the cost!

Of course, Pei Qian has another set of words for these people.

Lu Lu Mingliang raised his hand first.

"Pei, I understand the general process of this game. I want to ask, what is the expression of this game? Is it an independent game like text adventure?"

Word adventure games. To put it plainly, it is a game of "talking to paper people".

This type of game is simple to make and has a wide range of applications ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Just make a series of 2D scenes and original characters, and add a lot of text to easily display the entire game content.

According to Lu Mingliang's brain supplement, the form of this game is closer to the game production version of "Chinese Parents".

Of course, Lu Mingliang did not know the game of "Chinese Parents", but he had seen other text adventure games.

Pei Qian shook her head: "No."

Make a text adventure game? Of course not!

几个 How much can you spend on text adventure games? ? ?

Just a few broken paintings. Even if I find a few well-known voice actors to dub, it will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Isn't that a waste of money?

Now "Fortress on the Sea" has to earn 4 million to 500 thousand a week. As a result, only a lot of new games have been invested in this.

都不 Doesn't solve the problem at all!

Pei Qian's budget for the new game must be spent at least two million, in order to make a loss!

Otherwise, in the face of the two cash cows "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress", hundreds of thousands of losses are not the same enemy.

"We want all 3D scenes, all using the most advanced 3D modeling, whether it is characters or scenes, all use the best!"

Lu Lu Mingliang is stupid.

He can't imagine what kind of picture it would be!

I do n't know how to feel against it!

"All using 3D materials ... text adventure games?" Lu Mingliang asked tentatively.

怎么 "Why are you on a stick with a text adventure game?"

Pei Qian shook his head somewhat silently: "I don't intend to use the form of text adventure games, too old-fashioned!"

"We want to pack this game in a more abstract and postmodern way!"

Pei Qian disliked the old-fashioned text adventure game in his mouth, but he knew very well that another meaning of old-fashioned is stability!

Word adventure games are a very old but quite genre type of game that can be described as enduring.

Pei Qian has memories of previous lives. He knows that "Chinese Parents" as an independent game uses a production method similar to text adventure games, and is still a great success!

But Pei Qian did not allow this to happen.

So, he has to completely abandon the text adventure game mode!

Pei Qian cleared her throat and continued:

我 "My idea is to make a three-dimensional flow chart."

"Yes, it's a complicated structure diagram like a cobweb."

"The grid on the flowchart is one room; the lines on the flowchart are corridors."

"Players walking in the corridor is the process of choosing the branch of the flowchart; different rooms are the result of this choice!"

"There is a door to the corridor in each room, representing different options for players."

"Can you understand me?"

Everyone nodded and shook their heads in unison.

I do n't understand, I do n't understand!

As described by Pei Qian, most people can make up for the shape of this game.

The flowcharts drawn by other software are very common in games and many industries.

Is mainly used to express a certain logical relationship and program flow.

For example, a program is triggered from an initial condition, passes a series of judgments, and finally outputs a result.

外观 From the appearance, the flowchart is composed of countless squares and rhombuses with text on them, and there are many arrows connected between these squares.

Replace all the squares with three-dimensional, large and small rooms, and all the arrows with corridors, and the entire flowchart becomes a huge maze.

And the protagonist walks in this huge maze, each door represents a certain choice, and finally reaches a room at the end, which is a certain ending of the game.

What people do n't understand is, what kind of game is this?

I have never seen it!

Don't mention domestic, never heard of this game abroad!

Can I do it?

Make so many excellent 3D models, make such a large scene, and finally make a game that can only walk around?

I always feel ... something seems wrong!

However, no one will question Pei Qian.

I do n't understand?

I just do n't understand!

Can the general thought of Pei Pei be guessed by ordinary people?

I am the only two big brothers, Huang Sibo and Bao Xu, who can barely guess the design intention of President Pei. Others, the road is too far away!

Lu Lu Mingliang knows this, so he desperately records with a small book.

Fortunately, this time Mr. Pei said in detail, there is no need to guess.

As long as you strictly follow what President Pei said, you must be right!

Gao Linwan raised his hand and said, "President Pei, I think this is a fairly new design! However, players just walk in there, will it be a little boring?"


Boring is better!

This is the effect I want!

But the problem of Lin Wan made Pei Qian think of another hidden danger.

Will this be done ... or not radical enough?

If it is just boring, I am afraid that it will not have an absolute dispel effect on the player ...

What if they like the feeling of making choices and hold back the boredom, but they are reluctant to think about it?

Pei Qian frowned and fell into thought.


Pei Qian suddenly thought of a good idea: "We add narration in the game!"

"Voiceover?" Lin Wan blinked and didn't understand.

旁 Adding narration to the game is not uncommon. But that was mainly in the opening CG Riga.

If you add narration during the game, it will greatly affect the immersion.

Pei Qian smiled.

Why add voiceover?

It is to affect the immersion of players, making them unable to play!

Not only that, I also need to carry private goods in the narration, ruthlessly mock the players, make them angry, and make them yell!

Make them feel insulted, so they will give this game a bad review, not recommended, the game's word of mouth collapse, isn't it close to the cool?

Imagine that every time a player makes a choice, the system narrator will ridicule the player ...

An abusive game for players!


Slightly bony players, should all throw the mouse?

Pei Qian coughed twice and explained: "Voiceover is a way for us to interact with players."

"The players have been running around inside, it is really boring, because he is equivalent to an outsider, a bystander, it is easy to lose interest."

"We use narration to communicate with him. For example, if he chooses a wrong option, it will trigger A narration, and if he chooses the correct option, it will trigger B narration."

这样 "In this way, players will have feedback every time they make a choice, and they will not feel lonely and bored!"

Su Lin suddenly nodded, nodded fiercely.

I really deserve to be President Pei. Such a good idea can be thought of!

What is a genius designer?

This is!

Lin Lin could not help but recall his experience at the Tianhuo Studio.

In Tianhuo Studio, this kind of discussion meeting is often held to determine how to make some details of the game in a brainstorming way.

But the atmosphere is completely different!

Because Zhou Muyan always asks: "Are there any other games with similar practices?"

If the answer is yes, then Zhou Muyan will analyze whether the game's approach is successful and it will be adopted.

If the answer is no, or if the game has done this and failed, then the idea will be cut off without hesitation.

This is not alone. Most domestic game companies do this!

In order to be safe, most designers dare not try and make mistakes. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com tends to learn from previous cases.

Therefore, many games become the same, as if carved in a mold.

Suddenly, Mr. Pei's approach made Lin Wanqing unconsciously admire.

I do n't care if there is a precedent for success, be the first person to eat crabs!

格局 This pattern is almost higher than Tianhuo Studio and Zhou Muyan!

Zhe Linwan is even more convinced that Pei Qian is a genius designer and hasn't run!

As for Lu Mingliang, he can only hold a hard copy of the record.

He was just a little confused and didn't understand why Pei Qian did it.

But he knows that he has a few pounds and a few pounds, and he will never raise any objections to it. All is done according to what Pei said!

Successfully convinced everyone, Pei Qian felt comfortable.

This feeling is so good!

项目 This project is completely under your control!

"Design drafts will be issued in three days, and the whole process will be published in one week, and all art resources will be produced in two weeks. Is that okay?"

Tong Lu Mingliang nodded immediately: "Relieve President Pei, and guarantee the completion of the task!"

After I finished speaking, he added a guilty conjecture: "General Manager Pei, if you can't finish, can you apply for overtime?"

Overtime is a privilege that can only be enjoyed by outstanding employees. He is not sure if he is considered an excellent employee in the mind of President Pei.

Pei Qian thought for a while and nodded, "Yes, but it can't exceed 9 pm at most. Although you are all young, you must pay attention to your body."

"Yes!" Lu Mingliang was touched.

Where is this human care besides Tenda?

This is not a mess for President Pei, is that still human?

Pei Qian's office.

"How's it, old horse, is there a glance at the site?" Pei Qian asked while drinking tea.

"No!" Ma Yang was righteous.


Pei Qian almost sipped tea.

But he was not angry at all, but rather a little happy.

Look, I still worry about old horses!

If everyone was like an old horse, I would have converted all the system money into my own pocket!

"My main task now is to find a suitable helper." Ma Yang also drank tea and looked like a stubborn figure.

Pei Qian suddenly felt a little nervous.

He trusts Ma Yang.

But he did not trust Ma Yang's helper!

Because Ma Yang belongs to the type that can be easily fooled, in case he accidentally finds a big cow, and this big cow is particularly good at the operation of Internet cafes, Ma Yang obeys this big cow again ...

Alas, the consequences will be serious!

So, Pei Qian had to defend.

"What kind of helper are you looking for?" Pei Qian asked.

"I found a talent on the Post Bar, and I'm trying to dig him up with a lot of money!" Ma Yang said.

Hey, stick it!

Ok, Ok.

Pei Qian was relieved a lot.

Post it, it is indeed a place where crouching tigers, hidden dragons.

Especially nowadays, it's the stage where stickers are more popular. There are many fishes and dragons, and there are indeed many talented people.

However, there are also a lot of pretending to be swollen and fat.

In terms of probability, Ma Yang's chances of finding the latter should be much greater ...

"Detailed?" Pei Qian took another sip of tea calmly.

Seeing that Pei Qian was so concerned about his work progress, Ma Mayang also came forward and reported seriously.

"This one I'm looking for is a little bar owner of the graphics card bar, a big cow, and he's famous in the post bar!"

"I'm thinking, to open an Internet cafe, the most important thing is the computer, right? Buying a brand machine this time is definitely not enough. If you want to have characteristics, you have to DIY and install it!

"But I don't understand it, so I dug a big cow to help him. He knows the installation, and he knows more about computer hardware than I do. I should be OK with this decision, right?"

Pei Qian nodded fiercely: "No problem! Very good!"

I was a little worried, but when I heard that it was a great **** of cards, Pei Qian suddenly felt relieved.

Do you not hear the poem:

Enter the card with a budget of 3,000, and take the four-way Titan home.

Three thousand budgets to enter the map, open Internet cafes across the school.

Zika Bar and Tuba are the gathering place of two installers in Post Bar, but their styles are quite different.

The card bar always likes people to add money to better configurations, while the map bar always strives for cheaper, more stable configurations and lowers budget.

If Ma Yang is looking for a great **** of maps, then Pei Qian is really worried.

Why are you here?

Picture the great gods one by one can save money too!

If you really match the computer with a very low budget, and then implement a policy of small profits but quick turnover, maybe this Internet cafe can really get hot!

After all, it is now 2010. Internet cafes that take cheap routes are still very popular. Some poor students do n't have much money, and most of the games they play are not high on the computer.

Come out of this cheap Internet cafe, it is estimated that all Internet cafes are Bao Xu, who can't wait to eat and live here.

But, if it is a great **** of cards, it will be different!

At that time, all the computers in the Internet cafes will be running for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, 啧啧 啧 ...

Painting beauty doesn't look!

I'm afraid I will inevitably lose money!

Therefore, Pei Qian is very happy, and indeed Ma Yang did not live up to his expectations!

"Okay, this great **** must be dug up!"

"You remember that you have a better attitude toward others, and the asking price is higher. You want to ask such a hermit to leave the mountain, why can't you give them a monthly salary of 8,000 yuan?"

Pei Qian began to fan the flames.

Ma Mayang said a little bit awkwardly, "Brother Qian, I don't want to hide ... I only have a salary of 5,000 yuan ..."

Pei Qian gave Ma Yang a salary based on the intern's maximum salary of 4,000 / month. Later, after a general increase of 30% in the entire staff, it was only in the early 5,000.

Pei Qian smiled: "Rest assured, can I still treat you badly? When this task is successfully completed, I will raise your salary! I will also give you a dividend!"

Li Mayang overjoyed: "Oh! Rest assured, I must be so confused, and this Internet cafe is booming!"

"How many times have I said, not an Internet cafe, but a large entertainment center that integrates Internet cafes, gaming experience, hardware monopoly, movie viewing and other experiences!" Pei Qian corrected.

"Okay, I know, large entertainment Internet cafes!" Ma Yang drank the tea, "I continue to go!"

Huh, good progress.

Pei Qian is satisfied.

Now, the game side should be basically stable.

On the side of Ma Mayang, the gangster Carry wave should be stable.

I'm left with Huang Sibo.

Don't worry!

Pei Qian decided to send a message to ask, after all, Huang Sibo has not been to work recently, and he doesn't know what he is busy with.

I just need to know a little bit about his progress.

"How did you think about the Dream Fund? Do you want to invest in which field?"

After a while, Huang Sibo replied.

"The general direction has been set, President Pei! Decided to do film and television! In fact, this has always been my dream, but it is too difficult to enter the industry, so I chose the game industry. Now that I have a chance to achieve it, I choose to pursue it dream!"

Pei Qian patted her thigh with joy.

Film and TV industry?


The film and television industry can lose money quickly!

But ... one million ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ enter the film and television industry, isn't it a bit sloppy? Can it float?

Pei Qian was very skeptical.

"Do you have enough money? I can add some more investment to you, it doesn't matter."

Pei Qian caught an industry that is expected to lose a lot of money, and suddenly had a strong desire to increase investment.

In fact, Pei Qian himself had the idea of ​​entering the film and television industry to lose money, but he had not had time to practice it.

Now it's alright, with Huang Sibo opening the road, Pei Qian can save himself.

思 Huang Sibo replied quickly: "No need to use it! President Pei, you have already given a million dream funds, how can you let you pursue it again?"

"Rest assured, this time I'm not shooting a huge investment, it's just some short videos, the requirements for equipment and post-production are very low, it doesn't cost much, one million is enough!"

Short video?

Pei Qian suddenly became nervous: "Would you like to shoot a short video that just happens to be" Unexpectedly? "

思 Huang Sibo overwhelmed his head: "Unexpectedly?" What is it? "

Pei Qiang was relieved.

I'm not "Unexpectedly" just fine!

"Is there a script? Is there a director?" Pei Qian asked again.

Huang Sibo: "Not yet! But President Pei, rest assured, I'm looking for it. Once the script is available, I will show you the first time."

"it is good."

Pei Qian was relieved a lot.

Take a short video, as long as it is not "Unexpectedly," then everything is easy to say.

Now in this year's short video, one is that it is difficult to get the heat, and the other is that it is not easy to realize even with the heat, and it is mostly to lose the money.

It seems that Huang Sibo's side is also OK!