100 - 114

After listening to Bao Xu's words, Lu Mingliang was excited and heavy.

I am excited because he feels that he is participating in a great cause and is making a great game with historical significance that can leave a strong mark in the development history of the domestic game industry!

Heavier and heavier because it is more worried about the future of this game.

Can such a game that is not kitsch and flattering to players achieve commercial success?

If you are not careful, you may face a double failure of business and word of mouth. It is too risky to try!

"I didn't expect to make such a life-and-death decision when President Pei talked and laughed!"

"If this game loses, it will be millions of hits, and it will be infamous!"

"If it were me, I might worry that I couldn't sleep well, right?"

"But Mr. Pei is calm and business as usual, and he is really the one who does big things!"

Lu Lu Mingliang was very reverent and was ready to return to the station to continue testing the game.

"By the way, how is this game going to be promoted?" Bao Xu suddenly thought of this problem.

I'm not worried that "Game Producer" is cold, but mainly curious!

What creative way will Pei use to promote his game this time?

I really look forward to it!

Lu Lu Mingliang froze for a moment: "Uh ... this, I haven't asked yet, I'll ask."

Uh ...

Uh ...

Pei Qian's office.

Lu Lu Mingliang secretly observed the expression of President Pei.

I really didn't look nervous!

Is the life and death set aside?

Or is he confident and confident?

Either one is admirable!

Pei Qian is thinking.

Lu Lu Mingliang asked for instructions on how "Game Producer" should be promoted.

Originally, Pei Qian didn't think too much, and thought it was better not to promote it.

But now I think about it carefully, but I think this idea is very wrong!

We must look at the problem from the perspective of development.

制作 Before the two games "Lonely Desert Highway" and "Ghost General" were produced, Tenda was still a little-known company. If you want to lose money, it is a good way to not advertise.

But now it's different!

There are two games known as "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress". Even if Pei Qian does not actively promote "Game Producer", players will definitely find it.

不可能 It cannot be hidden!

That's the case ...

Why don't you just publicize it?

Can spend more money!

But how to publicize it, we need to think about it.

What if the game is heated up in accordance with the conventional publicity method?

Therefore, the best choice should be to spend money without any publicity effect.

Even played a negative publicity effect, that's the best.

Currently, there are only so few publicity methods available.

Buy recommendations, buy ads, find endorsements ...

With these things, Pei Qian will definitely not do it.

几种 These possibilities of making money are too high!

These are all very traditional publicity methods. Although the conversion rate is high or low, it is very easy to catch people 's attention given the extremely distinctive art style of Game Producer.

It 's like a lot of cheating, buying a webpage psoriasis ad, with completely stolen video materials, such as "I 'm constantly bathing, where is the greasy sister" ...

或者 Or please endorsement, spend a lot of money to find the star embarrassing line "I am a **** dregs, my brother will come to chop me". Although the money spent is much, this kind of sand sculpture advertising has a wide influence.

Is n't it just raising a cricket? It's just a simple picture, simple cutout, and poor splicing. As long as the website's traffic is large enough, it can also divert a large number of players!

In case this sand sculpture advertisement explodes, Pei Qian cries nowhere to cry.

I can't take this risk.

Therefore, Pei Qian does not intend to adopt a similar method, and the possibility of making money is too high.

He considered for a moment, and said, "Let's go to the video website and ask the video author to promote it."

"Video author?"

Lu Lu Mingliang froze for a moment.

He didn't expect this layer.

Mainly, compared to other promotion methods, the video author's promotion is basically the lowest priced and the least effective promotion, which is not like the grade that Pei always considers.

Now it is 2010. Many little-known video authors, such as Qiao Liang, are still hungry and full.

For example, Huang Peibo 's "Everyday of Pei" has a total of millions of views. However, the only ones that can be received are just junk advertisements, and "high-end customized videos" are not even popular.

I ca n't say that everyone does n't know the goods. The key is that the current video advertising effect is indeed not achieved.

If you have money, you can buy ads directly on video websites to get accurate delivery.

The player clicks on a game video and broadcasts an advertisement at the beginning. Maybe a lot of people click in to watch it. Isn't this much better than finding the author of the video?

Therefore, Lu Mingliang did not respond for a while.

However, he immediately realized: "I see! Director Pei, you mean to ask Director Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaoce to customize a special promotional video for our game, and use the" People's Daily "popularity to promote" Game Producer ", ?"

Pei Qian: "???"

什么 When did I say I want to find Huang Sibo and Zhu Xiaoce!

Don't misunderstand me!

I would never ask Zhu Xiaoce to customize videos ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Absolutely not!

Because it's so cost-effective.

Feihuang Studio is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Tengda. If Pei Qian gave them 100,000 to customize an advertising video for "Game Producer", the 100,000 yuan would become the profit of Feihuang Studio. Part of the funds still have to return to Tenda!

Turn left pocket to right pocket, which is equivalent to a super discount price. How can it work?

Moreover, Zhu Xiaoce is a ghost director, and the themes of "Game Producer" and "General Pei's Daily Life" are so close together. In case of an explosion, wouldn't it be a dead body?

By that time, "Pei's Everyday" is also hot, and "Game Producer" is also hot. Pei Qian had to vomit blood on the spot!

Thought of this, Pei Qian shook his head.

"Don't look for them from Huang Sibo. Now the short period of" Pei Zong's Daily "is still accumulating a critical period of word of mouth. You can't let the advertisement of the game affect their word of mouth and disrupt their plans because of shortsightedness."

"Yes." Lu Mingliang nodded, secretly he still lacked overall vision.

Zhe Pei is right. At present, the most important thing for Feihuang Studio is to accumulate popularity.

Especially the two companies are too close to avoid suspicion.

那 "Well ... why should I contact the more famous video authors on the market with more fans?" Lu Mingliang asked.

Pei Qian thought about it.

这样 "Let's do it tomorrow, I will give you a list, a draft and a quotation, you all follow this."

Pu Lu Mingliang nodded: "Good President Pei."

Hey, Sure enough, President Pei still didn't believe in my ability, and did everything myself. I still have to work hard!

Qi Lu Mingliang could not help but feel a little ashamed.

the next day.

Pei Qian sent a document to Lu Mingliang.

"Do this."

Pei Qian was assured of Lu Mingliang's obedience.

Since the development of "Game Producer", Lu Mingliang has been faithfully implementing Pei Qian's requirements, and even Pei Qian asked him to do the dubbing.

Pei Qian is very satisfied with this characteristic of Lu Mingliang.

Staff who don't mess around are good employees!

Pu Luliang opened the document sent by Pei Qian, which mainly covered three parts.

Respectively: find out which video authors are promoting, the manuscripts during the promotion, and the cost of the promotion.

I can say that it is quite detailed.

Lu Lu Mingliang browsed from beginning to end.

"It's over, why can't I completely understand President Pei's intentions!"

Lu Lu Mingliang was a little flustered. Before, he could even speculate a little about Pei's intentions, but now, he doesn't understand!

句话 Every sentence in this manuscript is very clear. After being put together, why is it so difficult to understand?

First of all, which video authors to look for?

Lu Luliang glanced at a wide range of video authors from various fields, even the video authors in the beauty area!

But, the authors of these videos are all the kind who are not stubborn and unreliable, very famous, none of them!

的 The most famous video author in this and the game is "Qiao Lao Wet" Qiao Liang, which was the one that previously spit "Lonely Desert Highway".

But President Pei specifically noted that this video cannot be posted in "Trash Games", but in "Recommended for New Tour of the Month".

On the surface, this is a reasonable request.

Because "Trash Games" is full of junk games, using this series of videos to advertise may be counterproductive.

So Qiao Liang deliberately opened a column called "Recommended for New Tour of the Month" to make dinner.

However, if you actually look at the popularity of these two series of videos, you will find the problem.

推荐 "Recommended for New Tour of the Month", a series of videos dedicated to catering, is even less than one tenth of the "Trash Game"!

The heat is so bad. What effect can it have even if I advertise?

Other video authors are even more outrageous. Living area, beauty area, technology area ... These messy video authors, even if they try their best to advertise, can bring much realism to the game "Game Producer" Player?

Advertising, pay attention to a conversion rate.

的 Most of the viewers who watch the video in the game area are players. When they see a good game introduction, they may search and play it. One hundred times a person plays the game, which is not bad;

But the audiences in other areas, such as the makeup area, may be a group of girls who love makeup. Even if they think the game is good, they will not search for it, even if it is played a million times. Only one of the last 10,000 people went to play the game, which was very rigid.

So, looking at a messy video author on the list, Lu Mingliang is tired.

But more tired, still behind.

Second, how to promote.

Generally speaking, these video writers have a distinct personal style when creating videos.

For example, some like to spit, some like playing stalks, and some are good at adding plots, special effects, and so on.

So when Chahan videos come to you, they generally fully respect the creative wishes of the video authors, and only provide the required materials and content to allow the video authors to play freely.

Of course, as Party B, the video writer will inevitably want to break his head and meet the requirements of Party A.

不管 But anyway, anyway, we have to respect the creative autonomy of the video author. This is a win-win situation.

The document that Mr. Pei always gave me was a general video commentary.

Whether it is the game area, beauty area, technology area, digital area ... All video authors must make videos according to the same commentary!

He is just that, that's it.

Yun Jian 's commentary was so painful that Lu Mingliang had pain in his head. He had never seen such a mix of Chinese and English, which required a tone and even oral skills ...

For example:

"Wow, this is my exclusive moment, right?"

"It's really cool!"

"Sizzling hissing ..."


"What a beautiful start screen! This start screen alone, I think it's worth ... three thousand yuan?"

OK "OK, I try to treat this as a normal running action, don't overly glorify ... don't hold it too high."

"Wow even × 14 (said continuously)"

And so on.

After reading this commentary, Lu Mingliang fell into deep self-doubt.

My IQ ... Is the regression so serious?

怎么 This video commentary, you see, is the ultimate insult to the video producers, right? ?

This mixed Chinese and English way of speaking is already underplayed. What is more exaggerated is that there are even requirements for onomatopoeia, and even the 14 "digging" are required. ? ?

Is this because the video author is not fast enough?

Finally is the quote.

There are different quotes depending on the number of fans, but overall these quotes are very, very generous!

Even, Pei Qian prepared an extra sum of money, which was used to increase the price!

Obviously, Pei Qian also expected that some video authors would reject this request for higher meals than the general offer for various reasons (mainly dignity or face).

It doesn't matter if you refuse, I will give you money!

Of course, adding money is not unlimited, and it can add up to twice the original quote.

At this price point, I am afraid it is difficult for these video authors to refuse, because Pei Qian is looking for some less popular video authors. These people have difficulty eating and relatively less care about feathers.

But for Tenda, it seems like a kind of double loss?

作者 The video author must have been scolded by fans as a dog, and when she lost her fanfare, she lost her reputation; Tengda spent a lot of money and didn't have the recommended effect, and lost money ...

后果 This consequence, despair, think about it.


"Mr. Pei must be doing this with deep meaning."

"Don't understand and don't make your own claim, just implement it honestly."

Lu Luliang had to go to the major video sites and contact the video authors on Pei Qian's list one by one.

Uh ...

Uh ...

In a rental house in Pudu.

Qiaoliang's expression is weak ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ He is eating a bowl of instant noodles.

Ravioli is a bowl, not a bucket.

Because you can't afford the instant noodles in barrels, you can only buy them in bags.

Business has been sluggish recently!

It's not that he doesn't want to work hard, the key is that there are no good game materials recently, no fun games, and no outstanding sand sculpture games!

In short, neither heat nor heat can be created.

And there aren't any commercials coming to the door recently, which has caused Qiao Liang's life to be stuck.

Even Qiao Liang plans to change his career.

Look at what's going on in "Pei's Everyday"!

Qiao Qiaoliang was envious of the separation of the walls. With so many playbacks, Chanfan ads must be softened, right?

As Qiao Liang ate instant noodles, he brushed the web bored.

Suddenly, he found someone sending a private message in the background of Fanshu.com.

"Hello, Qiao Laoshi, I'm Lu Mingliang, the chief executive of Tenda Games, and I want to talk to you about business cooperation. I wonder if it is convenient?"

Wu Qiaoliang didn't look carefully at the content in front of him, and stared at the words "business cooperation" at a glance.

is it convenient?

Of course it is convenient, too convenient!

I'm starving, just wait for your meal!

Qiao Liang is now in a state of starvation. As soon as he heard that there is a meal, he was instantly energized.

Sent contact information to each other, speed of light plus friends.

"I don't know how much the other party will give."

"How appropriate is my offer? 1500? Will it be a bit high ..."

Qi Qiaoliang fell into hostility.

I didn't expect this buddy named Lu Mingliang to speak first.

"Joe is wet, 3,000 yuan per video, okay?"

Bian Qiaoliang looked at the steaming instant noodles in his hands and looked at the numbers on the chat log: one 3 and three 0.

"Three thousand ?!"

"Our landlord company?"

Qi Qiaoliang was stunned, because his usual video quote may be about one thousand yuan.

I occasionally have 1,500 or 2,000, but the kind often requires a lot and is not often encountered.

Did Jin Jin dad say 3,000 yuan this time? ? ?

After finishing this order, I can touch the fish for at least half a month!

Qi Qiaoliang was not sleepy at the time: "No problem! What kind of video do you say?"

Save money, everything is easy to say.

Lu Mingliang sent a document containing video commentary written by Pei Qian.

"Mr. Qiao, this is a video commentary. The requirement is to explain and prepare the material exactly according to this commentary. It is better to show your face and not to show it. The commentary cannot be changed. This is a prerequisite and the others are not limited. I will send you some screencasts from the game. "

Qi Qiaoliang accepted the document.

After reading, there is only one feeling.

Are you teasing me or are you messing with me? ?

Is this line that feels ashamed at a glance, let me read it out in the video?

And it's best to show up? ? ?

Isn't that ruining my reputation?

I said good luck, you want to hit me!

Qiao Liang immediately replied: "You can't connect it, please be smart. I'm just a video author with no money, but I also have dignity!"

The other side was silent for a moment.

"What about four thousand?"

Danima ...

Qi Qiaoliang felt very worried.

Look to what extent the local tyrants are. The price of the increase is the same as that of the general company ...

But this money is not easy to earn.

能让 "May I play your game?" Qiao Liang asked.

Lu Lu Mingliang: "Sorry, the game is still being tested and cannot be released for the time being. However, we can provide a lot of video materials, which is enough for you to cut videos."

Qiao Liang was a little speechless.

Video material, commentary, and the father of gold are all ready.

Looks like a very easy job. You don't have to think about copywriting, and don't need to make too many video effects. Just hold your nose to read the manuscript, and then match it with the game video and send it. You can earn 4,000 yuan.

Everywhere is fine, the only problem is the consequences of this video.

I'm afraid it's not as simple as being called "just bad money".

This is "just **** money" right!

Qi Qiaoliang has not considered how to reply, the other party has sent a lot of video materials.

Are all video materials in the game "Game Producer", without narration.

Mainly because the video itself needs the dubbing of the video author, the two audio tracks cannot always go together, so Pei Qian asked Lu Mingliang to remove the narration video material.

Qiao Liang opened the first video and was running.

The second video is still running.

The third and fourth paragraphs ...

It's all running!

It's just that the details of the room are not the same, and different doors are entered. What does it mean? Qiao Liang can't understand it.

The graphics of the game are beautiful, exquisite, and distinctive in style.

In short, it looks like a beautifully packaged Xiang.

Bian Qiaoliang thought about it, and replied, "Well, ask, can I post this video in the" Trash Game "?"

The temptation of 24 thousand yuan is still great, so big that Qiao Liang can give up his persistence to a certain extent.

Of course, feeding the audience with **** blatantly is self-defeating, and certainly not.

But if it is posted in the column of "Trash Game", there is still room for turning around.

Although the video has to read the commentary of Gold Master 's father throughout the video, it ca n't be as sharp as usual, but as long as it is posted in the "Trash Game" section, viewers will think this is ironic, this is the effect of the show.

This way you won't be scolded!

And also made money, kill two birds with one stone, how good.

Pu Luliang quickly replied: "Sorry, no."

反应 This response was expected by Qiao Liang, because many gold owners do n't understand the inside story, and do n't want to let their own games be seen when they see the name "Trash Games". After all, who wants to admit that their games are garbage games?

实际上 But in fact, in Qiao Liang's opinion, the "trash game" is the foundation of his standing, and the "new tour recommendation this month" is just an instrumental person.

量 The playback volume of "Trash Game Trash" is ten times higher than "Recommended for New Tour of the Month". Many gold owners just reject the name "Trash Game Trash", but they don't know how much influence this series has.

So, Qiao Liang needs an example to persuade Jinzhu's father.

"I understand your concerns, but rest assured that the influence of the" Trash Game "section is definitely more than ten times higher than the" New Tour Recommendation of the Month "! It will definitely be good for your game."

"You may not believe it, so let me give you an example."

"A few months ago, I accidentally spit a domestically produced independent game called" The Lonely Desert Highway. "After the spit, the original unattended game suddenly exploded. In two weeks, the sales reached 20 How many! "

对 "Well, what's that company's name ... wait a moment, I'll look it up."

做 了 He made so many episodes of grotesque videos. It 's impossible for a small company like this to do indie games to remember all its names.

Qiao Liang opened the official platform search and quickly found the game.

Look at the producer again: Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd.


Qi Qiaoliang felt like something was wrong.

What's the name of the father of the golden master this time?

Click through the chat history.

Is n't that Tengda? !!

Wu Qiaoliang looked at the company's other games, as well as "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress".

Qi Qiaoliang was stupid.

当然 Of course he has heard of "Ghost General" and "Sea Fortress", UU Reading www. uukanshu.com, but his usual focus is mainly on stand-alone games, so he did not study these two games, and did not care which company made them.

I found it now, it was all Tengda!

小 The small company that was only able to do indie games a few months ago has transformed into a gold master dad!

This, this script is not right!

Qiaoliang hurriedly wanted to withdraw the chat message, but found out that time had passed and could not be withdrawn.

Wu Qiaoliang: "..."

Awkward, embarrassing in capitals!

Save it quickly.

Wu Qiaoliang also said, "Yes, that's the work of your company! I did not expect that you and my company have a precedent for successful cooperation!"

既然 "In this case, your company should be very aware of the influence of the" Tucao "section. The video posted in this section must have a good promotion effect!"

Soon, Lu Mingliang replied.

原来 "It turns out that you and our Pei have worked together? That's great!"

"Wait a minute, I'll ask General Pei's opinion."

Mr. Pei?

Sounds like the owner of Tenda Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Can't hesitate ... Is he the producer of "Lonely Desert Highway"?

Hmm ... very likely!

A few months ago, Tenda was still a little-known company. "Lonely Desert Highway" was their first game. Even if the producer of this game is not the boss, it must be an important partner ...

Most probably this Pei hasn't run away!

So here comes the problem.

Mr. Pei ... Don't you avenge it?

After all, I uttered his game fiercely at the time!

Qiao Liang panicked for a moment.

At that time, Qiao Liang spit out "The Lonely Desert Highway". I didn't really want to promote it to Tengda. I just made a video of it, mainly to make myself hot.

Although the result is a win-win situation, the game has become popular, and Qiao Liang has also gained popularity, but after all, this program is a grotesque show, groans so hard. Can the producer of this game remember to hate himself?

I can only expect him to be magnanimous ...

Soon, Lu Mingliang replied.

"Pei is very happy, but he said that this video must be posted in the" Recommended New Tour of the Month "section, and the video commentary cannot be changed. Moreover, the audience must not feel that it is ironic, and that the acting must be in place. That kind of. "

Qi Qiaoliang was stupid.

After dying, President Pei really avenged himself!

He just wants to see me ugly!

虽然 Although "Recommended for New Tour of the Month" is a column dedicated to the right meal, the audience knows it well, but licking a game without such a bottom line will definitely be scolded!

Also, because this section is a just one, the audience will not feel that it is ironic or ironic.

In addition, President Pei requires acting skills to be in place, from the heart ...

It is foreseeable that in the eyes of viewers, this video must have lowered the lower limit of bad money, and it was Qiao Laoshi who abandoned his personality!

Mr. Pei, is this intentional?

Revenge, this is the unabashed act of revenge!

I wo n't pick up this job, and I wo n't pick up any money!

Qiaoliang immediately typed and replied: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lu, this requirement is really too high, I may not be able to do it, please be smart."

Lu Lu Mingliang: "Six thousand, Teacher Joe!"

Wu Qiaoliang: "..."

You're not over, are you?

You are constantly trying to increase my price to test my psychological bottom line, do you want to humiliate me?

This is not a question of money or money, although the price of six thousand is really attractive ...

Qi Qiaoliang's heart was crying.

What a big sum of money! !!

Twenty-six thousand provinces spend some flowers, chic enough for two months.

不用 No need to work for two months, just play, what a huge temptation ...

I was struggling with my heart.

Hey, sure enough, I still can't get over this barrier and can't pull this face down.

Qi Qiaoliang considered for a long time and started typing.

"It's not a question of money,"

I just typed halfway and there was new information over there.

"Mr. Qiao, I just asked President Pei again and said that it can add 10,000 to you! This should be the final offer. I know that you are a video writer who loves feathers very much. If you really do n't want to accept it, we will also Will not be forced. "

Qi Qiaoliang shook his hand and accidentally pressed the Enter key.

"It's not a question of money,"

Two sentences were issued one after the other.

I looked like Qiao Liang flatly refused.

Lu Lu Mingliang: "Well, I wish you good work and I will not disturb you."

Qiaoliang panicked for a while, lying down, I didn't mean that! Don't go!

He hurriedly tapped on the keyboard quickly, and the hand speed of a single person for more than 20 years at this time broke to the extreme.

"It's not a question of money,"

"Pei is always my old friend, I will definitely help with this busy work!"

The message was sent.

Qi Qiaoliang breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, Lu Mingliang didn't explode at hand speed and pulled himself out.

Lu Lu Mingliang: "Really? Great, then I will send you more video material."

Xi Qiaoliang received these new video materials. In such a short period of time, his mood changed from anger, to worry, to fright, and to hilarity ...

In short, it is as if the heart is at rest.

Will Fufa's "Recommended New Tour This Month" Spoil the Word of Mouth?

Well, it 's just the right meal!

The audience masters will definitely understand, well, that's it!

Uh ...

Uh ...

"Joe is getting wet?"

"Yes, Not Bad."

In Qiang's office, Pei Qian nodded with satisfaction while listening to Lu Mingliang's report.

Let you **** me!

Without your words, I lost 50,000 yuan, maybe the whole script is different!

I have to let Qiao Laoshi be the first to post a video and see how he can use it freely.

Of course, Pei Qian is not all for revenge, and part of the reason is that he is afraid to repeat the mistakes of "The Lonely Desert Highway".

According to Qiao Laoshi, it was posted in "Trash Game Trash", and in case of being fired because of being spit, Pei Qianning would be killed by one head.

So, the "new recommendation of this month" with the lowest traffic volume and few people see it, and write "I'm in the right place" directly on the face, absolutely no problem!

As soon as I thought of such a simple happiness, it was easily achieved with only 10,000 yuan of system funds, and Pei Qian couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, in front of Lu Mingliang, he still had to hold back some people, and he could not collapse.

"What about the other UP masters?" Pei Qian asked.

Pu Lu Mingliang answered truthfully: "Some of them have resolutely refused to pick up, but there are also many people who have picked up, probably more than half."

"When I saw this manuscript, most people rejected it, but I heard that other video authors also have to say this commentary. I am not the only one or the first person to post the video. One month later You can delete the video and add money to them, and many people agree. "

Pei Qian is very satisfied with this.

Sure enough, no matter how shameful the manuscript is, as long as the money is given, someone will still read it.

And for other video authors, this matter is not so serious, at most it just left a little dark history.

If all N UP masters have already posted it, they are nothing more than dubbing the word again, no big deal.

I was the first author of the video to be more difficult to answer, because at the beginning the audience was not sure about the truth, was fed shit, and the firepower must be concentrated on him.

Pei Qian intends to let Qiao Laoshi be the first place ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ as to why ...

Hehe, Pei is always a careful man, can't he?

Uh ...

Uh ...

Rental house.

Qi Qiaoliang almost pinched his nose before he could finish watching the video he had recorded.

"What the **** did I do ..."

Qi Qiaoliang's mood is very complicated now.

On the one hand, making a video can account for 10,000 yuan, and money corrupts his will.

On the other hand, it feels sore.

Because eating **** is much harder than expected ...

It stands to reason that there is not much work in this job, it is nothing more than reading the commentary, and then cutting out the video sent by the other party, and it is done in a day or two.

But Qiao Liang tossed for five days, until the deadline, barely feel the same.

Qiu Guang made a "sizzling" licking tongue as required, and Qiao Liang had to practice it seven or eight times before he had no obvious sense of disobedience.

All time is spent here!

Tomorrow is April 1st, April Fool's Day.

According to the original plan, Tengda's new game will be released on this day, and Qiao Liang will also send his video to this day.

Gong Qiaoliang was grateful. It seems that Pei has a little conscience!

Burst on April Fool's Day, it can make many viewers think this video is an April Fool's Day joke, and let Qiao Liang suffer a little scolding.

I can't ...

I 'm also because today is April Fool 's Day, should there be more viewers of this video?

"Forget it, forget it."

"Take money to do business, no big deal, once the video is posted, no longer log in, when the turtle is pretending to be dead."

"Ten thousand dollars in hand, I will play games every day, the world evaporates, wait for the limelight to pass!"

号 April 1st, April Fool's Day.

游戏 "Game Producer" is officially on sale, priced at 28 yuan!

Now that Tengda has a good reputation, this time I specifically found some video UP propaganda. This game wants to sneak on the line without being noticed by players, it has become impossible.

For pricing, Pei Qian also struggled for a long time.

Luding is low, "Ghost General" is a lesson learned.

Lu Ding is high, "Sea Fortress" is another lesson learned.

This can be tidy!

It's a dilemma.

Pei Qian considered it a bit, but it is better to set the price lower.

Because of the game "Game Producer" is characterized by: players can "cloud pass"!

As long as the video authors record the entire process of this game, cloud players can fully experience it directly on the video website, and the impulse to buy will not be strong.

In other words, the main group buying this game should be some **** players.

For example, many video UP hosts, anchors, players who are particularly keen on domestic stand-alone games, and so on.

批 This group of people will not be so sensitive to the price of the game, whether a game is priced at 30 or 90, the difference will not be great, as long as they want to play, they will definitely buy.

For cloud players who are used to Baiji, the price will not be lower than Baiji.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the price is 28 yuan, which is already the lowest price allowed by the system.

In the case where the target player group is relatively fixed, the lower the price, the less you will naturally earn!

定价 This pricing has caused some people in the company to worry that they will not be able to recover the cost, but Pei Qianli rejected the price and decided the price.

Pei Qian hopes that the key words of this game are: huge investment, cool scenes, extreme heat, and dismal sales!

So far, the main input of the game "Game Producer" has been in the arts, which has probably dropped more than 2 million, and the other inputs add up to about 3 million.

Ruan Guangjian did give discounts, but he was only responsible for the game's original painting concept design. The specific original paintings, scenes, models, etc. also cost extra money.

Considering other miscellaneous inputs, this game has to sell about 300,000 copies to make money!

裴 Pei Qian still has a little confidence in the goal of not selling 300,000 copies.

那么 There are so few people in the player who are shaking M. This is acceptable. There can be no 300,000 shaking M? ?

Uh ...

At the same time the game was released, Qiao Liang also updated the video.

After the update is completed, Qiao Liang directly shuts down the background of Fanshu.com, the chat messages of the fan group are not disturbed, and the mobile phone is turned to the mute state.

Autism mode, all in one go!

Then send the video address to Lu Mingliang as soon as possible.

It didn't take long for me to make a payment there.

Qiao Liang took a breath after saving money.


Enter the state of ostrich directly. Whichever way behind the flood, anyway, money is in hand, let's play for two months before talking!

No matter how badly scolded, two months later, the limelight passed, when nothing happened, Qiao Laoshi is a good man.

Uh ...

不久 Shortly after Qiao Liang posted the video, his fans received a push.

In just ten minutes, the mood of the fans fluctuated greatly, and they were hurt by tons!

I saw Joe Qiao updated the video, the first reaction was happy.

I took a closer look and found that it was "Recommended for New Tour of the Month", and the enthusiasm was instantly cooled by half, because they knew that this was the regular meal, and the video was not very interesting.

Some fans were idle and clicked in.

Then, their three views broke into dregs!

影像 All the images in the video are the pictures of a certain game. The pictures are quite exquisite and there is nothing to be faulty.

The key is that the content of dubbing can only be described in four words, which is unbearable!

"Dear dad, everyone, I am still a game you are familiar with, called Father Qiao Lao Wet."

"Before starting this episode, my fathers first allow me to calm down my excitement, hiss ..."

"You see this game now, do you see its maker? Tenda!"

"A new game developed by Tenda Games, now I am going to show you the picture of this game ..."

"Sorry everyone I'm a bit incoherent ... wow, ladysandgentlemen, everyfirsttime ..."

"I haven't felt this way for many years, so looking forward to a game, at 3:11 am, the research and development team of Tenda sent me the video of this game online."

"It's called" Game Producer ", G ~ A ~ M ~ E, game, gamedesigner!"


Uh ...

Many old fans of Qiao Qiao are stupid, and their mouths are almost in the form of an O-shape, after watching the entire video.

The video is not long, it is more than ten minutes.

But the style of this video is incompatible with Qiao Laoshi's previous video, and it is completely different from the same person!

The previous "Recommended for New Tour of the Month", although it was also just a video, Qiao Laoshi was still doing his best.

做出 Make a corresponding introduction plan for the characteristics of each game;

Spoken and fluent in the video;

Although it 's for the right meal, it 's easy to avoid the weight and light, the advantages of light and the shortcomings, but the video is still full and interesting.

What the **** is this video?

Somehow mixed Chinese and English, and added a lot of offensive tone.

I patronized and licked this game, and I didn't mention any shortcomings, and I was talking about soup, as if I couldn't find any advantages to force it so hard.

The most important thing is that this video has been watched all the way, there is no dry goods at all, it is irrigation, it is a pure waste of time!

Has no meaning other than making people feel physically sick.

Many fans have not seen this cruel fact after watching the whole video.

"Joe is wet, if you are kidnapped, blink your eyes! Oh, you haven't shown your face, that's all right."

"What's this, even if it's just dinner, can it be ugly like this?"

"Get off to get off!"

"Do not lick a dog!"

"You should n't come in when you see" Recommended for New Tour This Month "..."

"What do you mean, is this April Fool's Day joke? Um ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Today is April 1, it must be so!"

"I can't tell from the tone whether this is phishing or serious ..."

"When it is impossible to distinguish whether it is crosstalk or mental retardation, it will always be handled as mental retardation!"

"I counted it. For more than ten minutes of video, you said more than thirty' wow puppets '. I 'm really free. You are really licking!"

"Wow, awesome, this is my exclusive moment!"

"It's hard to imagine how much money Qiao Laoshi got after reading countless games before he made such a good dinner video ..."

"I doubt it, can I really receive the money at such a meal? Doesn't such a lick really cause resentment from Jinzhu's father?"

关键 "The key ... This advertisement is for Tengda! From" The Lonely Desert Highway "to the current" Game Producer "... I'm stupid, what happened between Tengda and Qiao Laoshi ..."

"The UP master of the Tucao game was knocked down by evil game companies with money? I can't help but want brain filling!"

"It seems that Tenda has indeed released a new game today, called" Game Producer ", and the probability of Joe Lao Shicha is already as high as 99.99%!"

"It's a game of Tenda? Is it the company of" Ghost General "and" Sea Fortress "? Is this ... their propaganda strategy is so low, or is it that Qiao Laoshi took the initiative to lick it?"

"After watching this video, I was determined not to touch this junk game, but found that it is indeed a game of Tenda, and I want to play a bit, what should I do?"

别 "Don't go! You know you have to eat shit, how can't you think of it!"

"I'm just the opposite, I want to see what kind of game it is that can make my son lick like this!"

The old wet fans of Qiao Qiao are all fryers, they ca n't accept this video!

But there is no way to not accept it, and we can't find Qiao Old Wet.

In the fan group, @ 不出, private chats do not reply, some of the management of Qiao Laoshi mobile phone number tried to call, but found that it did not work at all.

Obviously, this is intended to be a turtle.

Fans go from aggressive to angry, from angry to disappointed, from disappointed to calm, and then from calm to eating melon ...

Wu Qiao's old wet magical rewards added a lot of festive atmosphere to the day of April 1.

But everyone quickly realized that this is not over yet!

On major video sites, many video authors have begun to publish promotional videos for Game Producer!

And these videos are quite evil, they have differences, but the differences are limited to the title of the video, the editing method of the art resources and the voice of the video author.

The texts of all videos are completely the same, they are mixed Chinese and English, even the "sizzling" voice!

The fans collapsed collectively.

What the **** is this!

Although they are some influential video authors, these authors have almost covered various areas such as games, ghosts, life, digital, technology, etc., and their coverage is particularly wide.

And their titles are different, they will click in accidentally!

The players clicked into it to see the familiar picture, and they suddenly "sucked" in their hearts, and the secret channel was not good.

Sure enough, after talking about his iconic opening remarks, the next step was a blatantly accurate meal!

"It's called" Game Producer ", G ~ A ~ M ~ E, game, gamedesigner!"


看了 After watching two or three videos in a row, many people find that they have been brainwashed, and their brains are "wow, awesome, hissing ..."

And the authors of these videos, without exception, chose to disappear and pretend to be dead.

Nonsense, as soon as this video is released, I can predict that I will be scolded by dog ​​blood, who dares to stand up now to bear the anger of fans?

I can only let them scold in the comment area, and when the limelight passes, nothing happens.

Sure enough, just as Pei Qian expected, these just-cooked videos were scolded!

All of these banquet videos have very low playback volume, and the comment area is simply unsightly. Many people click into it to see the tragic situation in the comment area, and they will not click on the video to watch it!

Uh ...

In the office.

Pei Qian brushed up these banquet videos and checked the playback volume and feedback from the audience.

Uh-huh, perfectly achieved his goal!

Spent a lot of money with video authors, and the advertising videos made by them were wildly cast aside by the audience, and the playback volume was not up, and basically had no effect.


It's a good idea to limit everyone's commentary content!

Pei Qian knows that the authors of these videos are very talented. What if they let them play freely and then come up with a tragedy like "The Lonely Desert Highway"?

Therefore, simply everyone uses the same manuscript, it will definitely not give the players any favor!

Pei Qian is very satisfied, the plan is half done!

The next thing is to see if the game can be upset!

Uh ...

Rental house.

Li Qiaoliang was lying on the bed, looking at dozens of missed calls on the mobile phone, feeling a bit ruthless.

Hey, it's really hard to make money with black heart!

He didn't dare to open the fan base, and he wanted to know what the state was there with his feet.

The more I think about it, the more I lose, and the more I think about it, the more I get angry.

what! I regret it!

Now think about it, ten thousand yuan is really thick enough to blind his eyes.

I originally thought that just 10,000 yuan would make me feel happy, but Qiao Liang was lying on the bed for a long time, always feeling unpleasant.

The game is also boring, and the instant noodles are not fragrant.

Isn't it ... this is the feeling of uneasy conscience after the bad money?

After thinking about it for a long time, Qiao Liang sat up from the bed, turned on the computer, and downloaded Game Producer.

不 "No, I must be dead today!"

"My Qiao Wet I's reputation is ruined, but at least I have to figure out what the killer is?"

Paid 28 pieces of "Game Producer".

Although I have accepted the art materials of Game Producer very early, Tenda has never sent a demo of this game.

This is because Pei Qian doesn't want to give.

He has already written the video lines. As long as the picture is matched, he can make a crude video. Why give a demo again?

I gave it to the demo, in case the video author played it by himself, and dilute the video's sense of food through excellent editing skills, wouldn't it be embarrassing!

So, Qiao Laoshi is not sure what kind of game this is.

With a "dead understand" mood, Qiao Laoshi entered the game and began to experience it.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Probably because I entered the game for the first time, so I did not enter the option interface, but entered the game directly after the black screen.

Somewhat unexpectedly, before the game screen appeared, the voice of narration first sounded.

"This is a story about game making."

"You are a fledgling game producer with a great vision to save the domestic game industry."

"Your job is very simple. Shoot your brain to come up with an idea and make a game. Passers-by are astonished, peers are envious, the media touts, sales are exploding, and you make money to continue to develop the next game. This cycle."

直到 "Until you become a star producer, you can chase stars with public funds, get the best game of the year, get on the cover of Time Magazine, and let the company reach a trillion market value and reach the peak of life."

"Well, please wipe the drool in the corner of your mouth."

"It's all too far away."

现在 "Now, you have only one goal, which is to make a successful game, to be able to survive ... in this cruel market."

With this narration, the picture of the game is also changing.

The game's picture is a first-person perspective. With the narration, this perspective also starts to move forward in a corridor-like space.

Speaking of "passers by surprise, peer envy, touted by the media, sales explosion", enthusiastic fans appeared on both sides of the corridor, other designers at the awards ceremony envying envy, countless people holding their cameras and flashing lights Reporters, game news, and more.

场景 These scenes are a bit like silhouettes, or a three-dimensional book that spreads from page to page, with constant narration.

I walked in this corridor-like space, with a sense of immersion.

Sometimes it seems to be surrounded by enthusiastic players, and sometimes it is like crazy capture by reporters.

But Qiao Liang always feels that he is in a plausible state, and has not completely substituted into this game ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Qiao Liang feels a bit surprised.

The video materials he received before are all without narration, and the video is not under the control of the player, it seems very confused, I don't know what he is doing.

But after personal experience, it feels completely different!

First-person perspective + casual exploration, giving players a good sense of substitution and exploration, and the various backgrounds that appear around the silhouette are a great sense of immersion.

On the other hand, the voice of this narration is strange.

This is a very special male voice, a little sharp, with a narrow and thin voice, and a husky smell of smoke.

听 If you listen carefully, you may feel a little irritable and have the urge to hit people, but if you do n't pay too much attention, you can easily ignore the male voice and focus on the text of the narration.

The sense of substitution and alienation blended together to produce a rather unique gaming experience.

On the one hand, you can substitute yourself into the game. As a game production body, you can feel joy and sorrow, rejoice with the cheers of the players, and flutter because of the media's praise;

On the other hand, it has always maintained an objective, calm, and a feeling of examining from the perspective of God.

体验 This experience is very wonderful, even if Qiao Liang has played so many stand-alone games, this experience is the first time.

奇怪 "Strange, this game ... seems pretty good?"

Qiao Liang became more and more certain that President Pei was revenge! This is revenge!

This game is definitely being promoted, and there will be no problem in producing a high-quality Just Fan Video.

Why do you want me to make that kind of video?

Isn't it against me? !!

With three-point curiosity and seven-point upset, Qiao Liang continued to experience the game.

In just over an hour, Qiao Liang has already finished the first ending of the game.

Obviously this game is to encourage multi-week purpose. After the first ending, I returned to the original room again, and I can do it again from the beginning.

The difference is that at the beginning of the second week, some initial funds will be obtained according to the outcome of the previous week (or the previous N weeks).

There are some special game types in the game, such as MMORPG, which require a large amount of research and development funds. Players have just chosen to do this mode. Unless every choice is correct, it is almost impossible to succeed, all because of the broken funding chain And failed.

But after the second week has accumulated funds, choose this type of game with a larger investment, the success rate will increase.

Qiao Qiaoliang did not immediately start running a second pass, but fell into contemplation.

This game ... is quite special!

It's hard to describe what it feels like.

At the beginning of the game, Qiao Liang was very aggressive. This game was constantly impacting his inertial thinking, making all the common sense of the game shattered into dregs.

The name of the game is "Game Producer", and the content is the same. Players will play a designer in the game, design a game, and finally be tested by the market.

When first entered the game, there were not many amazing places, but some dismissals.

Although keyboard and mouse operations and joystick operations are supported, they can only move and change the perspective. The entire game is constantly running. There is no such interaction as opening the door and using props, let alone the combat system.

Ran to a room, choose a door to enter, it is considered that the game has progressed to the next key node.

If the style of the game is not really good, and the atmosphere of the silhouette of the scene in the room is in place, Qiao Laoshi feels that he is likely to lose at the beginning.

One more unpleasant thing is narration.

乔 Qiao Liang originally thought that the narration was only a brief introduction to the background of the story at the beginning of the story, but after playing it, I found that this narration turned out to be all the way, and has been brushing the sense of presence.

I have been laughing at me, never stopped!

Every time I enter a room to make a choice, the narrator will always say a suggestion in that mean, indecent tone.

For example, when choosing the 氪 Gold mode, the narrator will work hard to encourage players to choose the heavy 氪 Gold mode.

The most annoying thing is that this narration is probably a professional MT, and the ability to ridicule is simply amazing!

选 If you choose not to dictate, you will be mocked by it;

According to the narration, the final result is a defeat, but it will still be mocked by it!

In short, the meaning of this narration is to make an idea and then continue to hit the player's self-confidence, the poisonous tongue attribute MAX, and the underplaying attribute MAX.

There were several times when Qiao Liang was so angry that he wanted to punch out this cheap narration from the screen.

Qi Qiaoliang was wondering, what is the significance of this narration?

Is it for disgusting players?

I do n't make sense!

Confusion and anger are the first impression of Qiao Lianggang who started the game.

But slowly, with the progress of the game story, Qiao Laoshi has a different feeling.

发现 He found out that it was the essence of the game to play the narrator!

很多 In many choices, he deliberately does not choose as the narrator says, and the narrator will react differently.

At the beginning, the narrator didn't pay much attention, but there was some helplessness;

Slowly, the narration began to be impatient and began to work hard to explain to the player the consequences of not following his advice;

Later, the narration began to become irritable, talking more harshly, and leaving no room for it;

I was so anxious that I jumped like a thunder;

In the end, the narration is stuck in a broken jar and a mentality, a tone of "I just silently watch what other moths you can make".

旁 The narration response will be particularly interesting when each ending comes out.

玩家 If the player fails to follow the advice of the narrator, the narration will ridicule the player, mocking the player for being soft-headed and unintentional, and deserving to fail;

玩家 If the player fails to listen to the narration's suggestion, the narration will still ridicule the player, saying that if they listen to their suggestions, they will never fail, and the player deserves it;

玩家 If the player fails to heed the suggestions of the narration, and eventually succeeds, the narration will still die. If you follow your suggestions, you will definitely get greater success!

Although 都会 will be ridiculed, the difference is that when the player succeeds, the voice of the narrator will be sour and very interesting.

Qi Qiaoliang became very interested in this voice actor, and was curious how he did it. He could control the voice of the narrator so well, and the sense of hierarchy of different emotions was very clear!

In the process of playing the narrator Bai Qiao, Qiao Liang discovered more desirable aspects of the game.

If you look closely, you will find that the art style is not just "good", but "excellent"!

的 The silhouette in the scene can particularly enhance the atmosphere, and with the right music and sound effects, the real scene is highly concentrated and can be well expressed in a room-sized scene.

The unique art style makes this game very artistic and very upscale.

From the beginning of the second week, in the process of trying different options over and over again, Qiao Liang played different endings, but all were very unexpected!

For the first time, because I followed the suggestion of the narration and chose the heavy-duty mode, the word-of-mouth of the game collapsed. Although I made money, the sequel that followed was ridiculed by the narration;

The second time, Qiao Liang learned well, and chose the conscience mode. As a result, the game was insufficiently paid, and the player's payment rate was too low to recover the cost.

The third time, Qiao Liang completely obeyed the narrator's instructions, but this time he made a worse attack, and was also ridiculed by the narration ...

Qi Qiaoliang was so angry that he wanted to throw the handle.

Alas, this is it!

How to fight is a bad ending, can this game still be played?

But after many frustrations, Qiao Liang carefully savoured and immediately discovered the deep meaning.

The player plays a game producer in the game, and what he experiences is not the daily life of the game producer?

That annoying narration can be seen as inner greed, or as a strong king and passerby who is gesticulating.

The narrator will make some suggestions, some of which happen to be wrong, and some of which are totally wrong.

As a game producer, it is difficult to stay undisturbed.

没有 No opinion at all, it will fail;

Desperately, can't listen to suggestions at all, and will most likely fail;

Only after listening to the suggestions and carefully analyzing and thinking carefully, and making the most decisions in dozens of decisions, can you finally succeed!

In fact, isn't it just game producers, producers in any cultural industry?

On this path, most creators are lonely and difficult, but it is because of this that the fruit of victory is sweet!

Unconsciously, Qiao Liang found that the corners of his eyes were moist.

Because Qiao Liang is also a content creator.

Making videos and making games is a cultural output, how similar is the mentality!

Qi Qiaoliang couldn't help but remember the things he had experienced.

I made a video with no pains;

In order to survive, I had to accept some invitations for dinner, and was chased after by many fans, and did not dare to show up for several days;

Every time a fan sends a long private message to express how disappointed he is, it will be a bit sad;

However, I quickly got used to it. After all, the feasts that are everywhere are warmly welcomed by new fans. UU 看书 www. uukanshu.com is consistent with the old fans. Someone really took off the powder, so they value each other and settle down.

Maybe a certain period of video suddenly burst into flames because I reached a hot spot. It seems to be luck, but in fact, there must be a lot of accumulation as a prerequisite.

In the game "Game Producer", Qiao Liang got these resonances.

He found that this producer is simply a genius!

This game seems to be abusive, cruel, and disgusting, but isn't this the real state of reality?

Which game maker in the real world is not covered with bruises, which one has not come from the ridicule and contempt of countless people?

Some people are exhausted and leave sadly;

Some people do not forget their original intentions;

Some people give up their ideals and become their most hated look ...

Every kind of mentality has been achieved in this game, which can only be found through in-depth experience!

Is like a cup of citron:

I feel a little bitter at first taste;

Slowly, you will taste some Hui Gan;

Taste carefully, only to find that there is a sea of ​​life and a cold world;

After drinking tea, the aftertaste is endless.

Qi Qiaoliang was sitting in front of the computer, his heart suddenly filled with emotion.

原来 "It turns out that I blame President Pei ..."

"How can a person who can make this kind of game be a careful person?"

"I want to make another video!"

Xi Qiaoliang opened the backstage of Sweet Potato Network again.

I took a look at the two columns I have now, which are "Trash Games" and "New Tour Recommendations".

He hesitated for a moment, neither of the two columns seemed to fit well.

After a little thought, Qiao Liang created a new column.

"Seal of God"!

In just over an hour, Qiao Liang has already finished the first ending of the game.

Obviously this game is to encourage multi-week purpose. After the first ending, I returned to the original room again, and I can do it again from the beginning.

The difference is that at the beginning of the second week, some initial funds will be obtained according to the outcome of the previous week (or the previous N weeks).

There are some special game types in the game, such as MMORPG, which require a large amount of research and development funds. Players have just chosen to do this mode. Unless every choice is correct, it is almost impossible to succeed, all because of the broken funding chain And failed.

But after the second week has accumulated funds, choose this type of game with a larger investment, the success rate will increase.

Qiao Qiaoliang did not immediately start running a second pass, but fell into contemplation.

This game ... is quite special!

It's hard to describe what it feels like.

At the beginning of the game, Qiao Liang was very aggressive. This game was constantly impacting his inertial thinking, making all the common sense of the game shattered into dregs.

The name of the game is "Game Producer", and the content is the same. Players will play a designer in the game, design a game, and finally be tested by the market.

When first entered the game, there were not many amazing places, but some dismissals.

Although keyboard and mouse operations and joystick operations are supported, they can only move and change the perspective. The entire game is constantly running. There is no such interaction as opening the door and using props, let alone the combat system.

Ran to a room, choose a door to enter, it is considered that the game has progressed to the next key node.

If the style of the game is not really good, and the atmosphere of the silhouette of the scene in the room is in place, Qiao Laoshi feels that he is likely to lose at the beginning.

One more unpleasant thing is narration.

乔 Qiao Liang originally thought that the narration was only a brief introduction to the background of the story at the beginning of the story, but after playing it, I found that this narration turned out to be all the way, and has been brushing the sense of presence.

I have been laughing at me, never stopped!

Every time I enter a room to make a choice, the narrator will always say a suggestion in that mean, indecent tone.

For example, when choosing the 氪 Gold mode, the narrator will work hard to encourage players to choose the heavy 氪 Gold mode.

The most annoying thing is that this narration is probably a professional MT, and the ability to ridicule is simply amazing!

选 If you choose not to dictate, you will be mocked by it;

According to the narration, the final result is a defeat, but it will still be mocked by it!

In short, the meaning of this narration is to make an idea and then continue to hit the player's self-confidence, the poisonous tongue attribute MAX, and the underplaying attribute MAX.

There were several times when Qiao Liang was so angry that he wanted to punch out this cheap narration from the screen.

Qi Qiaoliang was wondering, what is the significance of this narration?

Is it for disgusting players?

I do n't make sense!

Confusion and anger are the first impression of Qiao Lianggang who started the game.

But slowly, with the progress of the game story, Qiao Laoshi has a different feeling.

发现 He found out that it was the essence of the game to play the narrator!

很多 In many choices, he deliberately does not choose as the narrator says, and the narrator will react differently.

At the beginning, the narrator didn't pay much attention, but there was some helplessness;

Slowly, the narration began to be impatient and began to work hard to explain to the player the consequences of not following his advice;

Later, the narration began to become irritable, talking more harshly, and leaving no room for it;

I was so anxious that I jumped like a thunder;

In the end, the narration is stuck in a broken jar and a mentality, a tone of "I just silently watch what other moths you can make".

旁 The narration response will be particularly interesting when each ending comes out.

玩家 If the player fails to follow the advice of the narrator, the narration will ridicule the player, mocking the player for being soft-headed and unintentional, and deserving to fail;

玩家 If the player fails to listen to the narration's suggestion, the narration will still ridicule the player, saying that if they listen to their suggestions, they will never fail, and the player deserves it;

玩家 If the player fails to heed the suggestions of the narration, and eventually succeeds, the narration will still die. If you follow your suggestions, you will definitely get greater success!

Although 都会 will be ridiculed, the difference is that when the player succeeds, the voice of the narrator will be sour and very interesting.

Qi Qiaoliang became very interested in this voice actor, and was curious how he did it. He could control the voice of the narrator so well, and the sense of hierarchy of different emotions was very clear!

In the process of playing the narrator Bai Qiao, Qiao Liang discovered more desirable aspects of the game.

If you look closely, you will find that the art style is not just "good", but "excellent"!

的 The silhouette in the scene can particularly enhance the atmosphere, and with the right music and sound effects, the real scene is highly concentrated and can be well expressed in a room-sized scene.

The unique art style makes this game very artistic and very upscale.

From the beginning of the second week, in the process of trying different options over and over again, Qiao Liang played different endings, but all were very unexpected!

For the first time, because I followed the suggestion of the narration and chose the heavy-duty mode, the word-of-mouth of the game collapsed. Although I made money, the sequel that followed was ridiculed by the narration;

The second time, Qiao Liang learned well, and chose the conscience mode. As a result, the game was insufficiently paid, and the player's payment rate was too low to recover the cost.

The third time, Qiao Liang completely obeyed the narrator's instructions, but this time he made a worse attack, and was also ridiculed by the narration ...

Qi Qiaoliang was so angry that he wanted to throw the handle.

Alas, this is it!

How to fight is a bad ending, can this game still be played?

But after many frustrations, Qiao Liang carefully savoured and immediately discovered the deep meaning.

The player plays a game producer in the game, and what he experiences is not the daily life of the game producer?

That annoying narration can be seen as inner greed, or as a strong king and passerby who is gesticulating.

The narrator will make some suggestions, some of which happen to be wrong, and some of which are totally wrong.

As a game producer, it is difficult to stay undisturbed.

没有 No opinion at all, it will fail;

Desperately, can't listen to suggestions at all, and will most likely fail;

Only after listening to the suggestions and carefully analyzing and thinking carefully, and making the most decisions in dozens of decisions, can you finally succeed!

In fact, isn't it just game producers, producers in any cultural industry?

On this path, most creators are lonely and difficult, but it is because of this that the fruit of victory is sweet!

Unconsciously, Qiao Liang found that the corners of his eyes were moist.

Because Qiao Liang is also a content creator.

Making videos and making games is a cultural output, how similar is the mentality!

Qi Qiaoliang couldn't help but remember the things he had experienced.

I made a video with no pains;

In order to survive, I had to accept some invitations for dinner, and was chased after by many fans, and did not dare to show up for several days;

Every time a fan sends a long private message to express how disappointed he is, it will be a bit sad;

However, I quickly got used to it. After all, the feasts that are all around the world are warmly welcome to new fans ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Is always the same to old fans.

Maybe a certain period of video suddenly burst into flames because I reached a hot spot. It seems to be luck, but in fact, there must be a lot of accumulation as a prerequisite.

In the game "Game Producer", Qiao Liang got these resonances.

He found that this producer is simply a genius!

This game seems to be abusive, cruel, and disgusting, but isn't this the real state of reality?

Which game maker in the real world is not covered with bruises, which one has not come from the ridicule and contempt of countless people?

Some people are exhausted and leave sadly;

Some people do not forget their original intentions;

Some people give up their ideals and become their most hated look ...

Every kind of mentality has been achieved in this game, which can only be found through in-depth experience!

Is like a cup of citron:

I feel a little bitter at first taste;

Slowly, you will taste some Hui Gan;

Taste carefully, only to find that there is a sea of ​​life and a cold world;

After drinking tea, the aftertaste is endless.

Qi Qiaoliang was sitting in front of the computer, his heart suddenly filled with emotion.

原来 "It turns out that I blame President Pei ..."

"How can a person who can make this kind of game be a careful person?"

"I want to make another video!"

Xi Qiaoliang opened the backstage of Sweet Potato Network again.

I took a look at the two columns I have now, which are "Trash Games" and "New Tour Recommendations".

He hesitated for a moment, neither of the two columns seemed to fit well.

After a little thought, Qiao Liang created a new column.

"Seal of God"!

This chapter says no, I am sad to see your comments.

First of all, thank you all for your continued support. On October 1st at 0am on the 10th, it was absolutely crafted to make every word worthy of your subscription.

The public chapter in the early hours of this morning was the last time that it was changed before it was put on the shelves.

As for why it is 0 o'clock update, of course, to ask for tickets! Even later, you all vote for others!

的 The books on this issue are almost a fairy fight, and hit a bunch of big brothers' books.

In fact, this writing has far exceeded expectations, but as a member of Taoqian.com, I always like to eat farts. I especially hope that I can complete the first order of 10,000 achievements. This is all based on your support ~

If the first order is 30, then I can only go to work with Mr. Pei ~

最初 The original idea of ​​this book was simply to write a funny story like "The Richest Man in Xihong City", but it was written to find that there are many contents that can be drawn from materials. With continuous expansion, it also put some beautiful wishes.

I hope that the bosses you meet are as generous as President Pei;

I hope that the employees or colleagues you meet will be as dedicated as Huang Sibo and Bao Xu;

I hope that the domestic game industry can also have such a maverick developer;

I hope all those who do not forget their original intentions can fulfill their dreams;

I hope that the stereotype of the game in the eyes of the older generation can be changed, and the game is no longer regarded as a beast;

I hope everyone's life will be like a novel and have a happy ending.

本书 This book requires not only brains, but also good techniques. Writing a plot requires three things:

The protagonist believes that this project will lose money, and the motivation must be reasonable;

项目 This project finally makes money, and the result must be reasonable;

From losing money to making money, the process must be logical, natural, and as unpredictable as possible.

So far I can't say that it's perfect, it's okay, but it's not so fast.

读者 Some readers are particularly worried that their brain holes are not enough, or their writing is broken.

This is actually okay, there are many places in life that can be obtained.

Of course, if there is a small problem with some data one day, you don't need to pay too much attention to it. I secretly change it, and everyone will be as if nothing happened.

I also write because it is slow, so I may not be able to promise a lot of additions, or quality and quantity first. If you want to be fast, you will lose more than you write.

Of course, no matter how you say this book is now my net worth, it must be the best quality and quantity as much as possible, it can be added more definitely, and it will not be lazy.

Uh ... thanks list ...

Thank my wife, the name of the protagonist and the setting of this system are what she came up with;

Thank you, the editor Nai and your good friend Feng Jianyou. The beginning of this book has been greatly revised over the five or six drafts, and they have given key suggestions for revision;

Thank you to the Silver League of Fat Chicken, and you still owe you ten chapters;

Thank you for your recommendation.

Thank you for your unintentional blow by the first leader. At that time, the leader only rewarded the book by adding it to the new book list when it was 600.

Thank you for pushing this book on Long Kong, Weibo and many other platforms;

Finally, thank you to everyone for bringing a joyful atmosphere to this book!

I see someone on Weibo saying that this sand carved book is a source of happiness for a day.

Then, I will definitely continue to rack my brains and bring more joy to everyone!

Hmm ... the book link ...

Some are the books I am chasing ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ Some are PY with good friends. They are all good-looking books.

The squid's "The Secret Lord", I won't say much about this, I feel a little bit extra;

Jiu Yuyu's "Nine Star Poisonous Milk" is also a super big man, let's not talk about it;

Ma Youyou's "This Poison" was inspired by Ma's personal experience 2333;

Chen Xingju's "The Black Technology System of Xueba", the life of Xueba need no explanation;

"Why Did I Get Fired" by Wan Wang Chuan, is also a reverse comic book, which is also a book I like very much;

Fireflies' "Life Exchange Game", which exchanges the body with others, making life easy in the city;

Chalk-white "The Best Special Photographic Era", a million order big man, a very rare special photoshoot and toy theme;

Lao Liu's "I Didn't Want to Be Born Again", the character shaping is particularly good;

"Absolutely Something" by undersea gangsters, has been hanging me over the same period;

"Dragon Hunting Cookbook" by the Dragon God is also a new book from the old **** in the game area;

"I'm Behind the Scenes" is also a bestseller on the game channel;

Wuma Ju's "I didn't want to be famous", let's talk about fancy dressing;

Xunzi Yeju's "Energy in the Canyon", with an order book of 3: 1 million, with a theme of lol;

"Huang Ting Dao Zhu", a demon monk who has no shortage of flowers, game + Xiuxian, the copy world is very exciting;

Tie Niuxian's "The King Kong of Online Games is Not Bad", it's over.

Dongliu Ju's "I Can Extract Proficiency", online games + martial arts, burying people to gain proficiency;

精品 This book is fine, if you happen to read this book and the book is scarce, you can take a look.

However, it must be emphasized that the referral ticket and monthly pass are still for me! !! !!