Who is the man that give Amarachi a medicine?

We carried her to my chamber

" Favour, get me some antibiotics,"

" What are antibiotics?"

What was I thinking, they probably couldn't have it here beside it is in the ancient times.

" Forget about it, get me water with a clean towel,"

" Ok"

Favour left.

" Faith, I am glad you came, because if you haven't come, the Queen could have beaten her to death!"

Lauryn and Amarachi locked eyes, then Favour came with the water and clean towel.

" Bring it here, let me do it,"

" No Faith, let me do it,"

" Faith, let Favour do it," Amarachi said with pain

" Favour bring it, let me do it,"

As Favour doesn't want to give it to me, I dragged it from her hand. I started using it on her and I feel bad for her. It is all because of me, if I haven't insisted on going outside of the palace, none of this could have happened.

" Ah" she screamed out of pain

" Are you alright, I am trying to be gentle as possible,"

" I am alright Faith," she said faintly

" I am sorry it is all my fault if I haven't insisted on going outside you wouldn't have been in trouble," I said with a watering eyes

" Faith, it is not your fault,"

As I was cleaning her wound a guard knock

" My princess, can I see you?" the guard bow

" Ok, I am coming,"

The guard left

" Favour, you have to take over from here,"

" yes"

I gave her everything to take over. I left to meet the guard.

" What is it?"

" I can see you are a changed person, well done,"

" how am I changed?"

" since when did you start caring for your maid?"

" It is my fault of her getting beaten, so why should I run away for what I did,"

" you have completely changed, it is like a whole different person,"

Of course, I am a whole different person when I didn't even know how I came to this place in the beginning.

The guard was waving his hand on my face

" Stop doing that, it is irritating," I said with a dirty look in my face " by the way, what is your name"

" my name, have you forgotten me?"

" I have amnesia, so why won't I forget you, are you an exception?"

" well, my name is Johnny,"

" you have a good name for a guard, so why did you call me out here, don't tell me it is because you want to me that I am a changed person?"

" well, you got me right there, give it to her, let her use,"

He gave me medicine, as he was about to leave, he stops immediately

" and by the way, somebody told me to give it to her,"

He left and I was curious about who cares about Amarachi