What relationships does Henry have with Amarachi?

I went inside and I was very curious about who is the mysterious boy that decides to give Amarachi the medicine, I came back.

" where are the girls,"

" they are doing their work"

" ok"

" I think I should leave now,"

" Why did you want to leave, you should stay, you are injured,"

" Faith, you have done enough for me, I am alright, I need to do my duty as a maid,"

" well, who am I to stop you, you can leave. There is something somebody tells me to give you," I handed it to her

" it is a medicine, who gave it to you?"

" well, the guard that came to see me, what is his name again," I was tapping my feet and thinking

" did you mean Johnny?"

" yes, it is him,"

" why will he give it to me?"

" he said somebody sent him to give it to you, so I don't know exactly who it is,"

" It seems like it is him," Amarachi muttering to herself

" What did you say?"

" I didn't say anything, I will use it very well, I am leaving,"

" ok, see you around,"

Amarachi left. Was she sad just now as I gave her that medicine if she is it makes me so curious who that person is? I was so hungry, I began to recall what happened when I left the palace. That guy is so unlucky to have met me, I eat up the money he has. I giggled.

" did you give the medicine to Amarachi?" a boy said

" yes, I didn't give her, I give the princess"

" Why didn't you give to Amarachi directly," he said angrily

" I was going to give her but the princess is there so I just thought why don't I give to the princess so that the princess should give it to her,"

" How are you so sure, the princess will give it to her,"

" Trust me, the princess will give it to Amarachi and Henry, you should stop doing that, I don't know what is going on with the two of you but what I do know is that you care about her, that is for sure,"

" you don't understand anything, if I give it to her, she won't take it she would just ignore me,"

" What happened between the two of you?"

" that will be a story for another time but for now let's do our job,"

" ok, then"