David is injured

" David," Faith shouted

Faith saw a knife, she uses her leg to bring the knife. She eventually got the knife, she uses the knife to untie the rope,"

" David, don't die on me,"

" What should I do, if I leave him like this he will bleed to death, Faith, think, think," she thought.

David barely wakes up.

" What are you doing?"

" Don't talk, it will make it worse,"

" David where are you?"

" It is Henry's voice,"

Faith quickly went outside and saw Henry and Jack.

" We are here," Faith waived

" Are you okay?"

" Yes, I am but David isn't,"

They went inside.

" He is injured,"

" Yes,"

" Jack put David in my back,"

Jack carries Henry's sword.

" Let's quickly go to the palace,"

" Go to the palace for what, he is bleeding, our main focus is looking for him a hospital, did you know how long it is to get to the palace. Before we get to the palace, he will bleed to death,"

" Faith is right, let's take him to a nearby hospital,"

They saw a small hospital that was close to them, they entered inside.

" This hospital should do, we need a doctor to treat him,"

A doctor quickly comes. They gave David to the doctor. The doctor was treating him, they were in the waiting room. The doctor comes out.

" Doctor, how is he?"

" He is very lucky, you brought him on time,"

" Is he doing fine?"

" Yes, he is, we stopped the bleeding, he is alright,"

Faith does a sighed a relief.

" I am glad he is alright," Jack said

" Since he will stay here for the remainder of the night. I will check the surrounding,"

" Okay,"

" Take care of the princess,"

" No problem,"

Henry left.

" Faith, go and rest,"

" I am okay, want to see him,"

Faith went to meet David in the room he is staying in.

" David, why will you go to where the knife is?"

Faith stayed with him all night, she slept on the side of the bed. David wakes up and saw her, he looked at her and pushed her hair aside.