Chapter 47

The next day, Faith woke up and saw a blanket on her body. David was not there. Faith heard their voices.

" Did you tell the royal family about what happened last night?"

" I didn't, I don't want them to get worked up over it,"

" It is good you didn't tell them,"

David looked around.

" Where is Henry?"

" He is doing something,"

" Okay,"

" Who is that brave to touch the princess?"

" A lot of people hate the princess so it is not surprising if they want to hurt her,"

" Yes you are right but she isn't the princess you know,"

" I know, that is what is driving me crazy, nobody knows she is not the princess and she will continue getting attack like this,"

" I know,"

" Anyway, we have to find out who those men are and what is their objective,"

" Yes, we will do that once we get to the palace,"

Faith opened the door.

" You are awake,"

" Yes," Faith went to touch his wound.

" What are you doing?"

" I am checking if your wound is okay now,"

" I am okay," he removed Faith's hand away from him. " You are a woman, you should not touch a man like that,"

" Are you a man?"

" If I am not a man then what am I?"

" Hmmm, a woman,"

" You," he was enraged.

" Why are the two of you arguing?"

They did not answer.

" It is fine if you did not answer me, let's prepare so that we can go to the palace, we don't want the king and queen to be worried,"

" Okay then, let me call the doctor to check on his wound," Faith left.

" Tell Henry to prepare too,"

" Okay,"

They all went to do their thing.

" Doctor, hope the wound won't open again,"

" It won't be, trust me,"

The doctor left.

" Thank you for saving me,"

" What is with this your thanks?"

Tears were running down from her face.

" I thought I won't be able to go back to my world, I thought I won't see my family and friends again,"

" Why are you crying, didn't I promise I will take you to your world safely, don't cry,"

Faith was still crying.

David put his hand around Faith's shoulder and he hugged her.

" You won't be pretty if you cry,"

She looked up, her face was so red.

" The princess must have fallen for your compliment,"

" Is that so, I don't think so,"

Faith was laughing.

" Are you ready, we need to leave now," Henry shouted from outside.

" We need to leave before Henry get angry,"

" He gets angry?"

" Yes," They stand up. " By the way, I heard you were the one who joins Amarachi and Henry together,"

" Yes, aren't I a good matchmaker?"

" No, they would have been together without your help,"

" You,"

David left.

" I thought he was being nice for once, now he has gone back to his old self, he is such a big jerk,"

" I heard you," David shouted.