
Karma lay there in the hospital bed with her splint. No one but her and Hailey knew her leg had already healed and was ready to be off bed rest, but no one else could know because it was supernatural and she is supposed to keep her abilities a secret.

As the day slowly passed and it became night she heard Hailey walking towards her. "How are you feeing dear?"

"Why must I still have this on?" She asked Hailey "You now it healed three hours ago."

"I do, but they don't, nor can they know."

Hailey hadnt come to really talk to her about how Karma was feeling, and Karma knew that. "What did you really want to talk to me about?"

"Why you said you had fought off a wolf when you are one yourself." Hailey had always seen passed Karma's lies, she was like Karma's mom. "I told the orphanage you stayed at my house last night, but, you must not stay out past dark again."

"I know, I am sorry. I shredded my clothes by fighting another werewolf. He made me mad and-" When Karma looked up from the bed Hailey's face was in shock staring at her "W-what is it Mrs. Hailey?"

"You said, another. . ." Her sentence trailed.

"Yes, there are more than just me, but I have only seen this other wolf in town."

Hailey's face relaxed and touched Karma's arm. "Need I be worried?"

"No, I attacked him before I had realized who he was."

"And who might that be?"

"A very old love of mine. Back in the simpler times we promised each other that we would wed." Lost in her own thought she failed to realize someone had walked in.

"Karma, how are you feeling?"

Karma jumped at the unexpected voice. With a nervous smile she replied "I am feeling much better, thank you."

"Someone is here to adopt you."

Karma turned and looked at Hailey. "Adopt. . . Me," testing the words out in her mouth. They caused her to jump up, only to slip on the cast and land on her butt.

The nurse rushed over to her. "Please, you must be more cautious than that! Are you alright?"

"I am fine. Thank you." Getting up slowly this time, she grabbed the crutch. "Mrs. Lorella?!" Confused she wondered how Lorella would have known she was here.

"Karma?! I didn't know you were here."

"Karma, your new parent is over this way." They walked past Lorella and went into a different room. Karma didn't like this room. This is where they first brought her when her parents died. It brought back many memories. And without realizing, Karma had started crying.

"I am sorry, this room brings back memories, I cannot be in here." Breaking the hold Hailey had on her, she ran out the room and outside.

"What is wrong, dear?"

"Oh, Lorella, I am sorry. I just got sent back into memories that hurt."

"I know the feeling, dear." Lorella sat next to Karma and rubbed her arm. "All will be ok when you are taken out of this place. If I'm not mistaken, that young man has come to adopt you."

Looking up she saw Cayden walking up. "You would be correct."

"He doesn't look much older than you." She smiled and winked at Karma.

"No he doesn't." She chuckled.

"Hello, Karma. Are you ready to go?"

Looking up Karma saw Hailey. She went over and hugged her. I will be sure to visit you she said, as a few tears ran down her cheeks. "Yes I'm ready to go." She looked back and saw Hailey cry. "I promise I will be ok."

"Ok Karma. We must be on our way before dark."

"Bye Hailey, bye Lorella."

Cayden walked up and grabbed Karma's hand, gave her a little squeeze and then walked towards the forest with her, hand in hand. Karma paused and looked back. She waved goodbye with a smile on her face.

When they reached where no one could see them, they undressed and morphed. Taking off with their clothes in their mouth.

'I want to go to River Forest' I told Cayden through a pack mind link.

'I was thinking the same' he replied taking a sharp turn to the west.

'There is a town a hour, in this form, straight ahead. We need to dodge it or else we will be hunted.'

Taking a slight north turn they ran for an hour before returning to the west once again.

'We should reach the edge of the forest by night fall' Karma nodded and continued to run with Cayden. It felt like old times and they were both seeing the same memories. They use to get in trouble for running near here, now they can do it whenever they wanted.

Karma stopped dead in her tracks, sniffing the air. 'Their are people a little ways up, a lot of them.'

'We cant stop.'

'We cant risk being seen over taking longer to get to the forest. If we are spotted it will be harder to get there.'

'Fine. We will rest a few hours then continue.' They both morphed and changed back into their clothes.

"Why dont we walk a few miles? We can get passed the people without them suspecting anything." Karma thought out loud.

"We will tire out a lot quicker in this form."

"If you want to reach the forest before night fall, then we will have to continue our journey on two feet."

"As soon as we pass the people we will morph back," He said in a statement but knew Karma was around people more than he was, "right?"

"Yes. When we pass the people by a mile we will morph back and continue on paws."

"Ok. Let's continue then."