
Putting on their clothes they decided to find some water and take a drink. Coming to a stream they both sat on their legs and got water from the stream.

"Do you think we will make it before dark?" Cayden asked.

"It may be an hour after dark. That is, if their isn't anymore blockages around." Karma responded. "Why are you wanting to get their so soon?"

"My brother is near there right now. I wanted to see if we could find him."

Karma simply nodded then stood up and stretched. "Then we need to get going."

Standing up behind her they continued to walk. Cayden grabbed her hand and smiled at her, Karma couldn't help but blush a little, but she smiled back.

"Do you remember the simpler times?" Cayden asked looking up at the clouds.

"A little. When I try to think back my mind goes back to my parents, so I try not to think in the past, and instead look towards the future." Karma replied with a wince at the mention of her parents.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think of that." He said looking down at her. He stopped when he saw some tears welling up in her eyes. Pulling her arm, he pulled her into an embrace and lay his head on her. "I'm sorry, bunny." He whispered. "I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's just. . . hard." She said between sobs.

"No kid should have to go through what you did, bunny." Saying this, he kissed her forehead. But if we want to sleep tonight we need to continue on."

Wiping the tears away, they continued. Karma remained silent for a few hours of their long journey, until they came across the party of people. They waved and told them they were just passing by. All the people looked sketchy, and Karma was glad she didn't have any money on her.

The people invited them to join them, but Karma and Cayden politely declined the offer. "We must be on our way, we have a long journey ahead and hope to be there by nightfall." Karma said with a small, fake smile on her face.

"That wont be necessary." A guy in a hooded sweater said, clearly hiding something behind his back.

'We need to leave now!' Karma thought.

'I agree.' Cayden replied. Cayden morphed his teeth into wolf teeth, but changed nothing else. "I'd back off, while you still have feet." Cayden said in a growl. Humans weren't able to see small morphs like claws and teeth, other werewolves could.

"Put your teeth back, boy!" Said the boy pulling a knife out and lunging at Cayden.

Karma quickly morphed and went for the guys throat. 'Stupid immature werewolf," Karma thought, 'always causing trouble you can't get yourselves out of.' Growling, she ripped at the boys neck. Bloodied he stammered backwards.

"Stupid female!" The boy yelled now lunging at Karma.

Karma felt a weird tingling sensation and she felt she had become blind in a sort of way. Every step she needed to take was outlined in gold. 'What the?!' Karma was taken aback and confused. Unable to move, until she felt a knife rip through some skin on her side. Now her vision was all red and she felt like she was morphing back, but this wasn't a normal sensation.

Her claws became longer, her ears bigger, her legs lengthened, her eyes saw a wider range, her smell was incredible, her hearing heard every sound wave, her body was huge now. Every part of her had either grown, strengthened, or lengthened.

Cayden stared in wonder, just like the rest of them. Her wound had healed into a scar already. "Wanna play now?" She said in a menacing voice looking down on the young teenager, who was maybe 15 with shabby dark hair, brown eyes, a slim and short torso with long legs and arms.

He was frozen with shock. No one but Karma moved, no one dared to. Fearing his life, he dropped to the ground covering his head "P-p-please! Please done hurt us!!" He screamed in a panic.

"Then get out of our way before I rip all your heads off!" Karma barked.

Jumping up, the boy ran back towards his group who all took off together. "I guess that solves it." Karma said in a simple voice.

Looking back Cayden hadn't blinked or moved since she had morphed, again. His mouth moved but no words came out. "Y-y-you. . ." His words were very distant from each other "b-b—"

Karma had realized she ripped her clothes and jumped into the sentence before he could finish. "Oh no! I ripped my clothes!!" Karma said in a frustrated voice.

She morphed back to her normal wolf size. 'Guess I'll be staying like this.' She thought. Realizing she could only speak in her other form, it hit her then. 'What on earth just happened?!' Shoving that thought to the side for later, 'We need to keep moving Cayden. Snap out of it.' She bumped him with her nose. 'Weren't you the one who said by nightfall? Don't make me carry you.' She though in an annoyed voice.

Cayden nervously laughed and took wobbly steps beside Karma. 'Are you afraid of your "bunny" now?' She thought with a fake sad voice. 'Maybe I should find a new partner to wander with.'

That seemed to grab his attention "N-no, I'm just shocked, and confused, and lost, and amazing, and—"

'I get it. Just shut up.' Karma said rolling her eyes.

"Karma! Your eyes are two different colors!"

'What?! What colors are they?!'

"One is gold and the other is white!" Cayden said in amazement. "Can I take you up on that offer? My legs are a little wobbly."

Annoyed, Karma lowered to the ground and allowed him on. 'Only until we reach a town, I need new clothes. Now hold on tight.'
