Nothing Stays

It felt like days before the tears could finally stop and Asher came back. She hated being alone at this time, but she hated leaving him alone even more.

Every bone in her body hurt, it felt like she got beat up then thrown in a deep pit. Her heart and head hurt the worst. She gripped at her head and chest. Asher's eyes were swollen, and his face was shiny. He bent down near her. She clasped him. "Don't leave, please. Please, don't leave."

"I promise, if you do." He replied quietly, clasping her to himself as well. They sat like that a while. Just embracing each other, afraid that if they let go, the other would leave.

Karma's heart beat slowed, her tears no longer flowing. Her breath was stabilizing between gasps for air. He hugged her tighter when she would gasp. He pat her back, and she rubbed his. She didn't care where they were nor who was watching, she just wanted to hold him.

Eventually, they got up and walked back to camp. Sometimes, the lump would come back in her throat. She didn't know what to think anymore, so she didn't. She just focused on her mate's thoughts, most were scattered between subjects, some resting for a few minutes and some being glided right over. Some were of his surroundings, and one was how he wished he could hold her hand. She saw him glanced at their hands and she slipped her hand in his.

He smiled at her. "Maybe we shouldn't go back to camp." He stuttered a few times before he looked over at her and waited for her to meet his eyes.

"Why?" She asked puzzled.

"Get a fresh start, just us two." He squeezed her hand.

"Where would we go?"

He thought a moment, "anywhere we want. We can go up north to the cold, west to the mountains, east to the beaches, or south to desert. We have no limits." He stopped and turned her to him. "We can..." he paused and smiled, "start a family together."

Her heart melted. "Where would you like to go?" She returned his smile.

He paused. "How about north?"

She smiled and started walking. "How far?"

"Until we are happy." He smiled looking into her eyes. Her beautiful dark brown eyes. He moved a piece of her long hair away from her face. He leaned into her, lips almost touching both were brought out of their fantasies when two wolves ran into them.

Both Karma and Asher where in their wolf forms at the snap of a finger. Both stood over six foot tall. Karma a head bigger than he. Asher snarled and bit at the other wolves. Karma showed her sharp, pointed teeth.

"Who are you?" Came Asher's husky wolf voice. Karma's ears were in love, he could talk forever. Sadly, he didn't. He lunged at the wolves making them speak up.

Both morphed back to human to show respect for Asher, their alpha. They got on their knees. "Please, we are sorry. We were messing around racing, we did not mean to run into you."

"That doesn't answer my question!" He snapped. Karma nuzzled him, telling him to be at ease and that they meant no harm.

"Run along. But, next time, watch where your going." Karma's voice was like velvet, smooth but strong, demanding of respect.

They scampered to their feet, morphed, and made a dash for it. Karma looked at Asher with a 'be nicer next time' look.

"We will have to get new clothes." Karma told him.

"Why? We are mates."

Karma thought a moment, "Sorry im not use to walking naked in a town because we are mates." She said sarcastically.

He nodded. "But we will have to be naked in order to get the clothes."

"I know someone." Karma smirked. "We will have to go back to my home town. It won't be the first time I've shredded my clothes.

Karma's stomach hurt with the thought of going back to those memories, she didn't like they pain they brought to her chest. But, what had to be done, had to be done. Karma knew this all to well, and she hated that she did.

"We will go at dawn." Karma looked at Asher, she knew that he felt what she did, and she felt very sorry fir what he was about to go through.