Leaving for good

The sun shown in through the window, Karma squinted her eyes against it, waiting for them to adjust.

She felt Asher move behind her, she didn't want to let go if his hand. Her eyes caught sight of the book that Lorella had given to her. "What do you think it is?"

"Mmm" Asher nuzzled his head into her back.

"Let him sleep, dear." Her face blushed at the realization that there was someone else in the room. "Breakfast is almost ready."

Karma slowly got up and went to sit at the table with Lorella. She laid her head on the table, keeping her eyes on Asher.

Karma and Lorella ate in silence, Karma still keeping her eyes on Asher. Soon his eyes opened and he turned around meeting Karma's eyes. She smiled at him.

"There is some more breakfast on the stove." Lorella told him.

He got up, grabbed his plate, sat next to Karma, and started eating.

When he finished, she hugged Lorella goodbye. Looking back one last time, she grabbed the backpack and headed out the door. "Goodbye, dears!"

"Goodbye. Thank you for breakfast!" Karma waved goodbye.

"What all did you get anyways?" Asher asked a few minutes later.

Karma smiled at him. "Clothes, food, water." She shrugged. He nodded, but didnt stop walking. He shifted and stopped waiting for her to. "We are too close to civilization. We need to go a few more miles."

"What the hell is that?!" Some had seen him.

Karma had to think quickly 'just go along with it!' She swung her backpack at him, "get back you feral beast!" Asher lightly swung his paw at her, but he allowed her to jump away. Missing her by a few inches.

Gunshots when off, 'Asher, run!' Karma screamed at him through her mind.

Asher ran off. "Are you ok miss?!" A teenage boy ran up to her.

"I am fine. I must get back to my friends cabin."

"Is that why you were going in the woods alone?" Karma nodded. "Maybe, one of us should help you there. That wolf was huge!"

"There is no need. I will rush there this time, instead of looking around." She smiled to reassure them. "It wasnt the first I have seen that was that big." Karma tried her best to mimic a nervous chuckle.

"Alright miss, be safe. And, scream very loud if he comes back. Wolves are afraid of loud noises."

Karma knew that was a lie, but she didnt say anything she just simply nodded. "Thank you for your help." She gave them a half bow and continued down the path she was going.

"That thing was huge! We should start hunting those!"

"Do you know how dangerous that could be?!"

"Think of the money!"

'Great, we have to get as far away from civilization as possible! They are going to start hunting us!' Karma told Asher, who wasn't very far away.

'That is why we will head north. We will go far from civilization.'

Karma ran towards where he was. She stopped when they were far enough away, undressed, shifted, then continued.

"We need to get out of this state. Word will spread... fast!"

"Then we must continue through the night and tomorrow."

Karma nodded in agreement. "We will only stop to drink, we hunt whats in our path."

They ran, for two days straight, before they had reached the border. But, even though they had passed through, they continued to run. This time, they were heading north. "We should reach Canada in four moons, if we ran nonstop, that includes no walking or drinking."

"We need to rest between there. If we dont drink for four moons we will dehydrate quickly, and become so tired that we cant even sit up."

Asher had an annoyed voice, "then we will only rest for a few hours at night, and stop to drink every other stream."

Karma looked at him. "What's the rush?"

"I can't stand humans."

Karma began to grow skeptical, there was something he wasn't telling her. She remembered the book she was given. "What do you think is in the book?"

"You brought that?!" He seemed angry.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"It is guarded with heavy magic, one that will kill an entire pack dead with one wrong move." Karma tensed. "Why do you think Lorella didn't want us to open it in her house? It would have killed the entire village and the surrounding villages."

Karma didn't like that, not one bit. But, it was the only way she would find out what the whole Prophecy wolf thing was about. "What about the answers it has inside? How will we get those without opening it?"

"We figure it out ourselves."

Karma didn't say anything after that, it was clear that Asher wasn't in a good mood.

"Im sorry, human contact just stresses me out."

Karma looked at him from the side of her eye, but didn't say anything. 'Your attitude is stressing me out.' She thought to herself. If it would have been Cayden she would have snapped at him. But, it was her mate. And, killing a mate, meant killing yourself.