Lily and Isaiah travelled for another day and a half.
"We are finally in the city!" Lily exclaimed happily.
"I'll take my leave then, it was good to get to know you" Isaiah smiled warmly.
"Umm.. can you not go?" Lily said while stuttering.
Isaiah raised an eyebrow.
"I mean.. you can come to my uncle's house with me for lunch.. don't worry, you will definitely be welcomed!"
Lily liked Isaiah, scratch that, she crushes on Isaiah. She thought that he was so cool and like a Prince, her Prince charming to be precise.
Just when Isaiah was about to reject her offer, he heard the sound of someone clearing their throat.
"Uncle!" Lily excitedly ran to the man behind Isaiah and sweetly called out to him.
"Why are you here? You didn't even tell me that you were coming to this kingdom. I could have sent people to escort you"
Isaiah's body trembled just by listening to the extremely familiar voice. He slowly turned his head and unconsciously started to shake slighty when he saw Dexter.
"I wanted to surprise Uncle" Lily childishly pouted.
Isaiah was speechless. Dexter age was more than a century, few centuries even! Then how can he have a niece!? That's only possible if his sister married after a couple of centuries..
Isaiah was lost in his thoughts.
"Who is he?" Dexter questioned Lily.
"He is umm..?"
"Cesar" As he was interuppted by the pervert when he was about to introduce himself, Lily didn't know Isaiah's name which made him relieved.
It didn't seem like Dexter noticed who he was as Isaiah was in a disguise, if Lily were to know his name and tell it to Dexter it will only cause the man's suspicions to sprout.
Dexter glared which could probably kill people and said, "Let's go" to Lily.
"Uncle, I was wondering if we could invite Cesar for lunch..
He saved me from a molester and was the one who escorted me back to this city.."
Dexter was always indulgent towards Lily. He promised his sister to look after her daughter if she was in need, so he was willing to show his gratitude towards her saviour.
"Okay" Dexter nodded after eyeing the boy with wariness.
Lily squeaked happily.
Isaiah smirked. He was truly very lucky to be invited to the palace by the devil himself.
To not raise any speculations, Isaiah pretended to be surprised to see the palace and acted as if he deserved to be punished for treating nobility with much lesser respect.
His acting was flawless which only caused Lily's favourabity towards him increase but that wasn't the case with Dexter as he only looked at Isaiah with more suspicion.
Isaiah was covered in cold sweat.
Few maids were ready to serve him during his bath, but he told them all to go as he bathed alone.
Isaiah reverted back to his original appearance just during his bath. When he was done, he glanced through the window to see a bat looking back at him.
The boy paid it no heed. Isaiah flopped down on the bed in the guest room. He was told to rest before eating lunch.