Training Montage

Falling to the ground Leon had never known how good ice-cold stone could feel against your skin, " What are you doing, stop kissing the floor we're still training. " Groaning Leon got to his feet, " What is it to you if I get stronger. " Maha's staff hit the back of Leon's head sending the white-haired youth sprawling on the ground, " Personally I don't care but I started this family from nothing, and with what I can teach you the Zoldyck family will unchallenged in strength. " Getting to his feet yet again Leon brushed the dirt off his bare chest, " You said three years of this. " Maha shrugged, " Give or take a few months, the first step is getting you to use Nen at a moments notice. "

Cracking his neck Leon frowned, " I thought you said I can already do that. " Maha grinned, " If you were being taught by anyone else you would have passed with flying color, but you're stuck in here with me and I won't have my grandson learning sub-par techniques. Now back into position. "Groaning Leon closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable pain, Maha's form of training was similar to his family's only a thousand times worst.

Pain and danger were the best teachers, Leon would have to summon his Nen in an instant to stop Maha's cane from caving in his skull.

So far he had not stopped his grandfather from sending him to the ground, this time was no different. It was even worse as he made him remove his shirt, Leon's white skin was covered in red, black, and blue welts.

When he used what Maha explained was Gyo Leon saw that there was Nen lingering around the bruises preventing them from healing. Sighing Leon picked himself up, " Well this official sucks. "

-1 Year Later-

Leon blinked as the sweat from his air fell into his eyes, sighing Leon cursed ever being born into his family. " Come on pick up the pace, the sooner you finish the sooner you get food. " Unfortunately Leon really needed the sustenance the last time he ate was a month ago, his ribs had started to show.

Putting more Nen into his body Leon continued to crab walk across the width of the cave, on his back was a boulder nearly the size of a small house.

On the very top, an old man was sitting drinking from a cup of tea, " Can you hurry up already my tea is getting cold. " Gritting his teeth Leon took another painstaking step, he wasn't even halfway across and it had already taken him an hour.

With one final heave, Leon pushed the bolder off of his back standing up straight for the first time in hours. " Well done boy now we can eat. " Sighing in relief Leon imagined steak, potatoes when Maha plopped down a bowl of mash, " Dig up. " Not caring what was in it as long as it was food Leon dug into the meal with gusto, stopping Leon's hands started to twitch.

Swallowing the last bite Leon let the bowl drop, " This is that worst tasting thing in the world, and I've grown up eating poison. What the hell is in there. " Maha had a questioning look on his face, " What don't like my food, it had everything your body needs to survive. "

" What you had a scientist combine compounds into a nutrient paste. "

" Wow, your guessing skills are really on point. " Leon had to count to 100 before he was able to talk, " Can I have some more. " Grinning like he just won the lottery Maha produced another bowl from thin air, taking a deep breath Leon downed the bowl in one shot trying to ignore the cold bland sludge working its way down his throat.

" Better get used to it that's all you're going to have for the next two years. "

-1 Year Later-

Leon had his Conductors Manual summoned as he fought against Maha, it was more like a game of tag as Leon was constantly on the move avoiding Maha like the plague.

Jumping off of the cave wall Leon had enough time to duck before Maha's kicked the wall shattering the rock like it was plaster. Seeing an opening Leon tried to shoulder check the old man but he was gone already, rolling to his feet Leon braced as he took the neck hit on his arm.

Grunting as the bone fractured slightly Leon didn't stop himself from going flying, picking up a stone from the ground Leon threw it nailing Maha right in the forehead.

Looking at the projectile that hit him Maha chuckled, " I was wonder what would happen if you used your brain. Now let's go again and this time let's see how far your ability goes. " Leon felt a pit form in his stomach before he rolled to the left, a rock whistled through the air where Leon's head used to be. Not looking at the crater the rock formed on the wall Leon started to run, he was positive Maha's laughter would haunt his dreams.

Panting on his hands and knees Leon felt his stomach spasm before he leaned to the side and tried to empty the contents of his stomach. Of course, that was impossible as he hadn't eaten in months, " Well sonny you're almost done you've come a long way now you only have to do one more thing. "