
Thank you Judd for becoming my tenth Patreon


The crowd was shocked before it roared in approval, " Well I can certainly say that no one expected that outcome, I'm getting reports that Benson is dead. Leon has killed his opponent in one blow, just what is the background of this killer child. "

Walking away Leon rubbed the back of his neck, ' Dammit I didn't want to use one of my more powerful moves. Tempo Field is my bread and butter combo slowing down my opponent and reducing the requirements of my other abilities. Then there's my ultimate move Soul Piece, for this ability to activate I need to meet several requirements. I need to know the target's name, survive for at least two minutes against them before dropping their blood on my Conductors Manual.'

Sighing Leon yawned, " Oh well I still have a few more tricks up my sleeve. " Going back to his room Leon took a shower as he wasn't the freshest after his battle.

Feeling better with clean clothes Leon was drying his hair when the phone on the nightstand rang, sighing Leon had a peaking suspicion of who was on the other side of the call. Letting it go to voice mail Leon was about to take a nap when the phone rang again, gritting his teeth Leon walked over to the phone before crushing it with one hand. ' Damn that Hisoka never knows when to give up. '

-Sometime Later-

Leon sighed as he walked into the ring where Hisoka was waiting his eyes focused on Leon.

" Welcome back everybody this had been an exciting three weeks. Leon has fought nearly every two days winning his matches without taking a single blow control the match with ease gaining him the title Conductor, but today might be the day Leon falls as he is up against another rising star Hisoka. With his deadly parlor tricks, the Clown Prince will dance you to your death. "

Not caring about the killer clown in front of him Leon looked at the crowd where people booed and cheered hoping for bloodshed, ' Big turn out today and the announcers are just fanning the fire. " As his mind was elsewhere the match had begun and Hisoka took advantage of his absentmindedness and attacked.

Frowning Leon was forced on the defense, he could see Hisoka's nen trying to attach itself to him. Creating some distance Leon summoned his Conductor Manual throwing down his Tempo field immediately, not afraid of his ability Hisoka charged right on in.

Feeling the stone tile his was on vibrate Leon braced himself as the tile separated from the floor and went soaring into the air.

" Ah, there it is folks Leon's signature Tempo Field, and Hisoka charges in without hesitation. It looks like Hisoka has Leon on the fence but that never lasts long with the Conductor. "

Using the tile as a platform Leon jumped towards Hisoka taking out his sword aiming to pierce the clown.

Spreading his hands in front of him Hisoka created a net of purple Nen, grabbing his kunai Leon threw it into the net and watched as the Nen stretched before stopping the projectile in mid-air.

Not able to stop his momentum Leon was about to enter Hisokas reach when he froze in mid-air before he fell to the ground, landing on his feet Leon took joy in the confused look on Hisoka's face. ' I have you now you freak. '

Walking forward Leon used his clon technique creating multiple images of him, wary now Hisoka Nen covered his body meaning if anything touched him it would become stuck and under his control.

Stopping the images of Leon stared at Hisoka unmoving, ' Damn he's crafty more than I give him credit for, well I guess I need to put on the works. '

A sudden shift happened within the opaque bubble the smooth surface became fractured, looking around Hisoka winced as a sharp ringing started to echo inside his head.

Smiling Leon watched as Hisoka's Nen started to fluctuate, ' First time I've ever used that technique and had it work I guess it depends on how much control the person has over their nen. '

Still trying to figure out what was going on Hisoka barely dodged the sword aimed at his throat, bending backward Hisoka couldn't spot Leon as a fist slammed into his stomach. Spewing blood Hisoka was sent flying out of the area of Leon's Tempo Field causing the sharp ringing to fade away.

" Critical Hit one point to Leon " Roaring with approval the crowd was on its feet everyone at arms for the next altercation, " The first point of the match has been scored Leon making Hisoka vomit blood with his signature move, but it looks like the Clown Prince is outside Leon's Field what will happen next. "

Grinning as he got to his feet Hisoka licked at the blood dripping from his lips, " Ah so rough, why don't we just take our time with things. " Frowning as his dismissed his field Leon sneered at Hisoka, " Keep it in your pants, it's about time I end this. "

Stretching his arms wide Hisoka smiled, " Oh so soon and we were just getting started. " Rushing the clown Leon aimed his sword to gut Hisoka when he felt something slam into his chest, stopping in his tracks Leon looked down to see his own kunai embedded right where his heart was.

" Well look at that "