R and R

Leon's aura covered the room like a blanket, almost suffocating everyone in the room. The man that was closest to Leon was much worse off. The man was completely unresponsive. His eyes rolled up into the back of his head.

Tightening his grip on the man's collar, Leon's bloodlust was suddenly pushed back as a clap seemed to dispel his aura.

" I must remind examiners that at this point and time, killing is strictly prohibited. " Grunting, Leon let go of the man letting him fall onto the floor. Looking over, Leon saw the head hunter Livia standing in the doorway of the restaurant.

" And you boy, don't cause any more trouble you hear. This prick was asking for it but remember to control your strength. " Livia advised as she picked up the unconscious man throwing him over her shoulders like a sack of flour.

" Fine, but who's going to pay for my meal. " Grunting, Livia threw Leon a card. Catching it, Leon read the text, " Food...pass...all meals included. " Smiling, Leon didn't stick around any longer as he bought more food.

Turning around, Livia walked away, ' How is that boy so strong? That wasn't even his full aura, and I could barely push it back. And the look in his eyes, he's lived with death every day of his life. ' Sighing, Livia shook her head. There was no point in wasting time over it now.

Needless to say, Leon wasn't messed with again as he made a trip and trip again to the buffet line. Everyone would clear out of his way, hoping not to anger him.

Not making the same mistake again, Leon made Ymir his own plate. The cat seemed to have an endless stomach. If he actually had to pay, his bank account would have gone down several digits.

By the end of the hour, Leon and Ymir were bloated to where their stomach formed perfect spheres.

" So much food. " Groaning, Leon rested his head on the table, ' It's too much. '

" So it was you who caused all this commotion. " Leon looked up as Knuckle sat down at his table, " Knuckle, I ate too much. I need to see a doctor. "

Shaking his head, Knuckle patted Leon on the shoulder, " Don't worry, a good nap will solve all your problems. " Sighing, Leon reached into his pocket, handing over his food pass, " I got us all you can eat for free. "

Standing up, Leon grabbed Ymir before slowly walking back to his room. Collapsing onto his bed, Leon entered a deep sleep, almost a coma. The ship could hit an iceberg, and Leon wouldn't move an inch.

-2 Hours Later-

Snoring, Leon felt something wet touch his cheek. Groaning, Leon tried to roll over, but the wetness followed him. Opening his eyes, Leon was greeted by a Ymir licking his face, " What do you want. "

Ymir jumped off the bed and starting pacing near the door, " I thought a cat wouldn't need to be walked. I always thought that people who walk cats were weird. " Sighing Leon opened the door letting Ymir run out the room.

" Go have fun, and don't get me into any more trouble. " Leon, " And I thought I learned when I had to take care of Mike for a year. "

Expanding his aura to cover half of the ship Leon searched for his friends, Machi was in some sort of spa while Knuckle was at the gym.

" I guess I'm on my own for now. "

Leaving his room Leon visited a the only store in the entire cruise, but store was an understatement. It was a one stop shop for anything you need for camping, taking any opportunity to plan ahead Leon bought tents, canned food, canteens, ropes and everything in between.

By the end of the hour Leon left the store with three canvas bags blunging at the seems, " So that's everything taken care of now all thats left to do is relax. "

A few minutes later Leon was floating in an infinity pool drinking from a coconut, " I've always wanted to do this, but it's hard to drink while floating in water. I need to get one of those inflatable floats. "

-3 Days Later-

Once again everyone was gathered on the deck to learn about their next task, Leon, Machi and Knuckle found each other in the chaos.

" In a just a few hours this ship will dock on a wharf near the Gordeau Desert your task is to make it Yorknew City and make find your way to the next exam location. I suggest you visit the ship store to buy supplies. Now get. "

Like rabbits every ran to find the store knowing that soon it would run dry, " Oh crap theres no way anything going to be left, I don't think we even have enough money to buy what we need. "

Before he could run too far Machi caught him by the collar, " Hold your horses there, Leon has the annoying look in his eyes meaning he's three steps ahead of us. "

" You know me well, I already bought all the supplies we could need. So we can just take it easy for the next few hours. "

" Really!? How did you know we would need them. " Knuckle asked. Leon shrugged, " Its what I do. So what should we do now. "

Knuckle shook his head, " Don't worry about it, while everyone else is splitting hairs we'll just sit back and relax. "