Cutting Loose

Things only got more challenging as more time passed. Leon thought that they were having too easy of a time. All the excursions that Leon ordered met in failure. So far, one squad had been completely wiped.

It was all to try and hunt more animals to feed Ymir. Since their first beast horde, they were running out of meat. Leon even tried to have Ymir hunt with him, but that was only so effective.

Leon sat in his chair, fretting over what to do. For the first time, Leon was at a loss, "Still having trouble." Leon looked up to see Machi standing over him.

"Yeah, our hunting tactics aren't up to standard with the kind of beast that we have here. All of the animals can sense nen to a fault, even using Zetsu the Beast can still sense the Nen that we used to emit." Leon complained while slumming in his chair

Machi frowned, "How do they sense it?" Leon blinked, "What do you mean?"

"I mean the way we sense nen is to use Gyo, but we haven't seen any of the creatures use Nen only sense or feed on it."

Leon sat up, "It can't be that easy, right?" Standing up, Leon gave Machi a long kiss before he ran out the door.

Calling Gotoh, Leon ran towards the security cameras, "Master Leon is there anything you need."

"Gotoh, I need Ziggy and Butch. I think I found a lead to solve our problem." Opening the door to the security room, the three guards on duty shot to attention, "I need you three to pull up all body footage of our men who encountered beasts in the wild."

The men swiveled around in their chairs and started to type at blistering speeds. In a few minutes, all the footage was put together, "Thank you, gentlemen, you can take the rest of your shift off."

Once Leon emptied the room, Leon waited for his three advisers, "Why did you call us here, son." Leon turned around to find all those in attendance.

Leon smiled, "I think I found a way to solve our problem." Leon played to footage of one of their squads being attacked, "So why do you want to show us this?" Butch asked, his arms crossed.

"The men in this squad were trained for years on stealth operations. I even gave them a technique to hide their smell. And they're using Zetsu, so the question remains how did the beast sense them."

"That's a good question. I don't know how far the family's training has come, but none of our assassination techniques work." Ziggy chimed in.

Leon nodded, "We've only looked at these beasts as animals of our world, but they live outside it. I want our labs to start dissecting these creatures to see what makes them tick.

For millennia they have interacted with nen on a much closer level than we have. Since they don't have the technology, they must have evolved, and we need to find that critical piece to see what's going on."

"We might not have all the facilities for that, Sir. Currently, we only have three biologists, and with the current storm system, we can't ship anything in or out."

Leon sighed as Gotoh was right, "How long before the system clears?" Gotoh pulled something up on his display, "At least, a month or so."

Leon sighed, "Fine, just make sure that our three biologists have everything they need. I want this to be the top priority. Make sure that they understand I am expecting results. Also that there is a large reward attached to this assignment."

Ziggy stayed behind with Leon as Butch and Gotoh went off to follow his commands, "You okay, son?"

Leon sighed, and he sat down in his chair, "It's nothing I haven't experienced before. Things are starting to ramp up. I have a remedy, though."

Ziggy raised an eyebrow, "Oh, care to share."

Leon smiled, "You know I haven't got drunk once in my life, and I never thought I would. But that Sake of yours might do the trick."

Leon ordered a barrel of sake and called Uvogin and Nobunaga to see if they had any intentions to get shit faced.

The next morning Leon groaned, and it felt like his head was trying to break out of his head. Standing up and walking over to a sink, Leon hit his stomach three times, and then his throat making him barf.

Wiping his mouth, Leon felt worlds better. Looking around the room, they had wrecked, and he could spot three sake barrels.

Walking over to the iron door Leon hit the intercom button, "Hey, you can let us out now." The intercom buzzed, and the door clicked and swung open.

At that moment, both Uvogin and Nobunaga woke up holding their heads, "Shit, that was good, but I feel like shit."

Leon pushed Uvogin and Nobunaga over to the sink and did the same trick on them, "Thanks, but I would appreciate a warning next time." Uvogin said while spitting into the sink.

Nobunaga stretched, "Does anyone know what the hell happened last night?"

"Well, I don't know the specifics, but I'm glad I had the foresight to lock us in here," Leons said, gesturing to the destroyed room.

Uvogin chuckled, "I really hope the bill isn't too high."

Leon smiled evilly, "Well figure something out."