Chapter 2 Truth Hurts

Next day he saw a library and went to look at books about ghosts. He soon saw a book called " All about ghosts ". He suddenly thought to read about the book and understand about the thoughts of ghost. As soon he opened the book he saw if you want to read the book and learn about the ghost first remember "The ghost will always leave scar behind us ". He was confused why will a ghost leave scar behind . He read all the book, he thought he would tried to understand all feelings. Then he saw Min hye was struggling with some thing he went closer more closer he saw Min hye was fighting with a ghost and she almost died when bian Xian protected her . He asked why you are here and that too fighting with a ghost. Are serious? Are you a fool . You can't even protect yourself . She asked why are you worried so much and that to because of me. He said in my childhoood I forgot to mention that there is a girl when I was 5 years I treated her just like my sister but I didn't have a chance to protect her because her family and my family are going in a same car but our both families met with a accident and I don't know that she is alive or not . By hearing the story Min hye felt why we both are same it means his parents and my parents are lost in a accident and he said that he was adopted by a brother just like me could it he and I are known each other from childhood . She asked me immediately that I want to see your memories. He replied ok. ( when she scanned his memories she realised that he and I are known from childhood) ( Min hye was happy at the same time she was also sad . She was happy because she met her childhood friend and she was sad because there will be a day when I will also go to heaven and till now he didn't know I was alive or not so, it's best to not tell him).

Min hye why are you shedding tears ?

She said nothing and used her magic power and left from there. He was so confused.

Why is she like that?

Did I do something wrong?


Did I say something wrong?

( he kept thinking about it all day)

Next day at night unexpectedly Bian Xian and Min hye met at the same place like yesterday.

Bian Xian asked her why did you left yesterday?

She said " Past is always sad ".

Ok ! but from now on I will protect you from the ghost as a friend . Now let's start with my brother's death.

( They both disappeared from there in just seconds and reached the place wher his brother died)

She said remember the corpse of your brother let's go to there. As soon they both went there it is said that this graveyard is very dangerous and there is book as soon bian Xian touched the book a ghost was roming I will kill you . he thought How would a ghost can kill me. There was a index in that index there is a list of all people who died and where they burried the corpse. Bian Xian brothers corpse was at very last and dangerous place if any one will go there they will never come back.

As they were going deeper the more ghost are appearing and the place became more scarier than thought. From back min hye felt that something bad is going to happen as deeper they go the dark . After that a ghost with long hair white colour dress and with red lipstick appeared they both got scared after seeing that ghost. The ghost fighting with Min hye and Bian xian was also helping her but all ghost gatherd to take take powers from them both. (If you remember in first chapter She took all the power of ghost who tried to eat Bian xian). One of the ghosts said if you remember Min hye you ate half of our family and that's why we will take revenge from eating you and him and try to revive us. Your power is going to help us a lot and Bian xian your power of seeing ghost will also help us . As soon they were trying to eat Min hye Bian xian suddenly gathered all Gods spirit and in one slash all ghost turned into a star and flew to heaven. By seeing this Min hye was shocked and perplexed. she asked him how did you do that. He replied I really don't know how I did this .