Chapter 3 Will he know the truth

( Bian xian suddenly gathered all Gods spirit and left a mark in ghosts ) . He was confused how can I gather all gods spirit. Min hye also asked him how did you do that he replied no I don't know. (They both stopped their conversation) went more and more deep as soon they both saw their brother being a ghost Bian xian suddenly collapsed. As soon he opened his eyes there his was in hospital he began to thinks how can this happen to my brother and how can I come to hospital because my brother didn't see me and people can't see Min hye how could this be possible he was wondering himself. Then he asked the nurse who just came into his room how did I came to here. The nurse replied there is a man who was just passing by there and saw you and brought you to the hospital. Bian xian was wondering who can it be. The nurse said I need to give you this injection.( As the nurse gave him injection he suddenly collapsed) . Min hye said sorry Bian xian I have to give you this injection because if you find the truth it might hurt you and already you didn't forget me but when you know I am your childhood friend and just like your sister you will be surely go through a hard time of it. She was crying . suddenly bian xian stood and twisted his head backward and said do you really think I am bian xian. Min hye said brother stop I know that you went inside of bian xian body. His brother said I thought to say bian xian about you at his graduation day but I didn't except it will be like this. Min hye asked we have to find out who killed us and I will find out the three questions answers. Brother asked what are they. Min hye said

Why did they do?

What did they gain?

Brother asked how will you find out because you and me can't remember that day and our only help is bian xian. He can only help us . Min hye said we should didn't say this to him because if he find out that I am alive as a ghost and the injection I gave him he will remember all that happened in last one week means he will forgot that I meet him and all the past he can start a new life. Brother asked he didn't know you are his childhood friend and sister so why are you giving this to him . Then Min hye replied he knows. brother asked how did he know . Min hye replied when I touched his hand and cried he understood my feelings and thought I am only her it will be conformed when he wakes up because as I said he will forget his memories but he will slightly remember me so he will figure out that it was me.

( His brother and Min hye went from there to find out who killed them both on same day)

Min hye said brother you know that I study in law school right so, first I have find out answers for these questions.

Why did they do?

why did they gain?

First we need to go to the place we both died but brother you have to notice on thing the murder happens on same day as when me , bian xian and you lost our parents. Brother remember you also said that you also lost your parents that day. Brother replied yes but what is the connection. Min hye replied could it be done by same person than brother replied but isn't it we lost our parents by accident than min hye said but it is similar to the case when I read and was going to court to handle that case but I died. Bian Xian woken up and said Aa what happened to me and why l am here and why I can't remember anything wait I was with some one right