Chapter 4 Fighting to the death

why I can't remember anything and wait I was will some gir....girl right than doctors came and said you need to take rest bian xian said no I have to go somewhere but where you can't go anywhere and nurse give me anesthesia so that he can rest well nurse gave the anesthesia bian xian suddenly fall asleep. Nurse said to the doctor but there may be a problem which you where talking about as you said we have to do a surgery because he lost his memories and he heart is not good if he get stressed again he may die the cardiologist department cheif told me to say you doctor what will you do now say cardiologist department cheif to come so we take a meeting and discuss about it ( The cardiologist department cheif came and said no need of that we have to do artificial heart surgery it is very complicated so think it very carefully and you said this is your guardian . Give me some time to think. (After sometime they held a meeting and they declared that he should have a artificial heart surgery) . Tomorrow we will proceed him. ( The day came when they are going to perform artificial heart surgery) The doctor's are ready to perform artificial heart surgery. After some time the surgery went well but there is a problem the past he has can hurt him that his wounds are more deeper so it will hurt him that much so he can give up to die but he will live on because he has confidence and he is not thinking about himself at all. Min hye asked the brother I think our two accidents are done by same person because think carefully and it has to be related to our past. Brother asked are you sure. Min hye asked why did you ask me that. Brother replied because if it is done by same person they may know our family for long time. The doctor came bian xian you may not remember me I am your brother's uncle I took you as a graudian but you lost your memories. So, be very careful bian xian asked uncle what happened to brother tell me what happen to him please. (The doctor narrated whole story to him)