Chapter 5 Bian xian remembering the past

Uncle explained the whole story but bian xian didn't believe and he called his brother veiod call his brother lifted and said why did you call me brother uncle said that you have died so, I called you bian xian remember uncle is just trying to prank on you so, don't be in tension and I have to go abroad soon I may not come until forever brother what does that mean I have work a lot so don't disturb me okay . Uncle said okay I did as a prank but now you will have to rest so go and rest I have something to talk with him okay. ( Bian Xian is resting on bed and uncle came out of the room and said do you really have to do this brother there is no choice except this and I am with Min hye trying to find out okay .Bye. Brother I want to see bian Xian can I go please okay but on one condition before he wakes up you have to be here okay brother. ( Min hye disappeared using her magic power and reached at hospital. Bian Xian was asleep Min hye went closer to him and touched his hand and said brother why did you leave me like this. Don't worry brother I will find out who killed us from starting to end. As you always said if there is a beginning there should be a ending they started we are going to end Just do me a favor by talking care of yourself and forget the scar I will leave you behind also I don't want to but there is no other choice). Bian Xian woke up so, you are my sister. She was shocked because he should didn't remember or the power he have will be gone . Min hye how did you see me , how did you remember your past. Bian xian said when you touched my hand I don't know I can see something and I heard words you said and I remember everything. As soon min hye tried to use her magical powers so she can get out of this room but bian Xian sealed her power. Min hye how did you do this tell me fastly then bian Xian replied I still have power to use which is given by god's . Min hye asked why did you get these powers then bian xian replied it is gift from ghost so I can seal your powers. so, now take me to the place where you and brother are there fastly fastly. Min hye asked first seal off my power then she tried to escape alone but it didn't happen so, she has bring the place where brother and she started searching." Remember one thing Anything you can't see will hurt you ".