Chapter 6 Who killed us

(As soon as bian xian and min hye reached there) Brother was shocked because he saw bian xian and min hye together then bian Xian asked brother

why did you do this brother?

Did I do something wrong?

If I did what could it be ?

Brother do you really hate me ?

Brother replied no, I don't why will I hate my little brother and do you really remember everything. Bian Xian replied yes I do but why are you asking me. Brother said then while saving Min hye you gathered all gods spirit and you saved her .

How did you do this?

Then bian Xian replied I don't really know then wait 1 minute I think I remember something while your death I saw a chain in which it is said once remember me I will help you while saving Min hye I remember that so, I think I have that power. Bian Xian this is a thing which you said your mother gave you right why it is here . Brother are you thinking my parents have done this and soon bian Xian parents apeared and said yes we did it why everyone are so shocked as we did any terrible thing. Then bian Xian said

Why did you do this?

What wrong they did?

Min hye asked them

what did you gain?

why did you do that?

Bian xian mother replied both answers are different and persons are also different but if you find it what will you do with it.