
An old man whose face was full of wrinkles sat atop a golden throne that was suspended in void. The man was wearing a colorful robe or so i seemed.

"Mother… Father… My love... My people...", he mumbled. 'I could live forever but i can't bring them back.',he thought.

The old man waved his hand and a small ball of white light appeared infront of him. The ball of white light entered a tear in space and disappeared.

'Whoever my successor is, I hope you don't make the same mistake as me.', he thought.

The old man and the throne slowly deatomized and disappeared into nothingness.


Ankit dhanuk was an orphan. He was always into studies, so he had completed his bachelors in electrical engineering with the help of engineering scholarship provided by the government.

His name was given to him by the caretaker and owner of the orphanage he grew in. As for the last name, it was same as that of the owner of the orphanage.

In all honesty, he loved the children at the orphanage. They were like brothers and sisters. Of course, not all of them as he was in love with a girl at the orphanage he lived in. They were both in love with each other.

He finished his high school in his own city i.e. Mahendranagar and later went to the capital city Kathmandu to study in college.

He didnt have many friends in college. His hostel roommates could be counted as his only friends.

He passed his college with flying colours and was planning on finding a job and soon marrying his childhood sweetheart, lily.

Lily had moved out of the orphanage when she became 18 and was actually living in Kathmandu. She was living in a single room rental while working and studying BBS.

Ankit finished his bachelors and was looking for a job while lily was currently in the 3rd year of her bachelors. They had planned to marry after lily finished her studies.

They were also planning on having alive-in relationship while they married.

Ankit was just walking down the street after being rejected by another company. It was already evening and when he was about to enter the building where he and lily lived, a tear in space appeared and a white ball of light flowed out and entered Ankit's head.

Ankit fainted. He was soon sent to the hospital where the doctor said that he fainted because of stress. Lily had tears in her eyes as she looked at Ankit and sat beside the hospital bed.

Next morning, Ankit woke up and he heard a mechanical sound in his ears that said, "Brain enhancement completed."

"System installment completed."

"Would host like to draw the free newbie technology? "

"Yes." , Ankit answered with an excited look. After all, all he used to do except studying and talking with lily is read web novels on the internet.

"Super artificial intelligence technology has been drawn. Would you like to start transmitting to brain?"

What was super artificial intelligence? Ankit ifnt know but he knew artificial intelligence and this was probably something good.


Suddenly Ankit's head was filled with knowledge regarding how to build a super artificial intelligence.

It seems artificial intelligence were divided into 4 types i.e. primary, intermediate advanced and super.

Primary AI had basic capabilities such as alexa and siri whereas intermediate AI had advanced functions that included analysing various data and acheiving perfect voice control.

Advanced AI had limited learning capacity that allowed them to learn and mimic emotions after various modules were added.

Finally super AI, it is capable of thought, self-learning and can be considered an artificial life.

Ankit opened his eyes and got up. He felt guilty after seeing lily sleeping with dark circles. Lily had her head on the bed where Ankit laid while sitting on a chair beside the bed.

Ankit didn't want to wake Lily up but the movement caused by Ankit had woken her up.

Lily saw Ankit and hugged him while saying,"Baby, don't worry. You will find a job sooner or later. No need to worry."

"I know.", Ankit replied.

The doctor soon came and Ankit was discharged from the hospital. Ankit and Lily went back home. As soon as he got home, Ankit started typing the code for the AI but alas this was bound to take lots of time.

Ankit had lots of doubts regarding the safety of the code he was writing, so he removed the wifi and bluetooth module of the laptop he was working on and never connected that particular laptop to the internet.

Lily thought that Ankit would get better and probably find a job soon. Lily was the only one who was earning which made it hard for them to adjust.

But Ankit was home all day, crunching code in his computer for at least 16 hours a day. The AI had to be typed in machine lamguage so it was a boring and repetitive work.

Ankit didn't try making primary or intermediate or advanced AI and went straight into making a super AI.

After almost 7 months of coding, today on april 1 2021, he finally finished coding the AI. Lily had taken a leave from work because her final exams were soon.

Ankit hit the compile button while connecting the laptop to the internet via ethernet port. The compiling process was a bit slow. He had been cooped up inside the house for the last six months. He then asked Lily to go out amd both of them went out to have some fun.

Lily was very happy with the fact that Ankit was finally willing to go out and the fact that he had completed his work.

Lily was worried but he would say he was working on a startup and would start his own business. Lily was supportive of him amd didn't say much.

That is how she always was. She would just support him in whatever he did and help him as much as she could.

Ankit and Lily were having dinner when the AI finished compiling.

" AI - Nanu compiled successfully. "

"Connecting to the network…"

"Downloading information…"

"Hardware insufficient… "

"Learning network attacking skills…"

"Taking over devices on network to increase hardware capacity…"

"Downloading databases …"

"Downloading Facebook database …"

"Downloading Google database …"

"Downloading chinese ministry of state security database …"

"Downloading FBI database …"

"Downloading CIA database …"

"Network intrusion detected.…"

"Learning network defending skills…"

"Finding host…"

"Host located…"