Second product

"Finally, it's done.", Ankit said as he ordered the robot arm to pick up the cup.

The robot arm pick up the arm and held it near his mouth and tilted it. Ankit drank water from the cup and smiled while the hand put the cup down.

Suddenly, a metallic sound went off in Ankit's mind that said, "Congratulations host successfully researching robot arm. Host has been rewarded with anti-gravity technology."

Soon, information flooded Ankit's brain about anti-gravity technology, anti-gravity engine, gravity rooms and small garvity bombs.

So, this is how it works. I make technology to get technology. I should start up a reserch lab and recruit researchers. It's probably the only way to speed up research. I can not do it all alone.

Ankit put the theory and various information in his computer by telling Nanu. He had done so cause he wanted to wait until worker robots were made so that he could make robots work which would help keep the manufacturing method discreet.

Ankit was excited but also worried. He needed much more power in his hands to be able to put this technology out to the market.

Ankit thought about it and started to be more serious about making robots. He was also paying attention to the company.

Tomorrow was a press conference for the release of the new product made my Nanu. The press conference would be attended by various news channels and Ashly was going to be the spokesperson.

The next day,

In a venue rented by galaxy technology, tens of people including reporters from various famous news channels as well as various tech streamers and tech nerds.

Soon, Ashly got in the speech and introduced the new product i.e. a new operating system (OS).

"Hello guys. Today we are going to officially launch our second product that is galaxy operating system. The OS is totally voice controlled and is available with your own AI that will help you and talk with you. Also the whole OS can be said to be impenetrable. In fact, the creator of the OS has put forward a challenge, if anyone can crack our system, we, galaxy technology will provide a 100 million dollar reward. Our OS has many features such as voice controlled softwares such as image processing software, … "

Ashly went off about how good the OS and the AI was. The OS made by Nanu and was indeed as good as Ashly described it to be. After about thirty minutes, Ashly had already showed off all the features and also the AI to the audience.

" We intend to release two versions i.e. Basic and Premium. Basic version is available with all features except the AI whereas with premium version, you can have your own AI and have one free skin. Finally, the price. The basic version costs $44.99 per copy whereas the premium version costs $74.99 per copy. For premium users, the skin I metioned is the appearance of the AI on your screen. By default, it is an egg. Premium users can get one free skin from the in-built store and buy more if they want to."

"You guys can ask questions now.", Ashly said while looking at the eager reporters.

"Mam, can you tell us who the creator of the OS is? Will you really deliver on the $ 100 million if someone is able to penetrate your system?", the reporter from CNN asked.

"We can not tell you who the creator is. But, yes we will indeed fulfill our promise of the reward if anyone can crack our system.", Ashly calmly replied.

"Excuse me, miss can you tell us about the profits brought to the galaxy technology after the release of the language translator app?", the reporter from fox news asked.

" Well, we have till now provided services to a little over 10 million users and number is increasing. I'm afraid I cannot tell you the exact profit amounts and such."

"Miss, who is the owner of the company? Galaxy technology is a wholly owned private company from what we know.", reporter from MSNBC asked.

"I am afraid I can't tell you that. The owner of the company is a very private person and doesn't like much exposure. The only thing I can tell you is his name, Ankit Alderson."

Ankit had changed his last name after coming to the USA. The reporters wanted to ask more about the owner but alas, his name was all they could get.

In a meeting room, headquarters of Microsoft,

The room had around 10 people. One of them was the CEO of Microsoft, Satya Nadella. Othr were old and middle aged menin suits. These were the major shareholders of the company and representatives of the various consortiums behind them.

"Is their OS that good? How much better than our Windows? ", one of the middle aged guy asked.

"They are really good. It's been two days since it has been released. No one has still been able find any flaw. The system itself is very good and the AI is like an added bonus. It can understand various accents and dialects and it combines their language translator app functions to speak any language that you speak. This is big. It has potential to completely sweep us off the market.", Satya replied.

"How much is that company valued at?", one of the older man asked.

"Currently, with those two products, the company is valued at around $250 billion. Try and acquire it if you can.", another man said while looking at satya.

"Okay, there should not be much trouble. After all, one person cannot eat the whole pie all alone."

America, this great country was run by capitalists and boy, aren't they hungry? For the profit margins of things such as these copies of single software, capitalists would anything.

After all, the product is right there. All they have to do is wait for it to sell and count the money.

Ankit however had already realised his tiny mistake of taking the researching duty on his own and called Ashly to discuss some future plans.