Chapter 1: Arrival of the Norse Demigod

Alright. So this is a new story idea I've thought of for a while as I've been reading a lot of Percy Jackson FanFics both Regular and Crossover for the last few months. I know this is the third book that I'm starting off with but I found that this is the one point in the story I found it the best way to introduce any OC for this Story. (Other than the first book of course) And as from the title you would have guessed my OC for this story will be from Norse Mythology.

While I haven't read the Magus Chase Series I won't be adding elements from that story into this as I don't know enough of the Series. So we'll just make it AU. (It technically was anyway, but fuck it. Roll with it) Heads up as well, my OC will be a lot older than the other characters. So while Percy will be around 14/15 Aaron will be 27/28.

There will also be some elements that I'll be bringing in from the God of War series as well. Mainly Aaron's Weapon which is the Leviathan Axe. This weapon was chosen due to his Jötunn mother's godly domains.

Anyway, let's get going with the first chapter. Enjoy!

Prologue: Arrival of the Norse Demigod

Somewhere in the Northern Forests of Yukon in Canada, there was a man stacking several medium to large size rocks into two pillars. The man's jaw and neck was covered in a short but light brown beard. Due to the man's resilience to the cold no steam from any sweat appeared over the head.

The man wore a Green and Grey flannel shirt underneath a brown leather jacket that had a white wolf fur collar. He wore simple jeans along with a pair of black boots. Hanging over his back was a backpack that appeared to have a wooden handle attached to the right-hand side of it.

"Last one set." The man groaned as he got back to his feet once more. "Heimdall said he would place me near where I needed to be. But instead, he placed me nearly 4000 miles away from my destination." The man groaned in annoyance as he took a crystal out from his backpack.

"Opið til Bar Harbor." The Man commanded out as the crystal began to glow. There was then a glowing veil that appeared between the two pillars. "I swear he's done this just to fuck with me." Grumbling along the man walked into the veil and disappeared from the snow-filled forest as the light faded.

(Bar Harbor, Maine)

"Permission to kill, my Lady?" One of the hunters asked. She didn't look back as she kept her gaze solely on the beast in front of her.

"This is not fair!" The Manticore, shouted out in a mixture of fear and anger. "Direct interference, it is against the ancient laws!"

"Not so." Another young girl spoke out to the beast." The hunting of all wild beasts in with my sphere. And you foul creature, are a wild beast."

Now that she was defined as the leader of the Hunters, the ones watching now knew that this small child was the Goddess Artemis herself. "Zoe... Permission granted."

The Manticore not wanting to perish charged towards the young Greek Demigods. "No!" A young blonde girl shouted out before she jumped onto the Beasts back.

However, before she could stab the Beast a small pillar of light suddenly appeared between the Hunters and the young Greek Demigods. Walking slowly out of the light all those near were silent as they looked at a man who was calmly assessing them all.

Looking up at the Helicopter overhead the man dropped his backpack and gripped the wooden handle. Lifting it upwards it revealed a curved single edged Danish Battle Axe with a medium length handle. The Axe's curved blade was littered with runes that ran along it's polished edge. Folding his fingers in order to tighten his grip on his weapon the Runes began to dimly glow in the moonlight.

"Drop your weapon! Now!" Zoe shouted out to the man but her orders were ignored.

The man instead threw the Axe towards the Helicopter. His aim was true as it hit just below the Helicopter's rotor. A sudden build-up of Ice stopped the rotating blades in an instant. With it's loss of power, the Helicopter fell down the cliff below. A few moments after his arrival this mysterious man had forced the Helicopter to fall from everyone's view. Moments after an explosion was heard the Axe flew back up into the air.

The Axe seemed to be making a beeline towards the man. But after taking a soft side step the blade rested beside his downed backpack. With the blade embedded into the snow, the man turned his attention towards the beast in front of him. Looking directly at the Manticore the man slowly walked towards the Beast.

"Who are you!?" One of the Hunters once more demanded an answer.

The man once more ignored the Hunters and continued walking towards the Manticore. Artemis meanwhile throughout the recent exchanges remained silent as she watched with slight interest. She could feel the man's presence was similar to the other Demigods present, but at the same time, there was also something different.

This feeling only caused her to be slightly more cautious of the man as she watched him place an open hand onto the ground. Within the blink of an eye Ice shoot out and encased all four of the Manticore's legs in a thick layer of frozen snow and water, trapping the Beast. The fifth pillar of ice trapped the Beast's tail, preventing it from defending itself. The Manticore was now at the man's mercy. "Now that I have your attention, I need you to answer an important question for me."

"And why, would I tell you anything?" Scowled at the Manticore.

Taking off his brown leather jacket it revealed several ringed tattoos that ran down both of the man's forearms. in between the ringed tattoos were several runes written onto his skin. "Simple." As he raised his right hand he pointed his open palm behind him. Several of the rune tattoos that littered his arm began to glow. Suddenly the Axe that was left beside his abandoned backpack flew into his open right hand.

"If you die to either these Godlings or the Goddess near me, you'll be reborn... However, my magic will make you fade into nothing." The man softly spoke as he started to tighten the grip he held on his Axe. "It would force you off of Yggdrasil and will never be reborn again. You'll be lost from the nine realms, never to return. Now, will you answer my question truthfully or suffer?"

With each step closer the more menacing he appeared to be. "I would get off this thing's back kid. Jötunn Magic can affect those who are in contact with it's intended target."

Annabeth nodded quickly as she jumped down from the Manticore's back and moved towards her friends. "Now." The man softly spoke as he lifted the Axe's blade to the Beast's head. "Where is Mimir?"

eye's nervously switched between the blade and the man. "I don't know who you're talking about."

"Don't lie to me Beast!" In a blast of sudden anger the man tightly grabbed Dr. Thorn's hair and pushed the Axe's blade to the Manticore's jaw, pressing onto it's neck. "Answer the question."

Upon feeling the cold metal break his skin Dr. Thron now knew this weapon could take his life. "I-i-it's with the G-general!" The Manticore nervously shouted out to the man.

"Who and where is this General?" The man asked as he kept the Axe in the same position.

"DON'T SAY HIS NAME!" One of the Hunters shouted out in fear. The man raised an eyebrow over this. This was the same Hunter that wanted him to drop his weapon. He wondered what had caused the sudden change in attitude.

"You know who that man is... Don't you?" The man softly asked the Hunter. Upon finishing his question he noticed that the other Hunter subconsciously tightened their grips over their weapons. However, what caught his eye was a little girl's deathly glare at him. He noticed that she had been the calmest of all the Hunter present, up until this point.

He knew that this Hunter knew something but decided it would be best not to ask any further. He had already got enough from the Beast and had stayed too long here for his own liking. So the man thought it would be best to cut his losses before anything else developed. He knew the name of the man who held Mimir, it was at the very least a start. "Then it appears I have overstayed my welcome."

Turning his attention back to the Manticore, The man released his grip over it's hair. Then with a swift and unsuspecting action, he brought the tip of the Axe's blade to the Beast's forehead. "Frysta!" The man commanded out which caused the Manticore to freeze solid. It's face showing his last moments of blind panic.

Lifting the Axe into the air the Man brought it down and shattered the Manticore into over a hundred thousand pieces. With the Beast slain, the man walked towards his backpack but a voice caused him to stop in his tracks. "WOAH! Time out! Who the hell are you people!?"

"I am of no concern little one." The man replied. As he continued walking another voice spoke out to him.

"And where do you plan on going?" The man turned around a found that it was the small quiet girl who recently gave him a deathly glare before he turned his back to the girl.

"At this moment I don't know. But it's urgent that I locate whoever this General is." As the man answered he didn't even turn to face the girl as he spoke. Such actions snapped some of the hunters into aiming their bows at him.

"You shall not answer our lady in that manner. Boy" Turning around to face the Hunters the man let out a light chuckle.

"Haha. It's been a few years since I've been called that. Haha." The man responded with laughter in his voice. "No less being called such from children. Haha."

"Who are you?" The small girl asked once more. "I know you are a Demigod. That much I can sense. But I don't know you."

"Well, you are correct. And I also know that you are Artemis of the Hunt." The man replied shocking the Goddess. "Y'know from the stories that I've heard of you, I have to say I wasn't expecting you to take this from."

"Watch your eyes and tone with our Lady you filthy male!" One of the Hunters shouted out in anger.

"Yeah and our Lady is the Goddess of more than just the Hunt!" Another joined her sister.

"You should respect all of her domains!" A third Hunter joined.

"The only way you'll gain my respect children, is if it's earned." The man snapped at the Hunter. "And the domain that I respect from Lady Artemis is that over the Hunt." The man responded.

"And why is that?" Artemis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because, Lady Artemis from one Hunter to another. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Aaron Davidson. I'm the Demigod son of the Jötunn Goddess Skadi, Goddess of Winter, Mountains, Skiing and the Hunt." Aaron smiled as he answered Artemis.

Artemis raised an eyebrow to his statement. "I sense there is more than you are telling me."

'Of course, a Deity would notice such a thing.' Aaron thought to himself as he became silent. He remained silent for a few moments but Artemis noticed a mixture of hurt and anger within his eyes. "My father was also a Demigod but he is of no concern to me. I have already disowned his bloodline."

"I see." Artemis responded as she turned and walked towards her Hunters. "Zoe. Please set up Camp for ourselves and the other Demigods. They shall be staying with us for the night. Help with there wounds and please fetch their personal belonging from the school." Artemis softly ordered as she spoke.

Thinking now was the best time to make is exit Artemis spoke out to Aaron stopping him. "You will be joining us won't you?"

Aaron turned around to face Artemis to reject her offer but when he noticed the stern look on her face he stopped himself. "I suppose so."

Having been provided a tent to rest by the Hunters Aaron decided to rest for a few minutes. After an hour's rest, Aaron was awakened by one of Artemis' hunters shaking him. "Woah, Calm down. Where's the fire?" Aaron groaned as he woke. He looked up to find the girl in front of him was the one who's face had been full of fear at the mention of the General from before.

"My Lady wishes for your presence." The girl spoke to him with a monotone voice. "Follow me."

Aaron nodded as he got up from his makeshift bed and followed the girl. His trek to Artemis' tent was a silent one. "I can tell you're the life of the party."

"What was that male?!" The girl snapped back in response. She readied her bow to attack him but Aaron tripped her left foot from underneath her causing her to lose her focus and slightly stumble.

"You're too young to be thinking you can challenge me to a fight." Aaron dryly responded as he continued walking, leaving a stunned Zoe behind.

'I'm going to kill this man.' Zoe thought to herself as she tried to control her rage.

As Zoe entered Artemis' tent she came back out a few seconds later. "You may enter." She informed Aaron as she pulled back the entrance way allowing him to enter.

When he entered the tent he noticed that there were two others along with Artemis herself inside with him. "Please... Sit with us." Artemis offered a seat to which he bowed slightly and accepted.

"I must thank you for hospitality and allowing me to stay for a while Lady Artemis, but I feel that I can't rest any longer. I have to find this General quickly."

"Why?" The Sea-green eyed boy asked. "Why is it so important?"

"Finding the General is not important. It's finding who he has in his possession." Aaron answered. "According to... Whatever that thing was."

"Manticore." Artemis corrected Aaron.

"Thank you." Aaron nodded towards Artemis before continuing. "Because of that exchange I now know who Mimir is with, I just have to find him. And the sooner I find him, the sooner Midgard will be safe."

"I fail to see the connection." Artemis spoke. "He is of Greek Legacy and Origin. Why would the General have any need for this Mimir?"

"It's for his knowledge." Aaron answered. "Mimir knows nearly every secret of all nine realms. He's being used by your grandfather in his upcoming war." Aaron continued. "In his first war with Olympus, it ended in failure. To ensure his victory now he is bringing in Monsters from my Pantheon, in order to ensure his second War is successful."

"Odin worries that Midgard's destruction would lead to an early Ragnarök. Due to this, he's enlisted my help. After he gave me his word to me on a subject that is of personal concern. Mimir however, was kidnapped and I need to recover him to ensure that our enemies don't use his knowledge against us." Aaron explained.

"Couldn't he just y'know... Runaway?" The boy with sea-green eyes innocently asked.

"Hahaha!" Aaron burst out laughing at the boy's question. "I'd say that would be an interesting sight to behold. You see Mimir is a talking severed head." Everyone within the tent just stared at Aaron with wide eyes as if he was mad.

"What's the worst monster he can summon?" A black haired girl asked.

"The worst monster Mimir could speak to would be Jörmungandr... And I pray to all gods that they don't attempt that." Aaron softly ended so as no one would hear his last words but Artemis' eyes slightly widened. "You see Jörmungandr speaks a dead tongue that not even the old gods remember. Well... All except for Mirmir."

'What exactly is this Jur... Jurmoongandar?" The sea green-eyed boy asked.

"Well in the English he is also known as the Midgard or World Serpent. Tales are said that he so long and large that he is able to wrap his entire body around the world and bit on his tail. An exaggeration I'm sure, but he has not been seen in nearly five hundred years. So if anyone would know where he might reside, it would be Mirmir." Aaron answered.

"If Odin requested you to go on this mission, why did you ask Odin for a favour? If you don't mind me asking." Artemis asked.

Aaron paused for a moment thinking about wither it would be in his interests to inform the Goddess. "If you must know it's for my mother's sake." Aaron responded. Artemis raised an eyebrow at this not expecting his answer.

"I love my mother and I owe her everything. I wish simply want nothing but her happiness. But Odin has been trying to get my mother to marry one of his son's for nearly a thousand years. I only wish for her own peace of mind over the matter."

"However the reason that Odin requested for me to come here was simply that I'm the oldest of the Norse Demigods that is able to make the journey, and the one with enough battle experience should anything go wrong. If I'd have said no the next in line would've been around the same age as this boy. So I was left with little choice but to accept as she isn't ready for the journey like this."

"Are you implying she's weak because she's a girl?" Zoe snapped at Aaron.

"Sex had nothing to do with the decision, she's still a child in training. She has yet to receive a weapon from the forges of Nidavellir, her body simply wouldn't be able to survive the trip through the Bifrost without one. It would have torn her body limb from limb." Aaron calmly replied back however, there was a clear scowl on his face.

"Understand something, we Norse know and accept the limits of our Demigods. More so than you Greeks. Instead of being left to their own devices or at that daycare, instead they are trained by their loving parents." After he finished Aaron took a few seconds to calm himself down.

"So your a mother's boy then?" Artemis asked with a smidge of a smirk appearing on her face.

Slightly embarrassed Aaron rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well, I'd have to agree that I am. Hahaha."

"Miss Di Angelo, Mr. Jackson. I thank you for your visit. But I'm afraid this conversation will have to continue without you both present." Artemis softly informed the two teenagers. "I will send Zoe to you both when we are ready to depart."

Both teens bowed slightly to the Goddess and left the tent. Zoe was about to do the same but Artemis called out stopping her exit. "I'm sorry but I must ask that you remain Zoe."

"I understand my Lady." Zoe glumly responded as she appeared hesitant in sitting.

"I take that my statement earlier was correct then?" Aaron softly asked. with a sudden snap upwards Zoe glared back at Aaron.

"Ég er hálfviti" Exhaling heavily Aaron understood his mistake. "I'm sorry for bringing that attention to you. I did not know it was a sensitive subject to you. Please forgive me."

Zoe appeared to be taken slightly aback by Aaron's comments. The man in front of her appeared to genuinely be resentful for his actions. Not trusting her voice as she felt she would lash out at him she nodded back to him in acceptance.

"You would be correct. But I must ask you to swear on the River Styx that whatever is about to be said here now." Artemis glared at Aaron.

Aaron remained silent for a moment before responding. "I'm afraid that I won't be able to do that."

"Typical male. All boost and no bite." Zoe snarkily remarked.

"If I would be able to explain as to why it's because me swearing on this Styx will have no effect against my word." Aaron answered as he tried to explain his reasoning. "I'm not a part of your Pantheon. My word would not be bound to it."

"But... There is something I can do. Would I be able to borrow a knife?" Aaron asked as he looked at Zoe. Artemis began to present her own but Aaron interrupted her.

"I'm sorry Lady Artemis but since it involves your Hunter's secret the spell would work best with her knife." Eying Aaron slightly for his comment Artemis hesitated at first. But Zoe placed a reassuring hand on her mistresses shoulder before handing Aaron one of her silver hunting knives.

Taking the knife in his hand Aaron knelt down before the fire and cut the palm of his left hand. Artemis and Zoe looked on nervously and with some concern as they saw a small amount of blood from the cut. "Fyrirheitin af orðum mínum. Bundinn af blóði." Aaron spoke as the drops of his blood dropped into the fire below. Once he finished the Fire grew larger as it turned Green before it returned to normal.

"What just happened?" Artemis asked in curiosity while Zoe remained silent.

"Roughly the spell means. 'The promise of my word. Bound by blood.' So I will now be able to keep my word over what is about to said." Aaron explained as he used his powers to freeze the area around his cut, stopping the bleeding. However, it appeared to only stop new blood from appearing as droplets of his blood from his open palm were still dropping whatever remained into the fire.

He chuckled nervously as he looked at the two in front of him. "Would I be able to borrow a cloth. I would hate to smear any blood on your trophy."

"You didn't think this through did you?" Zoe asked with an annoyed twitch showing on her eyebrow.

"It was the only thing that I could think of at the top of my head. Other methods would've been too time-consuming." Aaron nervously explained as Zoe offered him a cloth. Wrapping it around his palm Aaron sat back down.

"Would you like to explain Zoe?" Artemis asked her Lieutenant.

"Yes..." Zoe took a deep breath before explaining. Aaron could tell by the look of her eyes that whatever she was about to say was causing her a great deal of pain. "The General that you were told of... He is my father."

As Zoe finished her statement Aaron's body tensed as his eyes widened for a split second. He hoped it wasn't noticed but both of the women present noticed. His face then showed a more somber tone. "I don't think anything more needs to be explained at this point." Without anything else further said Aaron stood up, bowed towards the two present and made his way towards the tent's exit.

Artemis and Zoe could only watch on in stunned silence. "You wish for me to stop?" Zoe asked unsure of why Aaron, the man who is know hunting down her father would just. "Why? Is it because of my father that you..."

"It is nothing to do with your father..." Aaron stopped and turned and looked down at Zoe. "If you fear that I'm judging you? Don't... No child should have to bear their parent's sins. Speaking of the past isn't always pleasant. I know this is hurting you and I don't wish to make you any more uncomfortable... That is all." Aaron reassured her before he walked out of the tent.

As morning nearly arrived Aaron looked down at the stone within his hands. From a nearby tree, he could hear a Raven cawing down at him. He snapped his head up and shouted. "Tell the old man that he can piss off." The Raven cawed back in reply before it flew away from the Norse Demigod.

"If you're going to try and sneak up on me at least do a better job at it." Aaron shouted to someone behind.

Dropping from the treeline Zoe appeared beside him. "How?"

"How what?" Aaron asked back.

"How did you know I was advancing on you?" Zoe asked but this time she got right into Aaron's face.

"Wasn't too hard. I could tell that you were approaching." Aaron answered as he placed the stone into his back pocket.

"But I was traveling through the tree branches!" Zoe stated in confusion.

"Yes I know but you didn't stop the snow falling from the leaves you misplaced from hitting the ground." Aaron replied with a smirk.

"You could hear that?!" Zoe asked in shock.

"What makes you think I heard you approach me?" Aaron replied back with a smirk and a raised eyebrow. "I think you have forgotten about my mother's realms I mentioned earlier."

Zoe tried to remember what Arron said earlier and then felt slightly guilty that she had already forgotten. "It's Winter." Aaron answered on her behalf snapping her out of her thoughts. "I can feel the presence of every single snowflake in the area around me. Perfect for tracking small and large prey. Nothing can escape me when I'm hunting in the snow, but... Mom's better."

"Of course she is... She's a woman." Zoe replied back with a smirk of her own but Aaron just chuckled back in response.

"Yeah, I suppose you've got me there. Although if I'm too be honest I'd love to test my Hunting abilities against you Hunters and even Lady Artemis herself." Aaron stated. "It would be a great test to see what I can improve upon."

Zoe frowned slightly. "That would not be possible. No man will ever be allowed to join in our Hunts."

"Shame. I could've finally got a challenge other than my mom." Aaron sighed in slight annoyance but he understood the reason behind the rejection of his offer. "I'm guessing that Lady Artemis sent you to get me again?"

"Yes. She's contacted her brother for the other campers but she wishes to speak to you before she goes off to her own Hunt." Aaron could sense Zoe's hesitation when mentioning Artemis' brother but decided not to press with any questions.

"It'll be best to not keep her waiting then." Aaron replied as he light nudged Zoe just for a laugh. Her threats of an Arrow up his nose were laughed off as they both made their way back to the campsite.

When they both arrived back Aaron could see annoyance written over Artemis' face along with her body language showing annoyance. It didn't change when she noticed Aaron approaching with Zoe. "I'm sorry for placing this upon you Davidson but I have a favor to ask of you."

"Does it involve me getting shoot?" Aaron asked slightly un-eased by Artemis' current behavior and sudden demand.

"I'd be more worried about getting turned into a Jackolope if I were you." The sea-green eyed boy stated.

"I don't give a fuck about being turned into an animal. I just don't wanna get shoot." Aaron snapped back. "Have you seen these girls?! They have bows with pointed sticks!"

"As much as I would enjoy seeing that. Sadly it is not what I am asking." Artemis stated as she tried to change the subject. "Instead would you be able to assist my Hunters in their journey to Camp Half-Blood?" Artemis asked shocking Aaron, Zoe and the other Hunters.

"But my Lady!"

"Please girls." Artemis softly spoke silencing them in an instant. "I can tell you have some honor about you. That is the reason I am asking."

"Are sure it would be wise allowing a non-Greek Demigod into your little daycare center?" Aaron asked.

"Would you stop calling it a daycare! It's a summer camp!" The sea-green boy shouted at Arron.

"Well, what do you expect me to call it?!" Aaron snapped back. "You get dumped there by your negligent parents while they fuck off to do something else. Hense daycare!"

Artemis seemed un-nerved slightly by Aaron's statement. But slowly nodded in some understanding since her Hunters also hated the camp. "Under normal circumstances, I would agree... But, you are right about our world being in danger. I have already contacted my brother for your transport."

"Oh there wouldn't be any need for that Lady Artemis." Aaron stated that brought everyone's attention to him.

"If you want me to assist in getting your Hunters to the Demigod daycare." Aaron paused and smirked at the sea-green eyed boy. "I'd be able to take them there myself."

Knowing he would have to provide a reason why he pulled a crystal and lightly underarm threw it to Artemis. "That's crystalized sap from Yggdrasil. With a Gateway stating point, it'll allow for travel through it's roots that are connected to this realm. And boom instant travel... It's what I used to arrive here."

"Interesting..." Artemis stated in slight amazement before handing it back to Aaron. "How long would you need to get a Gateway ready?"

Looking around he noticed a few stones nearby that could be useful. "10... Maybe 15 minutes."

"Then it's settled then. Zoe, please get the Hunters do dismantle the camp and get ready to leave." Artemis stated which got a slight groan from her Hunters. "It's either with him or my brother... Choose wisely." This instantly stopped the groaning from the Hunters.

"I'll give you all a better view to remember the trip by as well." Arron stated with a smirk on his face but it quickly dropped when he rethought his words. "NOT in that way!"

A few of the Hunters including Zoe rolled their eyes in annoyance but accepted that he was the better of the two options. "Am I taking the other kids with me as well?" He never got an answer as the Hunters and Artemis had already left.

After Aaron had gathered enough stones he went to gather his backpack and Axe. He arrived back to the stacked stones he noticed everyone was waiting for him. "You guys all ready then?" Aaron asked.

"I doubt this'll be fun though." One of the Hunters.

"Oh trust me it's a great view." Aaron chuckled of he pulled up the crystallized sap. "Opið til Camp Half-Blood." Aaron commanded as the sap began to glow creating a white pillar between the stones.

"Right before we step inside a few words of warning." Aaron's face showed his seriousness as he looked at the group. "First, Do not fall off the edge, you're about to enter the Realm between Realms. If you fall off not even the gods will be able to save you. Time does not exist there and you'll be falling for all eternity." The Campers and Hunters were now looking slightly more nervous than before after hearing the first rule.

"Second, everyone will be walking in pairs. While paired up please keep an eye out for your partner. And Finally..." Aaron paused for a moment before dryly stating. "If any of you Hunters happen to notice a Squirrel in our travels, shoot to kill the little bastard."

"Any questions?" Aaron asked as the group. He was thankful he noticed the Hunters nod their heads to him in understanding

"Why are you concerned about Ratatoskr?" Aaron snapped his head around with a look of concern. He was surprised to see that it was the girl who was on Manticore's back when he first arrived that had asked him that question. How the hell did she know about the little furry rat?

Getting his thoughts back in order Aaron decided to ignore those thoughts for now. "You're best not knowing about Ratatoskr kid. Trust me when I say just kill him if spotted."

"A new Pair will enter every 5 seconds!" Aaron shouted out as he began to walk into the pillar of light. "Let's go."

And Cut!

So that's all for the Prologue chapter folks. So if you are wondering about Zoe's speech I honestly find it too hard to write like that consistently so have to be slightly lazy and write her speech as if she spoke normally. Aaron's speech will also be slightly different due to being raised by his godly parent.

As for the story plot itself, it'll mainly be following Aaron. While he won't be part of the gang that is on the Quest itself he will meet up with them from time to time during it. And don't worry there will be some Apollo in the story, just not now.

Normally I do Q&A's with my stories so if you have a question do feel free to post a review or PM myself. If I don't answer your question on next chapter's Q&A I will try to reply via PM. Thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed it. Till next time!