Chapter 2: Arrival at the Greek Day Care

And were back! New Chapter coming tight up. Enjoy!

"Right before we step inside a few words of warning." Aaron's face showed his seriousness as he looked at the group. "First, Do not fall off the edge, you're about to enter the Realm between Realms. If you fall off not even the gods will be able to save you. Time does not exist there and you'll be falling for all eternity." The Campers and Hunters were now looking slightly more nervous than before after hearing the first rule.

"Second, everyone will be walking in pairs. While paired up please keep an eye out for your partner. And Finally..." Aaron paused for a moment before dryly stating. "If any of you Hunters happen to notice a Squirrel in our travels, shoot to kill the little bastard."

"Any questions?" Aaron asked as the group. He was thankful he noticed the Hunters nod their heads to him in understanding

"Why are you concerned about Ratatoskr?" Aaron snapped his head around with a look of concern. He was surprised to see that it was the girl who was on Manticore's back when he first arrived that had asked him that question. How the hell did she know about the little furry rat?

Getting his thoughts back in order Aaron decided to ignore those thoughts for now. "You're best not knowing about Ratatoskr kid. Trust me when I say just kill him if spotted."

"A new Pair will enter every 5 seconds!" Aaron shouted out as he began to walk into the pillar of light. "Let's go."

Chapter 1: Arrival at the Greek Day Care.

Within the Realm between Realms Aaron kept one foot outside of the pillar of light. He did this so that the flow of time would allow the others to enter at different times. the first two to enter was the sea-green eyed boy and blonde haired girl.

As they entered they noticed around them were large tree branches creating a sort of path. The path itself seemed soft at first but when stepping on it there was no downward movement. The Path seemed to be going around in one giant circle roughly 200 meters in diameter.

In the center of the Circle they noticed a blue void swirling around. It never came into contact directly with the tree branches but looking closely towards the edge of the void it seemed to be made of a thick tar like liquid.

Above them however was something that caused the two to gaps in shock. Littered across the sky and below was the sight of glittering Stars and Galaxies.

"Woah." The Sea Green eyed Boy stated in wonder. "You seeing this Annabeth?"

"I'm seeing it Percy... Just finding it hard to believe." Annabeth replied as she herself continued to gaze.

"Oi! Kiddos! Move forward, other people are coming through and we need to create a bit of space." Aaron shouted to the two in front. As they looked back they noticed that another pair were entering from the white pillar.

After roughly over ten minutes the last two of the Hunters and Campers were about to enter, A black haired girl and a satyr. However unlike the others the girl's reaction to entering the Realm was vastly different. She seemed to freeze as her face displayed nothing else but blind panic.

Due to this strange first reaction Aaron slowly walked over as to not scare her. Softly placing his hand onto her shoulder she nervously moved her eyes over to meet his. "You okay?" Aaron asked with a hushed tone to his voice.

The girl slowly nodded a no in response, she didn't seem to trust her voice at that moment. Aaron noticed that her eyes seemed to shift towards the edge of the path. 'Could it be heights?' Aaron thought to himself.

"Is it the drop down?" Aaron once more softly asked. She replied back with a yes nod.

Knowing that they would have to walk down the path to find the exit to Camp Half-Blood, Aaron needed to get her moving. "Do you trust me?" Aaron asked.

The girl didn't seem to care at this point but she eventually nodded a yes. "Right then, I'm going to give you a piggy back lift to the portal. I've walked on these roots plenty of time I know you'll be safe. Would you be fine with that?" Aaron softly asked. The black haired girl nodded a yes.

Taking off his backpack Aaron pulled out a yellow crystal. Touching the backpack it vanished into the crystal leaving his Axe. Upon touching the base of the Axe it transformed into a key chain with a tiny replica of the Axe attached.

"Wait! You have crystals for storage?" Annabeth asked Aaron. "Why are you using a backpack and not the crystal instead?"

"Well two reasons really. This crystal can only store one thing within it. And it's too much hassle Taking out a crystal to get my backpack, to get a single item and the reseal everything." Aaron shrugged in reply as he pocketed the crystal and key chain.

As he turned around the black haired Girl climbed onto Aaron's back. Making sure she was fine he started to walk forward to the front of the group. "Focus on something above us. Keep your eyes up from the ground or my back... It'll help a bit." Aaron advised the girl before he began to lead the group through the branches of Yggdrasil.

Meanwhile as they continued to walk forward the other Hunters couldn't understand what had happened to Thalia. Zoe leaned towards Annabeth and asked. "What is wrong with Thalia? I've never seen her like this. She's normally much stronger than this."

Sighing in frustration for forgetting her friend's fear Annabeth explained. "It's Acrophobia... But you are right. It's never been this bad before."

Percy thought to himself why this could be then he peered his head slightly over the edge. "Maybe it's more than just a fear of heights but... I'd say most of her new fear is down to not seeing any ground below us?" Percy guessed out loud.

"It can't be something as simple as that... Can it?" The satyr asked with a hitched nervous laugh.

"It is as simple as that..." Aaron replied back having heard there Camper's conversation. He then began to chuckle to himself. "I'll tell you all this little story. I once knew this Demigod. She was the Daughter of Tyr, our God of War, Law and Justice."

"So because we are both part of the Aesir side of our Panteon, albeit technically on my part. We more or less grew up with each other. She was about 3 maybe 4 years older than me so she was trained by her father. We had countless spares and she was the most fearless warrior I'd ever seen. Of course it helped that she was also a hard headed idiot at times." Aaron chuckled as he continued with his story.

"Eventually though, she gained Odin's eye and he asked her if she wanted to become one of his Valkyries... Since this was always her childhood dream she jumped at the opportunity and ran towards where me and my mother were hunting at the time. She was so loud when she ran towards us we nearly mistook the sound for that of a rampaging Troll." Aaron could hear a few bits of laughter from the Hunters as he told his story.

"So the day came when she had to gain her wings. She was so excited she started flying before the spell was even finished." Aaron now was now starting to laugh louder. "So with just one wing created by the spell she just kept flying in a fucking circle... When she came back down she swore that she'd never fly again. She was known as the Valkyrie with one fear. Flying."

"Why are you telling us this?" Zoe asked confused as why Aaron was telling his story.

"Because no matter how brave, or how flawless you are.., Everyone has a weakness. But sometimes those weaknesses can be ironic." Aaron stated with a smile.

"Well it's ironic then, since she's the daughter of Zeus." Percy stated out loud which caused Aaron to pause and look at him with a smirk and a raised eyebrow.

"Please tell me that you're not joking." Aaron asked. The others could tell he was trying to hold back his own laughter.

"He's not." Annabeth instantly replied.

"Shut up... Or I'll kill you." Thalia meekly groaned from Aaron's back.

Aaron was quiet for a few seconds before he started to laugh loudly. "I'd doubt you'd try anything at the moment but I'd never thought I'd meet another Hillevi."

While the others were confused with the name at first then soon realised that it was the name of the girl from Aaron's story. Although Zoe seemed to have a slight frown on her face. 'Why did he only talk about her in a past tense? Did they fall out or?..'

However Zoe's thoughts were cut short as a pillar of white light slowly appeared before them on the path in front of the group. "Okay, here we are." Aaron stated to the group and he put a single foot through the portal.

"Come on let's get going." Aaron stated to the group behind as they quickly exited with Aaron and Thalia being the last to exit.

(Camp Half-Blood)

After exiting the portal Thalia seemed to transform be to her normal self as she jumped down from Aaron's back. 'Thanks." Thalia softly said in embarrassment.

Aaron couldn't help but chuckle on how much this girl reminded him of his friend. "No problem. And don't worry about your fear. Everyone has one."

"Oh yeah and what's yours?" Thalia asked back with a smirk.

Aaron nervously looked around and whispered into Thalia's ear. "Winnie the Pooh."

"Seriously!?" Thalia asked with a raised eyebrow, not believing a single word he said.

"He's a Bear! They're fucking terrifying." Aaron replied with an eerie tone to his voice before he smirked at Thalia.

He was about to continue teasing Thalia but he noticed a sudden potent smell of something that turned his stomach slightly. 'There's a God or Goddess nearby... They're much different from Artemis.'

"What are you doing here Norseman?" Turning around Aaron noticed the person asking was a chubby looking man with a red nose and curly black hair. The other around noticed the stand off between the two.

"What's it to you God?" Aaron asked back with a raise eyebrow. Mr. D spiked his aura around him in order to try and show his superiority towards the Norse Demigod but all he heard was laughter instead. "And here I thought that you Greeks were meant to be more civilized than the rest of us? I can see that you clearly don't have the same amount of honour that Artemis held."

Chiron watched nervously as he witnessed the Norse Demigod put his right hand into his pocket. 'He's getting a hold of his weapon.' Chiron thought to himself as he began to panic slightly.

Mr. D's eye twitched in annoyance at this but before he said anything he was cut off by Aaron. "You reek of Alcohol." Aaron's simple statement stunned Mr. D enough for Chiron to take control of the situation before it can got out of hand.

"Mr. D please bring our guests to the Big House." Chiron asked the God of Wine who begrudgingly agreed to do so.

As Campers who arrived with Aaron along with the Hunters left Chiron tired to apologize. "I'm sorry for my friends behaviour. He's normally more laid back."

"It's fine. I'm from another Pantheon... I'm sure any member of the Aesir would've done the same same." Aaron replied as he relaxed himself by taking his hand out of his pocket.

He looked around confused for a moment before he turned back to Chiron. "Umm... Might seem like a silly question but. Which way is the exit?" Aaron nervously asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

Chuckling slightly Chiron pointed towards a Pine tree that was overlooking to snow filled camp on top of a nearby hill. "It's just over there." Chiron stated to Aaron who nodded in thanks. "Before you go though I must ask. Why did you say that Mr. D smelt of Alcohol? He has not had a drop of any alcohol for several years."

"The same way I can tell that you are a Centaur under that wheelchair." Aaron replied shocking Chiron slightly. "I have a keen sense of smell. It's a Hunter's gift that was granted by my mother."

"A Hunter's gift huh? I wonder if he's as weak as Artemis' Hunters." One of the nearby Campers stated out loud in a mocking tone.

"I'm a little bit different kid. And those girls are far from weak." Aaron replied as he rolled his eyes. 'Why is everyone trying to piss me off.'

"I doubt that." The boy snarkly stated as stared back at Aaron.

"You got a problem kid?" Aaron asked as he turned to face the teenager. The kid in question was one of the older Demigods nearby and he smelt of Mud and Blood. "You're a son of Ares aren't you?" Aaron asked with a vile smirk appear on his face.

"Now boys calm yourself!" Chiron tried to interject but it was already too late.

"Fight me." The Ares Boy demanded as the two continued to square off at one another.

"I aint like the campers that are around you now kid." Aaron replied as he began to freeze the area around himself in a show of strength. "I'll give you a chance to change your mind and back away. I advise you do so while you have the chance."

"We'll fight in the Arena tomorrow." The boy stated with a smirk. 'I'm going to crush this idiot!'

"No, no, no. That's not how you do it!" Aaron replied back causing the boy to drop his smirk and adopt a more worried look. "And you were doing so good as well. But one major fault cause you to lose all that momentum."

Aaron sighed loudly as he kept a disappointed look on his face. "You don't challenge someone to a fight and then tell them to wait until tomorrow! You dropped your Bravado boy!" Aaron's face quickly changed from one filled with disappointment to one of a more battled crazed maniac. "If you challenge someone to a fight. YA FIGHT NOW!"

With a flick of his wrist the key chain within his pocket fired up into his hand. It extended into his weapon as he swiped at the boy. The boy just managed to duck out of the way as he looked at the crazy smirk on Aaron's face.

"Wait!" Chiron shouted out which made Aaron stop and look at him. The man still had a crazed look on his face. "There would be more honor in battling in the arena, tomorrow"

Aaron seemed to return back to normal as he replied. "If it's for honor then fine. I'll fight in the Arena. But I won't be waiting until tomorrow. I plan on being long gone of here by then." Aaron replied as he turned his head around to stare out at the now terrified looking boy. "You have my attention, Son of War. I just hope you can fight as well as you mouth off."

Standing up straight he looked back at Chiron. "Where's the arena?"

"It's at the beach by the lake." Zoe replied. Chiron was taken slightly back her remaining and not leaving along with the other Hunters. "I'll take you there."

After hearing Zoe's offer Aaron nodded in thanks as he bagan following her in silence. As the Arena came into view Zoe voice spoke up. "If you don't mind me asking... The girl from the story you told. What happened to her?"

Aaron remained silent, Zoe looked up to notice a pain of loss within his eyes. "While the past is alway good to enjoy from time to time... Most are not so enjoyable." Aaron explained. "She fell 8 years ago."

Knowing that Aaron's friend had past away Zoe quickly apologised. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. It's been nearly a decade. As the saying goes, time heals all wounds." As Aaron replied back to Zoe he noticed as she did not agree.

"No, I'm sorry because I can sense that you loved her... Didn't you?" Zoe stated back to Aaron causing him to stop walking. Softly he began to chuckle.

"Yeah... And I was a fool for doing so as well." Aaron stated with a sad smile on his face.

"Why were you a fool?" Zoe asked, confused as she didn't understand the meaning behind Aaron's words.

"Well for one she would never be able to fully return my feelings." Aaron answered. "And before you ask, no it's not because or parents, or that she was a strong independent woman... Well not 100% of the reason at least." A smirk replaced the sad smile on Aaron's face.

"Than tell me what made you a fool for loving her then?" Zoe asked with an angered look on her face. She felt that Aaron was now starting to make fun of her.

"It's because she batted for the other team... That's why I was fool." Aaron replied but when he noticed the confused look on Zoe's face he began to laugh. He didn't want to embarrass the girl in public so he decided to whisper what he meant into her ear. Understanding what Aaron meant Zoe lightly blushed but remained silent as the two entered the Arena.

(Moments earlier with Chiron)

As Chiron watched Zoe lead aaron towards the Combat Arena he turned to face Mark. A rare scowl on his face as he done so. "You are a fool child."

Chrion's anger while rare, terrified the campers as he continued. "He was prepared to battle a god, child! With that storm passed you happen to show your damn pride at the worst of times."

"Come'on Chiron he can't be that strong." Mark replied still not understanding why Chiron was upset with him.

"He is a Norse Demigod, Mark!" Chiron shouted. "All of those from Norse decent crave for the taste of battle. Even children from the most pacifist of their Gods. They don't stop fighting until death. For them that is there highest honor."

"But I can still win, right?" Mark asked. The other Camper near didn't seem to think so and none voiced there support.

Chiron sighed as he told his student the truth. "It's highly unlikely... He's older and I can say for certain he has far more experience in combat than you." Chiron replied.

Feeling that he now had an uphill struggle against him Marked Asked Chiron for advise. "What do I need to do to win?"

"Go to the Armoury. Arrive in full combat gear but most importantly. Take your time." Chiron explained confusing Mark slightly. Chiron noticed this and continued explaining. "Our northern guest does not wish to stay for long. The more time you spend getting ready it should cause our guest to become more angry. That should make him more prone to mistakes. which hopefully you'll be able to take advantage of."

(2 Hours later within the Combat Arena)

Pacing along within the arena floor Aaron was starting to lose his patience. "Blóðugir Grikkir!" He shouted out in anger.

"He's shouting in his own language now." Percy groaned in annoyance. He hated waiting just as much as the next guy but this was getting too much for him to bear, ADHD or not.

When he and the others had found out that a member of the Ares camp had challenged Arron to a fight, they noticed that the Combat Arena was nearly filled with all the campers by the time they arrived.

"I'd love to know what he's saying." Annabeth stated. Thalia chuckled at her friend's normal quest for knowledge.

"I bet it isn't pretty." Thalia smirked as she continued to stare at Aaron. She wasn't the only one though. Since Aaron had taken off his shirt as an attempt of intimidation.

While Aaron's upper body was never going to win awards due to a lack of any outstanding muscular form, it was instead littered with deep running scars and multiple different Rune tattoos. The girls of Aphrodite's Cabin were gigging at the pacing man.

One of the girl was brave enough and attempted to talk to Aaron however he just tab her forward. "Sofðu." The girl then feel backwards out cold. The others watching were about to jump in and attack Aaron but when they heard that the girl was soundly snoring they realized he'd only cast a spell that put her to sleep.

"Hvað í nafni guðanna er að taka svo lengi!?" Aaron shouted out his face red with rage.

"Ohoho... He's pissed." Thalia smirked as she chuckled to herself.

Eventually Mark appeared in the other side of the Arena. On his chest was a bronze chestplate over a red tunic. On his shoulders there were bronze guards. There were also guards covering his forearms and his shins. On his helmet there was a mohawk of red and white feathers. He was dressed like a true Spartan Hoplite.

Thankful that his opponent had finally arrived Aaron smirked as he looked directly at his opponent. Pointing the tip of his Axe at Mark he spoke out to him. "I though you had gotten lost for a moment. But if you wish to fight with Armour. Then I will find it a boring fight... But i'll agree to it. However, unlike you., All I need is a moment to get ready."

Lifting his Axe above his head Aaron roared out "Heimdall!" Aaron's body soon became engulfed in a beam of light that contained diverse shades of different colours. When the light faded he was standing in his armour.

Wearing a black leather chest plate that was worn more like a muscle shirt as it covered more than Mark's bronze plate. There also appeared to be nothing else underneath unlike Mark's tunic. Over his left shoulder there was a metal guard was appeared to be dark blue in colour. The same type of guard covered his right shin but he still seemed to be wearing his jeans. Over his left shoulder there was a cape that appeared to made from the pelt of an Arctic Wolf. (1)

Within his left hand was his helmet. As he put in on his head the cheek guards were nearly at his eye level. "Woah... That's hot!"

"Wait, that doesn't make sense. Didn't he say his mother was the Goddess of Winter."

"You know that's not what Thalia meant Percy."

As he pulled down the cheek guards on his helmet Arron smirked as he once more pointed his Axe again at Mark. "Let's see how Greek Bronze stands against Dwarven Steel!"

Mark was the first to charge but instead of doing the same Aaron threw his Axe. Bringing his shield up to block the attack The Axe's blade easily penetrated the shield softer metal alloy. Upon impact however there was a quick and sudden build up of ice that encased the shield and most of Mark's left arm.

The drastic change in weight forced Mark to stop his charge as he tried to rebalance himself. However he didn't have much time as Aaron began his own charge forward while he was distracted. Mark could only watch as the Norse Demigod ran towards his ice covered left side.

With his right fist cocked back, Aaron threw a heavy right hook to Mark's left cheek. The impact knocked the helmet off from his head causing Mark to see double for a moment.

With Mark still dazed Aaron summoned back his Axe to his left hand. Spinning around to Mark's unguarded back he tapped the Blade's edge over Mark's back. "Frysta!"

Without even knowing what had happened after the heavy punch Mark struggled to move at first. When his wits finally returned he found that his entire upper and lower body was encased in ice. Only his head was free to move. "Yield!"

Struggling to move Mark sighed in annoyance. "I give." After hearing Mark's response Aaron snapped his fingers. The Ice that encased Mark broke apart into frozen dust before being scattered away by the wind. He then offered his hand to help Mark back up to his feet.

"Don't seem too dejected. You did better than I expected." Aaron stated to mark as he tried to raise his spirits.

Accepting Aaron's hand Mark got back to his feet once more. However before the young Son of Ares could reply a loud ear piercing shriek sent a sudden chill was felt upon the spine of everyone from within the camp. As they all looked towards at beach they noticed a Creature walking out from the waves.

Now with a better view of the creature they noticed that the creature appeared to be a man's torso fused on to the back of a horse. The Creature lacked skin causing it's crimson bloated muscles to be exposed to all who seen it. The create only had two burning crimson eyes. One on the horse's head, the other on it's human half.

The long arms of it's human half caused it's knuckles to drag along the ground. The head of it's horse half breathed out a small amount of black smoke. When the smoke touched the sand below it caused a fowl stench to fill the air. The jaw of it's human half lowered as it delivered another high pitched scream.

"What is that thing!?" Percy shouted as he asked.

"I... I don't know." Chiron replied.

"Skít... It's a Nuckelavee. A Water Demon."

And Cut!

So the main feedback that I got from the first chapter was over the Norse language I used during the first chapter. What I used to fill in that gap is actually Icelandic as it's the closest in modern terms to old Norse. So i'll be doing a translate at the end of each chapter i'll be using icelandic.

Blóðugir Grikkir! - Bloody Greeks!

Sofðu. - Sleep.

Hvað í nafni guðanna er að taka svo lengi!? - What in the name of the gods is taking so long!?

Frysta! - Freeze!

Skít - Shit.

(1): Aaron's armour is near similar to Thor's entered the Arena in Ragnarok but with no markings, no Shield, no forearm protectors and replacing the red cape with an Arctic Wolf's pelt.

Two questions for the Q&A so let's get started.

1) When Aaron asked Zoe about the General, you wrote that "Zoe glared back at Elias." Was it a mistake?

Yeah. Elias was the first name choice that I had for the OC. However after a few edits I decided to change the name to Aaron. I must've missed that when making those changes. It's now since been corrected.

2) Are you going to be working on your other Story's soon?

The only one that I'll be working on other than this story will be The Frozen Will of Fire and Naruto: The Fairy Tail Shadow. My RWBY stories I have lost the taste for writing due to recent events involving Rooster Teeth. It's kind of left a sour taste over the show that really shouldn't have happened.

So that's all for this chapter folks. If you have a question do feel free to post a review or PM myself. If I don't answer your question on next chapter's Q&A I will try to reply via PM. No spoiler question though. they won't be given full answers. But anyway thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed it. Till next time!