Chapter 3: My first Day at Day Care

Another One bites the Dust! New Chapter coming right up! Enjoy!

Accepting Aaron's hand Mark got back to his feet once more. However before the young Son of Ares could reply a loud ear piercing shriek sent a sudden chill was felt upon the spine of everyone from within the camp. As they all looked towards at beach they noticed a Creature walking out from the waves.

Now with a better view of the creature they noticed that the creature appeared to be a man's torso fused on to the back of a horse. The Creature lacked skin causing it's crimson bloated muscles to be exposed to all who seen it. The create only had two burning crimson eyes. One on the horse's head, the other on it's human half.

The long arms of it's human half caused it's knuckles to drag along the ground. The head of it's horse half breathed out a small amount of black smoke. When the smoke touched the sand below it caused a fowl stench to fill the air. The jaw of it's human half lowered as it delivered another high pitched scream.

"What is that thing!?" Percy shouted as he asked.

"I... I don't know." Chiron replied.

"Skít... It's a Nuckelavee. A Water Demon."

Chapter 2: My first Day at Day Care.

"A Nuckelavee?!" Percy asked. "How did it get past the camp's defences?"

"I honestly don't know." Chiron softly replied. He like the other camper quickly became disgusted by the bloated figure of the Beast as it slowly walked forward.

Turning his head over to face the Norse Demigod, Chiron asked Aaron."Can you kill it?" Aaron was hesitant in answering Chiron's question, as he kept his eyes focused on the Beast in front of him. Moving slightly to the right he noticed that the two eyes of the Nuckelavee seemed to be fixed solely on him.

'So i'm it's target.' Aaron thought to himself but his thoughts were soon shifted as he heard the Sons and Daughters of Ares scream out. "CHARGE!" As they rushed towards the Nuckelavee.

"NO!" Aaron shouted out as he slammed his Axe into the sand below. Mr. D was about to jump in and attack Aaron but he stopped when he noticed his action created a small wall of thin Ice between the Demigods and Beast. "Do not engage it! The Black Breath's poisonous to what ever it touches. You'll be dead before you can even get near that thing!"

Slamming the Axe down once more another thin wall of Ice was created on the opposite side of the one facing the Demigods, temporarily caging the beast with an icy trap. "That aint gonna hold long but it'll buy us enough time for the moment."

"If Ice won't stop it, I take it my powers over Water is useless." Percy stated out getting a nod back from Aaron.

"That thing's a water Demon. Water'll only empower it even more." Aaron responded. Sniffing the air he turned and looked at another one of the older campers.

"Ash and Molten Metal. Are you a Son of the Blacksmith?" Aaron asked Charles Beckendorf the head counselor of Cabin 9.

"Yeah." Charles quickly responded.

"Tell me, can either you or anyone of your brothers and sisters have control over Fire?" Aaron asked. The tone of his voice sounded near desperate.

"Not that I've ever been made aware of, but we do have a few Molotov cocktails made with Greek Fire." As Charles finished answering Aaron's question the Ice finally began to show large cracks.

"Hurry and grab as many as you can. I'll try to hold it off for the time being." Aaron shouted as he moved slowly away from the campers. The Nuckelavee slowly turned as well as walked towards Aaron.

"What's fire going to do against the monster?" Chiron asked as he moved in front of the younger campers.

Before Aaron could answer one of the long arms of the Nuckelavee shoot forward. Ducking and rolling towards his left, Aaron was able to dodge the attack but he still couldn't counter. "It's a Water Demon! Fucking think about it"

"Hunters!" Aaron shouted out to Artemis' Hunters. "Once this thing is on fire, aim only to pin and trap it's arms and legs to the ground! Only one needs to aim and shoot it's two eyes!"

"Understood. I'll do it!" Normally Zoe would argue or berate any man or boy who dared give out orders to herself and her other Hunters. But she had never seen a Monster like this before. Reluctantly she had to place a little faith in whatever was Aaron's plan

The Nuckelavee screeched at it now for the first time ran towards Aaron. "Ekki gott!" Aaron yelled as he dived out of the Monster's path. Checking his back pockets he pulled out what appeared to be a small block of birch wood with a glowing white crystal trapped within.

Rubbing the crystal over the Axe's blade, it caused the edge to glow the same colour as the crystal. "Ljós Álfheimar!"

With his weapon ready Aaron turned on to the offence and rushed towards the Nuckelavee. The horse's head breathed out a more concentrated amount of Black Breath. Thrusting the his Axe forward the glow from it's blade brightened as the black mist dissipated. With the Black Breath gone for a moment Aaron began his assault o the Monster itself.

However no matter how many cuts he made across it's bloated body, no blood was spilt nor did it's wounds remain as they healed as quickly as they were made. There was one small change that did occur from his attacks. The Nuckelavee's body appeared to have become less bloated with each strike.

'Alfheim's light isn't gonna last for much longer and I can't risk using any more to keep attacking. I need to save whatever left for my Bifrost jump back to Asgard and then Alfheim.' Aaron thought to himself as he began to become more frustrated.

However with his slight lack on concentration towards the Monster, the Nuckelavee managed to back slap away Aaron. Crashing into the Arena's floor, Aaron slid across and had to bury his Axe into the stone to stop his movement. He once more had to roll out of the way as he avoided the Monster's follow up attack.

As Charles arrived back he quickly passed out the Molotov cocktails to his brothers and sisters. Once he was finished he signaled to Aaron they were ready. "We're ready!"

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! PERMISSION?!" Aaron snapped back as he jumped back out of the Hephaestus' cabins line of attack. "FUCKING THROW THEM ALREADY!"

Upon impact the glass shattered causing the Nuckelavee to shriek and howl in pain. It's body began to shrink as it tried to retreat to back into the lake. "Hunters! Fire at will!" Aaron shouted out as the arrows of Aretmis' Hunters along with Apollo's children of Cabin 6, even Thalia joined in to help by throwing her spear right into the Nuckelavee's Human torso.

A hailstorm of arrows impaled the feet and hands of the Nuckelavee into the ground, preventing the Monster from moving. It's now skinny and frail body swayed side to side as it tried to free itself. With a single shot firing two arrows Zoe hit both of the Nuckelavee's eyes.

Taking this as his chance to kill off the Monster, Aaron rushed to the rear of the Beast and jumped into the air. With a clean swing aimed at the human torso's neck, he sliced it's head clean off from it's shoulders.

Not allowing the Beast to recover for even a moment, Aaron quickly twisted his body midair in order to cut off the Horse's head. To those watching his attack seemed like one quick and swift attack.

With both heads of the Nuckelavee separated from it's body the Beast began to glow and faded into a golden dust, only to be scattered by the wind leaving nothing behind of the Monster.

Silence feel over the camp as they all watched the Monster disappear. "What? All that effort and no war trophy?" A random camper asked out loud.

"Leaving with you life is a much of a war trophy you'll get against a Nuckelavee." Aaon replied back to the camper. He didn't even look at them as he spoke, keeping his eyes fixed on the place where the Monster faded instead.

After a few moments of rest Chiron and Mr. D walked towards Aaron. "I think we'd best have a talk in private."

"Agreed." Aaron nodded in understanding as he, Chiron and Mr. D walked towards the camp's Big House.

(The Big House)

As the three of them entered alone Aaron sighed as he seem the suspicious look on Mr. D's face, matched only with Chiron's worried expression. "Mind telling us what the fuck that was Norse brat!" Mr. D demanded an answer.

"As I said before, it was a Nuckelavee. And I believe it was sent by our enemies to prevent me from completing my quest." Aaron answered as he sat down and leaned back into a chair. "I've been sent down to Midgard in order to retrieve Mimir. He's Odin's Counselor who was kidnapped from Asgard around a month ago."

"Our enemies? What do you mean boy!?" Mr. D once more demanded.

"Listen whether you like it or not we've had the same enemy for thousands of years. Ever since the Kraken was taken by the Titans."

"I don't understand what you mean." Chiron stated. "The Kraken was born of Oceanus, the Titan of the Sea."

"No, it wasn't. The Kraken was created from the merger of a squid and a small island by Odin himself. It was created to prevent Jörmungandr from reaching his full length." Aaron calmly answered Chiron's confusion. "He was taken by the Titans. However I know that Poseidon captured the Beast and has wisely locked it away."

"Do you fear it'll escape?" Mr. D asked. He appeared to have calmed down if even slightly.

"I don't believe so. Poseidon from what I can see appears to be in excellent control over his dominion of the Seas and Oceans. I doubt he would've been lax when locking that beast away." Aaron replied with a nod of disagreement to Mr. D's worry. "Our worries should be over the Titans though. The Aesir in Asgard don't know how they managed to capture Mimir. Heimdall the Bifrost's watcher could not even view the path they took out of Asgard, he only managed to get a glimpse of one of the creatures that helped take him. Yesterday the beast revealed itself for the first time since then. I was sent to Midgard then and managed to get the name of the person currently holding him."

"So that would explain the how and why you showed up." Chiron replied. However he noticed Aaron's eyebrow was raised after hearing his statement.

"Young Percy Jackson filled me in on the events that happened in Bar Harbor. However he neglected on telling me who is this person that has your friend. It appears his excitement in retelling how you arrived forced it to slip from his mind." Chiron stated. Inside he hoped that he would be able to help Aaron during his quest by passing on anything he knew that might help him.

"I know he's called the General." Mr. D's face became slightly pale when he heard that name. It was something Aaron noticed from the corner of his eyes but decided not to say anything over it. "However I have no clue on his whereabouts so I'm gonna have to just continue with my search for Mimir instead. I'll run into this General when i've tracked my friend."

"I know of this General." Chiron stated with a soft hint of fear within his voice. "I dare not say his name but he is dangerous... I fear your journey ahead will not be as easy as you may think."

"I don't plan on engaging him in combat. I only came to retrieve Mimir. After that it's a case where I will have to follow Odin's order and return to Asgard." Aaron scowled as he mentioned Odin's name.

"The Allfather is an immensely vengeful God. I would not be far by speaking the truth in saying that if any War were to break-out between the Titans and Olympus... The Aesir and Vanir would with no doubt join Olympus' side in that war." Aaron face was full of worry.

"I can see you fear this? Why?" Mr. D asked.

Aaron seemed to once more become hesitant once more. Sighing he explained his fear. "This war will not be good for the Nine Realms with or without our help... I fear that no matter whoever the victor in this war. The result will be the same outcome. Odin wants my actions here to help prevent an early Ragnarök but..."

"You mean that." Chiron began to ask but was cut off by Aaron.

"Yeah... I fear that the gears leading to Ragnarök have already begun to turn." Mr. D was now showing the same worry that Aaron's face showed.

"This winter's wind does not help my nerves much either. It does not feel like the others I have been through. There is more of a soul crushing chill in the wind. I'm not 100% sure, but I believe that Fimbulvetr or Fimbulwinter has begun. This is the final warning the Nine Realms get signals Ragnarök will begin within the next few years."

"The Twilight of the Gods..." Chiron now too held a worried look. "This... Does not sound good."

"I understand how you both might feel about hearing this. However I do feel I need to say this out loud incase it is missed but... I'm sorry to say but with Mirmir's kidnapping by Greek Titans, it may have inadvertently dragged Olympus into the events of Ragnarök itself." Aaron explained with a somber tone to his voice.

"Curse my father's punishment. After hearing this I need a drink." Mr. D stated as he snapped his finger allowing a glass of wine to appear in his hand. Chugging it down quickly Chiron became more worried when he did not hear Zeus' thunder in the sky.

"If it's alright with you Dionysus... I think i'll take a drink as well." Aaron smiled as he looked at the Greek God of Wine, who appeared to smirk back at him.

Snapping his fingers a Stein of Lager appeared before. "I know that you Norse aren't 'cultured' enough for Wine, so I hope that'll do." Mr. D laughed as Aaron raised his glass back at Mr. D in appreciation before beginning to drink himself.

"There one just one more thing that still concerns me." Chiron stated gaining the attention of both members drinking. "Why send that creature after you. You appear to have faced it before, so why send a monster that they know you have defeated before?"

"I never defeated the Nuckelavee before. This time was the first time I've ever won a fight in my encounters with it... And even then I only won because I was with others that helped cover my disadvantages against the Beast." Aaron replied shocking both Chiron and Mr. D.

"If it wasn't for the Blacksmith's son..." Aaron didn't finish his sentence. He felt a great deal of shame even admitting such a thing out loud. "I should be moving soon. They could send more monsters here in the Nuckelavee's place."

Chugging down the rest of the Stein, Aaron stood up and walked towards the exit but hesitated for a moment. "I just have one question to ask."

Chiron and Mr. D nodded at Aaron allowing him to continue. "Is it possible for Hades to locate anything dead that walks Midgard?"

"Yes. He can also track those alive as well, but only those who wish to have themselves revealed to him." Mr. D instantly replied. Me might not agree with his Uncle often but he for sure respected his power and domain.

"Thanks... I think for my quest i'll have to pay him a visit then." Aaron replied back. "Thank you for your hospitality. As a thanks I'll be leaving a Protection Ruin on the Tree near the top of that hill you pointed out to me earlier. That should help prevent any Norse Monsters entering camp in search of me after I've gone."

"Thank you." Chiron smiled at Aaron as Mr. D also stood up and walked towards the Norse Demigod.

"For a brat. Your not that bad." Mr. D smirked as he offered Aaron out a hand.

Aaron smirked back as he shook Mr. D's hand. "And for a 'cultured' god, your not too bad yourself."

"Great now get out of here before you try to ruin the moment. I have an image to uphold Norse brat." Mr. D snapped back however the face never dropped his smirk.

"Wait before you go may I ask for a favour?" Chiron asked Aaron before he left. "You will need help getting into the Underworld. Would it be alright if I ask camper to join you as a guide perhaps?"

Aaron understood why Chiron was advising to bring a guide along. "I suppose so. But they better not slow me down. Now that I know I'm being hunted as well they would need to accept and understand the dangers of being around me now." Aaron replied.

Chiron nodded in agreement. "If you'd give me an hour i'll explain this to our cabin councillors. They'll vote on who will accompany you."

"I'll be fine to wait an hour or so. Tell who ever is to join me at that Pine Tree up at the Hill. I'll be finished with those Protection Runes once they arrive." Aaron replied as he nodded to Chiron before leaving the Camp's Big House.

"I don't think we'll need to allow the campers to vote." Mr. D stated. "We both know who you plan on sending to help the Norse boy."

(An Hour later - Half Blood Hill, Thalia's Tree)

With the blood still dripping from his thumb Aaron put the final touches to the long and complexed Rune written near the Tree's base. Applying ice over his cut to stop the bleeding, Aaron touched the Rune with his left hand and closed his eyes.

"Andi fjallsins. Vernda" Aaron commanded out loud causing the Rune to glow with a greenish yellow shine. The effect was felt by Aaron as he could smell several creatures both Norse and Greek move further away from the camp.

'That should last for a few years... Just in case.' Aaron thought to himself. He didn't have to wait much longer for the his guild to the Underworld to arrive. "Oh, it's you."

And Cut!

Okay cliff hanger I know but i'm a bastard so... Expect a few more to pop up here and there. In case your all wondering the person in question that has yet to be revealed is not up for a vote. For you see I have made a cunning plan.

Now, is it as cunning as a fox who's just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University? Well I'm afraid you'll have to wait to find out.

Now this will also most likely be the shortest chapter of this story so don't expect any short chapters like this one for a while. Any way here's the Q&A!

1) Aaron will have more Nordic spells/tricks like Loki (MCU) or Atreus (GOW)? One or two but can't comment on what they may be.

2) Will Zeus be a jerk and try to kill him? Zeus knows of Aaron and his mission, however I cannot say for now.

3) Is Aaron to be paired with either Zoe, Thalia, Artemis or all three? I'll confirm right now. It ain't Thalia. Aaron's 28 and she 16... The pairing as of now is still undecided but there is another name that was missing that i have still to consider as well. you'll have to guess who lol.

4) Aaron have superior physical characteristics, like inhuman strength and speed? Since he is the son of the Mountain Goddess there are some physical perks. To be revealed soon.

5) Is Aaron's father, shall we say, bad or is it just who he's related to? To be revealed in a later Chapter.

6) Are Odin, Thor, Baldur and Jörmungandr based off of GoW, Riordan's version or a bit of both? a little bit of both.

7) Would Aaron also have met Gods of other pantheons as well?. Nope Aaron grew up on Jötunheim with his mother. While he had ventured to Midgard or Earth in past Quest his first interaction with another Pantheon was Artemis.

So that's all for this chapter folks. If you have a question do feel free to post a review or PM myself. If I don't answer your question on next chapter's Q&A I will try to reply via PM. No spoiler question though. they won't be given full answers. But anyway thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed it. Till next time!