This Story's Author is on a tropical island paradise. Unfortunately there was a mixup with one of the locals, and so our Author finds himself being dragged to the edge of a volcano as a human sacrifice. "Ah come on now lads! It was a misunderstanding, I swear!"
"No! You have angered the Volcano God, he is angry! We must appease his wrath!"
"Volcano God, what the kind of fucking bullshit is that... You might as well get yourselves involved with Catholicism instead."
"Nah, it wouldn't really catch on here. Sure we don't agree with the Pope's line on artificial contraception" This Story's author is then thrown into the Volcano.
(If you dislike the above joke to begin this chapter I need only remind you. This is a story about Norse and Greek Gods. It's already heretical.)
Oh enjoy the latest Chapter!
With the blood still dripping from his thumb Aaron put the final touches to the long and complexed Rune written near the Tree's base. Applying ice over his cut to stop the bleeding, Aaron touched the Rune with his left hand and closed his eyes.
"Andi fjallsins, Vernda" Aaron commanded out loud causing the Rune to glow with a greenish yellow shine. The effect was felt by Aaron as he could smell several creatures both Norse and Greek move further away from the camp.
'That should last for a few years... Just in case.' Aaron thought to himself. He didn't have to wait much longer for the his guild to the Underworld to arrive. "Oh, it's you."
Chapter 3: Road Trip? Anyone?
Aaron looked up to find the blonde girl from earlier looking back at him. She currently had a notepad and pen in her hands. "So you're the one helping me to get into Hell then?"
"Into the underworld, yes." Annabeth replied instantly.
"Umm... So what's with the notes then?" Aaron asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I was hoping on getting some information over your gods and Pantheon in general." Annabeth answered back with a smile. Aaron could've sworn that the girl's eye sparkled for a second.
"So what does Andi fjallsins, Vernda mean?" Annabeth asked as she began to write notes.
Sighing in annoyance Aaron answered her back. "It means The Spirit of the Mountain, Protect. It's a Jötunn spell that my mother taught me."
"On that note I have more questions over your mother." Annabeth stated to Aaron who rolled his eyes.
"That'll wait until we get a car and start moving." Aaron replied cutting off any question Annabeth would've followed up with. "And before you ask there's a risk in using Yggdrasil's sap too much. I've used it twice within 24 hours it'll need time in order to calm itself before I can use it again."
Nodding in understanding Annabeth said no more as she followed after Aaron. Arriving at the nearby road Aaron pulled out a small but simple flip phone and made a phone call. "Hey, yeah it's me... Yeah, I need to borrow a lift for a few days... Four days at most... Yes, yes I'll get you your normal Keg of Vanaheim Wine... Right, I take it that you already know where I am then... Right see ya soon." Aaron finished as he closed the phone.
"If you want to know I was talking to Hermóðr or Hermod. He's our Messenger of the Gods. He's also a drunken tit nine times out of ten." Aaron stated as he noticed Annabeth had her notebook ready. After a few moments there was a flash further down the road.
As the light faded as quickly as it arrived it showed a red 2004 Ford Mustang that had a black line running down the center of the car. "I'm getting his mustang. Damn."
"So Norse Gods drive American Cars..." Annabeth mumbled to herself as she continued writing her notes.
"Hey Brat. Here's your lift. You got my Drink?" Hermod asked in barely any slurs which made Aaron raise an eyebrow.
Dropping his backpack Aaron pulled out a key. "This is to my locker in 'his' gym." Aaron stated with a groan in his voice. "There's a crystal with two kegs stored. Take both, but leave the crystal back."
"Thanks kiddo. Please doing business with you. Best of luck." Hermod grinned wildly as he tossed the Mustang's keys over to Aaron before he vanished from sight.
Opening the door Aaron looked over at Annabeth who seemed to be in her own world as she continued writing and mumbling to herself. "Kid." Aaron spoke trying to get her attention but it didn't work.
"Hey Kid!" Once more he tried. A little louder this time but the result was the same.
Knowing action would get a response at this stage. Aaron walked over to Annabeth and with a cold touch applied to his hand placed a hand on her shoulder. "You know you can write and mumble in the car and not on the side of the road. Right?"
"Sorry." Annabeth mumbled once more as she blushed in embarrassment. As they both got into the Mustang Aaron pulled down the sun visor there were several CD's within it.
"Awesome. He even brought a few of my CD's." Aaron stated with a happy tune as he put the first CD in the car's radio
(Play Fleetwood Mac - The Chain)
As the slow drum beat along with acoustic guitar riff started of the song, Aaron closed his eyes and slightly started to nod his head. His hand slapped the steering wheel, matching the drum's beats.
"Seriously old rock and roll." Annabeth asked with a raised eyebrow. "Don't you listen to anything modern? Like Green Day or Jeese McCartney?"
"With the exception of Green Day's early work, that music won't last the test of time kid. The music you're about to listen to I know will still be listened to for years after we've both died." Aaron replied back as he turned the car on and began to make there way away from Camp Half Blood.
However what they didn't know is that there entire conversation was listened to as they were watched by a pair of black eyes within the treeline.
(That Evening)
Arriving in a motel just outside of Toledo, Ohio. The pair of Aaron and Annabeth got out of the Mustang as Aaron went to order a room for them.
Annabeth groaned as she jumped onto the bed in front of her. 'Ugh his music choice is so annoying. But at least it isn't Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin that Chiron listens to.' Annabeth thought to herself as she watched Aaron arrive back with a room key.
As they entered the room Aaron threw his stuff onto an empty chair and emptied his pocket onto a nearby nightstand. On the night stand Annabeth noticed a Passport. "Wait, your Canadian?"
"On my dad's side yeah." Aaron responded back as he lied down on his bed. His clothes still on. "What were you expecting me to show off a Jötunn Passport or something?" Aaron asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Well no it's just..." Annabeth was lost for words as she blushed in embarrassment.
"Well, you never got to ask many questions in the car so some on kid, fire away." Aaron groaned as he sat up on the bed.
"You do know my name isn't kid right?" Annabeth asked in a serious tone.
"If you want to intimidate me with that look know that i'm not the water boy. It won't work on me, Little Annie." Aaron replied with a smirk.
Pulling out her knife Annabeth pointed it at Aaron. "Don't call me that."
"Oh it's such a Hard Knock life isn't it." Aaron laughed as he waved away Annabeth's knife. "But that thing away. I was joking kid."
"Then say name proper name." Annabeth stated as she remained serious.
Sighing out of annoyance "It's Annabeth Chase. Now put the knife down." Putting the knife away Aaron waved his hand for Annabeth to begin asking her questions.
"So what are your powers?" Annabeth asked.
"Strength, Control over Ice, Enhanced Smell, Sight and hearing." Aaron responded.
"How enhanced?"
"As good as a Grey Wolf."
"What's your Pantheon's origin?" Knowing this was gonna take all night explaining Aaron sighed before he answered back.
"This will be the last one tonight.
(Second Day of Traveling)
With the sound of Hall and Oates You Make My Dreams playing as they drove through the plains of Wisconsin They had yet to stop so far after nearly 10 hours driving. Annabeth had even run out of questions to ask Aaron because she was that bored.
It still didn't help with in her opinion his poor choice of music as Elton John's Saturday Night began playing. 'Why did I offer to go on this trip again.'
Aaron noticed the look on Annabeth's face. He was in truth, actively avoiding any danger. The reason for this was the handful of a Draugr outside his motel when he woke up this morning. 'Sorry it's not all blood and glory kiddo. But i'm getting you back to your camp in one piece.'
(Third Day of Travelling)
With the sound of Queen's Radio GaGa playing on the Car's Radio Annabeth looked at the wonder outside the Car as they were currently driving through the Black Hills of Wyoming. "You know what that mountain is from don't you?"
Having already seen Mount Rushmore a few hours ago Annabeth looked up at the butte mountain. She continued to stare at the mountain's magmatic rock formation. "I know but I can't remember the name."
"I'll give you a clue. It's called the Devil's tower" Aaron smirked as he spoke. However even with the Mountian's name Annabeth still didn't know.
Laughing at Annabeth's slight misery Aaron began to whistle a five tone motif. Upon hearing it Annabeth knew the film. "It's close encounters of the Third Kind isn't it."
"Bingo. It's was a favorite film as a kid. Mom hated it though. She said it scared her."
"But it's not a very scary film." Annabeth responded.
"She claims it's scary because the little boy gets kidnapped by Aliens." Aaron answered back with a smile on his face.
"I have to ask why are we going this way to Los Angeles? It seems that you aren't in a rush to get there." Annabeth responded to Aaron.
"Well I know your Athena's kid so knowledge is your thing."
"Don't call it a thing." Annabeth interrupted Aaron causing the latter to start laughing.
"Anyway. It's my way of thanks for helping. Taking you to these landmarks as they aren't overly out of the way. It's only adding 4 hours to our trip where if I was to take you to say Dallas it'll add 10." Aaron answered back. "In know trip hasn't been filled with wall to wall action so it's kind of a way of making up for that."
"Thanks." Annabeth smiled at Aaron as the radio then shifted over to Blondie's Call Me. "Okay I'll admit that this is the best Album you've played so far on this trip."
(Next Night, Los Angeles)
"Okay now make a left here." Annabeth instructed Aaron who done once the traffic allowed him to do so. "And we're here." Annabeth stated as she pointed to a nearby building. The sign at the front said DOA Recording Studios.
"Huh, Dead or Alive?" Aaron asked with a raised eyebrow.
"No it means Dead on Arrival." Annabeth corrected Aaron as the town entered the Underworld.
As they entered a slight chill went up Aaron's spine. He noticed that most if not all of those in the lobby were children. "Why are there so many here?" Aaron softly asked Annabeth.
"Most died before they knew they who their godly parents were. So they didn't not have any money to cross over." Annabeth replied with a sorrowful tone.
"So those tales were true then. Bribe the Ferryman. If only Helheim was so lax." Aaron stated as he walked directly towards he Lobby's front desk.
"State your name please and how you died." Charon stated with a bored tone to his voice.
Aaron slammed his hands onto the table causing Charon to jump slightly. "I'm not dead. But I need to speak to your boss. as he may be able to find a dead spirit that isn't in the underworld."
Charon didn't reply to Aaron. Instead he looked directly as Annabeth. "Oh your back. Did you die in a bathtub again?"
"Am I being ignored?" Aaron shouted out loud as Charon's focus remained on solely on Annabeth.
Not having anymore of this Aaron grabbed a small thin bar of Aesir Gold from his jacket's inside pocket. Noticing the shine from the gold Charon's attention was straight to the gold before his eyes.
"Oh you like the shiny, you like the shiny don't you." Aaron baby talked to Charon who nodded back in reply. Flicking the gold stick into the palm of his hand, Arron grabbed Charon's tie and pulled down. Slamming his head against the desk in front of him.
With an upward flick Aaron's wrist showed the key chain which held his Axe within in. As he pinned Charon's head to the desk he activated the Axe, slamming and cutting into the desk just inches away from Charon's. "Well, now that I have your fucking attention will you stop wasting my time!"
"Okay okay." Charon shouted out as Aaron released the hold over his head. Fixing his tie back into place, he stood back up straight as looked at Aaron. "What do you want?"
"I need to speak to Hades." Aaron then brought several more sticks of Aesir Gold. "That's four in total. Two for me and two for the kid. And when we get back you'll get another four."
"Deal." Charon stated as he quickly snapped the four gold bars from Aaron's hand.
"Then how about I sweeten it even more for you. I'll give you two bars for each child that's in the lobby. All you have to do is give them passage as well." Aaron stated which caused Annabeth's eyes to go wide.
Charon too was stunned but for different reasons. "Think about it. While you take us to your boss." Aaron replied with a smirk.
"Follow me." Charon stated as he lead both Annabeth and Aaron to an elevator door. Once they entered Charon smiled as he pushed the button that would lead them to the underworld.
"Going down." Charon smirked at his pun as the elevator doors closed.
"That was a terrible pun." Aaron's muffled vice could be heard from the lobby.
"Oh come on man, it's all I got to entertain myself these days."
(Camp Half Blood - Same Time)
The trick which captured the moon was something close to her chest,
To free her four must leave camp and journey out west.
Two friends shall arrive to aid you along your trail,
Only when the Campers and Hunters are combined will you prevail.
A Mountain's strength you shall also need,
As to withstand the Titan's curse he'll be the only one who'll succeed.
However this will come at a great cost,
Between his own Curse and the bridge he'll have to cross.
And Cut!
It's been a about 3/4 weeks since I last posted sorry about that was an unexpected heavy call volume increase at work lol.
If you want a full play list of the song Aaron 'forced' Annabeth to listen to then if enough people want me to i'll create a playlist on Spotify.
I know it's been a short chapter again but this chapter was mainly aimed to be a transitional chapter anyway. the Next chapter is when the action so to speak starts.
Alright so let's get rolling with this chapter's Q&A!
1) Is Aaron technically half Jötunn rather then half god? Or is he sort of both? To be accurate all Norse Gods have Jötunn blood within their veins. But If I was to map out Aaron's blood then he'll be 62.5% Jötunn, 12.5% Aesir and 25% Mortal.
2) Does Aaron have other powers besides magic and cryomancy? Like shapeshifting? No Shapeshifting but he does have a power that comes from his father's line. To be revealed in a later chapter... Maybe.
3) Has Aaron lived most of his life on Jötunheim? Yes. Most of Aaron's live has been between living in Jötunheim and Hunting in Canada with his mother.
4) What are the Greek Gods opinion on Aaron? The only two who have an opinion at the moment are Artemis and Dionysus. Artemis doesn't fully trust him but she does somewhat respect him. Dionysus just thinks he's another stupid boy. But one who can stand with his own willpower even after a few drinks.
5) Are the ones traditionally seen as evil (Surtr and Fenrir) actually good or even neutral? It's less of a cause between Evil, Good and Neutral for the majority of the Norse. As they all know their roles within Ragnarok.
6) How powerful is Aaron if he was willing to take on a god and beat a son of Ares in less then ten seconds? He is considered quite powerful but his ability to beat Mark in less than 10 seconds is down to other factors like his weapons, tactics and training.
So that's all for this chapter folks. If you have a question do feel free to post a review or PM myself. If I don't answer your question on next chapter's Q&A I will try to reply via PM. No spoiler question though. they won't be given full answers. But anyway thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed it. Till next time!