Chapter 6: Hello Kitty Aaron's Curse


I hope you all enjoy it!

"I'll explain everything once we're out of here! Did you bring any transportation?" Aaron asked as he turned his head to face them.

It was then that Zoe noticed the anger and slight fear on Aaron's face as he questioned her. "We arrived in a truck outside." Zoe explained.

"Wait, where are you going we just got here." Thalia shouted before a deafening roar echo'd out.

The group slowly turned around to find a 10 foot tall Lion slowly walking towards them. The Lion's claws were a shiny silvery colour, while it's fangs appeared to gleam like cold stainless steel. It's fur was thick and appeared to be metallic gold in colour.

"What in the Nine realms is that!?" Aaron asked out loud.

Zoe's eye's widened in horror as she replied. "It's the Nemean Lion."

Chapter 5: Hello Kitty/Aaron's Curse.

As Arron and the other looked over at the towering golden Lion, The Norse Demi-god couldn't help but sweat in slight fear. "Umm, Mimir. You know anything that will help?"

"Not my Pantheon Brother so I might need a minute... In the meantime, don't get eaten." Mirmir stated as the Nemean Lion lunged at Aaron who rolled out of the way.

"Wow... Such great advice." Percy dryly stated.

"If it's not part of the Norse realm I only know of the tales over your Gods." Mimir responded from Aaron's hip. "Beside you five Greeks should at least know something I don't in this case."

"Scatter!" Zoe ordered out as the group separated. "Keep it's attention while I think of something!"

Slamming his axe onto the ground, Aaron attempted to pin the Lion's feet to the ground. However the ice was thick enough as the lion was easily able to break free. 'That's not good.' Aaron though to himself as the Lion rushed towards him.

Watching the Lion swipe at him, Aaron was able to duck underneath it and counter. Slamming the Axe into the side of the Lion's neck, Aaron's eyes became wide as it didn't break it's skin.

As The Lion turned it's head towards Aaron. He was saved as Thalia threw lightning to get it's attention. It worked as the Beast turned and rushed at her. "Brother I just remembered something!" Mimir stated to Aaron.

"Yeah?" Aaron asked as his attention was kept on Thalia and the Lion.

"It's skin is impervious to all weapons." Mimir responded which caused Aaron to nearly throw him in anger.

'That would've been better to hear at the start!' Aaron mentally roared before he realised something."Hey Mimir." Aaron stated out loud getting the heads attention.

"You remember the story I told you of how I killed a Dragon?" Aaron asked as he unsealed his backpack.

"Oh yes Brother. I was in stitches when you said that..." Mimir suddenly stopped as he eyes became wide. "Oh please tell me you're not going to be doing THAT!?"

"Not with you on my hip!" Grabbing Mimir's head, Aaron tossed it over towards Percy. "Think fast DayCare Boyo!"

Caught of guard with the sight of a head flying towards him, Percy didn't even register the insult as he just managed to catch Mimir. "Whoa!"

The other watched on as Aaron discarded his Axe, backpack and jacket as he rush towards the Lion. Jumping into the air they watched on in shock as the Nemean Lion opened it's jaws wide and swallowed Aaron whole.

"NO!" Thalia, Grover and Percy all shouted out in shock while the two Hunters remained silent.

"He actually fucking done it!" Mimir's stunned voice echo'd in the room.

The Lion then turned his attention towards the rest of the group but it suddenly stopped. It then began to wrestle it's head around. Almost as if there was something on it's face that he couldn't get off of it.

Slowly they watch in awe as it's mouth began to open. Inside the Lion's mouth was Aaron prying the golden Lion's jaw open from inside. "Backpack!" Aaron shouted out to the group getting them out of there shock.

"What do you need?!" Thalia asked as she rushed to Aaron's backpack. She opened it only to find several crystals within. "What colour is the crystal?!"

"No Crystal! There's a Gun! A Gun!" Aaron grunted out as he pushed the jaws wider.

"Where!?" Thalia asked as she moved the crystal's around trying to find a gun in the bag.

"Side Pocket! Side Pocket!" Aaron snapped back at Thalia who opened the left side pocket only to find nothing in there.

"It's not here!"

"RIGHT SIDE!" Aaron shouted out.

Opening the right pocket, Thalia seen a gun in a shoulder holster. The gun appeared to be a heavy Revolver. Pulling the gun out of the bag and holster, she aimed it at the Nemean Lion. "Get out of the way!" She shouted as she closed one eye as she aimed.

"Don't shoot!" Aaron shouted out. Freezing the inside of the Lion's mouth Aaron was able to free his left hand. "Throw it!"

"Are you crazy!" Thalia roared out.

"I don't think that's the best question to ask since he's inside the Nemean Lion's mouth!" Percy retorted which only turned Thalia's scowl towards him.

"Will you stop wasting fucking time already!" Aaron snapped back at them both as he extended his hand out to Thalia.

Throwing the gun towards Aaron, the group's eyes went wide as Thalia under threw the Revolver. However before it hit the ground the runes on it's grip began to give a faint light blue glow.

Without any further warning the Revolver flew into Aaron's free left hand. Grinning at this Aaron pointing the gun onto the roof of the Nemean Lion's mouth. "Checkmate!" Aaron stated out before he fired.

Nearly instantly the Nemean Lion burst into a Black Dust as Aaron fell down to the ground. He knelt down onto one knee as he tried to catch his breath. The other;s meanwhile looked around in confusion.

"Wait aren't Monsters meant to turn into a golden dust when killed?" Percy asked as he was the first to recover from his confusion.

"For Celestial bronze or Lunar Silver yes." Mimir stated getting there attention. "However Aaron's axe and the bullets from his Gun were made from Svartalfheim Steel."

This didn't seem to answer the question though as they still held looks of confusion. "I don't get it?" Bianca stated out loud.

"Svartalfheim Steel severs there link with the Nine Realms. In other words child. What he kills won't come back." Mimir explained as they looked at Aaron's axe and Aaron's knelt down form.

'Right, so we have a son of Poseidon, a daughter of Zeus and a daughter of Hades.' Aaron thought to himself as stood back up onto his feet. 'No wonder Lord Hades asked me to watch out for his daughter. This quest is a major beacon for trouble.'

"We need to get out of here quick." Percy stated to the group.

"Agreed." Zoe stated with a scowl on her face. "I'll deal with you two once we're clear."


Free from the city limits, Zoe had lead the others to a large forest just outside of the city. Knowing that he would have to be a part of this quest now. Aaron silently was putting up a tent that he had stored in his backpack. But there was one thing resting on his mind right now. However his thoughts were cut short when he heard someone speak to him.

"Why are you remaining with us?" Zoe asked in annoyance as she watched him but the finishes touches to the tent he had constructed.

Aaron pointed at Bianca who looked confused before he answered. "Her father asked me to watch out for her during this quest. I aim to honor my promise to him."

"My father..." Bianca began speaking but soon after began to doubt her own voice. She didn't know wither to be angry or happy upon hearing that her father cared for her.

Seeing and knowing the doubt that was written on the girl face, Aaron knelt down to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. Zoe narrowed her eyes at this as she guessed what his intentions were.

"Your father knows your Brother is safe in Camp Half-Blood. However he also knows the dangers of this quest. While I don't know what he thinks about you joining the Hunt. I do know that he still cares and loves you enough to ask a stranger to watch out for you." Aaron softly stated to Bianca who looked to be fighting her own tears.

Aaron's next movement shocked Zoe and the others as he softly began to hug Bianca. "Let it out kiddo. It'll only hurt more if you hold it in."

Zoe was about to jump at Aaron but when he heard the soft and muted cries from Bianca she stopped herself. Not wanting to see the newest member hurt like this Zoe soon placed he hand on Bianca's hair and began to stroke it to help with the comfort.

The others looked on sadly as they watch the two console Bianca. They too wanted to help but they also didn't want to overwhelm her at the same time. "Thank you." Bianca softly spoke as she stopped crying.

"Anytime kiddo." Aaron replied as he let go of the hug he held. "I've been there before so I know what you're going through right now. My mother done the same for me when I was near your age."

Aaron smiled down at he as he stood up. "But now it'll be best if you all get some sleep in. I'll use the sap to get us half way across the states tomorrow morning."

The three campers looked like they wanted to argue but a yawn from the satyr caused Aaron to smirk. "We'll take turns on look out. I'll go for the first shift."

"And I'll join you." Zoe stated out getting everyone's attention as she kept her own solely on Aaron. "I have more questions for you."

Sighing in slight defeat, Aaron sat down in front of the camp fire. He watched the others enter the tent before turning his attention towards Zoe. "What're your questions."

"What did you and the spawn of Poseidon learn before you ran into us in the Museum?" Zoe asked in a heartbeat.

"I found where Artemis is being held." Aaron sighed as he sat down to rest.

"And where is she?" Zoe asked as she narrowed here eyes. Aaron seemed to be hesitant in answering as he now knew fully who Zoe's father was and didn't know how she would react to this news.

"She's currently holding up the sky right now." Mimir answered on Aaron's behalf.

"Is this true?" Zoe asked Aaron.

"... I'm afraid so. The Norse God of mischief Loki, tricked her into holding the sky." Aaron softly answered.

"How did she fall for his trick?" Zoe once more asked. Aaron didn't respond as he tightly closed his fists in anger.

"He took the form of Arron's mother, child." Mimir softly answered, Zoe's eye became wide after hearing this. "You need to know one thing about Loki. He has one hell of a silver tongue. His performance even convinced me that he was Skadi."

Zoe was silent for a while before she responded. "We must go to Mount Othrys then."

"We'll have to travel by foot most of the way as well." Aaron continue'd.

"Why can't we just use the sap like when we travelled to Camp Half-Blood?" Zoe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"It's not that simple." Aaron sighed in response. "While Half-Blood and Othrys are not fixed locations. I know where the camp was. I don't know where Mount Othrys is. We'd be making a random jump and most likely will end up in the real Mount Othrys in Greece."

Zoe nodded in agreement. Knowing where her quest would end didn't make things easier. "Did the boy tell you what the prophesy was?"

"... Yes." Aaron silently answered.

"I think I've figured most of the prophesy's meaning... The trick which captured the moon was something close to her chest." Zoe stated. "If what your friend said is true then my Lady was tricked by Loki using another Goddess of the Hunt's form."

"To free her four must leave camp and journey out west. This part was made true with me, Bianca, Thalia and the Satyr leaving camp this morning. And it means Mount Othrys is located west of Long Island."

"Two friends shall arrive to aid you along your trail. This was you and that Jackson boy."

"Only when the Campers and Hunters are combined will you prevail. I believed this doesn't need anything further added to it."

"A Mountain's strength you shall also need. I believe Hades knew of this part when he asked you to watch for Bianca."

"As to withstand the Titan's curse he'll be the only one who'll succeed." Zoe hesitated for a moment before she continue'd. "This means at some point you'll... You'll have to hold the sky."

"However this will come at a great cost. Between his own Curse and the bridge he'll have to cross... This part i'm not sure about. The cost i'm sure will be your life but... What curse are you effected by?" Zoe asked.

"Did you say bridge?" Mimir asked with a hushed tone in his voice. Zoe nodded a silent yes towards the head which only caused Mimir to sigh. "I'm sorry Brother... But... I think she should know."

"Know what? Is this part of your curse?" Zoe asked.

"... Yeah." Aaron answered as he pushed through his hesitation. "The blood that flows inside of me... I consider a part of my curse."

Zoe raised an eyebrow at this. "Your blood? How can that be?"

"There is no real easy way for me to say this. My mother was raped by my Demi-god father, and I'm the result." Aaron answered, his eyes staying on the fire pit in front of him.

Zoe's eyes widened upon hearing this. Before she slowly sat down beside Aaron. "When I was a kid I found out and started to question my own existence. I couldn't understand why my mother loved me. Why she kept me. It was tearing me apart from the inside."

"Around that same time I found that my grandfather had destroyed his own son soon after what he had done. But by then I had decided to reject all of my godly powers. That was when my mother told me why she had kept me."

"She said that a child is born without sin and that I was not my father. And even though what he had done to her had destroyed her trust in men." Aaron struggled to fight back his own tears as he pushed through. "She loved me because I was her own flesh and blood."

"So this is your curse?" Zoe asked as she placed a hand on Aaron's shoulder. Although she did not trust men her gut was telling her that this man was different. She could tell that he had never seen him look at another woman nor man with lust in his eyes. And upon hearing his story she now understood why.

"Not exactly. It is only the reason behind my curse." Aaron laughed lightly, his mood better than what it was before.

"What do you mean?" Zoe asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I asked Freya, our Goddess of love to curse me. So that I will never fall for anyone else. So that I can never turn out to be like my father." Aaron answered with a small smile. "It feels good telling you this. I don't know why but... It's a weight off my shoulders. Thank you for listening to me."

Standing up, Aaron placed Mimir's head beside Zoe. "Keep an eye on him for a moment. I need to use a restroom." Aaron stated before disappearing into the trees.

However Zoe was now even more confused. But her attention was brought to Mimir when he spoke to her. "You have doubt with his words child."

"Yes... When he took us to Camp, he told me about his love for another. I'm confused as to how this could be." Zoe stated.

"Ah, yes... Hillevi. He and Tyr both mourned her for months after her passing." Mimir's face held a solemn look as he remembered the late Valkyrie warrior. "But I can tell you the curse was in effect at that time."

"Then how did?" Zoe began to ask but was cut off from Mimir.

"Norse curses are different child." Mirmir explained. "They will always contains a loophole. Either an I that wasn't dotted or a T that wasn't crossed."

"The curse held no effect over his feelings for Hillevi because she would never return his love. Combined with Aaron's fear of becoming like his father and it was nothing more than a childhood crush. But since this was the first time he had ever experienced love, it had greatly effected him as it had claimed his heart." Mimir continued.

"But the last line in the prophesy worries me."

"What do you mean?" Zoe asked.

"Between his own Curse and the bridge he'll have to cross... The bridge references Helheim's Bridge of the Damned." Mimir stated before he continue'd. "So if this prophesy remains true. Then during this quest, Aaron will fall in love with someone. And this will kill him."

And Cut!

So another chapter down. Might be a while before the next chapter but I hoped that you all enjoyed this one.

But without any more delay let's roll with this chapter's Q&A!

1) Would Aaron be able to permanently kill a god like he did with the Manticore? It is possible, however if it happens or not is another thing.

2) Will we see a confrontation between a Norse and Greek god? Not in this story nope.

3) Does Aaron have a way to endure the heat when he needs it? Like maybe form a layer of ice over his skin? Aaron has no way to actively deal with the heat other than how a normal human would.

4) Is the story only going to be told through Aaron's POV? For this story yes.

5) Does Aaron have other weapons besides his axe and spells? Yes, as seen in this chapter he has a Heavy Revolver. It's based off the same revolver from GTA Online or a real life Taurus Raging Bull. But this is the only other weapon he has.

So that's all for this chapter folks. If you have a question do feel free to post a review or PM myself. If I don't answer your question on next chapter's Q&A I will try to reply via PM. No spoiler question though. they won't be given full answers. But anyway thank you for reading this chapter. I hope you've all enjoyed it. Till next time!