Chapter 1

Disclaimer: the reason that I'm currently writing a fanfic and not a new PJO/HoO/ToA or HP book is because I don't own any of them, they belong to RR and JK. Rowling.

Chapter one

Nico POV

*3 months after second giant war*

It was safe to say that Nico was not happy, nor was he in a good moon with his father. Honestly, Hades just had to give him a quest now, it wasn't good enough that he went through Tartarus and got captured by the Twins, no. He had to have another quest. Brilliant, just brilliant. At least he got to chose who went with him, he was allowed to chose two people. He had chosen Reyna and Will, his two best friends. He had IM'd Will at camp half-blood and asked him if he would come, and he had asked Reyna in person as he was staying at Camp Jupiter. Both of them had said yes straight away. But still, just when things were getting quiet and calm, or as calm as it could be for a demigod anyway, the gods had to go ahead and issue out another quest. He just couldn't get over how just absolutely amazing that was. And he definitely wasn't being sarcastic about that, definitely not.

I had agreed to meet Reyna in New Rome at her apartment and was just arriving when she opened the door to leave.

"Hey! Reyna!" I called to get her attention.

"Hi Neeks!" she told me happily.

I scowled, "you know I hate that nickname"

"Come on! You let Will call you it!"

"That's different!"

she smirked at me and raised an eyebrow, "oh, it's different is it?"

I blushed a deep red colour, "well you let Thalia call you Rey!"

Now it was her turn to blush,

"I, I, uh," she stuttered, "Fine, I won't tease you if you don't tease me, okay?"


I grabbed her hand and shadow-traveled us to camp half-blood.

When we got there, Chiron waiting for us in his wheelchair. He greeted us and asked us to follow him, saying that we needed to discuss the quest. We followed him through the camp until we got to the big house, were we walked past Dionysus, who was having a game of cards with some nervous looking Satyrs, and sat down around a table inside. Which was already inhabited by Will and Thalia.

We greeted them and I wondered why Thalia was here too, was she coming?

"So," Thalia said once we were all seated, "what's up with this quest? Artemis only told me that I had to go to represent the hunters."

Okay, so Thalia was coming too, at that was fine, at least it wasn't her second in command, I could never remember her name, but she pissed me of so much.

"Yes. I will tell you more about your quest." Chiron looked at me then asked, "Nico, what have you heard from lord Hades about Tom Riddle?"

I thought for a second,then spoke,

"I think my dad told me something about this weird guy who cheated death or something called Tom Riddle, and that he made seven Horcruxes, which are made when you split your soul."

"Okay." Chiron said. "Tom Riddle is also known as Lord Voldemort, or in French, 'flight from death'. It is said that his very name invokes fear in his enemy's souls."

I laughed, and the others looked at me like 'What?'.

Honestly, 'flight from death'. Thanatos had wings! That would never work... and as for a name to inspire fear in your enemy's very souls, a name that sounded like mouldy-shorts was never going to scare me.

I finally stopped laughing and motioned for Chiron to continue. He did, going on to explain how wizards and witches were real, which honestly, I didn't find that surprising after the whole 'the Gods are real and you're a Demigod' thing, and how we would be going to a school for them in less than a months time. He also told us about the basics of the Wizarding world, from the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts, to Diagon alley and the leaky cauldron. It was a lot to take in, along with the fact that apparently Hecate would be blessing us with Magic in our sleep, and that she and my dad were working together. That was what freaked me out. We went back to our separate cabins, Reyna staying to sleep in the big house, and I was soon asleep. My dreams were of Tartarus and the Jar, of Eros and coming out to Jason. My friends telling me I wasn't good enough, Will telling me he could never love someone like me, Hazel telling me that she was disappointed in me, Bianca blaming me for her death, and being alone again, all alone, forever. I screamed, cried, it was too much, how would I cope with this?

I woke to Will holding me, telling me everything would be okay, that it was just a dream, that I was at camp, with him, in my cabin, not the pit, the jar, or alone.

That I was safe. I slowly fell asleep again, not caring for once about the physical contact with someone, just happy to be held as I fell into a dreamless sleep, thinking about Will.

A/N- thanks for reading! Pls Favourite and Review if you like it because it encourages me to write more. Check out my other stories:

A prophecy of Sun and Shadow – on hold


Randomly generated PJOHOO stories – complete


- Solangelo21