Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don't own the books! RR and JK own HoO and HP. I only own the plot.

(I probably will only do Will and Nico's POVs for the Demigods as I can't do Reyna and Thalia! Sorry!) XD

Chapter Two

Nico POV

When he woke up, he felt weird, it felt like someone had changed him in his sleep, which of course, they had. He got out of bed and got dressed, then heard a knock on his door.

"you up yet?" it was Will, probably come to make sure he went to breakfast.

"yeah, I'm coming out now." he put his shoes on and found his Stygian iron sword, the opened the door to find a glowing Will Solace, and when I say glowing, I don't mean he was smiling- which he was- but that he was literally glowing.

"you're glowing Will" I told him.

"I am?" he said, looking at himself. "oh yeah! I am!"

"care to explain why?"

"it sometimes happens If I'm happy. Which I currently am."

"okay, wanna go to breakfast then?"

"sure! Lets go!" they walked to breakfast were Nico sat with the seven, Will, Reyna and Thalia, as well as Calypso. After food, the rest of the morning went quickly, he trained with Percy and Jason, beating Jason and drawing with Percy, and after that they had lunch and all decided to go swimming.

Once they were all at the lake, Nico put his towel, which was black, on the ground and took his top of so he was only wearing his swimming shorts. His skin had recently regained the olive tone it had when he was in Italy, and his muscles were now very obviously there. He was about to run and dive into the water when he realised someone was staring at him. He was used to this, lots of people stared at him, judging him most of the time, but sometimes checking him out. He turned around to see a very red Will Solace, staring at HIM and blushing so much his face looked like a tomato.

"what?" I asked him "what you staring at?"

"huh!" Will blushed even more, somehow that was possible, "um, I, uh, nothing"

I blushed a bit then smirked "Okay then, Nothing it is" then walked forward, grabbed his hand and started to run to the water.

Wills POV

OMGS!I hadn't realized that Nico knew I was checking him out, but then he had turned around and asked me what I was staring at, then the impossible happened, my blush got worse. I stuttered out nothing then he smirked, smirked and grabbed my hand! Now back to the present, were running, holding hands heading towards the water, and when we reach it, Nico lets go of my hand and dives in. I managed a clumsy trip into the lake, and then fell under the water. I opened my eyes to see Nico, Percy and Jason swimming down to some Naiads, Water Nymphs, with bubbles round there heads so they could breathe, I came back up for air and got splashed in the face by Leo jumping in a few centre-meters away from me.

"Careful!" Leo said when he came up "dude, I almost landed on you!"

"sorry!" I said.

"that's okay, well I gotta go find Cal now, see ya later!" and with that he ran off.

I smiled and swam down to the three boys chatting to the Nymphs, when I got to them I motioned for Percy to give me an air bubble, and he did. I breathed in and out for a second, then Jason asked me,

"what's this Nico says about you checking him out?"

I blushed then popped the bubble and started to swim to the surface. But Percy dragged me down and made another air bubble round my head.

"answer the question Will" Jason said

I said something really clever like ' uh, no' and Percy sent Nico to the surface in a bubble.

"now that Nico can't hear us, tell me" he said, smirking, "do you, or do you not, have a crush on Nico Di Angelo?"

I stared at him, then Jason, then the surface were Nico was trying and failing to swim down, I turned to face Percy again.

"Y-yes..." I stammered.

Percy and Jason both grinned then Percy said,

"you want us to tell Nico?"

"no!" I said quickly, "i doubt he even likes boys... let alone me."

the two cousins exchanged a look. Then Jason said,

"you sure about that Will?" and swam to the surface with Percy. Who popped mine and Nico's air bubbles and pulled me too the surface.

It was safe to say that I avoided Nico after that, going to my cabin for a while, until dinner. By dinner time I was hungry and also exited, Hecate was giving us our wands after dinner, and as I walked over to my table, the seven and some others (including Nico) called me over to sit with them instead. I walked over and sat in-between Thalia and Leo.

"hey Will" Leo said. "how you doing?"

"hey Leo, and yeah I'm doing fine. You?" I answered

"good, listen Will, what is this that Percy and Jason told me, Thalia, Cal, Annabeth, Piper and Reyna about-"

"shh!" I cut him off, "not here Leo!"

"Oh, yeah," he looked at Nico, then back at me. "Sorry buddy, I almost slipped."

luckily the others were chatting and no one else heard what Leo said, or almost said.

The rest of dinner passed without really anything else happening, so I was soon walking up Half-blood hill with the other three to meet lady Hecate. When we got to the top, she was standing by Thalia's pine tree holding four boxes around 12 inches long each.

"hello demigods. It is good to see you, thank you for taking up this quest."

we all said hello back and that it was no problem, then she called us up one by one to take a box.

"Reyna Ramírez-Arellano, come forward please." Hecate said. Reyna came forward and Hecate opened one of the boxes and handed a Wand to her.

"it is Oak wood with a Dragon blood core, 11 inches."

"Thank you lady Hecate," Reyna said

Thalia got Cedar wood with a Lightning bolt core and 12 inches and Nico got Cypress wood with a Thestral bone core, 10 inches. I got mine last and it was Laurel wood with a ray of sunlight for the core, 12 inches. We all said thank-you to the Goddess and then walked back to our cabins. Before we left though, Hecate told us all something, she said 'Tonight I shall bless you all with the knowledge you need to cast spells with your wands, you have the magic, but will need to know the incantations. I will see you all in two days time when I will transport you to London.' and with that she left.

A/N- Thanks for reading, please Review, Follow and Favourite. I promise that they will go to London next chapter! Sorry that it's taking so long to get started! XD

- Solangelo21