Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO/HOO/TOA or HP they belong to RR and JK, not me.

*two days later*

Nico POV

When I walked out of my cabin that afternoon with a packed bag, I did not suspect to see Will, Reyna and Thalia standing outside my door, all holding packed bags and looking impatient. What time was it? I checked my watch, great, it said 1.39, we were supposed to leave at 1.30, oops.

"sorry, I didn't see the time." was my excuse.

"as long as we hurry, then maybe Lady Hecate won't be too mad at us." Reyna told me, already walking away, Thalia following her. Will looked at him like, 'well? Should we follow them?' and I looked at him like, 'I guess so...'. So we followed them all the way up the hill were we found Lady Hecate waiting for us.

"Heroes," she greeted the four of us.

"lady Hecate." we all replied.

"please stand in front of me, I am going to transport you to London." we did as she said and stood in front of here, then she said a word I didn't catch and my vision went black.

I woke up in a bed, I sat up and looked around, there was one other bed in the room opposite me, and Will was sitting on it, looking around. There were two doors, a bathroom and the way out is supposed, two closets, a mirror, and our Bags were in the middle of the room. I turned back to Will like, 'were are we?!' and he looked back like, 'I have no idea.'.

"are we in London?" I asked him,

"not sure really, I only woke up a few seconds before you, this looks like a hotel room though," he said

"hang on a sec," I said," where the hell are Thalia and Reyna?!"

"i don't know, I'm sure there fine though. There probably in a different room to us."

I nodded my agreement then stood up, I walked over to my bag and realised that there were two extra ones in the pile. I picked up the one labelled 'Nico Di Angelo' and opened it, inside was a note, it said;

Dear Nico,

In this bag you will find everything that you will need for your quest, you will be going to school at Hogwarts so you will need to wear the uniform in here and use the books in the classes, the teachers have been told that you attend 'Chiron's school for Half-bloods, or Camp Half-blood' make sure that you do not reveal your selves as demigods unless you must, and even then be careful who you tell, swear them to secrecy and be careful.


Lady Hecate

I looked at Will, who had come down and looked in his new bag, found a letter, and read it.

"swap?" I asked him, he agreed and we swapped letters, they were the same except that the name at the top changed from 'Nico' to 'Will'. I gave him back his letter, and he gave me mine, then we grabbed our Camp bags and left through one of the doors. Unfortunately, it was the wrong one, we both ended up in a bathroom. We quickly walked out the other door and found our selves in a corridor facing Reyna and Thalia. They smiled at us and us at them, then we met each other in the middle of the hallway.

"hey Death breath and co" Thalia said.

"hey pine-cone face and gang." I replied.

"It's Will, not 'co'" Will complained.

"and Reyna, not 'gang'" Reyna stated.

We laughed it of and started to walk down the corridor, soon enough, we found our selves in pub, well an Inn I guess. We sat down at a table and discussed the letters, from the fact that Reyna had been told were we needed to go, 'Kings cross train station, platform 9 ¾', to the fact that we were going to school, 'What the fuck is that about?!' we eventually decided that I would ask the barman how to get to the train station as we had to be there in six hours. So I got up, walked over to the bar, and asked him.


I was sitting down having a drink when a Kid dressed in black with black hair and dark brown eyes who looked around 14 coughed to get my attention, I turned to him.

"hello, directions to diagon alley, or do you want a room? Something to drink?"

"Me and friends already have a room thank you," the Boy said, "and I need directions to Kings cross train station."

"sure, let me just right them down for you." I turned to get a piece of paper and a pen when he said,

"no just show me a picture of it."

a picture? I looked over to him, his eyes said not to disagree with him and just get him the picture. I found a random picture from a newspaper of Kings cross and gave it to the strange boy.

Nico POV

The old man finally gave me a picture of a train station and I committed the place to memory, now I could shadow-travel there easily. I walked back to the others and told them we should rest for a bit. They all agreed and we went to our separate rooms. I set an alarm to wake me up in four hours and fell asleep almost instantly.

For once in my life I didn't dream, not sure why, but I'm not complaining. When I woke up, I got my bags together and had a shower, then once I was dressed, I woke up Will by hitting him in the face with a pillow. He shot upright and glared at me, then through a pillow back, it hit me in the face, and soon a pillow war had began. We stopped ten minuets later and Will went to take a shower, half an hour later they were heading toward the door of the room when Nico tripped on a bed pole and fell into Will, almost knocking him over, he blushed, and so did Will, strange, why would he blush? Never-mind.

"sorry, I tripped." Nico said.

"That's okay," Will said.

They walked out of the door and found the girls, then Nico shadow-traveled them to King's cross station and they fell out of the shadows in between platforms 10 and 9.

Mrs Weasley POV

Harry, Arthur, Hermione, Ron and the others had already gone through the Barrier when they approached me, there were four of them, two girls and two boys. One of the boys was wearing black, had black hair and dark brown eyes, eyes that looked to old for one his age, the other boy had blond hair that seemed to be glowing, bright blue eyes, and a strong tan, the first girl had black hair in a plait, and black eyes that looked troubled, the last girl had black hair and electric looking blue eyes, she seemed to radiate a glow of silver light around her, they all looked around 15 years old. The girl with a plait came up to me,

"hello, can you tell us how to get to platform 9 ¾ please?" she asked.

"why of course dear, you just run at this wall here," I told her, pointing at the wall the others had disappeared through, "are you fifth year students?"

"no, were third years, were the exchange students from Chiron's school for Half-bloods. And thank you for telling us." the girl walked back to her friends and told them were they needed to go, they looked at her like, 'what! You want us to run through a wall?!' but soon the four of them were running at the wall, the girls first, then the boys. I ran after them just in time to see my children, Harry, and Hermione getting on the train. I walked over to them and said goodbye, then Arthur took Harry to the side to tell him something, soon they all got on board, and the only people on the platform were parents and children to young to go to Hogwarts. I waved to the kids on the train as it left the station, and then Arthur and I left.

A/N- thanks for reading, please Review, favourite and follow to show support. XD
