Chapter 1: Beginning

So. I finally did it. I remade The Moons Hero. This is a rebuild of it, as the original, while I will still keep up, was trash, not the purposeful bad, more trying to find my footing bad. This is the first remade chapter, with some (many) changes. That's all I have to say, so let's get to it.

The Lost Woods. A place of endless woods, that is comparable to a crossroad, with a nigh-infinite amount of entrances and exits. A dimension between dimension, that crisscross into multiple universes, realities, dimension, and the likes. For the past 7 years after my adventures in Termina, I have explored the Lost Woods.

Why you may ask? Adventure to simply put it, and hopefully to find something to keep me busy. Now why don't I stay in Hyrule you also may ask? Well, I may have saved it, it doesn't mean I forgot everything that happened. That and Princess Zelda went kinda nuts at the age of 15 over me, and I grabbed the Master Sword, after making 100% sure Ganondorf couldn't try anything as he was somewhere in the Gerudo Desert at the time, and the Sacred Realm stayed locked up, as I left with the Master Sword.

So I just explore the Lost Woods and hope to find more information on either myself, or learn of worlds that are far different from my own, or times in the distant past and future. Oh how rude of me, as I never said my name. I am Link, no known last name. The reason I haven't been turned into a Stalfo or Skull Kid, is because of the Master Sword, as I carry it around with me, and as it IS a relic of the Goddesses, it can ward off that curse.

Now, you may not have realized it, as I haven't stated it, so I will, but I am not riding Epona in the woods. Why is that? She died. She died of a bad carrot Malon gave her, unknowingly. I don't blame her, as she two loved Epona very, very much, but I have moved on from that. Not sure if she had though.

The one thing I do have, that I didn't have during my adventure through Termina, was a Silver Ring. The Ring has the crescent of the moon, no not the Moon Majora summoned, a regular-ass moon, on my finger, I got it designed like that with the metal, which I found in the middle of Hyrule Field, about a few minutes from a ruined tent and a grave, with a name I couldn't make out, due to the age of the grave, which was the strangest thing, as the silver looked pretty messed up, which I had made into the ring, because something in me wanted it to be like that in terms of design. Not sure why or how, which confuses me, as I don't have a known, not Majora related, connection to the moon.

Though I got it also after merging with the three used Transformation masks from Termina, the Fierce Deity Mask happens to be untouched in my pouch, and I got a few abilities from each, and their respective knowledge each one held and contained. Though that mask I didn't get anything from it, as it is a different type of mask entirely from the others.

The Deku mask gave me a limited form of flight, and the ability to use my magic in an orb form akin the snot bubbles formed in the Masks form, but less disgusting and requires no weirdness akin to it. It also gives me the ability to blend in so well with a forest so well, it is akin to the Stone Masks ability.

The Goron Mask gave me the Fire Punches, that also transfer to my Sword for extra damage, Goron Strength and Durability, and the Curling up into a ball and rolling with the spikes. That's always fun and fast to do, when in a rush or just wishing to escape Zelda's constant weirdness.

The Zora Mask gave me the ability to breathe and swim like a Zora, underwater of course. I also can summon the electrical barrier using my shield, which can act as an extra layer of defense against my enemies and harm them at the same time.

All of that is good and all, but I feel the Goron Mask gave the best abilities. Though I will be fair and say I can now Forage in the woods with no problem, make all sorts of tools using metals thought to be too heavy to lift on my own, and catch Fish easily with no problem now, so food isn't an issue, and I can make my own potions too. The story for what lead up to that, is for a later time of course.

What has been weird to me, is that if I fall asleep in one area of the Lost Woods, for some reason, when I wake up, the area is flooded with Antelopes, Deer, and Does all curled up around me, sleeping as well. When I wake up, they leave while giving me a strange look. What was even weirder, was that I swear a couple of them had silver, like the metal silver, antlers, and the antlers were curved like a moon crescent. For all I know, I am just going insane from the Woods, or just imagining it from being half asleep. Not sure why, but they also leave me edible berries from time to time. While I have grown up in Kokiri Forest, the untamed natural woods of the Lost Woods always makes me happier, and calmer. I don't know why and assume because it's where Saria hangs out most of the time.

Now, because of the fact I have explored the Lost Woods for several years, I know a few things about it. As I said earlier, the Woods is like a crossroads, with a near limitless amount of entrances and exits, as it depends on whether there is a forest to connect to. Now Forest can be stuff that isn't a normal tree, so long as it is either natural, or magical. Meaning a forest of bones, where the trees are made of what is akin to bones, or actual bones, can be connected to, or Giant Mushrooms, among things, Jungles also count as a potential connection, which also was interesting to discover. It depends on the fact of whether or not it can be classified as a natural forest, not artificial, unless Magic is involved, where things just go straight to hell in a handbasket in explaining. But stuff like a City, unless it is the weird exception of Termina, as Majora forced that connection, as later when I went through the same entrance, it took me to the Woods of Mystery, which I went through to get back to the main area of the Lost Woods.

Due to this fact, I have been to a few worlds with oddities with them. One world had a short, green dude who spoke oddly. The little green guy was definitely powerful, but wise and experience. We talked for a bit, and he told me while I am not able to use his brand of powers, I have some ability to learn his group's many styles of fighting. I spent a few months with him, and he told me that what I have left to learn, is something I couldn't learn do to my lack of an ability that his people have. But he told me that he believes that there is good in everyone, whether or not it can be noticed over time. He tells me to move on in my life and return to my quest to find peace with myself, which while I don't fully get, but I leave after thanking him for the lessons and the talks we had. He never told me his name, saying that in time, I would find it myself.

The next world I visited, was one where I fought some purple alien with a mouth that split into four, which roared angrily at me. The fight was a long and dangerous fight, based on what its sword could do to the environment, melting rocks, leaving scorch marks on trees, and leaving the plants in a condition of death and fire. As I received some injuries that hurt like hell, due to the cuts and heat of his blade, the monster suffered arguably worse injuries, with two of its mouth things ripped off, and an arm barely hanging on by a thread. But it lowered its sword and looked at me. "You have fought well, and I can tell now that you are not a human at all. You have two options. To surrender and die, or finish our duel." It says. I just signal with my sword to continue, even if it hurt me to do so, and we clashed for a few more minutes until it loses its leg in a well-aimed sword strike. It falls onto the ground, with its other arm holding it upright, looking straight at me. "Warrior. Take my blade, and kill me with it. You have proven to be a warrior of great skill. Keep the sword, as it will be a way to remember this fight, warrior. Use it to send me to the beyond." It asks its voice is sounding more male now that I can pay better attention to it. I hesitate at first but realize that if I didn't kill him, he would suffer far worse if not die in pain anyway due to his injuries. So I take his sword, which was lighter than I thought, and he pointed at his head. "Strike here. It is the only point that an honor-bound warrior should strike, as it is an instant release without any known pain or suffering." He says. I stab him right in the head, killing him instantly, and freeing him from the pain he was most likely was going through. After letting him move on to death to escape his pain, I put the sword in my bag, and bury him, to at least show his body the respect he deserves, even if I have no clue who he was, or what he wanted for a burial. Death has no opinion, and I won't let mine decide what to do to someone who was already dead, and beyond my influence. Finishing the grave, and covering the body, I hear a noise coming from the forest behind me. A tall creature, a body shape like a Hylian, I assume to be this human the alien was talking about, and it seems to look straight at me. "Kid, what are you doing near a warzone? Follow me, and I will- HEY COME BACK! IT ISN'T SAfe." The creature says before I book it out of there, and I re-entered the lands of the Lost Woods, where the creature couldn't follow me, and I would be safer than where it wanted to take me, which while I assume wasn't a bad thing, I didn't want to risk it at the time.

Another time I faced off against a... A creature that looked like it couldn't exist in a normal sense, but did, and tried to kill me when it saw me if it could do that. It was akin to Morpha given a physical form and then given the mouth of King Dodongo with enough teeth to shred almost anything, I thank the Goddesses I had the Master Sword on me, as I could kill it with it, as it seemed that only weapons either blessed by a high power being could kill it, and the Master Sword was just the tool I needed. Those are the most notable, for better or worse.

This time though, normally I wander the Lost Woods, exploring it, or just looking at the sights, seeing things that no one has ever seen before, as far as I am aware, but this time it's different than other times. It's like the Forest is trying to guide me to a location I have never been to before, which is odd, as it has never done that before. Even weirder, is that the fog is starting to turn a silverish color, which puts me on guard, as that hasn't happened to me before. I know it isn't because of the Master Sword, as I have carried it in here multiple times before, and it never did that, and it made me suspicious of what could be going on, like outside magic, an Eldritch Abomination is after me again, or another Majora like being is trying to get me to drop my guard again, but no, the forest is just guiding me, which I continued being on guard with because I have no clue what to expect in this case.

Following the path the woods wants me to take, and going through the entrance/exit of this area, and I start to hear yelling from a few people, and I see them. Two boys and a girl being escorted to a cliff by a tall man, which I can tell right away something is wrong, yelling at them about being unable to stop the Great Stirring, which sounds ridiculous, but at the same time very, very bad. Then I notice on one of the boys, bleeding from his shoulder like it got grazed by a fast-moving needle, while the younger boy is excited and the girl is nervous, and worried looking. I realize why the Lost Woods lead me here, it wanted me to intervene before the man, who I am certain is a monster in disguise, either does something to them, like killing them, or far worse, so I weigh what to do, and decide to knock a fire arrow aiming at the man, hoping more than anything to get his attention or kill him if needed. Either way works.

Knocking the arrow into my bow, and using a tiny bit of magic to set it on fire, which still confuses me at how it is on fire, but doesn't cast any light, and fire at the man, who is about to approach the three kids, and hits him square in the back, setting his clothes on fire, shocking the kids, and making the monster, as I see it reveal itself by throwing the burning clothes off, as a monster to simply put it, look in my direction in anger, and fire what I assume to be spikes from its tail in my direction. Because I was next to a tree, I quickly take cover behind it, and none of the spikes hit me, and thankfully, they don't seem to be strong enough to go through the tree it seems. Then what looks like a flying machine floats up by the cliff where the four of them are. The older looking boy quickly pulls out what I assume to be a weapon in disguise, with three new people getting involved, two girls and a half-human half-goat creature, which is on the other three kids side, as the boy with the pen looks happy at seeing all three of them, and the monster and the girl with a spear and an interesting shield design, that I assume is supposed to scare others, but I have seen worse honestly.

Knocking another arrow, this time of the Ice variety, I fire an Ice Arrow at the monster, as it seems more interested in the girl that seemed to make lightning appear and strike, and the Ice arrow hits the creature tail, confusing the recently arrived kids, realizing that someone else is there, and with the creatures assumed main attack out of commission, I pull out the Master Sword, and my trusty Hylian Shield, to go and fight the monster when what sounds like horns start going off to my left, which seems to terrify the monster, and confuses all but the lightning girl, the Girl with blond hair, and the Half Human Half goat being. The lightning girl mutters something, which I didn't catch because of the echoing horns and the flying machine making a ton of noise, when a silver arrow hits the monster pissing it off, and unintentionally releasing the tail from the ice, and fires a bunch of needles in return fire, which is intercepted and split in the CENTER of the needles, shocking me at such accuracy. Then a bunch of younger girls, I assume to be physically in the age range of 10-17, come out with their bows drawn at the creature, which looks a bit like a hedgehog now. The creature then yells something about interfering and Ancient Laws at one of the girls, but I couldn't make out much due to that flying machine.

The creature then goes to grab one of the kids, I think the girl when the blond-haired girl climbs on to the creature back, trying to stab it, and dropping her hat in the process, while the girls with their bows, they fire arrows just as that happens, making the creature fall off the cliff. Realizing the situation, I rush out of the forest, with my sword and shield back in their places, startling everyone and jumped off the cliff, before any of them could process I was there, and using my limited ability over flight, quickly caught up to the blond-haired girl and managed to get her before the monster was swallowed up by a quick appearance and disappearance of a portal, and got her in an easier to carry position.

Floating back up, and over the cliff, with the flying machine gone thankfully, the entire group, minus a younger girl who doesn't seem normal in the slightest, well, normal by an average, not dealing with monster kind of normal, with a blank, if not a bit confused face. Though the older girl, with dark brown hair and black eyes walked right up to me, and yelled to drop the blond girl, who was still in my arms from carrying her back up. I set her down, and look at both groups.

"Well, I must be off. I have to go back to exploring." I say, then start running off, back to the entrance of the Lost Woods, the one I came through at least. As soon as I enter the woods, the group of girls stop staring, and chase after me, firing their silver arrows along the way, which I dodge due to the Deku Mask's abilities. Eventually reaching the entrance to the Lost Woods, I try to enter, only for it to Reject me. That's... Not a good thing. The entrances next to NEVER reject a living being trying to enter it, the only exceptions are beings powerful enough to seal the entrance, though it requires a lot of power, due to the sheer size of the Lost Woods, and the amount of entrances it has, as if you seal one, you seal them all, in the world you are in. Which is similar to Majora, just weaker, as Majora flat out moved the entrance, and kept it locked up. Which again, is much harder than a simple seal.

"Shit. That is not good." I say to myself, worried about what this could mean to me as if I am stuck in this world. This world's fate must be a bitch, as right then the group of girls come out of the forest and surround me, while the one who I assume is their leader walks between them, irritated.

"Boy, why did you run?" The young girl asks.

"Well, I ran because I just want to go back home, due to the fact that I got here due to some strange thing." I say, with the younger girl, about 12, just giving me a deadpanned stare. "Honestly, I don't care if I am believed. The way back to my home is closed, and the way to open it is beyond anything I can understand, for the simple reason that it looks like a level of power above most levels of power I have seen." Then I start muttering to myself at a fast rate, "Maybe the level of power is great enough that Majora was a pipsqueak in compassion, but at the same time it could be broken if I were to use a certain combination of items, magic, and a mask to cause enough- no that won't work, it about as strong as that Eldritch Monster thing I face a year ago. No this requires-" I mutter as the young girl gets more and more annoyed until interrupting me.

"WILL YOU SHUT UP YOU STUPID BOY!" The girl says with a voice far more powerful and ancient than is being let on.

"Well, I seem to have discovered a local deity of this world, based on that." I say to myself, shocking the group, and the potential goddess.

"Wait, you know of the deities of this world?" The young Goddess says.

"No. I don't. I have encountered deities before, and I have fought deities before, but not of this world. I have never been to this world before, so I wouldn't know." I say, confusing the Goddess and her group.

"This world? How do we know you aren't lying?" The girl says, confused, yet skeptical.

At that I sigh and just pull my hat up just enough to expose my ears. I hate exposing them for a few reasons. One, I want to blend in with the worlds I visit much easier, as I hate having to be bothered, or attacked in a few cases about my ears. One of the worlds I visited had me fighting to prevent from being forced into some weird-ass program that the land I visited had. Thought I was some Elf or something. Another world thought I was a demon, so I got the fuck out of that one.

Two, they are vastly more sensitive than I originally thought. The land I was born in had a better sound dampening, I believe it's term was called, as an environmental formation. When I visited Termina, it was an obvious transition between the two, and I still haven't adjusted to the difference between them, but I was able to find a way to negate more of it, with some magic and my hat.

The third, and most petty reason, is that most Hylians, or anyone with the long ears, that I have met and interacted with, were either dicks, dumb asses, or a combination of the two. So I keep them covered to prevent any confusion, and just blend in with any group of people I find or interact with. Easier to do that then explain, argue or fight every time it happens. Less of a mess, and easier to do that.

As the hat finally goes over my ears, the group looks shocked, and one actually goes to fire an arrow, before the Goddess stops the one about to fire an arrow at me. "Hold your fire. This boy hasn't done anything to deserve it. Yet." the Goddess says to her group.

After a bit, the group that was fighting before the Goddesses group got involved are put together just far enough from the group following the Goddess to not make them uncomfortable from my understanding of it, which isn't much considering that I know nothing on this world. The boy of the group helping the younger kids walks up to me, in a guarded way, like he expects me to either fight him, or think of him as a moron.

"Who are you?" The boy with a sword, black hair, palish tan, muscular, and looking like he just got off a beach after it was windy as hell.

"I am Link, no known last name. Adventurer, explorer, temple explorer, jack of all trades in terms of weapons. Just to simplify what I have done." I say, trying to calm him from his on-guard stance, a boy who seems to be about fourteen, and my answer seems to confuse him a bit.

The black-haired girl, I would say about 15, with electric blue eyes, just scoffs at the boy's confusion. "Oh brother Seaweed Brain. He is saying that he isn't an enemy. Yet. So attacking him now would be idiotic." The black-haired girl says, insulting the boy easily like it was a normal and okay occurrence. She then looks at me, and for some reason, it looks like her eyes for a brief second, gain a pinkish tone, that dissipates after a second.

"Can I ask who you guys in all seriousness." I ask, in a false bored tone, in reality I was watching them a little more closely now. I want to know why they insult him so casually.

The blond-haired girl speaks up. "The idiot that asked who you are, is Percy Jackson. I am Annabeth Chase, the one you just talked too is Thalia, the boy with goat legs is Grover, and the two kids are Nico and Bianca." Annabeth says, in a snotty know it all tone, though it doesn't seem intentional. Kind of like she does it without knowing she does it.

"So... What are you guys exactly?" I ask, trying to find out what kind of world I got myself into. It always helps to know more about the world I get myself into, as you never know when some forms of knowledge will come in handy.

"What do you know of the Greek Gods?" Annabeth asks me.

"Honestly, I know nothing. I am not exactly from here, to be honest. What even is a Greek? The only word I recognize is god." I ask, with a confused tone, at the question. How in the world was I supposed to know what a Greek is? The entire group, and the hunters who were listening in for reasons I really can't think of, just look at me with a shocked expression.

"I would say that is hard to believe, but at the same time you show no signs of lying. How odd." Annabeth says, before clearing her throat. "Listen, to summarize it, the Greek Gods are a group of Immortal beings that control the basics of the world, the sky, sea, death, etc. They are a powerful group, and they have many children even to this day. Me, Percy, Thalia, Nico, and Bianca are all children of a God or Goddess of the Greek Pantheon. Simply put we are demigods or half-bloods for a different term. The full history would take to long to explain, which can be covered later, but the group here, minus Nico and Bianca are children of the Gods, Percy is Poseidon's son, Thalia is Zeus daughter, and my mother is Athena. You will learn more later if you join us." Annabeth says, quickly. It seems that she is honest about the history, and their group's parents, but it isn't a full answer. I let it go, mainly because it can be explained better at a later date.

"Since it would take to long to explain, then please tell me. Who are the group of girls that grouped us up here?" I ask, still kinda confused about the whole situation.

"They are called the Hunters of Artemis. Basically, a group of girls that hunt monsters under the Goddess Artemis. She is one of the Major Goddesses of the Greek Pantheon since we are discussing it." Annabeth answers easily.

"Well. That's interesting." I say, not really understanding what that is supposed to mean besides what a hunter is.

"Boy in green, My lady wants to speak to you." One of the hunters say, then escorting me to a tent, that looks a little nicer than the others, though only by a slight amount. The tent flap opens to signify for me to open, and I see a crap ton of furs surrounding the walls of the tent, with the 12-year-old girl who I assume is Artemis, sitting on the other end of the tent looking at me with annoyance coming from her silverish eyes.

"You wished to speak with me, ma'am?" I say, respectfully, but on guard.

"Relax boy. I didn't summon you to fight you, kill you, or turn you into a woodland creature. Yet. Tell me, who are you?" She asks, in a tone I can't quite place.

"Link ma'am. No known last name." I say, more relaxed, but still on guard. A Deity, local or not, simply doesn't just summon anyone on a whim, unless they want something. Usually, something they think is theirs by right, or just because they feel like it.

"So Link, where do you come from?" Artemis asks, calmly.

"A land far from here." I say simply, as it is the truth, just stretched.

"I know you aren't saying everything. I know you have more than that to say, boy." Artemis says, more annoyed now at the fact I am not giving a straight answer on it. I just sigh, knowing that if I don't say more about it, she will do something to me. Even if it will be temporary.

"As I said, I am from a land far from here. Literally. It is kinda hard to judge the distance, as it goes through the very fabric of Space and Time to reach it. I come from a land called Hyrule." I say, and explain a bit about Hyrule, not going into the adventure against Ganondorf, and explaining a little bit about the Lost Woods, and not touching any actual adventures I went on.

Artemis stays quiet for about two minutes, then says "So you come from a completely different world?" She asks, looking like she doesn't believe me.

"I do, madam." I say. As she seems to look at me with an odd expression, my Ring starts to glow, which catches Artemis attention instantly.

"Your ring. Why is it glowing?" She asks, looking at the ring with an odd face.

"I don't know. I have had it for about 5-6 years, and it has never done that, as far as I am aware. This is completely new territory for me." I say, completely confused. Hey normally I don't have to deal with a glowing ring. I normally deal with a shard that shakes when I walk near a hiding hole

"Can I see it, Link?" Artemis asks, with an odd tone of voice, looking at it.

"Uh sure." I say, a bit confused, giving the ring to Artemis.

As soon as I give the ring to Artemis, the tent inside explodes into an extremely bright light. I instantly cover my eyes, turn around, and pull my hat down to cover my eyes as well, to block it out, to prevent any potential harm to my eyes as much as I can. While this is happening, I hear the Hunters, and the demigod groups going nuts over the light show, as it seems like it is being perceived as an attack, I think, and the bright light just seems to be slowly dying down. After a couple of minutes, the light finally dies down, to see Artemis no longer there, but a woman, a blond-haired woman that seems oddly familiar, but at the same time not familiar. She is wearing a blueish silver tunic, a greenish silver skirt, green boots, silver socks, and a silver hat. It's very strange. The woman though seems to be just looking at herself with a strange but sad expression. Like she discovered something about herself she never knew and is unsure how to think about it.

"Who... Who are you and what have you done to Artemis?" I ask, confused to hell, as the hunters and the demigod group rush in, weapons drawn.

"I... I remember now. I remember. The ring was a lost part of my chariot. A part thought lost to time. Link, do you know what you found?" The woman asks, in a soft tone, almost sad, yet shocked at the same time.

"No, I don't. I found it, and had it forged into the ring, not knowing of any importance to it." I say, mystified, yet worried that something bad is about to happen. Hey, when a Goddess changes to a new form and has an expression that seems odd for her, you try not being worried for yourself.

"You found a piece of my chariot, lost in a time of war. You found it, and the part had enough power and a sliver of my essence to create a mortal shell that was connected to it. When it died, it was sent back into it. What you discovered is important to you. More than you you can even begin to understand. Tell me, you found it in a close vicinity to a tent and grave, correct?" Artemis says, assuming it is Artemis still.

"Yes? Not sure what that's important though." I say, still very much confused at what is going on.

"Link. The tent is where you were born, and the grave is your father's grave." Artemis says, quietly, with a barley noticeable hint of sadness.

"... What. That's, what. Huh? What?" I say, sputtering in shock and confusion. "Wait, how do you know that?" I ask, computing the rest of her statement.

" I know this... Because I was there when you were born." Artemis says.

Taking a minute to think, it slowly dawns on me what she is saying. "Wait... Are you saying that-" I start to say, only for Artemis to interrupt me.

"Yes Link. I was there because, I gave birth to you." Artemis says, flooring the hunters and demigods listening, and making me just look at her with shock, unable to believe it.

"You... are my... Mom?" I say, slowly, unable to comprehend it. For over a decade, I was under the impression that anyone I was related to was dead. Finding out I have family alive is just mind-blowing. But I doubt it also, as I just can't believe the fact that a goddess from a different world just HAPPENS to be my mother. "I don't believe you. It. It can't be true. My mother died, bringing me to-" I start to say, only for Artemis to finish.

"The Great Deku Tree in the Kokiri Forest, home of the Kokiri, and the home of the Guardian of the Forest from a war, where my husband died to give me enough time to escape, being severely wounded in the process." She finishes, then pulls up her tunic, exposing a few scars from injuries that indeed looked lethal. She pulls down her tunic covering the scars again and looks back to me. The fact that she knew that and the scars definitely point to the fact that she WAS involved with me when I was too young to remember anything.

"You just stated what happened to me as a baby." I say, feeling very light-headed. No one except the Kokiri, Great Deku Tree, myself, my possibly not dead mother, and the three Golden Goddesses of Hyrule could know.

"Link. You are my son. I gave birth to you, and I remember your father. A mortal that had the skills of an army, a courageous man that laid his life, to try and save me and his son. A true male, that even the essence that was in the shell, who hated most men, respected enough to be with. While it was a mortal shell, you ARE my son by blood, and essence." Artemis says.

I just stare at Artemis, completely shocked, confused, sad, and a bit worried. How am I supposed to react when I am confronted with a Goddess of a different world, saying she is my mother, when as far as I was aware, my mother was thought to be dead since I was a baby? While I already thought this, it isn't simply something I can wrap around easily. You try being in my shoes and tell me how it goes.

"Then, who was my father?" I ask, slowly, with a feeling of dread, as I asked this.

"Your father, was thing King of Hyrule's nephew. Meaning you have a connection to the Royal Family of Hyrule. I didn't fall in love, and marry him knowing this, before you ask. He... He never stated he was royalty, he never did anything royals did, and he was more of a protector and fighter for the people than a stand far away from the sidelines royal family member would do. His name was Daphnes Hyrule." Artemis says.

"So. I am related to the Royal family." I say, in a tone that sounds like a shocked, but quite tone. Me, related to the Royal family, even if it is more of a great Uncle King deal. This... This has to be a dream. A weird dream that will end after I wake up. With this information stuck in my brain, it couldn't handle it in any sense. Too much confusion, I just black out, and before succumbing completely, I hear Artemis shout for someone to catch me while moving too try and catch me too, before I hit the ground and pass out.

Welp. Consider this an Early Christmas present that no one asked for from me. Merry Christmas, and happy what ever holiday you support and have a Happy New Year if I don't post a new chapter to something after this is released.

EDIT 1: I improved as much as I could think of. More characterization on where I though, and changed a bunch of things, fixed a few errors and added more to what I originally had as little references.

EDIT 2: Some more fixes, a little more clarity but in it, and a bit of stuff better worded.