Chapter 2: Mother, Archers, and a Story

Well. I wasn't originally planning to start a second chapter to the story, but I still have some inspiration to is, and waste not the inspiration you get. Note Bianca doesn't join the Hunters. The reasoning is simply that she felt she needed to watch Nico a little more than join a group she had very little knowledge on. I will also note that I will be pushing the dates about a week before canon Titans Curse, so everything will line up still, just a week earlier, before the quest, and the quest will happen in the same time frame of it's original happening. Also will state, I won't do the interruptting, and to simplify the writing, I won't be doing the old English, as it would be a pain in the ass to do.

Slowly, I start coming back to, in a tent different to the one from the one I was talking to Artemis in, on a bed like roll, with a severe pain in my head. Wait, Artemis, I think she might be pissed that I just passed out. Why did I pass out again? I can't remember to be honest. Might have knocked loose some memories when my head hit the ground, assuming that's what happened going off the pain in my head. I look around, careful not to move my head to much as I wish to avoid any extra pain to appear, and see a blond lady sitting near the rear of the bed roll thing, just looking at me. "Umm, not to be rude, but who are you?" I ask, trying to be polite, and but nervous at the same time.

"I see the hit on your head was harder than we expected. Too sum it up, you passed out because the silver ring you had on you this whole time, was a container for a portion of my essence, which was in fact your mother, and by extension, you finding out you are related to the royal family by blood. Before you ask, the shell still had enough of me to be me, so I am your mother in a biological and spiritual sense. I am Artemis, the Goddess of the Hunt, Virginity, and I can explain that one later, Maidens, and the Moon, making me your biological mother. Now, I will tell you now, the only people who know, are my Hunters, and the Demigods. I already made them swear an oath to not say anything, until I either claim you, or the others find out. With my Virginity domain, and the reason I have it still even though you are here and born, is that the Mortal shell, this form, gave birth to you. Not my original self. It's is pretty complicated, but to make it easy, the mortal shell gave birth to you, but since it housed my essence, by a stance of biological and spiritual sense, I AM your mother, just as much as the shell, since it WAS me in a different form." Artemis says, explaining slowly, but in a calm tone to me.

"So, you are my mother, and I am royalty by my fathers side." I say, before I start to tear up. Hey, you try to handle this kind of information, believing for 14 years, mentally at least, that my mother was dead, and I was just a random ass person. The idea is absurd, but since it is happening to me, and I had been so close to my mother this whole time, is just shocking, and sad for me. Nothing could have prepared me for this, and I am slowly regaining what happened what I assume happened a little bit ago, based on how fresh my bump feels.

Once the information I gained fully computes with me, I just start bawling. I, a grown ass, survived multiple potential apocalypse, and faced off against creatures that could crush me like an ant if given the chance, started bawling. Artemis just walks up to me, and starts rubbing my head, in a way that feels familiar, and strange.

"I remember rubbing your head to calm you down when you were still with me. You were about 7 months when me and your father had the incident. When I put the ring on, I was hit full force by the memories, with the freshest being my shells death, after giving myself up for you. Though, I wonder. If my shell was just a shell, would the look you have be your true look, or just what you took from my shell?" Artemis comforts me, while also muttering with a curious tone. Using the hand not rubbing against my head, she snaps her fingers, and a strange mist seems to come off me. "I didn't think it would be... Oh my goodness. No wonder it was covered up." Artemis says. She then summons a mirror, and I look in it.

I look similar to how I did before, but with some obvious changes. My hair is a more auburn with a very slight blond highlight, and my eyes now look a more blueish silver. "I look... Different. That's really weird." I say, looking at myself with a critical eye. "I do like some of the changes that happened, but auburn seems a bit strange for me. Same with the silverish eyes. Though that might be because of the fact that I am use to the blond hair and blue eyes. Meh, they might grow on me in time." I continue on to myself. Artemis just looks amused at me.

"Well, I won't let you keep it, for now. The reason is that I don't want others knowing you are my son yet. I don't know if my current emotions for you will stay the same, or lessen over time due to the blast of memories that came from the ring. Don't get me wrong, the emotions will always exist, as they are to strong to dissolve, just might lessen due to me sorting through them." Artemis says, making sure to explain in the off chance she has a different tone or behavior with me.

"I understand... Mom." I say, hesitating heavily with the last part, as it IS a big change in the status quo for me. It is very hard to explain, but it's like losing something you thought lost for years, then finding it and discovering it is in the same, but a bit dusty, condition. At the mom part, Artemis looks at me with some joy.

"One thing I should tell you, is that the current King of Hyrule will know that the stone is gone, as well as that you exist now." Artemis says, to my confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, he really cared about his nephew, even if for official purposes, he couldn't acknowledge him in a political sense. But unofficially, he visited our wedding, and he was your godfather. The only reason why I didn't run to the castle, was because we would never have made it. You would have died, and I would have died in vain trying to protect you. The forest was the only way I could go, as I knew of the Great Deku Tree, and it would protect you. You weren't born with the hair and eye color you have known all your life, but it was placed on you to protect you even to this day." Artemis, no, I mean Mother says.

"So how would the King know about me then?" I ask, confused on that statement.

"To simply put it, he was the one to originally place the spell on you. When I broke it, he would be made aware to the fact that you were either dead, which would have been worse on him, or it was time to find you for one reason or another, mainly to explain to you that you are related to him." Mom explains to me.

"Mom, what should I do now then? I am stuck in this world, as the entrance back was locked, though anything can enter, nothing can leave. Since I entered, I can't leave, but others can enter. I am stuck, what should I do." I ask, in a smaller, and sadder tone. It's hard to acknowledge when you are just lost, with no way to interact with a world I know nothing about.

"Son, my only child I will ever have, go with the Demigods to the camp that will be called Camp Half-Blood. The Hunters swore to treat you with civility, at least in private, in public, they won't be as rough around other men as they will be with you. There, you might find your calling." Mom says, with a sad smile. "I can't join you and the others. I spoke to the group, and they spoke of a monster that could destroy the gods and goddesses, including me. I will tell you this though, when you go to the camp and learn more about me, I did things I don't regret, but at the same time, I did a lot of bad things. At least, to someone like you from a world with a different view point. You are my son, nothing will change that. I swear on the Styx" At that what sounds like a roll of thunder is heard on a cloudless night, from what I can tell, "and no matter what, no matter what I say, you are my son. My hunters and I are man haters, but unless you act like the men we hate, which are the scum of them all, which you can figure out yourself, as you are an adult, you come from a land with a different moral point than this world. They can't stop their tendencies, but I, and my hunters, swore so long as you remain a good man, we would not treat you anywhere near as bad as the other men." My mother says. I just look on with a bit of shock, but slowly I understand what kind of men she is referring too.

"I would never stoop to those kind of men, though, I should tell you that the Kings daughter, Zelda, happens to have a problem with me." I say, confusing my mother.

"What do you mean, son?" Mom asks, confused.

"I don't exactly know how to put it, but she seems to act very odd around me, and not the stable kind. I was talking to a few people, some women, and she just about had the women removed from the town after I was done talking to them." I explain, at first shocking my mom, but she slowly gains a look of understanding, and a bit of horror.

"Son, normally I wouldn't say this, but she is definitely not right in the head, from what I can understand of what you are saying. To sum it up, she loves you, but it kinda messed her head up, making her willing to do anything, and I mean ANYTHING, to get you. Even rape and kill you, execute innocent people, just to have you. I won't say anything other than be extremely careful around her, and don't for the love of all that exists, give her a reason to think you like her. All that will do is cement her problems, and make it a permanent issue for you. I don't like saying that, but I do know that there are women just as disgusting, and in some cases worse, then men. Like Elizabeth Báthory, who murdered hundreds of people, for disgusting reasons." Mom says, shocking me. "One more thing, and this one I can't exactly confirm on, is that while you are my son, I don't know if something else was involved yet. I am not allowed to say what yet, but you will know when the time comes." Mom finishes with.

"So, go with the the Demigods, avoid Zelda if the situation ever occurs, and just be patient. Understood Mother. I know you don't need me to say this, but considering all the facts about my life, please be careful. I know you don't need me to say it, and may sound condescending, but I say it as a boy that hadn't had a mother all his life, and is happy, yet shocked at the fact that I do have a mother. " I say, tearing up a bit. Slowly, I get out of the bed, my mom just gets up and turns into her original form.

"I will wait with you all, only for my lazy brother. Maybe after my hunt, I will have you show me your skill in Archery. You being my son and all, must have some skill at it." Mom says.

"That would be nice to do." I say, knowing I am okay at it, not great, just average. Definitely not her Hunter level that's for sure.

An hour after that, I see the sun starting to show up, and Mom, telling the group, including me, to look away. A bright light shines, and it feels a bit warm here, and the light dies down to show... Not sure what it is, a machine that works like a horse I guess. After watching Mom basically yell at her brother, who is Apollo, he turns his car, as I find out because Percy said what it was, into what I guess is a car capable of transporting multiple people. Mom leaves after and we enter the bus, and Apollo picks me to drive, with the excuse 'I have no idea on how to drive, so I would do it so he could teach me, while being cool about it!'. Needless to say, a patch of Forest is now on fire, and a few minor incidents, we arrive safely to Camp Half-Blood. Apollo leaves with his car, and the Hunters leave towards a silver cabin. A man with a beard rolls up, to greet us.

"Hello Percy, I am glad everything went without a hitch. Though, I see a extra face that wasn't planned for. What happened my boy?" The man says.

"Simply put Chiron, the guy with us is someone who was in the wrong place, at the right time. He is a Demigod, though the parent like the two siblings, is unknown sir." Percy says, respectfully. Chiron just gives a nod to Percy, who leaves to do something, and looks at me, Nico, and Bianca with a studying gaze.

"May I ask who you three are?" Chiron asks kindly. I instantly get on guard, in the off chance this is a trap.

" I am Nico, this is my Sister Bianca. "Nico says. Chiron nods in greeting, then stares at me.

"I am Link. Last name with held for my own personal reasons." I say simply.

"Like I said, I am Chiron, trainer of Hero's." Chiron says. Nico looks on in awe, Bianca looks on with shock, while I just give a look of boredom, as far as I can tell, as it looks to confuse Chiron.

"I take it you are use to everything but a bored look Mr Chiron?" I ask simply. I can tell he isn't human, possibly a creature, but I am not going to do anything stupid, like attack him.

"Well, it's not everyday that a kid isn't at least semi surprised that I have trained hero's like Heracles, Achilles, among them." Chiron says, a bit confused.

"That's because I am don't know the hero's you are talking about. I never learned anything about the mythology of any religion." I say, which is true. I only know of the Golden Goddesses of my world, and the Triforce, and a bit about the Master sword and spiritual stones. Nothing else about it, besides what Zelda and the Great Deku Tree told me about the Triforce and all that.

Chiron just looks at me with a look that doesn't betray anything, but I can tell it has a hint of surprise. "Well then. I see I might need to have you get the run down of the Greek mythology, as it will be very important for you to learn." Chiron says, with a more studying look. "I will definitely have you watch the introduction video, but an edited version, as you... Well seem to have dealt with some serious moments before." Chiron finishes. He then exits his chair on wheels to show he is a half horse half human.

"Well then. Show the way, Chiron." I say, to be respectful. He had the air of a well meaning being, like some of the monsters I met that just wanted to help others, but were feared, hated, or in one odd case, a cult formed around, and couldn't do much because of it.

After what I assume is what a video is, with a run down of the who the Greek Gods and Goddesses are the main one I assume, and what they represent, I am asked by Chiron to follow him. With that, I am escorted to a table with a man who I can tell pretty quickly is a god, possibly Dionysus, just giving me a odd look, while also looking expectantly at Chiron.

"Hello there Lonk, welcome to Camp Half-Blood blah blah blah. You are here because you are a bit of a special case, as you didn't grow up here from this world at least. Now don't expect me to be careful as you are in my eyes just another mortal that I could... Hold on, what is that presence I am sensing from your pouch?" Dionysus says, pointing at my pouch.

"Probably the magic that makes it borderline bottomless? It is a common thing from the world I am from." I say, no longer caring if Chiron, who looks at me with a different light and a bit of understanding now, knowing about it, as Dionysus let that cat out of the bag.

"Must be then. Never interacted with a Demigod from another world after all. But you are of Greek connection, or you wouldn't be able to enter this camp. Now the reason you are in front of me,is because I want to know what the alcohol is like from your world." Dionysus says, with a straight face, making me sigh with a bit of annoyance.

"Sir, as far as I am aware, my world didn't have any alcohol. Then again, if there was I wouldn't know of it." I say, making Dionysus sigh with annoyance.

"Well then, I will leave so you no longer bother me." He says, disappearing in a cloud of smoke that smells like grapes.

"Sorry about that. He hates being here. It is a punishment for chasing after something he was told he wasn't allowed to. I will now take you too the Hermes cabin, as you are an Unclaimed Demigod, meaning your parent hasn't claimed you to the world yet. A claiming is usually their symbol appearing over you, to signify that who's your parent." Chiron explains, walking through the U shaped cabin areas. I see the hunters exiting the silver cabin, which I assume is Artemis, meaning my mothers, and I get a strange pull to go near it, but I resist. I don't want to piss off the group of girls that has my mothers favor for I don't know how long. Though Zoe looks at me, and gives me a barley noticeable nod of acknowledge meant, thaat slightly confusses me, but I think it means that the Hunters won't do anything. I am assuming that at least.

Eventually Chiron and I reach a run down cabin, which I assume is the Hermes cabin. "Chiron, before we go in, can I ask if it's possible to just live in the forest? That's where I lived before I came to this world. Just a curious question." I ask, in a polite tone. The video did explain him to, so I have more respect for him now that I know more about him versus before I learned about him.

"No. While I don't know anything about the forest you lived in before coming here, the forest we have is stocked with monsters that stay there. Usually for training purposes." Chiron says, and I sigh. The door opens to two boys, who I assume are related by both mother and father, greet us.

"Hi Chiron!" The older brother, who is slightly taller, says

"Bringing a new camper to us?" The younger brother, who is slightly shorter, asks.

"Yes, I am. Link, go in there and introduce yourself." Chiron says, so I do. I notice right away a trip hazard and avoid, and seemingly disappointing a good fraction of the cabin.

"I am Link. Unclaimed, and if you try to take something from me, it won't end well." I say, and smacking the hand of the older brother away from my pouch, shocking the entire cabin. "What?" I ask, now starting to get annoyed.

"It's that not many has ever stopped Travis mid attempt to pickpocket. Only Chiron, and two others have done that." A cabin member says. I just look on just annoyed. "Be aware, that if something is missing, I will know, and I will know who took it. So unless you wanted the phrase 'get your head out of your ass' to become literal, don't try it." I say with a no nonsense tone. After that, Chiron leaves, to do somethings, and I just try to settle in. Hey, I grew up in a forest, I am used to more space than this crowded ass cabin.

Over the next few days, I learn more about this world from a few Athena daughters, when the first thing I am finally tested in is done. "Alright Link, I will be your opponent. Come at me." Percy says, in a sparring arena, with the entire camp, including the hunters watching, though from their own area, to watch me and Percy go at it.

"Alright then Percy, though, are we since we are using out own swords," I pull out my gilded sword, black gold and blue in it'd ethereal glory "I wonder how this will go." As soon as I finish, Chiron announces for the match to begin.

The both of us just walk in a circle around the arena, watching each other. Eventually, I assume Percy ran out of patience, and takes a quick, but a precise swing to try and knock my sword out of my hand. I jump to the side, avoiding it, and a quick slash at him, which he also dodges.

For about two minutes, this happens, until a clash of our swords happen, which I easily push him back, and deliver a quick kick, then a quick slash, knocking his sword away from him. Before it hits the ground though, he is able to quickly regain it, and is able to relaunch an attack at me, this time, he is going faster, more slashes at me and wider movements to make it harder to escape, and his fighting style is nearly unpredictable, which I guess is a given, being the son of the sea god. But here is the thing, unlike the sea, which is unpredictable, a human is.

After five minutes of avoiding, and quick counter attacks on openings, which a few were suckers, I eventually get the idea on his bodies movements, and his basic fighting ability. So when we are at a clash again, he is sweating a bit, which I assume is because he hasn't had a fight that pushed him that either wasn't a basic few swings and done, or just quickly beaten, so I push again, forcing his sword out of his hands, and this time, deal a kick to one of his legs, and a quick punch to his chest, both only meant to prevent you from being able to move for a few minutes, and his sword lands on the other side of the arena, and I have him down, with my sword pointing at his neck in a kill motion.

" I think I win this. Though, if unrestricted, I would definitely say it would be a better fight. Maybe when we an fight without some restrictions, minus killing each other, it would be more fair." I say easily, but not arrogantly. The crowd is silent, but the entire camp, minus the Hunters, start cheering from the match. Chiron eventually quiets them down, and announces I am the winner of the match.

A few hours after it, I go to the Archery Practice area, only to be faced with the Hunters. "If you are using this, I will leave." I say, only for Zoe to give the hand motion of wait, then she quickly looks around, then deems us alone, her, me and the hunters at lease.

"No, we have a few questions, and Artemis wanted us to see your archery skills at the very least, Link. First, the Archery, as it will be faster. You are to fire ten arrows into the target. Then, we want a few questions answered." Zoe says, in a slightly cold tone, thought, learning what I have about the Hunters, it's to be expected with their experiences with men.

Getting in the position for firing arrows, the way I am use to due to being self taught with the bow I got from Termina, I nock an arrow and fire it, and I get a bullseye. I then nock another, and I get a bullseye. Eight arrows, and eight bullseyes later, I have a look of extreme confusion. I can get a max, four bullseyes if I am really trying, but a perfect ten bullseyes in a row? I have never done that before. "Did. Did something change about me? I never could do more than four bullseyes like that before. How." I mutter to myself, completely confused. Zoe though, hears me and gets a look of confusion, then understanding.

"I see. You aren't aware of what it means to be a child of a God or Goddess, do you?" Zoe asks, still a bit cold, but with a more understanding tone. I just nod my head in yes, I have no clue what it even means. "Beyond being a son or daughter, in your case son, of a God or Goddess, you are related to them, and you get abilities from them. It tends to vary based on the relationship that occurred in the time of conception, which varies a lot, and in terms of actually ability and powers. For you, due to your unique circumstances, your abilities are unknown. It's assumed, that you unknowingly proved, you would gain an increased, or mastered ability over the bow. I caught what you muttered to yourself, and realize this, your powers were dormant. How much you have or gained is unknown, but I assume it will be an interesting, and amusing process. Now, I answered your question, will you answer a few of ours, and Artemis?" Zoe asks, in a cold, but polite tone.

"Yeah. I don't mind." I say, in a genuine tone. I just hope it won't be about my past like how I got my skills and stuff. I really don't like talking about them, partly because my adventures... Weren't exactly fun, the two big ones at least.

"What was your past like, and how exactly do you get your tools and skills, and don't bother lying, we have three daughters of Apollo with us, so you won't be able to escape that easily." Zoe says, with her arms crossed looking expectantly at Link. I just sigh, upset that this is the topic to be brought up.

"I really don't like talking about my past. Mostly because I just want to be remembered for me, not what I did. It was just what happened. But to explain everything, I do need to ask, where exactly do you want me to start? My first adventure or second adventure? Because they both are convoluted as all hell." I ask, wanting to know where to begin.

"From the beginning of the first adventure. Just so we will have a solid base for the second adventure of yours." Zoe say's, after confirming with Apollo daughters that I was telling the truth.

"Well, it starts when I first met my fairy Navi. She was a fairy that... was a bit dull, but had a kind and well meaning heart the longer I got to know her." I say, explaining everything up to when the Great Deku Tree died, with the explanation of what he represented to the Kokiri, which was a father figure in all aspects. After I finish says that the great Deku Tree died, gifting me the Kokiri Emerald on his last moments, Zoe gives a look of sadness, but understanding.

"So, is that the end of the first adventure?" Zoe asks, as I let the hunters just process the information, and to let the Apollo girls confirm my words as true.

"I wish honestly. But that's just the first third of the beginning of the adventure. It doesn't get much better after that. With a few exceptions. Due you wish for me to continue?" I ask politely, as talking and explaining my adventure seems to be helping me, in some way. I don't know why though, but it's like a weight is slowly being lift off my shoulder.

"Go ahead." Zoe says, less cold than earlier. Either my story seems sadder than I thought, or they didn't expect this so far, and considering what I learned about the Greek Legends, says something due to how fucked up it tends to be.

"After I finished mourning over the Great Deku Tree, I left and was stopped by my childhood bully, who only made the situation child me had just dealt with worse, insinuating that I caused the Great Deku Trees death, which really, really hurt. He eventually stormed off, and I just ran out of the main section of the forest, and was stopped by my childhood friend, who just asked if the Great Deku Tree did in fact die. The tears I had at the time must have told her, and she tried to comfort me over it. Before I left the bridge area, Saria gave me her Ocarina, the Fairy Ocarina." At that, I pull out the Fairy Ocarina, which looks like it was in the same condition it was carved in, which was new. "While later in the story, I was forced to stop using this one for reasons, I never got rid of it. It meant too much to me, even to this day." I say, and then explaining my run through Hyrule field, and barley making it over the bridge before the day was turned to night, and quickly explaining the dangers of being stuck in the fields, ran up to the castle, and eventually meet the Princess, who sent me with a letter to go up Death Mountian, and get the Goron Ruby from the Gorons, to be able to continue on in my quest, in saving Hyrule and stopping the Evil King.

Eventually, after I finish off my explanation of the Goron City, the race of what they are exactly, learning Saria's Song, and what I did to help the Gorons, finalizing it on learning a magic sword technique, and returning to Kakoriko village, running to Hyrule Castle and learning a powerful magic called Din's Fire, which is just a dome of fire. I stop there, to let the Hunters again, process all of it, and to confirm it's truth, which it is proven again. Zoe just looks at me, with an odd expression.

"You do realize, in what you have described, is three completed high risk level quests for even the hunters, half a dozen mid risk and low risk quests, all at the age of lets say ten for simplicity, by yourself, and stayed in one piece. I could think of hundreds of Demigods I have meet that couldn't either succeed, or even finish what you did, and you did it at an age when you are meant to be a kid still. The fact that I can tell you are being serious, and not exaggerating, and the Apollo girls confirming your honestly, tells me that you genuinely don't believe that you want credibility in any of what you done. You just were forced into it. Before you worry of it being too late to be out, we clarified to Chiron that we would be questioning you, for the next two too three days, which Lady Artemis asked us to do, due to her being unable to do it herself. I will also tell you that we are in control of the Archery Range for the next few days, so the story can continue uninterrupted minus the occasional break for minor things." Zoe says, not cold, but not warm tone. I nod in understanding.

15 minutes after the Hunters finish what they needed to do, they get back to being comfy, to listen to more of my story, as it is going on five pm, at this point. I continue where I left off, explaining everything about the Zora, the river they controlled, and the side quest I finished of mask selling, I explored the area around Jabu Jabu, and got a spell that had to functions called Farore's Wind, and eventually entered Jabu Jabu, which they got a bit of a laugh at, until I explained that it wasn't all fun and games due to being inside a living organism that could have made me it's shit, which they quieted down, and I went on with the story up until the giving back of the Zora Sapphire. "Now, I am going to clarify the next part, as it IS necessary to understand. Due to me not having the understanding of the way communication, spoken and unspoken among the world happened at the time, I didn't kwon what an engagement ring was, but I accepted the Sapphire, because it was necessary at the time of my quest, which the reason will soon roll its ugly head in. I eventually learned what it mean, and explained that I could do it, mainly due to my lack of understanding of it at the time, and that I needed it for a good reason. Nothing else." I say, before finishing up my interaction with Princess Ruto, learning the Sun's Song, and Epona's Song, both for something later, and my return to Hyrule Castle, and my first encounter with Ganondorf what was face to face. Needless to say, I was lucky he was more amused by me more than anything, and he knew what Zelda was up to with me.

"Now, Zelda threw this into the moat, near the entrance." I say, pulling out a blue ocarina. "This, is the Ocarina of Time. A relic of a time long ago to the Royal Family, and a very, very powerful relic as well. The power, is more in the second adventure, with some signs in the first. It's the Ocarina I came to use, for the rest of this adventure, and the entirety of the next with a simple song, called the Song of Time." I explain, before putting it back away, and continuing on, until I drew the Master Sword, which I draw form it's sheath. "This, is the Sword I pulled. This is the Master Sword. It's also the Relic that makes my first Adventure go from understandable to a fucking mess." I say, and explain that I was sealed away for seven years, which is where the adventure becomes a damn convoluted mess.

A minute after that, and I explain that it gets weirder after that, and it's about ten pm, but, I ask if they want to hear the beginning of the second Act of my First adventure, just to give an idea of what it becomes. The hunters talk for a coupe of minutes. After the talking stops, Zoe speaks up, and says the hunters want to here one more, before getting some sleep.

With that, I start off when I woke up seven years in the future, to meeting Rauru, the ancient Light Sage, and him telling me what has transpired since I pulled the Master Sword and went to a forced sleep. After that, and receiving the Light Medallion, I am returned to the Temple of Time, where it looks the same, just darker, so I take a few steps away from the pedestal that held the Master Sword, and meet Sheik, who basically just repeated Rauru in some aspects, but told me what I had to do. I had to head to 5 temples, and awaken the sages there to gain the ability to stop Ganondorf from taking over the entire world. After teaching me the Prelude of Light, she just stands guard at the pedestal that held the Master Sword, saying I had to save the Sage of the Forest, before I could return to the past.

After I leave the Temple of Time, I find that the town is completely destroyed, and when I enter what was once the main hub, to be filled with Redead. Instead of fighting them, I headed to what was once Hyrule Castle, to find it is now Ganon's Tower. A big black tower, that took up where Hyrule Castle once stood. After leaving, I first went to Lon Lon Ranch, where I got my trusty steed, Epona, after beating an arrogant, but hard working guy in a race, rode to Kakariko village and learned the Song of Storms, which I will get back onto at the end of this portion of the story, get the hookshot, and starting a chain quest that would get me for at the time, my strongest sword in terms of power, then going to the forest I grew up in, Kokiri Forest.

When I entered the tunnel that goes into the Lost Woods, on the very bridge that Saria stopped me on, I noticed an atmosphere change instantly. It was like the very air of the Forest screamed danger, to all those that lived in it and traveled through it. So I cautiously entered Kokiri Forest, and what I saw in it, enraged me, and horrified me. My Home, for my entire life that I was aware of, was under the control of monsters. Luckily none of the Kokiri were dead, but I couldn't find Mido or Saria. After asking the Kokiri where the two were, I found out that Saria went to the Forest Temple, and Mido was guarding the path to it. I go and enter the Lost Woods, where I am quickly forced to continue the side quest, and return, and get an lumberman's axe, and following the path to the Sacred Forest Meadow, where it is patrolled by giant pig monsters, who I have to kill with the HookShoot.

Eventually I reach the Forest Temples entrance, where I meet Sheik, after sometime talk about the flow of time, she teaches me the Minuet of Forest, to return to the entrance of the Forest Temple in the future. After leaving, I use the Hookshot to enter the Forest Temple.

Entering the Forest Temple, I could tell just by the Atmosphere it was different to the other dungeon I have been through so far. I am greeted by two Wolfos, which I quickly kill, and climb up a vine, and find a small chest, that I open to find a key, which I end up picking up quite a bit later. After going through a small tunnel, I enter a room and see an elevator, surrounded buy four torches of different color. Red, Blue, Green, and Purple. When I take a step to go to the Elevator, four poes, which are ghosts, take the fires, and seals off the elevator, and leave to four different portions of the temple.

So I go though the temple, gathering keys, solving puzzles, and fight a creature called a Stalfos, which I will explain later, and finding the first Poe, who I cant fight. The Poe sisters, as I find out what they are called later, hide in paintings and portraits to escape having to be beaten by me, so I am forced to move on, and fight three stalfos, first one on it's own, then two fighting together, and I eventually beat the both of them. Doing that reveals a big chest, that holds the first bow I ever used, the Fairy Bow. Picking it up, I did a few test shots, which were not that good, but quickly picking up on how it works when compared to the Slingshot I used as a kid, I returned to the Red Poes room, and forced it to reveal itself, and beat it, returning one of the flames to the elevator room. The room past the Stalfos room, help the blue flamed poe, which I quickly beat, and moved on.

Reaching a room with a hole on the wall, and twisty turny room's I quickly head back to the first one I encountered and righted it, to get a chest that looked far nicer than any other chest has looked so far, and revived a strange looking key. More backtracking and some new rooms, I eventually reach the room that the Green flamed poe held, and doing a quick puzzle of pushing block together, harder than it sounds, as the puzzle blocks were taller than me, and if I didn't complete it in a time limit, they all flipped, I eventually revealed the Green flamed poe, and beat it.

Because the next room was a short tunnel that lead to the main room, I encountered the Purple flamed poe, who was crying. I went up to it, and it spoke. "All my Sisters have returned to the Afterlife. I am the last one remaining. Ganondorf used dark magic to bring us back, to serve as a obstacle to you, and tortured our souls by binding us here. You freed three of us to return to our peaceful afterlife. As a thank you, I can tell you our names, before I make my finally request. In order of the ones you returned, our names were Joelle, Beth, Amy, and the one left, is Meg. I can't make it easy for me due to the magic holding me here, but please, help me return to my sisters, and let me go back to a peaceful slumber of the Afterlife." Meg asks, in a pleading tone. She then splits into four of herself. "I am sorry, but forgive me for having to fight you, Link." Meg finishes, then after about three shots, as she made it possible to find the real one quickly, she was beaten, and the purple flame returned to the torch, but her soul stayed.

"Thank you Link. Thank you for saving all four of us. I am only staying to tell you this, no matter what, the ones who are no longer with us, watch you, even in death. Whether you knew them or not, they watch over you." Meg says, before fading away, to the afterlife. I didn't know what to think, but I noticed a weird feeling on my face, and found tears on it.

After gathering my composure, I entered the elevator, and after doing some pushing and pulling, and finally came face to face with the boss door. The door was locked with a symbol quite like the key I found earlier, so I used it, and it worked. The lock removed itself and I entered the room.

I enter the Boss room, to find the door locks behind me, and all that is in the room is six painting, and a singular arena with a short wall on the six sides, except the entrance to it. So, with only one option I could do, I go up into the arena, and to no surprise, a wall of spikes shoot up, and I turn around to be faced with I first assumed to be Ganondorf on his horse. He then smirks and brings his hand to his face and pulls it off to reveal a skull with horns and summons a spear in his hand and jumps into a painting.

To sum up the first phase of the battle, Phantom Ganon, as it was called, jumps in and out of paintings, one or two fakes in different paintings, and a real one coming out of one, and unleashing a bolt of lightning on one of the three Triforce pieces, which I also will explain at the end, and after about 10 arrow shot's, seven of them either were misses or at the fakes, Phantom Ganon stayed behind, and the horse enters a painting, never to return.

The second phase was harder than the first, as Phantom Ganon now fired energy blasts that could be reflected back at him, or a charge attack right at me. Eventually, Phantom Ganon was beaten, but not before Ganondorf says over a telepathic voice "Hey kid, you did quite well... It looks like you might be gaining some slight skill. But you have only defeated my phantom. When you fight the real me, it won't be so easy! What a worthless creation that ghost was! I will banish it to the gab between dimension!" he said, as the phantom is sent through a dark portal, which I assume is the gap between dimensions.

After that, I am warped to the Sage pedestal where I meet Rauru, but I am face the Forest symbol, and Saria comes out of it. She talks about how we are great friends, and goodbye for now, as she must stay here, but take the Forest Medallion, for awakening her. After I get it, she says good bye for now, and hopefully we will see each other again in another period of time.

I am warped back to the Kokiri Forest, in front of the remains of the Great Deku Tree, and what looks like a sprout growing in front of it. I go up to it and investigate, and the sprout quickly turns into a baby tree! I find out real quick that it is the rebirth of the Great Deku Tree, though as a sprout, so Great Deku Sprout. It tells me how I came to the forest, explains why I grew up, and what my mother did to bring me here to her. He took me because he sensed the mark of destiny in me. He then thanked me from saving the Forest, but my job isn't done yet. I must save Hyrule and stop Ganondorf!

After that, I teleport back to the Temple of Time, and talk to Sheik, who lets me gain access to the pedestal that held the Master Sword, explaining that returning it, would allow me to return to the past. She leaves, and I return it, to go to the past and do a few thing that I wanted to do in the past.

"And that's the end of hat section of the story. Now I said I would explain a few things, like the Song of Storms for example. The Song of Storms, has a couple of powers, one is self explanatory, which just summons a storm. But, the power of it depends on how much I put into it, emotion and power speaking. A normal play of it just makes a regular thunderstorm, but when I am full emotion pushing and putting my full power into it, it has the capability to create a storm so powerful, it could destroy a continent. Now I never did that, but at half capacity for it, it nearly destroyed an area as large as Termina's South, West, and Central areas all put together. The second ability, which comes in handy in the second adventure, is the ability to heal curses and help purify negative emotions, mentalities, and heal those that suffer from a horrible mentality. Not to be confused with another song that can heal physical and most emotional pains, which I learn in my second adventure. Now, the Triforce. The Triforce is the symbol of my lands Three Golden Goddesses, each one comparable to Chaos, who created Hyrule, and a few worlds connected to it. The Triforce is split into three pieces. Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Ganondorf wields the Triforce of Power, as I said earlier. I won't say who wields the piece of Wisdom and Courage, but each one gives it's wielder some form of boost or power. But when all three are combined, it can grant any wish the wielder wants, as far as I am aware." I explain to the hunters, as my the Forest temple section fo the Story took up about four hours, making it two am.

"Well, we will save our questions for tomorrow, but I will say this, so far your adventure as rivaled even the most famous heroes in terms of amount of quests it would represent, and how dangerous it would be. I would be hard pressed to say even a few major gods at that point would have had a hard time, not Olympian gods, just major not seated gods. Still, we will talk more about it tomorrow." Zoe says, after a few minutes of processing the story, and a few hunters looking upset about the poes part of the story.

"I understand. I am a little tired, as the rest of the story will take a while to finish. That was only the beginning of act two, as it is a long adventure." I say, before going to one side of the archery range, and falling asleep on it, with Zoe just watching me.

Welp. I done did it and made a second chapter before the end of the year. Unexpected for me to be honest, but hey, it happened. Now, I didn't say in the first chapter, but I plan on this story being entirely from Link's perspective. If I do make a different POV for Percy for example, I will do it if I feel necessary. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and have a great New Year.

EDIT 1: Just some minor fixes to the story, and a continuity fix. Also put the story part in Italics, which I will do with my other chapters, as I feel it might help separate them from the rest of the story.