Chapter 3: Adult Timeline Nightmare 1/2

I know what you are thinking, "HOLY HELL! A THIRD CHAPTER ALREADY!? WHAT REALITY AM I IN!?" Due to my... lackluster ability to post chapters in a timely fashion. Well enjoy the chapter.

I wake up to see the hunters just staring at me with anticipation. I am confused at first at this, wondering what the hell they are interested in, when I realize, that I was telling them the stories of my first, then the second adventure. I just gulp, knowing that once I am done, I won't be just Link anymore, but something else, something that I don't want to be remembered as. A hero. I just want to be remembered as Link. But in order to keep them from turning me into swiss cheese, and because Mom will ask them what they learned, and I have no doubt she would drag me to explain it, in a worse and more potentially deadly way, I just went with it, which lead to this. I sigh, and get up to finish my first adventure at the very least, maybe start the second one, just to get it over with. The hunters and I enter a circle of sorts, to continue the story telling.

"Now, because this next section is a bit nuts, I will be telling it in one go, as not to lose my place, and I just want to get it over with. To start where I left off, I went back to my childhood, to do a few things I didn't already." I start with. I start with going back to Kakariko Village and going to where I learned the Song of Storms and playing it. It causes a storm to happen, no surprise, but reveals an entrance at the bottom of the well. Needless to say, it was a quick exploration, as I just looked for what I thought was needed, which turned out at the end, to be an item called the Lens of Truth. After getting that, and exploring every inch of the creepy shit that was the Bottom of the Well, I left, never to return to it. I then went and just looked around the past, finding things stuff I didn't find originally. But, it wasn't worth much, so I returned to the future and headed to the Gorons home, Goron City.

When I arrived at it, it was nearly empty, minus a single, young Goron rolling around the middle ring of the city. After placing a bomb down, and shooting it with an arrow when it got right next to it, setting the bomb off, and stopping the goron's rolling, which it shouted after that "How could you do this to me? You, you're Ganondorf's servant! Hear my name and tremble! I am Link! Hero of the Gorons!" Link, the goron says. I just walk up to him, and explain I am Link. He uncurls and is excited to meet me, only to remember what the situation was, which he started sobbing about. A sobbing Goron is the weirdest, yet a very sad sounding thing I have ever heard.

Eventually, I calmed him down by getting him to explain what happened, which he goes to explain that Ganondorf took the Gorons, and locked them in the Fire Temple, and reviving the ancient dragon killed long ago, Volvagia, and planned on feeding the goron people to it. I just look on horrified, yet I had a strange feeling about it. He then said that Darunia went into the Temple, to stop the Dragon. After that, the doors to Darunia's room, and the shop open, but Link the Goron, gives me the Goron Tunic, which he said would let me go into places like Death Mountain Crater, and not even be bothered by the Heat, which to this days has confused me on who it worked.

After entering the crater through the not so secret entrance behind the statue in Darunia's room, I enter the crater, walk to a broken bridge, that is intact on the others side, so I Hookshot to it. When I arrive, Sheik appears, says a few Time quotes, and teaches me the Bolero of Fire, to let me teleport quickly to Death mountain if I ever need to. I then enter the Fire Temple, through a steep hole with a ladder.

My first steps into the temple, and I already killed a few monsters, and enter through the only door I could, and run into Darunia. He explains after recognizing me, that even though he doesn't have the hammer that let his ancestor kill Volvagia, he was at least going to keep it sealed in the mountain. He enters the room before I tell him to wait, and it closes. I just sighed, in worry and sadness, before looking around the room to see a cage with a terrified Goron in it. A few easy jumps later, I open the door, and the goron uncurls and says this to me.

"Darunia doesn't know, but Ganondorf already fed Volvagia half of the Goron Population and the big Goron that rolled around the middle ring. With you, they will be able to escape alive, but Darunia needs help. You need to help the others, and save our Big Brother!" The Goron says, before leaving the room. I quickly grab the key and leave.

Over the entire temple, I run into monsters I never seen before, freeing gorons who tell me more about the temple, and getting the Megaton hammer, and finally, reaching the boss room. When I enter, I notice immediately the remains of at least a dozen Gorons and a giant Goron. I don't see any that are fresh, assuming Darunia was rescued or escaped before anything serious could happen to him. When I step on the rock island, the room starts shaking, and out comes the dragon, Volvagia. It looked like it was a snake that could fly without wings.

It flew around for a bit and breathed some fire before going back under the Rock. I just stayed in place, watching to see if Volvagia would pop out again, and it did. It popped out and started flying again, but this time at me, and it was going faster than I would have thought, and knocked me flat down, but I quickly rolled out of the way before it could use one of its claws, which broke a chick of the stone island, which told me a lot. I realized I need to stay on guard with this monster, and I fired some arrows at its face, testing it out to see if it would help. It kinda did, just instead of helping, it pissed Volvagia off, and breathed out a massive amount of flame, covering half the rock island in fire, which goes out pretty quickly.

Over the next five minutes, Volvagia was readying to breathe fire, when I tested my luck and fired an arrow into its mouth. The arrow seemed to do something, as the dragon started thrashing around for a minute before going back under the lava. Five seconds later, Volvagia comes out roaring in anger and flies right at me, and I roll out of the way. Volvagia hit the rock island I was on really hard, stunning it for a few seconds, giving me time to hit it with the megaton hammer, and getting some good hits on it. Volvagia recovers roars at me, then reentered the lava.

A minute passes, and the dragon comes out of the lava, with a live Goron. It takes me a second to realize that, and fire three arrows at Volvagia to get it to drop the Goron, which the arrows hit an eye, the mouth again, and the arm holding the Goron. Volvagia in pain drops the Goron, who stares at me for a second, then makes a run for the boss door, but as the Goron gets about half way, Volvagia catches it, with me firing arrows, at it, and grabs the Goron, and bites the Goron in half with ease! I continue firing the arrows at the dragon, that just bounce off, as it devours the Goron's other half, and seems to get a little stronger. The Dragon roars at me and flies at me again.

This time, I was ready due to the gap. I jump to the side and swing the Megaton hammer on its face, with all the anger I could muster, after watching the Goron get killed and eaten like that. The hammer connected and made the dragon stopped in its tracks, and I just pounded at it. Slam after slam, I kept going until the dragon regain enough ability to move, and fly away. But it was vastly slower than before, being severely injured from the multiple slams of the Megaton hammer on its skull. So it buried itself under the lava for 30 seconds, until it reemerged, and flew at me, which I jump to the side again, and hit it with the Megaton Hammer, once again in the face with all the rage I could gather, and when it once again stops, I smash it's head as hard as I could with the Hammer, breaking of multiple chunks of the rock island, but beating the Dragon.

The Dragon starts flying away from me, back into the lava. I wait, unsure of what was going to happen, when it flies out of the lava in an erratic flight pattern, before the tail end of it just starts exploding off, slowly reaching the head, until the head just lands in the center of the rock island formation, just breathing, until it slowly gets consumed by the lava I threw it in. It was slowly melting, and I watched on with a sort of sadistic glee, as I avenged the gorons it killed and consumed, in the name of Ganondorf.

After the last of it melts into the lava, I am whisked into the chamber that the sages are in. Looking in the area of the Fire sage, who slowly reveals itself to be Darunia, who has a look between happiness, sadness and a bit of worry.

"Link. Thank you for beating the foul dragon. Be glad it wasn't able to consume enough Gorons to unleash its full power, else my seal wouldn't have held, and all but Ganon's Castle would be covered in flames. Link, you are a true brother for the gorons, and we will remember you for so long as we are alive. Keep the Megaton hammer, and don't fret, for it will stay with you in the past due to my blessing I just placed on it. You won't be able to wield it as a kid, but it will come in great handy for you in the future, I will vet. Take the Fire Medallion, and save Hyrule! Beat that son of a bitch Ganondorf Link! Do it for all those that are in need, and for those who fell because of that monster!' Darunia says, then shouts at the end. I get the Fire Medallion then I am whisked back to the Death Mountain Crater. "Oh Link, I am telling you this, that there is a Great Fairy in the crater, wishing to meet you. Normally we aren't allowed to do this, but I realized that you wouldn't know of this, so I am letting you know so you can go to her. Remember, we all have your back Link!" Darunia tells me telepathically, and before I reenter Goron City, I look around for a little bit, and I do find a boulder than looks massive, so I test the Megaton Hammer on it, and it breaks in two swings.

I enter the fountain and get my magic doubled up, which comes in handy later. After that, I enter Goron City and find all the Gorons partying, with rock banners everywhere with my name and the word hero next to it. The Goron's all thank me, and say if I want to get the Biggoron Sword, Biggoron was told that the City would wave the payment itself, but I still would have to get a hilt suitable for it. The gorons told that a lumberjack has a hilt suitable for it, as he broke it recently, but hasn't had the time to get it fixed. I asked if they knew where he east at the moment, and they pointed out the Gerudo Valley. I thank them, stay for a bit to help them clean up, and go on to the Gerudo valley, to give the Lumberjack his ax, for the biggoron sword hilt, which I get, and return to see Biggoron, who said that the previous mountain eruption, which happened after I beat Volvagia, happened, it irritated his eyes, and now he needed eye drops, which King Zora had. He asked me to get them, which I agreed to and headed to Zora Domain.

As I reached the middle of Zora River, I noticed snow. Something wasn't right here, and the fact that snow was falling in the middle of summer on the hottest week so far, and there is falling snow, puts me on guard instantly. As I reach the waterfall, which is falling like normal, I play Zelda's Lullaby to allow me passage, which works as normal. But as I enter Zora's Domain, I am hit with a blast of cold air, and I see it completely frozen over, horrifying me. Not one Zora I could find, and I hoped to the Golden Goddesses that it wasn't a Fire Temple all over again.

As I slowly walk through it, I take note that what made up the shop hole was covered in some odd red ice. After that, I finally reach where the Zora Throne Room, which I see King Zora, enclosed in the same red ice. I go up to him, and the red ice, and tap on it. It is like hitting something soft, like grass, but at the same time, as hard as well, ice. So, I just move to where Jabu Jabu lived, and once in there, I find a giant iceberg where Jabu Jabu once swam, or just floated, not sure on that, and I notice more icebergs floating around. So I just hop to each one to a cave, to find it is a mini-dungeon.

I explore the dungeon I call the Ice Cavern, mainly due to all the ice, snow, and slippery ground, and ice enemies. Going through it, I find more of that weird red ice, that I can't do anything about, so I just go through the one available room, which leads to a big cave with a single chest covered in the red ice, and a blue flame pedestal. I bottle up the blue flame, to see if it can remove the red ice on the chest, which it does. I bottle up as much of it as I can, as I have four bottles at this point, and go through the cavern using them, and replacing them just as much. I eventually reach a room with a big White Wolfos, which I slay just as easily as a regular Wolfos. A chest appears, and I open it to get the Iron Boots.

After that, Sheik appears and compares the Flow of Time to a River. Which I kinda agree with. Then teaches me the Serenade of Water, which will transport me to Lake Hylia, and leaves. I go through the little pool in the room, and find it is a shortcut back to the entrance and leave the dungeon.

I return to Zora's Domain, and with the two remaining bottles having some blue fire, I empty one on King Zora, who is revived for all purposes, and thanks me with the Zora Tunic, which lets me breathe underwater with no problem. I quickly go to the Zora shop, unice it, check on the shop keeper, then return to King Zora to request the Eye Drops, which he says I don't have them, but the ingredients are available to him, and there is a doctor in Lake Hylia that can make the Eye Drops, and to hurry to him, and warns me that the ingredients, and by extension the eye drops, are very delicate to high-level magic, which I know is the teleportation songs due to some trial and error, and reach Lake Hylia for the Eye Drops to be made.

I explain to the doctor that the Eye Frog is not for dinner, but for eye drops, which he looks disappointed in, but makes them for me, and I get back on Epona, and ride to Death Mountain, to give Biggoron the Eye Drops, and I get the Biggoron sword Claim stone. I played the Sun's Song about 8 times, just in case, and lo and behold, the Biggoron sword was done. I give it a few test swings and find it is a two-handed sword, which weakened my defense, was a great offensive tool when needed.

Playing the Serenade of Water, I return to Lake Hylia and putting on the Zora Tunic, and Iron Boots, I jump into the shallow lake and open up the door to the Water Temple.

After entering the temple, and removing the Iron Boots, for temporarily, I look around and explore the parts above the water, which isn't much, and slowly explore the underwater parts, which I nab the Dungeon map, and eventually run into Princess Ruto, who is all flustered about me not remembering the promise behind Zora's Sapphire, which I still had no clue on what she meant, and after telling me that all the Zora's were frozen beneath the Ice in Zora's Domain, which I was hoping wasn't the case, and basically tells me to follow her, which I do, but when I reach the top of the flooded room, she is missing.

The only area I think she would have gone was in the next room, which I enter, and only monsters were in it. So I looked everywhere I could through the temple, keeping an eye out for Ruto when I eventually reach a room with a very shallow pool of water. But the odd thing in the room is that when I got near the pool, a near-perfect reflection of me appeared in the water, in an unnatural angle. So I explore every inch of the room, minus the island and other door, and found nothing. So I explore the island, which is pretty small, with a single dead tree, and nothing is on it. But as soon as I leave the island, the reflection is gone, but I head to the door that I didn't enter from, but it is locked. And the door I entered from is locked, so I just turn around, and barely make out a shadowy form on the island I came from, just standing there, looking at me with a strange look.

"Who... Who are you?" I ask the shadow, who responds with "I, I am you. I am the you that was created from your negative emotions when you entered this room. I am Dark Link, the master of the Mirrored Room." Dark Link says.

"What do you want?" I ask.

Dark Link just laughs, but says "What I want? I want for nothing, except for those who enter this room to face themselves and learn from the toughest teacher they could ever face. Themselves. I am not a creation of Ganondorf, I am not created by any evil being, and at most, I am just a reflection of your mind and inner thoughts. I was created to test those who enter, for one reason only. To make them see the true side of their thoughts, whether they thought it themselves or not. I am not evil by nature, I merely represent the evil side of a sentient being. You though were harder to do, but I only know what you know, and anything about this room. Including how to trick it. To be frank with you, "Hero", I have no wish to fight. I know you have no wish to fight, leaving us at an impasse. Should we fight, nothing other than you dying, or me being destroyed temporarily will happen. But, in order to leave, I must be defeated. It won't be easy if you are ready, as I am you in every way."

"I... I will fight." I say, only wishing to end the madness of this room's events. Dark Link just nods in understanding and gets in a fighting pose. I reflect on it as well.

We walk slowly to each other, sword and shield up, and our swords clash, time and time again, each clang echoing in the seemingly endless room. Minutes go bye, the two of us clashing, trading blows, injuring each other, slowly but surely, being worn down in the fight. But what ends the battle in my favor, was when I used Din's Fire at an unexpected moment, causing untold damage to Dark Link.

"I will admit Link, you did well. But you can't beat your darkness." Dark Link says.

"I know. You can only acknowledge that it is a part of you, but you can't let it fester and grow. You can only deal with it correctly." I say back, then, putting away my weapons, walk up to Dark Link, who also put away his weapons.

"So you know what must be done?" Dark Link says. I stick my hand out, and Dark Link lets out a laugh, though one of good nature. "I will admit, most would just try and put me out of my misery, or try at least, but you, you solved the true way to conquer your inner darkness. Acceptance. I am you, and you are me. We are one being, and to try and subdue it is idiotic. But, as the Hero, I can't exist, so long as you live." Dark Link says, after grasping my hand for a shake, then taking his other hand, and stabbing himself in the stomach, still holding my hand. "Since you are holding my hand, the room considers it you ending me. Do not be upset. While we may have known each other for a short amount of time, about ten minutes maybe, you proved to the room you are a true hero, in more ways than one. You have shown that you will go and stop evil, and understanding that you are not a perfect being. Take this. It is proof of our engagement, and that the Room and I, believe that you are worthy of the Title of Hero, even if you do not wish for the title. It will stay with you, even if you travel back in time, due to this Room being a creation outside of Time's rule, in a sense." Dark Link says, handing to me his cap, which is pure black, as he slowly fades away, the hat stays in my hand, which I put in my bag, for safe keeping.

The room fades from a shallow pond to a simple chamber, in essence of the rest of the Temple, but the feeling of it is the same as before, waiting for the next person to test their worth in its gaze.

I get the Longshot, and travel through the remaining portion of the Water Temple, and finishing any remaining puzzles, and getting any Keys, and finally grabbing the Boss Key before I move on to the Boss Room, which I eventually reach.

In the Boss Room, I see four pillars in it, with a pool of unnatural looking water in between the main area, and the four pillars. I jump to one of the Pillars, and the Boss rears its head? It doesn't have a head, more of a small brain like thing, but the problem is, is that there are multiple, and they all control the water in such a way, that tentacles can form and swing me away like a leaf in the middle of a tornado. I quickly jump back, and use the Longshot on one of the ball things, which I get and just attack my sword with, and it takes some damage before jumping back in and sitting in the center of the pool.

I do this five more times, before they all fuse, to make a giant ball, that forces the room to become massive, with a pool about the size of a decent-sized house, and the depth of a hundred feet. The boss uses the entire pool to create dozens of water tentacles, some with lightning flowing through them, some don't, all aiming to grab me. I try to use the Longshot on the ball, but it doesn't work, as it is too heavy compared to me. So I am forced to dodge it for a bit, before I realize that I still have the Iron Boots, which I put on, and use the Longshot on the ball again, and the idea works. It is pulled to me, and I start swinging at it, causing damage, which it jumps back in, and creates a wave that is electrified at me, which I am forced to jump over with the Longshot before it shoots a stream of water at where I Longshotted at, which I avoid thanks to the Iron Boots increasing my weight, but I also had the feeling if that had hit, I would be dead no questions asked.

I do this for another 20 minutes, just pulling it out, avoiding death waves and streams, until it roars somehow, and the water freezes, which the ball cracks open, and unleashes a new opponent. A monster that forces it's way through the ice. A monster with a lizard tail but made of ice for a lower body, and an upper body of a Hylian female, a very pretty one, and charges at me. I quickly remove my Iron boots, and jump above its charge, as it hits the wall, before turning around, and charging at me again. I am ready this time, and jump over, before firing a few arrows at it, making it roar in anger, before taking some of the Ice, and making it into a spear and throwing it at me. I raise the Hylian shield, which the shield takes it, and the Ice breaks from the collision, but the creature was able to charge and pounce at me, with my shield still up.

At this point, the creature seemed to be attacking my shield, to try and get at my face, when I kick it off, and slash at its chest, which quite frankly, was not exactly hard to miss, and not to be perverted, it is just description, nothing else, and making it roars in pain, before charging at me again, but this time, I was unprepared, and it forced me on the ground. I start struggling, trying to get out from underneath it, as it tries to slowly get its tail around me. I manage to escape it's grasp before it can wrap its tail around me, which seems to both pisses it off, and disappoint it, before I quickly slash at its tail, nearly cutting it off from the creature. It slowly dies, but not before laying an egg, with strange white liquid on it, which I didn't destroy and instead wiped down and put in the hat Dark Link gave me to preserve it outside the flow of time.

After explaining that part of the story, I realize I still have the hat, and check to see if the Egg was there, and low and behold, it is, but bigger and more blueish white. I look closer at the egg, and it seems like it is a bit brighter from my attention to it, though it might just because of the lighting. I then go back to the story.

As the creature died, the ice in the room melted, and the water evaporated. Once fully empty, the room returned to its original size, and I was transported to the room of the Sages. There Princess Ruto said that the curse on Zora's Domain was lifted, and to take the Water Medallion as thanks for saving the Zoras. She then asks me to tell Sheik thanks for saving her from the ice.

After that, I am returned to Lake Hylia to see Sheik looking at the slowly rising waters. "Link, you did it. You and Ruto lifted the Curse that caused this to happen to Lake Hylia and the Zoras. HAKK!" Sheik says, as I quickly pull her close to me, irritated.

"Look, I had enough. You seem to be where ever I either need to be, or their before I even know I have to be there, and quite frankly, right now I am lucky to be alive." I pull Sheik up close with her shirt enclosed by my hand.

"That's because of how it's would play out. You defeat a ball, and get transported to the Sages realm!" Sheik says.

"Not sure how you think it was just a ball when it split in half and spit out a half women half-snake thing." I say back, to Sheik's shock.

"Link, first off, how did a snake thing end up as your final fight in there, and second, please let me down. It isn't necessary to do this you know?" Sheik says as I let her down.

"Heh, I would like to know who told you what I would face, because they might have been wrong on the difficulty and what is was I would face. Just tell me where I need to go next, and leave Sheik. I am only tolerating you right now because you are an ally. But prove me wrong, and you will regret it." I say, knowing full well at this point it was Princess Zelda. I had suspected from the beginning, but I just confirmed it. I will wait to push her on this though, as I don't wish to get Ganondorf involved yet. Sheik says to fire an arrow at the sun from the stone tablet over there, and I would meet her soon enough at another location. Where depends on where I follow the wind.

I eventually think, and realize that the only location I can think of I haven't been to yet, is the Gerudo Desert and the desert beyond it. So I call Epona, and ride her to the Valley again, and talk to the Foreman, who says that his workers are locked up in the Gerudo Fortress, and to rescue them so they can rebuild the bridge over the valley. I agree and enter the Fortress. I also explain what the Gerudo are, and some of their traits, to give an idea on what the Gerudo are as a whole, and explaining Ganondorf, while one of them, is one of two, technically three outliers for them.

Needless to say, I get caught a minute in and get thrown into a room with a single-window made of wood. They yell at me saying that I better stay there, for the girls are readying up for some fun with a tress passer. I don't know what it meant back then, and I don't know what it means now, so I used my Longshot to get out and jumped to an entrance into the Fortress.

Over the course of a day, I explored the Fortress, and rescued the four men trapped by them, and beat the second in command of them all four times. The second in command admits that I was smart, and as sneaky as them, and gave me a Gerudo Membership Card, so the Gerudo would no longer bother me, and I could explore it as much as I want now. So I first head to the Gerudo Training grounds, and clear it, getting the Ice Arrows from them, which I use a few times in the future.

After that, I head towards the gate that leads into the desert, and I get a warning, people get lost easily in the desert due to the sand, and the fact that it is not possible to navigate unless you can see the unseen. I acknowledge the risks, and enter the Haunted Wasteland anyway.

Using the Longshot to get to the other side of a quicksand lake, and following some poles, I eventually reach a stone building that goes deeper, and I get a small chest filled with rupees, and I just go to the top instead, that acts like a sign, which states 'The eye that reveals the truth, shows the way.'. I take a gamble and pull out the Lens of Truth, which reveals a Poe, that states he will show the way there, but back he doesn't do.

So I follow the Poe, to the area of land called the Desert Colossus. There, I notice a wall that looks unstable, which I bomb, and reveal a hole to a Great Fairy Fountain. I enter it, and receive Nayrus Love, which is a powerful spell that can make me immune to all attacks, for some time.

I then walk to the temple and enter it. I look around and find a small tunnel I could fit into as a kid, and a big silver block, that when I try to push, it just stays there. I look around for a couple of minutes until I notice a couple of statues, that to sum up what they read, one side requires a child, and one side requires an adult with the Silver Gauntlets. Realizing that in order to continue, I leave the Temple, and Sheik jumps down from a weird formation of rocks, and after some speech about time again, teaches me the Requiem of Spirit. I play the Prelude of Light to return to the Temple of Time, and return the Master Sword to return to the past.

After returning to the past, I play the Requiem of Spirit and return to the Desert Colossus, and reenter the Spirit Temple. When I enter and go up to the tunnel I could enter in my current form, I find a Gerudo woman waiting in front of it, kneeling. I walk up to her, and cough to get her attention, which makes her jump, and turn around, which she instantly calms down realizing it is a kid.

She says her name is Nabooru, and that she wants me to get her the Silver Gauntlets, and if I do it, she will give me a reward when I am old enough. What kind I don't know, but it felt weird. Anyway, I go through the tunnel to the other side, and after some easy exploration, I eventually reach a room with a strange metal knight with a two-sided ax. I walk around it, and see the door is locked, which means that the metal knight thing is my opponent. Needless to say, I stabbed it as a test strike.

Worst. Thing. Ever. The fucking thing gets up, and the throne fucking disintegrated from it just getting up! It took its axe, and THREW it at me, which I just barley dodge, and it hit's the wall, only for it to fly back to it. I knew right then and there, this would easily be the toughest not boss monster yet.

It took three fucking hours to beat. It took bombs, sword strikes, Din's Fire, and a shit load of luck to beat, even then, I am lucky that it didn't kill me. It nearly did, as I have more cuts, bruises, and a large gash on my head and chest due to a near-lethal hit on me. I limp out of the room through the door, and exit the temple, to find myself on one of the hands of the statue, which then a chest falls from somewhere, and I open to receive the Silver Gauntlets. I then hear a shriek, and see Nabooru being sucked in through a magic portal, with two witches floating on brooms, talking about brainwashing her. The Portal fully sucks Nabooru in, and the witches enter the temple.

Realizing it was safe, I jump down without any further injury and limp my way to the nearby Great Fairy Fountain, and when the Great Fairy see's my condition, shrieks in absolute shock and horror, and heals me as fast as she could. She then told me this, "Hero, I am sorry. I healed you the best I could, but even magic has it's limits. Your head injury won't scar, but your chest will scar. Nothing short of the Triforce can heal that, I believe. But at the same time, there are magics I don't know about, so maybe there is one that can heal you fully, but as far as I am aware, that scar will always follow you around till death. I am sorry, Link." The Great Fairy says, crying in sadness. She eventually returns to her fountain, and I just leave the fountain.

After leaving it, I play the Prelude of Light, and return to the Temple of Time, and return to the Adult era, and look underneath my Tunic. The scar was still there, just faded compared to the child unfaded one. I just sigh, knowing that something like that will forever follow me. I then play the Requiem of Spirit, and return to the Desert Colossus, and reenter the Spirit Temple.

Going through the Adult Portion was pure hell. Endless puzzles, backtracking, though I did get a new shield, called the Mirror Shield, which should come in handy, and eventually making a platform lower itself in front of a statue, with light shining down with me. I take a guess and aim a beam of light at the statue. The face breaks off and reveals a door that I can Longshot to. I do so and reach a room with another one of those Iron Knuckles, as I learned their name, and the Two Witches, named Koume and Kotake. They gloat about brainwashing Nabooru and leave me to the Iron Knuckle, who summons its axe. I pull out the Biggoron Sword, and we clash. It lasts five minutes, and the Iron Knuckle is beaten, revealing Nabooru. The Witches reappear, and send Nabooru somewhere, and disappear. I open the next door, walk through a tunnel, and reach a giant room with a giant stone slab, surrounded by four pillars.

I climb up the stone slab, and I am greeted by the two witches slowly rising up from the ground from some weird portal like thing.

The two insult me, then talk about burning me to the bone, and being frozen to the soul. They start flying around, and then they duplicate, making a second copy of themselves. They go to the four pillars, all cackling while they do so. The other two begin charging their respective elements at me, and I am forced to use my shield in hopes of it doing something, and it does. It gets reflected back on the opposite of where it was fired, and the two of the four witches just stop where they are, not doing anything. The other two just laugh, and fly around, and one fires their magic beams as well, and I reflect it back to the opposite, realizing what is necessary to beat them.