Over the course of a half hour, I eventually destroy the two clones and the original two look on with a bit of shock. "I admit boy, you did well to stand against us, even when the Great Ganondorf gave us our upgrades compared to what we had before. We are far stronger than we were before, and now you will face our true might!" The two witches speak together, flying into each other, fusing to create Twinrova, who ends up looking like a younger, but taller Nabooru, with fire and ice hair. Twinrova again splits, this time into four, each one just as powerful and capable as the original. Each one gives its own wink.
"Most boys your age would love a situation like this, just in a different way. You on the other hand, are extremely naive to most social and emotional understandings. Then again, growing up in a forest filled with little kids does that to you, making you unable to truly understand a situation like this. No matter, you will die all the same in the end." The four Twinrovas say at once.
To explain said fight would be a nightmare, but to sum it up, it involved beating each Twinrova one at a time, when they could all attack me at the same time, and had powerful and dangerous combo moves, that I had no chance of avoiding if I allowed them to come near me. But I persevere and eventually bring that amount of Twinrovas down to one, and the last one has a bit of shock on her face.
"I will admit boy, you impressed me. Defeating three of the four of me on your own is no simple feat. But you are tired, worn down, and near defeat. Can you hold it together, or will you fall to my power?" Twinrova asks in a sickly sweet tone, and the fight ends up where the mirror shield absorbs three magic attacks and returns it to her, and after a few times of this, Twinrova is sent spinning from it and splits back into Koume and Kotake.
Needless to say, they died or disappeared, I don't fully know, and I ascend to the Sage Realm, and see Nabooru appearing on the Spirit Sage spot. She congratulates me and says she wishes she was able to keep her promise from seven years ago, but she gives me a serious warning.
"Link, I am sure you noticed with the bosses, that they are either harder than they should be or just got powers that don't really match with whats known of them. After your exploration and finishing of the Forest Temple, Ganondorf decided to upgrade the remaining dungeon bosses. Volvagia was made to be nearly unkillable minus the things he couldn't remove, like the weakness of the Megaton Hammer, Morpha having multiple selves, and forms and Twinrova being able to clone herself. The Witches said that Ganondorf upgraded them, and he did. The next boss you will face, will be the hardest one you will face yet. Not including when you fight Ganondorf. You have to go to Kakariko village and find Sheik. She needs your help pronto. Be warned, your next dungeon will test you physically and mentally. I can only say that when you eventually go into it, it will be hell for you, and always keep the Master Sword on hand in it, even if you feel that the Biggoron Sword would be a better fit in terms of combat capability. Please, stay safe, and save Hyrule Link." Nabooru says, with a serious tone. The other sages appear in their respective spots. They confirm Nabooru's warning, and that the final temple will not be an easy one. I am then given the Spirit Medallion and warped to the Desert Colossus, I quickly run to the Great Fairy fountain and summon the Great Fairy. I ask her if she knows of a potion that can heal almost any injury.
"I do hero. It's called the Great Fairy's Tear, or tears if you want to be technical. When a Great Fairy is willing, we can produce a liquid that can heal most injuries, and when combined with a healing fairy, it can heal any injury not caused by dark magic. The scar you gained from the Iron Knuckle, was a scar created because of dark magic, which is why I couldn't fully heal it, but even with a tear and healing fairy, it would have still scared. Here hero, take two bottles full of my tears. You might need them in the future. Be safe hero, and know that my sisters will give you some if needed." The Great Fairy says, before returning to her fountain.
After that, I exit the fountain, and play the Prelude of Light to return to the Temple of Time. Once I appear back, I make sure the Master Sword and Mirror shield are on my back, and then I quickly run towards Kakariko Village.
On my way to the village, the thing I first see is smoke, fire, and the smell of death. Going up the stairs to Kakariko Village, I feel the darkness that caused this, and the pure evil that was unleashing its power and rage. I finally enter the village, to see the entire village on fire, and smoke rising from the building, and corpses of people around the village. I then see Sheik at the well, looking into it. I quickly run-up to her, and go to ask her what in the name of the Goddesses is going on, but Sheik tells me to stay back.
After she says that, the top of the well is blown off by an invisible source, and Sheik is thrown around like a toy, before landing behind me. I quickly run up to Sheiks form and make sure she is okay, before looking back at the well and seeing a shadow race across the land and village. Realizing I needed the Lens of Truth to see it, I quickly put it on, to see IT. A monster that has no wrist, and no head. Instead, the hands were separated from the arm, and it's neck stump, was it's eye? It was just floating around the village, before noticing me, and ramming right at me. I quickly fire an arrow at it, in hopes of stopping it, but it just bounces off the enclosed neck skin and slams right into me. It then uses me like it did with Sheik, but FAR more aggressively. It swings me around, slamming me on the ground, against buildings, and finally throwing me at the ground in a very hard impact. I pass out after I see it seemingly gloat about beating me and leaving to the Kakariko Graveyard, which is where I assume the it will make its lair.
I came back to the land of the awake, with Sheik looking at me with horror. "Link... You need medical attention stat! But I can't move you, I can tell you have multiple broken bones, splintered bones, and even a potential spine snap!" Sheik says, and I can tell something is wrong with me.
But I was prepared, and with the little control over my body I had, I pulled out two bottles. A bottle of Great Fairy Tears, and a pink healing fairy. I first release the fairy, who's kind normally doesn't speak, gasps at the state I am in, and leaves to gather a few healing fairy friends to help heal me. It mostly works, as I have most of my control and mobility restored, but the fairy who I released said to me too drink the Tears, as the injuries were created by a monster, not dark magic, it would be fully healed.
The Fairy waited as I drank the Great Fairy Tears, which had the taste of lemon mixed with some sweet-tasting herbs, and when I finish it, I can feel the difference. No pain and I have full control over myself again. I NEVER want to be in such a condition again, but I know it won't be easy to avoid. The Fairy, instead of leaving, stayed by me. "Just because you have Navi with you, doesn't mean a second fairy can't follow you around, Link. I will be asleep for a few years, time travel doesn't count towards the sleep before you ask, and when I wake up, I will be with you until you die. Navi, I will be sleeping in his hat, not the spot you do, but still in there to allow me to get some rest. Don't worry about me, I will wake up when I am ready. The amount of healing needed to be done, as you can tell, was insane. I would have had to require a ton more faries to heal you, even then we couldn't do a full heal. Oh before I forget, names Taget the fairy. We will talk more after I wake up." Taget says, before giving a yawn, and going into Links hat to sleep.
After that, Sheik tells me that Impa needs help, and she was going to go in, believing I would be unable to help, for understandable reasons. So after teaching me the Nocturne of Shadow, Sheik told me that the song would take me straight to the Shadow Temples entrance. She warns me that exploring it without its presence would lead to my doom. At this point, it worries me. What kind of hell is the Shadow Temple going to be like?
"Sheik, what is it that you and the sages are warning me about? The sages said among the lines of what you said. What is there that requires me to need the Master Sword, no matter the circumstances in it?" I ask, completely confused. Sheik just looks at me, annoyed, but then understands what I am confused about.
"To simply put it, the Shadow Temple is a cesspool of evil, darkness, despair among things. It is easily the worst Temple you will go through, simply because of its nature. The Shadow Temple is home to Hyrule's history of hatred, bloodshed, and war. Simply put, everything negative that has happened to Hyrule in its entire history is sent to the Shadow Temple to be locked away, whether we are aware of it or not. But I believe that Ganondorf, besides giving the temple's boss, Bongo Bongo, an upgrade, also enhanced it's negativity absorbers, and enhanced them to be able to drive most insane or make them pure evil. Even in its sheath, the Master Sword can protect you from it, which is why I say KEEP IT OUT. The Master Sword is your best defense in the Temple. Please, be careful Link. Hyrule, the Sages, everyone is counting on you Link." Sheik says, pleading with me to keep the Master Sword out. Which, now knowing WHY they said to do it, agree to keep it out. "Thank you Link. Now go to the Shadow Temple, I will help the citizens of this village out. Save Impa, and stop Bongo Bongo." Sheik says, before jumping to a house on fire, and going in.
I play the Nocturne of Shadow, and get teleported to the Graveyard, like I thought, and notice the opening leading down with a staircase, to a circle of unlit torches, and a door with the eye of the Sheikah, based on what I have seen so far. I decide that Din's Fire is appropriate to use to light all the torches at once and proceed to use it. The torches are light, and the door groans, and slowly opens. As it opens, a wave of a smell of death, decay, blood, and a smell that can only be described as evil, comes out. I gag at it, knowing full well that when this Temple is done, I will be going to Death Mountain Crater, with the Goron Tunic on, and taking a swim in the hot spring in it.
I slowly walk to the entrance, with the smell becoming stronger, but at the same time, I slowly grow more use to it, well as use to the smell of decaying bodies as you can get, and fully enter the Temple.
The first thing that I notice, is that the bricks of the entrance as the texture and look of bones, compressed into bricks. That instantly sets me on guard, as that is an instant creepy for me. I see a gap, and at the bottom, I see bodies on spikes, going through their bodies, with blood that looked old and fresh, some of the bodies no more than skeletons, while some look like they couldn't be over a day old. I realize instantly from just this, what the Sages and Sheik were getting at. Without the Master Sword, I would have died just by entering here, judging by the bodies. While most of them have to before I opened the door, it is quite clear that the magic of the place will preserve the corpses just to make those weak in mind or spirit, to join the corpses knowingly or not.
I use the Longshot to get over to the other side of the gap and look at what looks like a wall with a skull-like face, looking at me. I then hear what I assume the wall says "Shadow Temple... Here is gathered Hyrule's bloody history of greed and Hatred." When I heard that, chills crawled up my spine. Something about the voice, the tone, the way it spoke, sounded like it not only spoke from experience but thrived in those types of deals. This is another moment that makes me realize, how fucked this temple will be. I pull out the Lens of Truth, and find the wall to be fake, and walk through it, shivering in the process.
The next room as skulls attached to poles, with a bird statue and a wall that I assume is to be pushed. I decide to come back to it, and look around and find another fake wall, same design, and it speaks about Hyrule's dark history of bloodshed. I quickly walk through it and enter the door.
BIGGEST REGRET EVER! I say that, because the very fucking walls, floor, and ceiling, was made of bones, bodies still fresh, and decayed but not skeleton yet corpses. I quickly left the room, to breathe deeply and to throw up. I didn't know it at the time, but the Shadow Temple fucked me up in more ways I can imagine, as the Master Sword can protect from physical and magical attacks directed or indirect, but if something like that Shadow Temple, all it can do is keep me safe from wanting to join the corpses at the bottom of the gap back in the beginning.
Regaining my composure, and praying to the three Goddesses for strength and forgiveness, I walk through the room made of the dead and walk through some fake walls to enter rooms. One room, in particular, had a creature I faced as a kid. A Dead Hand. A creature that looks like an undead being with a freakishly large jaw, with spikes for arms, purple, but closer to blood-red blotches all over its body, monster. I reach a room with the creature's hands sticking out like in the Bottom of the well, just as an adult in the Shadow Temple.
Needless to say, fighting one as an adult was just as bad as facing against one as a kid. The creature's mere movements were like a snake but standing up. It was glad to try and take a bite out of me, which it failed to do. I quickly removed all the sticking out hands and forced the creature to come out. I attacked it for a full five minutes, playing a game of cat and mouse, and I was the mouse. I eventually won the fight, but absolutely terrified from the whole deal. From the chest that appeared after beating it, I got the Hover Boots, which let me hover over gaps for a short period. About 3 seconds if I were to guess. So after getting it, and putting them on just in case I would need them in the future, which I would, and got a small key, and ran like hell back to the bird statue room, just so I could get away from all the staring bodies and skulls.
I reenter the room with the bird statue that could be pushed, and I not only regain my breath, but have to keep myself from throwing up from fear, disgust, and absolute horror. I slowly regain my composure, as much as I can have in a temple like this, and pull out the Lens of Truth, and push the Bird Statue beak in the direction of the only skull that remains solid compared to the rest of the skulls. By doing this, a gate that was connected to the mouth of a demon shaped face with its tongue sticking out from it. I quickly run over the gap, and once I reach the tongue, and am safe on it, I look down to see this gap is filled with corpses as well. This time though, it is filled with the bodies of children. Some Hylian, some Zora, some Kokiri, some I assume to be Goron and Gerudo. All in various stages, from fresh corpses to decomposing, to skeletons. I quickly run past the mouth hole thing and throw up again.
This dungeon. I don't think I should have entered it. It is slowly making me wish to never want to be in this land again if this is just a taste of the Dungeon. Fuck, calling it a dungeon is a compliment. A fucking graveyard with 20,000 years of History wouldn't have this many corpses, let alone the shit I have seen so far in this hell. I again, work on and semi-successfully regain my composure and move on. The next room has a monster I quickly destroy, and two walls covered in more skeletons, bodies, and fresh corpses. I pull out the Lens of Truth, to find that one is fake, and one has to be blown up. I first go through the fake wall and find something to help me go through this temple, while the real one, when I blow up, which I instantly regretted, as the blood splashed from the fresh corpses, body parts, and innards going everywhere, and the bones shattering and splintering with all the noise associated with it, made me dry heave, as at that point, I had nothing left to eject from my stomach through my mouth.
Entering the revealed door, after regaining my no longer existing composure, I find the room with slicing noise, and a turning of gears, with nothing visible, and when I pull out the Lens of Truth, a statue of two beings conjoined essentially swinging their scythes in a circle slowly, and covered in blood, old and fresh from what I could tell, I had to gather silver rupees, which was easy enough. I unlocked the door, and got the chest that appeared at the end of a tunnel with a fake floor part way through, though thanks to the Hover Boots, I don't fall and I miss a portion of the temple, for temporary.
Progressing through more of the Temple, through the only other door available, I enter a room a passage way that takes me deeper into the dungeon. Which, as you may have guessed by now, is filled and made of even more corpses and skeletons. Unlike those who get used to that shit pretty quickly, I wasn't prepared for this, and all of it happening to a person who hadn't grown up normally, pretty much fucked me over.
The room has floating platforms only revealed by the Eye of Truth, and guillotines that go up and down, depending on the one you are looking at. After clearing the neighboring rooms, with just as much horror shows, and one room basically being a torture room heaven, past a room with spikes on the floor and a room with a giant skull with an opening on the top surrounded by flames, I reach possibly the two most normal rooms up to that point. The bone brick walls, and the gap in a couple of parts being the exception. I eventually reach a room filled with Gibdo, which are just redeads in bandages, and the room is made of more dead bodies and skeletons. While I may not react anymore physically, mentally, it REALLY fucked me up. But as soon as I entered it, killed the gibdo, and left, I enter the Ferry room.
The Ferry took what I thought to be fucked up, and took it to a 12. When it started, the bells on the front of the Ferry started ringing and floated along. I looked over the side, and see fucking spirits in agony, with a face stuck in an eternal scream, in the river. The fucking walls of the ferry ride to the room was made of corpses, kids and adults, and I face a few stalfos, which I quickly killed. When the Ferry ended, and I reached the end point, I just sat down, and looked at the ground. I eventually got up, crying. I was crying because this temple was destroying me mentally. I just ended up going through the remaining portions quickly, with the final main room being made out of more compressed bones, and the boos door lead to a hole in the ground, surrounded by more fucking corpses. Wanting to just get out of this... Temple, if I can call it that loosely, I jump down, and land on a drum of sorts.
After landing, I first notice the hands banging on the drum, in a beat that sent chills down my spine for no reason. But something about it was just pure wrong. Then I saw the main body of Bongo Bongo, who slowly faded into nothing, and I pulled out the Lens of Truth, and the Fairy Bow. I first take his hands out of commission, and hit his neck eye thing, and just wail at it with the Master Sword, and this repeats a few times before Bongo Bongo stops his beat. Then it talks.
"Hero. You have seen the true face of Hyrule. You now see my True Face." It said, in a slightly feminine tone, before it faded into a shadow mist, before reforming to show a giant skull, two floating hands, and a detached main body. The skull does some sort of cackle, and the entire body, including the hands fade from sight, leaving me to depend on the Lens of Truth for the fight.
The easiest part of the boss was its hands, which is honestly not telling much. Unlike the first form I fought it in, the hands were incapable of being harmed by normal arrows. I had to find where the hand was, quickly turn the Lens of Truth off, so I could quickly fire an Ice Arrow at it, and freeze it, before hitting it with the Megaton hammer, to shatter the hand into a shadow mist. That is vastly easier said than done, and it took me about 20 tries to do. Each hand by the way. Then the main body required me to fire a few fire arrows, in certain spots that could change at an instant, and the only way I know if the arrow hit true, was with the lens of truth. That was not the hardest part. The Skull was the hardest part. The boss moved each part independent of the rest of each other, but they all still hand enough of a connection to avoid harming itself. The main body could fire beams of darkness, thin, but strong enough to cut through the stone behind me. The hands could fire quick balls of darkness that covered an area in a shadow mist for a short time. An arrow that was there told me that the mist basically decays stuff like that on contact. Only the arena was exempt from it for some reason. The skull was the hardest part, as the only way to harm it, was to hit both eyes with fire arrows, and hit the mouth with an ice arrow, and then throw a bomb in the open jaw, and hit it in the front with a strike from the Megaton hammer.
All I will say is this. The boss took me half a day to beat. It was the worst boss I have dealt with. When it took the final blow, the skull just floated to the returned remains of its body, and the skull grinned. "Good job, "Hero". You have beaten me fully. I am slowly turning to a shadow mist that is dissipating but let me tell you this. Your experience here will follow you till the day you die." Bongo Bongo says, before starting to laugh in a demonic way, slowly turning into a shadow mist. I am eventually transported to the Sage realm, where I see Impa looking at me.
"Link... There is nothing I can say or do to apologize or make up for what you went through. Even with the Master Sword, I can tell that your experiences in the Shadow Temple will haunt you for the rest of your days. Link, I am completely sorry for what you had to go through. Take the Shadow Medallion, and play the song that will take you to the Temple of Time. Its aura should help calm your soul, somewhat. Play the song of your friend, Saria. It might help you as well. Sheik will meet you in the Temple of Time, to talk to you. She learned what you went through, and will try her best to help you. Please, live Link, for Zelda and for Hyrule. If you wish to leave Hyrule after this, I wouldn't blame you for it." Impa says, with a sad look on her face, as she sends Link back to Kakariko Village, which was rebuilt.
I quickly play the Prelude of Light, to reach the Temple of Time quickly, and once there I meet Sheik. Sheik does her best to help me, and even though I played Saria's Song, my nerves aren't really helped at all. About two hours after this, I finally ask Sheik this. "Sheik, are you Princess Zelda in disguise?" I ask Sheik, who freezes up at that.
"W-what makes you think that?" Sheik asks nervously.
"I only know of one person with blond hair, who had some form of connection to the Sheikah tribe, and the fact that you look almost too much like her to be a pure chance possibility." I say, as calmly as I could, even though mentally I am trying to get over the Shadow Temple... Issue.
Sheik only sighs, knowing she was caught at this point. "Yes Link, I am Zelda. I figured you knew from the beginning, but I tried to keep it hidden." Sheik says, quickly turning into Zelda, and gifting me the Light Arrows. "Link, I know you are recovering from that place, but there is still one more mission for you. To stop Ganondorf. Believe me, I wish I could let you recover as much as you need it, but Ganondorf knows I am here, and he will capture me. Don't try and stop it, Link. Just go to Ganon's Tower, and stop this mess once and for all. Please." Zelda asks, which I give a reluctance nod back in understanding, to which Ganondorf takes her to his tower.
Up till the fight with Ganondorf, the entire tower of his was surprisingly boring. I guess he felt that I would either be broken mentally or unwilling to do anything. The most that happened was that I got the Golden Gauntlets, and meet the last Great Fairy, who filled a bottle with some Great Fairy Tears before I returned to the tower to finish my ascent.
When I finally reached the room Ganondorf and Zelda were in, something weird was going on. Ganondorf was looking at me, smiling. "Good job "Hero", you made it this far without dying. I am impressed. But like I told you back at the Forest Temple, I won't be as easy as my phantom." Ganondorf says, before walking to the center of the room, and summoning two swords.
As soon as I pulled out the Master Sword and Mirror shield, I am forced to dodge multiple quick and powerful attacks by Ganondorf, who I only escape barley. I quickly catch his swords with my shield and knock one of them out of his hands, and rolling to it, I slice it in half, making him only have one to use.
"Impressive Hero. But I am just as capable with one sword, as with two." Ganondorf says, then rushes at me, swinging his sword, with my sword clashing in a horrifying sound, and each clash going on, until I stop the sword again, and stab Ganondorf in the arm, which doesn't do anything except make him grin more. He then jumps back, and fires an energy ball at me, then fires a massive charge of lightning at me, forcing me to hit the ball back, and jump to the side to avoid the lightning. Just want he wanted. He appeared at my side, and kicked me hard in the side, forcing me to slide several feet, and hitting the wall in the process. I quickly pick myself back up, and catch the blade meant for my head with my shield, and successfully knock this blade out of his hand, and destroy it too. Ganondorf just laughs and summons a spear and a third, but far larger sword. He first throws the spear, infused with lightning at me, which I dodge, and take a nick to the arm from a slash he aimed at me. I quickly cut his sword in half, and he re-summons his spear and goes from an impalement attack, which I catch between my sword and shield and break the spear from pressing the two against it.
Eventually Ganondorf gets bored of the contact fighting, and just starts floating in the air, in the center of the room, and fires energy balls in the counts of three. Over the time it takes, I eventually get a ball to stun Ganondorf long enough to fire a light arrow at him, and it forces him down long enough to get a bunch of good hits in. The process repeats three times, before he has enough, and grabs a spear, and throws it right at me. I dodge, but it hits my arm pretty hard, but I already fired back two light arrows, both hitting Ganondorf square in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Zelda eventually floats down, and we run, as he started bringing the entire tower.
After some moments, we exit from where I entered from the Tower and just see rubble from the tower sprawl all over the place. I sigh, knowing the fight isn't over yet, and walk up to the biggest pile, which Ganondorf explodes out, and transforms into a giant boar thing. Ganon, starts swinging around his giant swords and knocks the Master Sword over to Zelda, and I am forced to pull out the Biggoron Sword, which rolling in between Ganon's legs a few times and getting good hits on his tail, and forces Ganon into a kneel, and I quickly run over and grab the Master Sword, I then run back into the makeshift arena between me and Ganon, and the fight resumes.
Repeating the cycle form earlier, I attack his tail, eventually forcing Ganon back on the ground. Zelda quickly uses her power to lock Ganon onto the ground, and I stab him in the head with the Master Sword, and he gets sealed away in the Evil Realm.
"Link... You did it. You stopped Ganondorf and saved Hyrule. Thank you Link." Zelda says to me in an area in the Sacred Realm, to talk to me in private. "If I could change anything, it would be that what you witnessed in the Shadow Temple, would never have happened. But all I can do is give you a second chance at a childhood, Link. Give me the Ocarina of Time. I will send you to the past before you had to meet my child self. Please, prevent Ganondorf from rising again. Save the past. This timeline will continue, but if you can give Hyrule a better future, please do it." Zelda asks, and I give her the Ocarina of Time. Zelda plays the Song of Time, sending me back to before anything happened, minus the death of the Great Deku Tree.
After I take a few steps away from the Master Sword, Navi says goodbye to me, she needs to speak with a Great Fairy about what happened with me and her. She flies away, and I never will see her again. I eventually go to Hyrule Castle, and warn the Zelda of the Past about what will happen in the future, and speak to the King of Hyrule too, with the evidence to back up my explanation and claims about the future with Ganondorf. The King thanked me, and Zelda of the childhood time gave me the Ocarina of Time, as I was leaving the land of Hyrule, to get away from the hell I went through, by exploring the Lost Woods, to find something that will help me accept what I went through, and move on.
As I finish the story of my first adventure, I kept and eye on the reactions of the hunters. They went from shocked, to sad, to angry, to a strange emotion I don't know. Talking about the Shadow Temple, while it helped me a lot, it definitely didn't help me in the sense that all of it came back, and the emotional trauma was brought back full force. But before I could get fully buried in the negative emotions, I hear a voice I hadn't heard of since before the Shadow Temple.
"Sweet merciful Din, Farore and Nayru Link, I knew something had to have happened, but all that? By the Goddesses I am surprised you have some form of your kind personality left!" A pink fairy, Taget says coming out my hat, with a yawn. "I woke up when you explained your childhood, but I wanted to wait until you finished your story, that way it would be continuous, rather than having me jump out in the middle of it, and making you rush to explain who I was. But I am glad you are okay Link, even if it is subjective." Taget finishes, shocking the hunters even more.
"Honestly, I forgot you were there until I reached that section. I only remembered you because I got to that part, mainly because you were asleep for so long." I say to Taget.
"Link. I want to say this. The entire first adventure of yours, time travel, the Temples, and the bosses, are all the equivalent of at least 5 quests pure dungeon. Link, will you tell us the second quest you had, tomorrow? We can wait as we will be talking to someone today. Why, well it is important." Zoe says.
"Yeah, the second adventure was possibly the better adventure. It will be fine talking about it tomorrow. It is much shorter, just much more confusing than the one we just talked about." I say, in agreement to waiting to talk for another day about the second adventure.
Zoe and the hunters leave, though unknown to me at the time, they were actually going to call in some help from Apollo, who was keeping an eye on the hunters, in a sense. If he couldn't help, then they would ask for someone who he knows could help me with my mental issues, that are noticeable when you actually realize they are there, and what caused them.
The Water Temples boss, think of Miia in terms of the body, but the chest of Cathyl, which I will not go into to much detail with, other than Monster Musume, where the inspiration second form came from. It's almost 4 am at the time I will be uploading this. Originally at least. I realized that it wasn't finished, so I came and fixed it.
EDIT 1: Italicized the Story Portions, and fixed a few grammar and spelling mistakes.