Chapter 4: Majora's Mask and The Talk 1/2

All right, so I wanted to clear up something a reviewer said about Link seeming to be brash. That is completely unintended, I just am not a good characterizer. I will work on it, but I can't promise extreme improvements in that regard. It might because I am not an expressive person besides the obvious, and that might be the problem with the characterization of it, so yeah. I will try to work on it, but other than that, I can't give a promise about it. Also, 1,000 views. I never expected this story to get that many. Then again I don't have a schedule that I follow, so I release chapters at random. Also, there will be Tatl bashing. I love Tatl, but Jesus she was stupid at the beginning of Majoras Mask. Be warned, this story will have a disturbing talk about Puberty, the light, and dark side. Other than that, enjoy the chapter!

The next day, Taget wakes me up saying someone whats to talk to me. I look and see it is Apollo. "Hello Apollo. I didn't expect you to be here. Can I ask why you are here?" I ask, confused about Apollo's appearance, who is looking at me with a look I can't explain.

"I am here to just do a quick scan of you. Nothing major, honestly." Apollo says. I agree with it, and he uses his power to scan me.

After a few minutes, he looks at me with a very worried look. "Link, what do you know about the mind?" Apollo asks me with a neutral tone to him, but he looked like he was shaking in anger.

"Not much sir, other than when you lose it, you tend to either be incapable of doing anything or just dying." I say, with a confused tone, with some worry creeping in from the questioning. I got a feeling the answer won't be something I will like.

"Well I ask that because you have all the symptoms of a few mental conditions that honestly, I can't cure. I can get you help for them." Apollos says, shaking with anger, which confused me even more.

"Sir, what are you talking about? What are they, and why are you shaking in anger for?" I ask, with a worry growing that he might have discovered something he shouldn't have.

"The ones I know you have, are PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, though it seems to trigger under very specific conditions, which is a case where you will not be able to tell a case of what is real and fake, a case of Emotional and Social detachment, where you just don't get let's say, why people worry about you, or how to accurately describe your emotions beyond a blunt way. Both can be helped by with a professional, that I can provide, as I am the God of Healing, and I know who is the best regardless of what others will try and claim. I did overhear the story of your first adventure when you were telling it, so I also can tell you flat out, you need more help than you think. From what I know, you weren't supposed to be thrown in those situations willy nilly, and while I am not a God, Titan, or Primordial of the fabric of Time, I do for a fact know that the brain doesn't simply just age you mentally to make you an adult. That is an overtime process which is what happens with puberty. Skipping it, while not documented, and only possible to explain in theory, will mess you up in the head, and make any potential chances of understanding yourself in an emotional or social understanding next to zero. Even if you went through puberty naturally, it wouldn't change anything, because you physically were an adult at one point, and your mind remembers that. It basically makes you sound like you are being brash, without meaning to be. Meaning there is nothing anyone can really do for that. Maybe like the others, someone to help you with your mental issues, but there is nothing really studied about it, and because you are the only known case of this, there IS nothing that can be done. So the best I can do is get you help for the first two. The last one, there is no way to know how to help that one. The best I can do is just talk to those who either are going through puberty and learn from them or continue to talk to the hunters. Either way, it helps you in some capacity, as you are getting a better idea, slowly, of how to actually interact in a nonsocial way. I can see why the hunters wanted me to give you a check-up. Physically, other than a few scars, you are fine. Mentally? You are borderline messed up. You won't be doing anything bad, you just are very blunt, and unable to explain or socialize your emotions beyond an obvious Happy, Sad, or Angry as examples. Even if you explain the physical, you would have a hard time communicating it. PTSD is a weird one, but I believe talking about it will also help. Other than that, I will be listening to your second adventure, due to the fact it might be able to help me understand where some of your mental issues come from." Apollo explains in a long explanation.

"I understand sir. I will see first if the hunters have any questions about yesterday's story, before moving on." I simply say. Apollo nods his head in understanding, and I walk over to the group of hunters, waiting for me, and Apollo disappears.

"So, before I start about my second Adventure story, you have any questions for me?" I ask the hunters, and one instantly raises her hand.

"Yes, I have a question. Do you have anything you fear or are terrified of?" The hunter asks.

I just sigh at this. "Well, to be honest, my biggest fears are corpses, fresh or skeleton, though that is only in some special conditions, and the Moon itself. Before you ask about the ring deal, I didn't have any control over that. I believe I was influenced to have it made the way it was. But yeah, dead bodies and skeletons, and the moon are my biggest fears." I say, to the shock of the hunters.

"Why are you afraid of the Moon, when it is her symbol?" The same hunter asks.

"Well, the reason I am afraid of it, is because of my second adventure, which will be self-explanatory then. Any other questions?" I ask. The hunters shake their heads in no, as none of them had any questions.

"Well then, I will start the story of my second adventure. It begins me leaving Hyrule, as I wished to get away from the memories I had, and the fact that I wanted to see if I could find Navi or Saria in the Lost Woods, and I brought Epona, my once friend with." I start with it.

I explain that the section of the Lost Woods, was a different section to the Hyrule one, and explain that the Lost Woods is a complex part of creation, that to simplify, is a giant crossroad of dimensions. Epona and I stop at one spot, to look around for a good place to rest when we are ambushed by two fairies, named Tatl and Tale, knocking me off my horse. I wasn't knocked out, just temporarily stunned, and a figure in a mask that screamed danger appeared from nowhere, and walked up to me and began searching through my things, and eventually finding the Ocarina of Time, the item Princess Zelda of this time gave to guide me through my adventure and to protect me. Though, when she gave it to me, she said it also represented something else, but I missed it due to her whispering it. Skull kid, the being wearing Majoras Mask, began messing with the Ocarina, while fairies seemed to fight each other like siblings, on whether or not one could mess with the Ocarina of Time or not. I quickly get over my shock and stand up to make a grab at the Skull Kid, who avoids it, and lands on Epona, who neighs and starts to gallop away, and I quickly latch on to Skull kids leg, and we ride for about 10 minutes until I get thrown off, and I regain my bearings, and go down the nearest tunnel that they went through, and jumped over to an entrance to another dimension.

I walked into it, and stop at an edge, which seemed to be bottomless. I look down, to see if anything is down there, and I see just pitch-black void. I take a leap of faith, and jump down it, to find what looked like lights just floating around as I fell, before landing on a flower that broke my fall softly. I stand up to see Skull kid floating in the air, looking at me. After insulting me and Epona, he starts shaking his mask and unleashing a wave of energy at me, which I quickly jump to the side to avoid, before the wave followed me, and hits me anyway.

I then find myself in a room, surrounded by Deku, all shaking in a dance-like motion, staring at me. Before they all started merging, to create a giant version of themselves, and just a giant shaking version. Eventually, I just ran from it, as something in my gut told me that it was the best choice at the time.

I eventually came back, to see myself as a Deku, wooden body, hat larger than the majority of my body, and a giant wooden nose, mouth, thing. I look at the Skull kid with an irritated expression, which Skull kid just laugh saying how goofy I looked, before floating away, I go to make chase, but Tatl smacks into and growls, which was something I didn't know fairies could do up to that point, and the giant door closed on the two of us. Tatl realizes that she was left behind, and slams into the door multiple times, trying to open it, before realizing that I was the only way to open the door.

"YOU! If I wasn't dealing with you, I wouldn't have been left behind!" Tatl starts to rant, but I interrupt her, not in the mood to deal with such a narrow mind at the moment.

"And who's fault is that? You are the one to decide 'Hey I will stay back and body slam this guy for following when clearly all three of us could have outflown him because he has no idea on where to go, and we have no limits in terrain! Genius!' so it isn't my fault you stayed back. You are the moron of a fairy to stay back, and try and slow me down when clearly you and the Skull Kid could run laps around by the sheer fact that YOU CAN FLY! For the sake of Din, Farore, and Nayru, how is it I go from a quiet, but smart fairy, to a glowing yellow yelling dumb ass like you already! Now shut the fuck up, and either stay or leave when I open the door. My only path anyway." I yell, then just quietly say. I really don't like being mean, and I feel really guilty about it, but she is one of the two fairies that ambushed me, allowed Skull Kid to do his things, and then attacked me for trying to keep up. My anger while justified, doesn't make me feel any better about it.

After that, and I open the giant door to the other side, I walk to a flower, and I just get this feeling to go in it. But before I actually try to follow my feeling, Tatl catches up to me from the relatively small pathway.

"Hey, sorry about back there. I am very worried about my little brother and Skull Kid." Tatl apologizes, though I can easily tell it is a forced one, but I just take it for what it is and go into the flower, to float, fly, something among those lines, to the other side with a door. I walk through the door, to find a giant ass cavern with a pit that seems to go on forever. On each platform, there is a flower I can use, to float to each one. On one platform, there was a chest I opened that contained Deku Nuts. I take them, and when I fly with the next flower, I accidentally send one of the Deku nuts out of my mouth hole thing, and it falls down, before exploding lighting up absolutely nothing of the pit. One more flower float and I reach the final platform that holds a sad-looking tree, that looks like me, but dead.

It's odd, I know things about the Deku I didn't know, I can do things I didn't know they could do, as soon as I was... Transformed... Into... this... form... Oh sweet Din, help me. No. Not this. Skull Kid didn't just transform me into a Deku, but he took a life of a once-living Deku, and made me turn into its shell, and left its c-corpse there to sit there, forever. As a lifeless husk of a Tree. While realizing it is a corpse of a Deku having its soul sucked out, I feel bad for it, and the soul that Skull Kid forced into fusing with me. Oddly enough, I think the soul is just aware enough, as after thinking that, I hear "It's, Okay, Hero." paced out, like it was forcing itself to use whatever energy it had, to say it. I quickly regain my composure and leave through the tunnel, which twisted and turned from forest to a city. Now, at this point in time, I didn't know that wasn't normal. The Lost Woods can only connect through forests, Jungles, stuff like a Mushroom Forest, Bone Forest, so long as it was either natural or a natural Magic in nature. Skull Kid was the one who moved the entrance to beneath the location, though at this point, I wasn't truly aware of the true enemy.

Entering the room, and the door closing behind me, locking me out, I just look around. Machinery I have never seen before, I quickly learned where called cogs, where powered by a water mill. I eventually go up the stairs and look around. Nothing followed me besides Tatl, and nothing was in the room with me.

I make my way to the only exit, to only be stopped by a voice I was familiar with. The Happy Mask Salesman.

"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?" He asks, in his forever smiling face.

"Hey Happy Mask Salesman." I say, not knowing his real name.

"Please, call me Shigeru, for simplicity purposes. I was following you through the forest, and I admit you are a tough one to keep up with, as I know who you are, and I know you can help me. The Skull Kid ambushed me at one point, though it was when he was still just playing jokes, and found a mask I spend a very long time looking for. Majora's Mask. I need you to get it for me, and when you get your special item back, return to me and I will help you." Shigeru says.

"Just so you know, even if I get my item back, I won't be able to get your mask back right away. It might take a while to get it done. I definitely won't be able to get it back, at the same time as my item." I say.

"I understand Hero. Though, Majora's Mask must be returned, as it has the power to destroy the world. Please, do it quickly hero." Shigeru said, as calmly and serious as possible, for a man with an eternal smile says.

I quickly leave through the doors, having and an idea of the threat now, and as those doors close, I take a few steps and notices a strange shadow that doesn't seem right, I turn around and start moving my head upwards and "WHAT THE ACTUAL DIN FARORE AND NAYRU IS THAT THING!?" I scream when I see the moon. It was the most horrifying thing I have seen, well second to the Shadow Temples shit, and it instantly terrified me. Shakes, shivers, and some indescribable movements. I quickly run back into the tower, look at Shigeru, and ask him "WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SEE IN THE SKY!?" I scream at Shigeru in terror.

"Oh. What did you see?" Shigeru asks calmly, yet concerned.

"I saw what looked like a moon but with a face that can only be summoned up with red-orange eyes filled with malice and a desire to something I don't know, and a mouth that was just a flat mouth with horribly spaced teeth and a nose more pointed than a spike. What the fuck did I just see though!?" I say, stuttering and stammering at it. Shigeru gives a look of shock, and sadness.

"What you just saw, was a representation of Majora's power. I was going to wait a bit to tell you, but your reaction proves that the simple route of explanation won't help in this case." Shigeru says, before clearing his throat, and grabbing a canister with a lid to drink from.

"Now, because we are in an area where time stands stills for some reason, I can give you a better understanding of what's going on without a time restriction. Many centuries ago a group of interlopers practiced dark magic, and created a few creations capable of destroying the world, all to overthrow the power of the Golden Goddesses and claim the Triforce for themselves. They create the mask the created that moon, and the mask wiped out most of the interlopers, using their powers against them, and escaped before being sealed away by a hero of the land. But the Hero couldn't truly lift the Masks power, and the mask's power continued to fester, it's anger, hatred, and will to destroy continued to grow. The Mask is capable of destroying the world, and Termina earned the Golden Goddesses anger, partly because of the land that you will end up visiting to stop it. Flat out, the moon can't be stopped without this lands Guardians, which was beaten by Majora's user, the Skull Kid. The Mask was caught by Skull Kid, to bring an end to this world, but you appearing, you are the second chance this land should get. The Goddesses will allow you to save this land, and prove that Termina deserves a second chance. I know you don't want to go on a second adventure, but you won't be able to leave until Majora is beaten. Heo, save this cursed world and lift its curse. If you don't, every single living being in this world will be killed, including you and me. Then it will move to other worlds, and eventually Hyrule, and slaughter everyone. Please, don't let this happen." Shigeru says, smiling, but tears in his eyes, shaking with fear.

"I... I will do it. I can't let such a thing happen when I can still do something." I say, knowing full well that I now fear the moon for the rest of my life, as I do with corpses and the other types of corpses, not including monsters and Redead, technically.

"Thank you hero. Thank you. This world deserves a second chance, but I will tell you this, if you want to truly save it, you need to help everybody. Take this. "Shigeru gives me a notebook." I was going to wait to give you this, but because I told you that, you will need it to do what you need to do. It is a magical notebook, that will update for you when it detects when it is needed automatically. It will help you immensely, even if right now it isn't super helpful due to your state." Shigeru says.

"Thank you Shigeru. I will be back." I say. I leave the towers inside, and when I exit I see the moon again, and shiver in fear. "Sweet Din that thing is creepy as hell. Don't think I will be able to look at a moon the same way again." I say, and begin exploring the Town.

I quickly learn a few things. First, is that the moon will fall in three days, judging by its size and falling speed. Second, the town is called Clock Town, and the tower by extension is called Clock Town Tower, very original. Third, a bank that I can deposit rupees in. Fourth, I found out that Tatl is VERY annoying. She won't shut the fuck up, basically calling me useless, and blaming me for this situation. Fifth, I find out the location of the local Great Fairy Fountain, which I am about to enter.

I entered the Fountain, to find the room filled with little fairies, not like the healing fairies, but instead a bunch of strange fairies just floating there in a circle. I quickly run up to them and I hear them tell me that the Skull Kid broke the original Great Fairy, and I need to find their friend to return them to their Great Fairy form.

I explore the town and eventually reach an area with a creak and a fairy just floating above the water. I quickly reach up to it, and it tells me to take it to the Fountain, and reunite them to become whole again. So I quickly run as fast as my Deku body can go, and eventually return to the fountain, and the Great Fairy returns to her former glory.

"Thank you hero. When you return to your original form, come see me again. For now, I will give you the ability... Wait you can already use magic, so I will give you a deeper reserve of magic, and teach you how to spit bubbles in your Deku form." She says and teaches me to create Deku bubbles, and my magic seems to be more in tune with me, something tells me that when I return to my Hylian form, my magic will have some different abilities.

Leaving the fountain, and thanking the Great Fairy for helping me, I find a Majora balloon that a kid with a red scarf is shooting something at, an old woman that was being robbed, that I sadly couldn't do anything about, and I pop the balloon to get the kids attention. I quickly talk to him, and after playing a game of hide and seek, which took about an hour, I learn a code to visit an observatory, and quickly run to it, and walking through a catacomb sewer thing, and eventually reaches the observatory, and after talking to an old man, I look through the telescope and find Skull Kid on the top of the tower, who just dances at me, and spanks his butt as an insult to me, and then just disappears from it.

Then something drops from the moon and lands outside. The old man told me that another Moon Tear fell and that I should go get it, which I do and return to the town, and it by the time I return to the town, it is the middle of the second day, and I go to the main section and see a flower I missed somehow, and when I approach it, a Deku Scrub yells at me to wait, and when he falls into it, he pops back up, and yell at me it is his private property, and he isn't giving it up unless I give him a Shiny gem like a Moon's Tear. Quickly pulling it out, I offer the Moon's Tear I have to him, and he quickly gives me the deed to the flower and flies away singing how he is getting something great tonight from his wife.

I just explore more of the town, finding people who would need help as the notebook expands getting more entries and eventually, the night of the third day comes around, and I go to the bank behind the tower, which I open an account and put about 99 rupees into. I then go into the flower, and fly to the over the platform in front of the door that leads up to the top of the tower, and wait for midnight to round the corner.

Waiting for it, with the moon so close, and the ground shaking throughout the Third day, really is terrifying, and eventually, colorful explosions pop up in the air, and the door leading to the top of the tower opens up, and I walk up it to the top of the tower, where I encounter the Skull Kid wearing Majora's Mask and throwing up and down the Ocarina of Time.

After insulting me a bit, and Tatls brother getting smacked, Skull Kid just unleashes a scream that makes the moon shake, and start falling and a noticeable to the eye rate, and makes the moon's eyes start glowing, and realizing I couldn't do anything other than firing a Deku bubble at Skull Kid, I do just that, and run over and grab the Ocarina of Time.

After a useless flashback, as I still remembered the Song of Time, I play the song on Pipes, which I assume is the Deku version of and Ocarina of Time, and then I just start falling through a void of white, with clocks all over the place as I fall, back to the beginning of the First Day I arrived. Quickly gather my thoughts, and seeing that the Clock Town deed is gone, I enter the Clock Tower where Shigeru was.

"Ah Link, I see that you returned. You also got your special item. I will teach you a song, that will help you, it is called the Song of Healing." Shigeru says, making a massive organ appear via magic, and plays three simple notes twice, sounding similar yet different to Saria's Song. I play the three notes via the Deku Pipes and I start to get a feeling os contentment, then enter a state where I see the Deku that soul that was forced to fuse with me. I see the soul leave, and as I return, it formed as a mask that falls to the ground.

"Link. Pick up that mask, and take it with you. I believe that it will help in your quest to save Termina. Couple more things before you go, since you have the Ocarina back. The song that lets you go back in time, can be played in two different ways. A double noted version, which is where the normal repeat of the notes is played together, is played twice at once, so the one note is played twice in a row, so it would be like "Doo Doo dee dee doo doo", to give an idea. It will let you go forward in time to a specific time which you can pick. The second one, is where you play it backwards, which will slow down time. I know this, and I tell you this, is because I wish to help you. Be careful Link, and just believe in your strengths, and you will succeed in anything you do." Shigeru says, trying to help where he can.

I leave the tower, and start exploring the town, doing quests that people either needed help with, getting masks, and stopping the robbery of the old lady, buying the larger bomb bag from them, and quickly getting about six masks, and one from the north Termina Field, dancing on a rock mushroom. I get another mask from a ranch, though I had to wait until the third day to get, which I just played the song of time to restart, and then went straight to the Swamp.

After listening Tatl talk about how she and Tale meet Skull Kid, and how I was so irritating to deal with, we eventually entered the Swamp to find the waters looking wrong. I also see lily pads and put on the Deku Mask, to transform back into my Deku form, and hop around, eventually reaching a location with a potion shop I assume, and a forest entrance. I enter the forest, explore it a bit, and eventually spot a familiar face. Koume, the fire witch of the Spirit Temple, but how? Wait, she seems wrong, the feeling isn't the feeling I got from the Hyrule ones. No, she feels nicer, content, and a bit paranoid, understandably. I check on her, and she mutters quietly to herself, hoping I would leave, and wishing she brought one of the potions Kotake happens to make, as she could use one right now.

I quickly leave at that, and run to the Potion Shop, and find Kotake running it. After explaining to her about Koume, she quickly gives me a bottle filled with a red potion to give to Koume, which I quickly do, and she thanks me saying that I am earned a free ride on the swamp tour, as I saved her. When I leave the forest, about four to five monkeys stop me, and explain they need my help to save a friend of theirs who was imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. I agree to help, and they run off back into the trees.

I quickly run and hop back to the building back at the entrance to the Swamp, and get the free ride to the Deku Palace, and a free pictobox, which takes pictures of whatever you want, and after the guard let me in because I was still in my Deku form, I find the monkey that was being talked about, and I search and find a way to the monkey to learn the Song of Awakening.

After getting thrown out, I make my way to the Woodfall Temple, learn the Song of Soaring, and exiting the Deku form, activate the statue at the pedestal where I could play the Song of Awakening, but since it is the middle of the second day, I decided to just play the Song of Soaring, deposit my Rupees, get the Adult Wallet, and play the Song of Time to return to the First Day again.

After returning, I play the Song of Soaring to return to the area with the pedestal, turn into my Deku Form, and play the Song of Awakening, which makes the Temple rise from the murky waters, and I dig into the flower, to fly towards Woodfall Temple.

As soon as I enter the dungeon, it is dark, damp, and smelly. Though, considering it was under poisonous water for a time, it isn't a surprise that it smells less than pleasant. So I go through the dungeon, and getting the Hero's Bow, which is different than the Fairy's Bow, as that one wasn't meant for adults to use for any longer than necessary, this one was meant for any age.

After exploring the Temple, and getting all the Stray Fairies, finding one by accident, and it explaining that all four temples have fairies like them scattered in them, and this one holds fairies like her, I eventually gather the fifteen in there and reach the boss room.

As soon as the boss room door closes, I hear chanting. The kind that sends shivers down your spine, that makes you nervous, like a war chant. A giant pudgy warrior drops down from the ceiling, and starts speaking in a language I never heard, and just starts dancing. Time to time, I would get a hit on it, stunning it, which let me get hits on the eye in the back of its head, eventually making it stop.

"You wish to do a true fight, little boy? Well then, I hope you are ready for double the trouble!" Odolwa says as a shadowy twin appears before it slinks away, and I narrowly avoid a slash by the shadow twin. Facing a fight on two sides, I focus on the shadow twin, which wasn't easy, as the original decided to be an ass, and at one point, blanketed the entire room in fire. The Shield I was using blocked it, thank the goddesses, and the shadow twin went into hiding until the fire disappeared.

I eventually killed the shadow twin, and it rejoins with its original twin, and after a bit, the original is forced onto its knees, with its sword in the ground. "Boy, I will tell you this. This land is doomed to be destroyed. No matter what you do, no matter how many times you try and delay it, this world will disappear. Your "goddesses" oriented the destruction of this land, whether you save it or not." At that, Odolwa dies, and leaves behind its mask for me to collect, as the body turned to bugs.

After grabbing the remains, I am warped to a location filled with water, and bubbles everywhere, like a giant bubble bath. Then I hear what sounds to be a roar or a call. I look around and see a giant simply put. Taller than the Clock Tower, and easily the tallest being I have seen yet, it was roaring in a way like it was singing. Quickly picking up on it, before Tatl could be a bitch, I learn a new song, that is called the Oath to Order.

It then starts talking in a way I didn't understand, and then I hear a voice. "Hero. You have freed me from my curse placed upon me by Majora. Thank you. I know that fairy will not tell you everything I say, so I will tell you this. Odolwa was not wrong when he said that the Goddesses have ordered this land's destruction. But it was for those who originally created Majora, as they entered the areas of magic forbidden on every level. Majora was created by the ones who went deep into the forbidden magic, and Majora killed them, but some escaped and lived on. This land is doomed, but only if you fail to truly save it. Make everyone happy, and help everyone. When the time comes, only the timelines where you helped people will remain, and you will be able to leave. Hero, save the others in the North, East, and West. I alone can not help you in stopping Majora, and all together, we can stop the moon from dooming this world. Before I forget, Skull Kid is innocent, for the most part. He is a mischievous being of the forest, but he never acted in a malicious sense until he got Majora's Mask. We forced him to leave after a prank of his went too far, none of it intended the way it went. He is still our friend, even if he doesn't know it. It broke our hearts to do it, but we had to. Save our friend, save the others, save Termina Link. You are our last chance." The giant says. I agree, and we are teleported back, into a room that has a plant cell behind me.

I cut the plants down, and meet the captured princess of the Deku Palace, and carry her back to the Palace, to calm the King down. The Princess beats the King, has the monkey released and tells me to go to where the butler was waiting for me. Needless to say, I went to the butler and raced him and another mask. Telling him the location of his son, and explaining and comforting him when he learned of his son's death, I went to a nearby building that was a spider house, and cleared it out and got another mask. With nine masks in hand, at this point, and multiple people helped, and it's beginning to turn to the middle of the second day, I first return to the Swamp Great Fairy, and reunite the Fairies to its other half, and get my magic doubled from my first magic upgrade, making it insanely huge. I then decide to use the Song of Soaring to head to Clock town, so I can head to the Mountains, just to get a head start there and find out what I would be dealing with there.

The first thing I find when trying to go up the mountains is a wall of ice, which I destroy thanks to the floating icicle hanging above it. I go up the mountain, bomb a few giant snowballs, and eventually reaching the cleverly named, Mountain Village. Calling it a village would be a joke, as it was just one house, which was a blacksmith, and I see an owl statue, so I hit it and activate it, for easier travel purposes. Exploring the mountains a bit, I go through a bath over an ice lake, and to an area where I assume gorons live, but because of the snow, there is no way in, minus a snowball that is just rolling around. I ignore it, and move to the giant Ice thing in the middle of nowhere, after following an owl to it. I enter it and get a second Len's of Truth, and use it to leave return to the area where I meet the owl, and meet a ghost named Darmani the Third, who guides me to his tombstone, which I end up playing the Song of Healing for him, and he turns into a mask, thanking me for healing him.

I pick up the mask, and I am transformed into a Goron form. I look like myself, but as a younger-looking goron. I assume that since I am a child physically, I would reflect that form in this case. Moving the grave, and the room is flooded by Hot Spring Water, I bottle some up, and just start smacking giant snowballs, and finding an ancient Goron by accident locked in ice. Quickly freeing him from the ice, so I just talk to him, and convince him that the gorons need help.

After an hour of convincing, and going to the Goron City to talk to his son, I get him to teach me the first half of a song that doesn't remember. I return to the Goron Elder's son and learn the rest of the song, which is called Goron's Lullaby, and the entire city is sent to sleep because of it. I leave the city, and head to Snow Head, as it is now the Third Day, but I also notice a goron on an ice ledge, get Rock Sirloin for him, and he gives me a mask in thanks, and then I wish to be able to go to it straight on the first day. As I reach it, I see the source of the Blizzard, a giant, invisible goron breathing with ice powers. I turn back to my Hylian form, and activate the owl statue for easy soaring to it. I then play the Song of Healing, and return to the First Day, to enter the Snowhead Temple.

Turning back into the Goron form, I play the Gorons Lullaby and put the giant Goron to sleep, ending the blizzard protecting the temple. I roll to the temple and look around the area, find the Great Fairy Fountains location for the mountain. I eventually walk up a ramp to the entrance of the Temple and enter it.

As soon as I enter it, I am faced with a White Wolfos, which I quickly put down. I then am faced with a block that I wouldn't be able to move in my Hylian form, but can since I am in my Goron form. I go through a few rooms gathering stray fairies and fighting enemies, I eventually get stuck. I eventually just jump down in the central pillar room, and land on the ground near lava, and find a switch I could ground pound into.

Throughout the Temple, I fight enemies, solve puzzles, and enter a mini-boss room. The Hylian like figure, called Wizrobe, comes out of a pillar, and runs around for a bit, before going back under to hide. It is a very easy, if not annoying battle, and I get the Fire Arrows, which will make it easy to transverse most of the temple. I eventually reach the top and gathered all the Stray Fairies, and once again, faced with Wizzrobe. I swear he was going to be the comeback mini-boss for the adventure. Quickly beating him, and getting the Boss Key, I go run back to the path to the Boss Room, and enter the room.

As I enter the room, I notice two unstable walls, and a giant mechanical bull thing frozen in ice. I nock a fire arrow at it and release it. The ice melts, and the mechanical bull named Goht bellows breaks one wall and rams through the other and rams it as well. I then give chase by rolling in my Goron Form, the fight lasted to until the middle of the Second Day when it was heavily damaged, and a bomb got stuck in its bomb launcher, and it panicked, running around until the bomb exploded, and it rammed itself into a wall, getting crushed and destroyed by rocks. I get the feeling I will be doing this boss a few times to get everything needed. I grab Goht's remains, and I am teleported to the area where the Giants live, a world of a giant bubble bath.

"Hero, My southern brother told me about you, while you gathered the remains. Tatl, the fairy with you, will betray you very soon. After you leave me for sure. Tatl the fairy hates you, for an idiotic reason. She is under the impression that you caused Majora to take over the Skull Kid, our friend, and do what he has done up to now. Hero, if you were to put her in a bottle, one that will have our connection to that will be put in your bag we will talk to her directly. Please, save our brothers Hero." The Giant says, sending me back to the Village. I use the Song of Soaring to return to the temple, and head to the fountain, who gives me an even more powerful sword spin. I go to where the Goron city is, and gain the ability to use powder kegs and go to the only house in the village, and learn that my sword upgraded to a razor sword, and I am told that I need something, to make the sword even better. I wasted a hundred rupees, but I now know that I need to go back in time to get something called Gold Dust to make my sword better, which I learned was at the Goron track, which is only open during when spring comes, so I use the Song of Time to return to the past.

Back on the first day, I quickly return to Snowhead Temple, and since I now have an easy way back to Goht, I just go in, and beat him easily, open the race track, and have my sword upgraded. I then race in the track while my sword is being upgraded to the Razor Sword, and win the Gold Dust, and have it upgraded to the Gilded Sword. I then play the Song of Time to return to the past, get a powder keg, and go to Romani Ranch, and help stop THEM, which I believe were aliens, and get another mask, and find and get Epona back. I then play the Song of Time again, to return to the past, getting a red potion, as I had a feeling I would need it, and finally go to the Ocean, riding on Epona.

That's when Tatl attempted to betray me. When I landed, she changed her flight path to try and knock me on the spike poles, which I was able to avoid, and I grab Tatl's wings and shove her in a bottle. "Now, I know I didn't say much of what she said throughout the story of my adventure through Termina, but if I were to say each statement about me, we would be talking for at least a month in just my first exploration in Clock Town Alone. That's why I didn't say each and everything she said, but to sum it up, she would say stuff like 'Useless boy, you can't do anything right' to ' Skull Kid wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you', as well as a multitude of insults ranging from mild, to just outright disgusting. So I just kept most of it out of the adventure retelling, just to keep the story moving. Back to it." I say, explaining it.