
With Tatl in the bottle, having to talk to the Giants by herself, I make my way into the bay, to see a flock of seagulls circling a Zora that was just floating in the middle of the bay, who I pushed to shore, to help him. He stands up slowly, and in severe pain from what I could tell, and he walked up to a stable part of the beach and just collapsed. He tells me he failed in getting Lulu's eggs back, and he wanted to heal. So, I played the Song of Healing, and he seems to smile, seeing something I can't, as he fades away, leaving a guitar, which I make a grave for him, with his guitar as the marker for it. I then talk to a guy in a house, who tells me that his Gerudo picture is ruined, and he needs a new one for his own needs.

So, I head to the Pirates Fortress, and infiltrate it, finding a clock Town Guard who needs a red potion and could only be seen with the Lens of Truth. I happen to have the potion, give it to him, and receive the Stone Mask. This mask, as I find out, is the best not transforming mask, and I use it to infiltrate the Gerudo Fortress, and after learning that the Pirates don't have all the eggs, I make two trips throughout the Fortress, getting their Hookshot, getting the Zora eggs, and taking them to a professor, and taking a picture of one of the pirates, who I give to the guy, in exchange for a sea horse, who guides me to the remaining eggs, and I learn the New Wave Bossa Nova. I look for the home of the Zora, and look for a bit, find it, and meet the one called Lulu, and hit the owl statue nearby. I talk to her, and find out she lost her voice in worry for her eggs. I try to tell her, but she either doesn't listen, or doesn't acknowledge it. I think for a bit, and realize that's what the Song I learned is needed for. To prove that she has to hear it, in order to believe it. I play the song as a Zora, she starts singing, and the island that was in front of us turned out to be a giant turtle. Never would have thought I would have said that, but it happened.

I use the Hookshot to get on the giant turtle, and we travel to the Great Bay Temple. When we arrived I jumped off the Turtle, and thanked it for bringing me to the Temple, which it didn't have any problem with doing. I look around the room, light a few torches and get a chest. The Great Bay Temple I will say is a convoluted mess. It took was easily the second most confusing temple I ever went through. I spent half of the time swimming in the Zora form, just trying to find where the fuck do I go, while I also spent the other half of the time trying to make sure I checked everywhere, and get the stray Fairies while I was at it. It wasn't a hard temple, just confusing. I did get the Ice arrows for this adventure from the temple.

Eventually, I reached the Boss room, and the boss was a giant fish. It was easy in the beginning until it made the central platform sink, and then it basically became an underwater version of feed King Dodongo bombs, just a little more difficult mainly due to swimming and underwater shit. I quickly found out the fish's name was Gyorg, and I am transported to the bubble bathroom again.

"Hero, thank you for freeing me. You have done well to come this far. Tatl... Is beyond help sadly. While once you release her, she will try to kill you again. Leave her in the bottle, until your journey is done, Hero. I am sorry I don't have much else to say to you, as anything I can say wouldn't be very helpful other than the ranch next to Romani's Ranch has something to help you in your quest." The Giant of the Bay says, before transporting me back to where I meet Lulu and the Giant Turtle.

After visiting the areas Great Fairy, I first play the Song of Time to bring me back to the first day, go around helping more people, and find myself with eleven, not transformative masks, so I decide to go to where Romani's Ranch is, and go through the way, and race the brothers on Epona, beat them, and get the Garo's Mask. After that, I head west, to the final location, called Ikana Canyon.

As soon as I enter the canyon, I get chills, similar to the Shadow Temple chills. But I move on, knowing that I won't let a world with innocent people die just because I am afraid. I move forward, past a few jumps on Epona, and head left, as I didn't see a way forward, and the guy sitting on the cliff gave me a creepy feeling.

Entering the Cemetery, I see it is empty minus some bats and a grave keeper. I walk father along and see the b-biggest skeleton I have ever seen. Oh Din help me. I really hope this isn't a Shadow Temple again. I read the tablet next to the damn skeleton, and it talks about awakening it. So I play the Sonata of Awakening, and it BREAKS the fucking stone bridge and starts walking away. I make chase, and after killing a few stalchildren, I catch up and beat the giant skeleton.

The Giant skeleton, after requesting a quick end of hostilities, makes me his commander basically and tells me the chest holds the Captain's hat, which will give me command of his restless troops. After two grave destroying nights later, I enter the grave that leads me to a room with a fucking Iron Knuckle. Needless to say, I beat it after a pretty tough fight. A ghost then appears, and teaches me the Termanian Song of Storms, and asks me to save his brother, who sold his soul to the devil.

After I leave that, I go to the cliff, and the guy on the cliff talks about a mask gotten from a ranch, and I figure it quickly that he is talking about the Garo Mask, which I wear, and he lets me through. After wandering the area, and using the Hookshot to get to the top of the Canyon, I see four Gibdos circling a house and a dry river. I decided to look at the source of the river and save a ghost who was corrupted by his own stupidity to selling his soul to the devil. After music plays, I exit the cave to see the Gibdos gone. So I decide to enter the house after a little girl left it, and find a half-man, half gibdo leave a closet in the basement. So I try the Song of Healing, and after a heartfelt family reunion, I get the Gibdo's mask, and I decide to head towards the only place I haven't gone to yet, The top of the area, and I also find the location of the last Great Fairy I need to help.

I then find a well, and I go down it, wearing the Gibdo's mask, and see the Gibdo's asking for stuff, but after realizing I was now the captain of their army, I assume, they let me go without stopping me. I eventually reach the enclosed castle, Ikana Castle, which was abandoned. After a bit of walking around, exploring, I eventually reach the Throne Room of the castle and nearly have a heart attack. The beings waiting for me are actually living skeletons, not like Stalfos and Stalchildren. Actual fucking living dead people, moving around like they never died. At least it is just three of them and not an entire Temple of dead people coming to life.

After they reveal their one weakness, light, I use the Mirror shield to bring them to the light, and the King teaches me a song to allow me to enter the final temple, Stone Tower Temple. He told me thousands died trying to topple it, as it was the source of the curse on the land of Ikana, and the only remaining remnant of the curse this world has. He admits that the ancients created the temple to insult the three Golden Goddesses, proclaiming the four giants were better than them. While most of the ancients agreed, some didn't and left to avoid the disaster they could see coming. Those that remained couldn't do anything to stop their greatest mistake, other than seal it away. The Majora's Mask. It was created to be the ultimate fuck you to the Golden Goddesses, and be used to destroy their symbol of power, the Triforce. But because the Goddess were less than pleased with them, they essentially had most of them killed. The survivor's descendants are what populate this world, including what was once the might of Ikana, as they existed before they were born.

After learning that, I head to Stone Tower Temples entrance, and after a long and tough climb, I hit the owl statue to allow easy travel to it, and play the Song of Time to return to the first day, as it was nearing the night of the Third Day.

Because I knew once I finished Stone Tower Temple, I was going to go straight for Majora, I decide to finish gathering the remain side quests I could have done, which only was like 2 things. Getting the only masks I didn't have, one of them I assumed to be in the Temple, I complete the hardest quest, one that would take three days, and get two masks from it. The Keaton Mask and the Couples mask. I notice I have nineteen not transforming masks at this point, and three of the transforming kind, so I decide to buckle up and topple the Stone Tower.

I will say right now, the Stone Tower Temple is the third most creepy Temple I have ever explored, and the most confusing Temple, easily. Tons of backtracking, strange puzzles, and literal flipping of the temple, with a multitude of oddities in it. "To describe the Stone Tower Temple, is difficult, mainly because I necessarily can't describe some of the murals drawn on them." I say, about the drawing on some of the tower's walls.

"Are you able to draw them?" Zoe asks. I go to draw in the dirt, but it seemed like I blacked out, and when I came to, the hunters and Apollo were around me, and I was laying on the ground for some reason.

"What the hell happened?" I ask, confused as hell.

"You started the bare bones of the drawing, then suddenly got a blank look in your eyes, and passed out. Looking at the drawing, I think I got a good idea of what it was. The Giants you described, and the Golden Goddesses your land worships correct?" Zoe says. I look over where I started drawing it and see it isn't finished.

"Yes, but it isn't finished. The drawing has more." I say, get up, and walk over to finish the drawing. I believe I entered another trance or something, as when I come back, it is a semi-accurate redrawing of it. The hunters and Apollo look over it, and the hunters look infuriated, and Apollo gains a strange look like he knows something I don't know about.

"Link, do you know that the drawing actually means?" Apollo asks slowly, looking me dead in the eyes, with a look that barely hides his worry and confusion.

"No. I only saw them throughout the Temple, I saw different versions of the drawing, but each one symbolized the same thing. That. Whatever it is." I tell Apollo, while the Hunters looks pissed.

"Link, remind me again, you were raised by a group of children right?" Apollo asks, for clarification.

"Yes, I was raised by the Kokiri were children of the forest." I say, confused at what Apollo was getting at.

"To go along with that question, what do you understand about the differences between a boy and a girl?" Apollo asks seriously, and the Hunters look at him with confusion.

"They are essentially the same right?" I ask Hunters and Apollo looks at me with a look of shock, though Apollo turns to a look of understanding.

"So you never had the Talk. Though, considering that you were never able to learn it, not surprising." Apollo says, confusing me, and making the hunters realize what he meant.

"So he is innocent in that regard?" Zoe asks carefully.

"I am sure of it. He didn't go through puberty normally, raised by children, and never realized what the drawings meant, leads me to the conclusion that he has never had the Talk, or even knows what it is." Apollo says. The hunters look on at me, with a look that I don't understand at all.

"Well, should I continue the story or-" I say, only to be interrupted by Apollo.

"No, I think you need to know what I am referring to with the Talk." Apollo says.

"I think it should wait for later Lord Apollo. Maybe his parents could tell him. But it shouldn't be you, in all honesty. You aren't someone-" Zoe says before Apollo interrupts her.

"I know I may have done some less than stellar things in the past Zoe, but I am speaking as a serious, no fucking around, doctor way. Link NEEDS to be told or else it will be worse for him in the future. I understand, and agree with you that normally, I shouldn't be trusted with this kind of conversation, but I in all seriousness, am going to tell him what he needs to know. For the sake of Chaos, he doesn't know what the drawing even represents! It needs to be explained!" Apollo says, in a no-nonsense tone, shocking the hunters. "I don't like acting like this, but I am being very serious about this, and I don't want to dilly dally with this. Once he understands, even if it isn't fully due to his issues, the better it is for him. Chaos, it might even help him! If it makes you ladies feel better in this case, I will be explaining it in front of you, and you can help explain it where you can and clarify some of the cases to him. Okay?" Apollo explains, before asking the hunters. The hunter's group up, talk a bit, and Zoe agrees to it, in a tone I don't get, but seems forced.

"Now Link, to begin with, you know what your gender is right?" Apollo asks me seriously.

"Yes. I am a male." I say, easily though confused at where this is going.

"And what is Zoe?"Apollo asks me again.

"A girl." I say, still confused, wondering what is the point of these questions, isn't he supposed to be talking about this Talk thing?

"In most cases, a boy will like a girl. In some cases, its a boy liking a boy and a girl liking a girl. Tell me, have you ever felt attracted to someone?" Apollo asks.

"No?" I say with an even more confused tone.

Apollo just sighs. "That's right, the fucked over puberty did fuck you over in that aspect. Well, to give it a simplification, you feel a pull to a guy or girl, in a way that feels natural. Like most growing on another surface, or gravity pulling an apple to the ground. Something that feels right to you. That is an attraction to another person, either to a guy, girl, or both. Simply put, you want to be closer to them than what friendship allows. That's a state most people who go through puberty normally will understand. Because of your mess with puberty, it didn't happen in a way that should have happened. To sum it up, a healthy form of attraction is one that happens naturally, like a connection. Sometimes it happens right away, sometimes it takes time to build up. Any questions so far Link?' Apollo explains, then asks.

"What is a sign of this attraction to others?' I ask.

"That one can't be defined in any one way. Simply, you usually just want to be with them more than other people. It is not easy, if possible to explain in words, the only way to truly explain it is for you to go through it yourself." Apollo says.

"Okay. I don't fully get it, but I think I got a general idea." I say.

"Now, the bad side to this, and using that drawing as an example. That image depicts a horrible side to the attraction I am talking about, do not associate with it though, it is a far more evil side than you think. While a natural version of it is encouraged, which is what marriage is, that is the sinister side of what I am talking about. The word for it is rape. Simply put, that drawing is depicting the giants from the land of Termina raping your Golden Goddesses. It's is a disgusting act that only the most disgusting, evil, or just plain assholes due. The ones who do it either abuse their power, authority or just plain are disgusting beings who do it. Yes, most of the Olympians have done this in one shape or form, and we are guilty of it, even if some of us view it in a better light than others do. Point is, that drawing is a disgusting thing that the mortals made at their point of time, and the Golden Goddesses of your land wanting to remove them is understandable, and the Ikana King was justified in wanting to topple such a disgusting piece of history, though I would state holding parts of it to remind their people what lead to their moment, is necessary." Apollo says.

"Okay, but what is rape exactly?" I ask.

"Rape is forced sex to simplify it. Sex can be multiple things, oral, by the ass, handjobs, or a dick entering a vagina, just to give an idea. While sex is with consent, meaning you both are agreeing to do it, rape is where one side is forcing the other into it. It can be forced by authority, power, or drugs." Apollo says, with a grim tone.

"That's... Why." I say, dumbfounded, and disgusted.

"It exists because beings, human, god, titan, and primordial, can be very cruel beings. Most beings will say that immortals never change, and I disagree for the most part. We just change at a slower pace. Some are just extremely stubborn, making change much harder, others can change easily. I will not lie and make us look pretty, which I can't as I am the god of truth. For all purposes though, that was the talk, and that's what those drawings represent." Apollo says. I just look at him with a less confused, but still unsure face.

"I... I don't think I completely understand. Maybe it is because I didn't go through puberty normally, I was raised by children, I don't really know. Maybe in the future, I will understand what you mean, but right now, I don't. Experience in it might help, but that is hard to say." I say, in a low, confused, and worried tone, just a bit nervous as a whole. I really, really don't know how to put into words how that whole conversation is confusing, and hard to understand, in a way that is more mental than anything. I understand what they are saying, but it isn't connecting so to speak.

"You might be able to, or it might be locked away. I honestly can not tell you if that is the case. The only one who could, I wouldn't trust with you to be alone with, and she would all but demand it to be the case." Apollo says, with a grim look. "Link, I want you to have this. No catches. It is a small pearl-like orb, that can be broken. When you need it, break it. I am breaking a ton of laws by being here, but my domain of healing is what lets me be here, laws be damned in this case. Now, I must leave before certain beings get mad, but if you need to, break the orb, and unless I am with the other gods fighting, let's say Typhon the Father of Monsters, I will come. Also, can I have a sample of the Red, Green, Blue, and if you have it, Great Fairies Tears? It would help me come up with ways to help others who need healing. Lets me learn their recipes as well." Apollo asks for, which I give him about one-fifth of a bottle of each, even the tears. I do it understand that one day, those can help those in serious need of help and care. "Thank you Link. I do owe you one, and the orb of light is a gift, so if you need something of me that's within my power, ask for it. Later on though, as it is almost three pm, and I am sure that the hunters, as well as I do, want to hear about the rest of the Stone Tower Temple, ignoring the drawings, and how it went." Apollo says, before leaving the hunters and me in the arena again.

"Well, to go back to the start of it, the Stone Tower Temple was confusing as all hell." I say. I start explaining the amount of walking in it, the backtracking, the amount of times I use the Transformation masks and the fact that it was HUGE. To explore the first part took two and a half DAYS. I only got through half of the Temple at that point! I did get the light arrows in the temple, to flip it, and once I got the idea of it, and see the temples stone blocks having their tongues beings weird to the Triforce, I played the Song of Time, just so I could explore the flipped Stone Tower Temple.

The flipped version, was harder than the unflipped version, partly because now there was now a lot of gaps, open-air falls, and if I fell, it wouldn't end well for me. I eventually faced off against a grim reaper that Majora corrupted, who thanked me for freeing it, and said it will not go after me, as it was against its rules to claim a soul before it's time, which its appearance was supposed to represent, and the fact that I freed it, would earn me a gift from it. My Sword went from its golden form to a black, blue, and gold form.

"What I did to your sword, was give it the ability to force the dead and undead being to obey you, or to send them back to the afterlife or to help them move on from their deaths. There are only two blades that I know of, that are stronger than this one now. The Master Sword, since I can sense it's magical presence on you, and that one is because of its own unique creation, and the Great Fairy Sword. That one, you already can get since you have all the Stray Fairies of this Temple. Though, while those two swords are better for their own ways, the upgrade I gave your sword is unique for it can do what I said, while the others can't. Granted, one can create their own Great Fairy Tears with, which is the best for healing, while one is just a fuck you to beings and creatures made of, or are pure evil. The sword is also only tied to you, meaning it will only except you as a wielder. Anyone else who tries to use it will suffer increase health issues until they die or give it back to you. This is a thank you gift, and when you die, the sword will join you in death, as it will follow you through the flow of time. I can say that it will harm immortal beings quite badly, and force them to fall, not die, just fall to it. Though I can't say what will happen in that case, as I don't even know. But it is yours now, Hero of Time, and Savior of Termina. I recognize you as the Hero this land needs. Save the final giant, and teach Majora not to fuck with anything again." The Reaper says, before fading away into shadows.

More exploration, which wasn't much due to the Temple being almost completed, I eventually get the Boss Key and reach the Boss Room.

The boss, Twinmold was both easy, and irritating to deal with. The first part of the match was easy, just hit one with arrows until it died, leaving nothing behind. The second one on the other hand, was a nightmare. To fight it, I had to wear my twentieth mask, the Giant's Mask. No, it doesn't make me into a being like the Termina Giants, I just turned into a giant version of myself. Since I couldn't use my sword or shield, I had to use my fists and the environment against the remaining Twinmold.

NOT. EASY. The bastard flew around, firing fireballs, and was a general pain to hit at all. I got lucky a few times and realized the more I spun it, the more damage it would take. It took for spins, the first one was a slow spin, and I quickly learned from there, doing three fast and powerful spins, and defeated Twinmold. It was hell honestly.

I am then transported to the Giant's Bubble Bathroom. "Hero, you have freed the four of us. Tatl can only be released after Majora is defeated. Link, save Termina please! We can promise you to let you keep the masks you gained over this adventure, and their powers to stay, but if the Moon falls, we all will die. No one is safe. Not even us Giant's if it falls. Save Termina, save this land's people! Please." The Giant says, shocking me as it had tears coming from its eyes. "Hero, the Goddesses did curse this land because of the Ancients that created the Stone Tower Temple. I can tell you flat out I will destroy the Temple myself so that the Goddesses themselves know that Termina doesn't support such a thing at all. It was our fault that we let the Ancients think so highly of themselves, to the point that they believed us to be better than the Creators. Majora is one of the few remaining artifacts with power that the Ancients created. Either destroy or remove the power of it, but don't let it win Hero. We all are counting on you!" The Ikana Giant says, before teleporting me back into the main Canyon of Ikana.

I quickly run towards the Great Fairy Fountain nearby to reunite all the Stray Fairies to reform the final Great Fairy. The Great Dairy Reforms, and speaks to me. "Hero, I see you blade was blessed by the reaper Gregormy. You must have helped him immensely to bless it. By extension, he must have told you about the Great Fairy Sword, which I will give you in thanks. He also must have told you about its special power, so I ask you to not abuse it. Wield the sword, and save Termina!" The great Fairy says, giving me the Sword, which is too big for me to wield right now, but as an adult, I could easily. After thanking her, and leaving the fountain, I see it is the beginning of the Third Day, so I decide to head to Clock Town via Song of Soaring, and wait for it to become midnight.

It strikes midnight, and I shake in worry, anticipation, and sadness. Worry, because I don't want to fail the people of Termina. The living members are innocent of the crimes of their Ancestor, which I know that now. Anticipation, as I finally no longer have to worry about that moon after the equivalent of a month and a half of worrying about it. Sadness, as I know I won't return to Termina, as it isn't my land, and Termina will be better off without a person who seems to attract enemies capable of destroying lands. I might return to Hyrule after saving Termina if all goes well.

I run up the stairs to the top of the Clock Tower, and see Majora and Tale looking at me. "Swamp, Mountain, Ocean, Canyon. Hurry, call the four who live there." Tale says, looking at me before Skull Kid smacks Tale, knocking him off the Clock Tower.

But I do just that. I play the Oath to Order. At first, nothing seems to happen. Then the roaring starts. A call to action among the Giants. They begin appearing from their respective locations of Termina, the Ikana Giant "accidentally" knocking over the Stone Tower Temple, destroying, as the walk up to the walls of Clock Town. They look at each other, then the moon, and roar challenge, before throwing their hands up at the moon, using magic and their considerable physical strength, based on their shaking legs and arms, before the Moon is stopped in place, barley stopped before hitting the Tower, it's eyes a dead look to them, like it's only purpose was stopped.

I look at Skull kid and see him passed out, but I know better. The Mask suddenly pops off his face. "A weak-minded puppet is of no use to me. Then again, neither is a fool trying to stop this lands fate of death. The Goddesses orientated this lands death Hero, and you won't stop it." Majora says in a feminine, yet evil voice, before flying up and EMPOWERING THE MOON! Its eyes, for a bit dull and dead, return to life glowing with rage, power, and desire to crush everything. I see the Giant's barely able to hold the moon, struggling to stay standing against the combined might of the Moons power, and Majora powering it up.

I see the path Majora left open, and I go into the moon. As I come to, I see it is like a field, a grassland with four playing children around the tree, and one sitting at its trunk. I speak to each one and realize why I had the not transformative masks. They were to be given, to prove once and for all, that Termina can let go of it's past and issues, for a better future. It was disguised as them wanting to play, but I could tell the true intentions as I went along.

Playing with each child, who wore one of the four masks of the bosses I fought, I am left with the Deku, Goron, and Zora mask, facing the final child. The one wearing the Mask of Majora. He gets up, says all I have left are weak masks, and I am given a mask so powerful, that I only consider it a last resort mask. The Fierce Deity Mask. Also known as the Oni Deity Mask. I didn't use it at first against Majora, as it wasn't necessary. That was, until the third phase. It was something I couldn't keep up with, almost as if it entered a realm of power beyond my own. I was forced to use the Fierce Deity Mask. Its power was enough to turn the third phase Majora into dust, and it was beaten. But using it was dangerous. Its power is enough to destroy a world if used improperly, and it only lets me use it. I swore not to use it unless absolutely necessary, and I still stand by that oath.

After Majora was beaten, I return to the Termina fields to see the citizens celebrating, about how the festival was still happening, and that the moon was stopped. The all but the Giant from the Swamp go back to their homes, and the Ikana Canyon one making sure to destroy the remains of the Stone Tower Temple, making sure it would never haunt the land of Termina again.

The Skull kid turned out to be the one I taught Saria's song to in the Lost Woods, and I release Tatl, who joins the group of Skull Kid and Tale, before leaving. All that remains is me, the Shigeru, who looks happy at me, and the Swamp Giant.

"Link, Hero of Time and Savior of Termina. I thank you for not only keeping your end of our deal and going beyond it by ending the Darkness in the Mask. It will never bother anyone again. Return to Hyrule, after speaking to the Gaint of course." Shigeru says, before leaving, with his never-ending smile.

I then look towards the Giant. "Hero, you have saved Termina, and the Goddesses acknowledge that Termina will continue to exist. We, the people and guardians of Termina, thank you Link, Hero of Time and Savior of Termina!' The Giant of the Swamp roars, and the people cheer. I quickly get on Epona and leave Termina in embarrassment, as I didn't do it for the praise, but because it was the right thing to do. I quickly find out that the entrance was still under the Tower, and leave as it shifts away from the Clock Tower.

Leaving the entrance to Termina, I look back at the tree, and see the bag I held all the masks in, filled with them again, and a note from the Giant saying "We keep our promises, Hero. Thank you for everything. May we cross paths on terms that don't involve the world ending." Swamp, Mountain, Ocean, and Canyon Giants.

"I still have the note. I kept it knowing that getting rid of it would be idiotic. That is the end of my story, as I returned to Hyrule for a while, Zelda got strange, and I eventually arrived here. That is the past adventures I went through, so any questions?" I ask.

"What do you mean Zelda got strange?" Zoe asks, with a strange look in her eye.

"Well, I really don't have a good way to explain it, as I think it is something I don't truly know." I say, honestly.

"I won't push it, but if I found out that it was something much worse, I don't think she will be happy to know that you hid something important to us." Zoe says.

"If there was something like that, I would have said it, if I knew of it. But hey, you got the full story of mine. I just need to rest, as I don't like remembering certain parts of my adventures." I say, before leaving the area, going to the woods to think, and relax. The woods would help me, even if it isn't a good idea.

Jesus Fucking Christ on a Pogo stick jumping through a ring of fire, lit by the Fire Lord Ozai. I did not intend for Majora's Mask to end up so long, but hey, it happened. I will just now say thank you for the 1,000 views again, and thank you for following and Favoriting, and reviewing. No, I won't ask you to do it. I am just thanking those that do, as I know that they made the effort to do it without asking. Now, a bonus thing, an Omake. It IS canon by the way to the story. This one is from the King of Hyrule, who I will name Daphnes Hyrule here for simplicity, point of view.


I just look on, from my throne, listening to my advisors suggest a war with the Gerudo, even though the country is still recovering from the civil war that was fought, about seventeen and a half years ago.

"ENOUGH! I want to be alone. No more talk about war until further notice, understood?" I ask, well more demand from my advisors, who nod their heads in agreement, then for all intensive purposes run out of the room. I then slump into my throne, with my head against my head, trying to weaken the headache that was coming. But instead of pain, I get a signal disruption. The spell I placed on my grandnephew, who I was hoping after all this time was alive, was disrupted. I instantly sit up in my throne, with a shocked expression. I made that spell to only be disrupted by either him turning eighteen, or him dying. I know it isn't either though, as I placed a second spell that would tell me his condition. While it would basically read him as near death at times, it always went back to living, and I still sense he is alive.

"Serry. I want you to bring me, my daughter. I wish to speak to her." I command the guard, who salutes to my order, then leaves to fetch her. I sigh, wishing my daughter wasn't so odd acting. Ever since the boy who looked a lot like my grandnephew's disguise, down to the fucking hair and eye color, warned me about Ganondorf's betrayal, with evidence of songs and knowledge only those of the Royal Family could know of, Zelda went from being a normal daughter to something akin to a possessive woman, and by possessive, I mean she could very well just try and lock up Link so she could have him to herself. I worry about her at times, as I worry that she might end up doing things that not even out ancestor the Goddess Hylia, would not only disapprove of but flat out leave her, which might kill her. I love her, more than she thinks, as ever since her mother died, I wanted to keep her safe, even if it meant I would ignore the dreams of prophecy, which I knew was stupid. She has gotten worse, ever since Link left and her failed attempts to woe him, and the one time he visited me, saying Zelda was being extra strange around him and left. I didn't stop him, as I knew that Zelda was acting very, very odd, if not worse. My daughter enters the room.

"Zelda, I wanted you here to tell you something. Years ago, my Nephew died as the civil war ended, his wife assumed dead. His son's fate was unknown for the longest time. I now know for sure he is alive. He is related to the Royal Family by blood, and when I see him again, we WILL welcome him into it. He deserves that much after what happened to him." I say to my daughter, who nods slowly to what I say, understanding.

"Father, I understand, but what about Link?" Zelda asks, blushing a little and playing with her dress. I instantly look at her, confused.

"Link?" I ask. That's the name of my grandnephew. While I never learned the Hero's name, if it is him, oh Din help me.

"Link, the one who warned us about Ganondorf Father." Zelda says, blush deepening.

"My grandnephew is also named Link... Oh Hylia help me." I say, realizing it. My grandnephew was in front of me this whole time. While it was nearly seventeen years in two weeks since I last have seen him, as I set the spell up on his birthday, While I can't control the fact that that long of a time does dull the memory, I SHOULD have realized it. "Zelda... The Hero Link and my grandnephew Link are the same person." I say, as Zelda stops blushing and looks at me with shock at first, then gets a smile that only fits a person in heat.

"That's nice, so that means he will be around more often then. Maybe finally I can get him to be with me." Zelda says, shocking me.

"Zelda. You know marrying family like that is not allowed." I say, in shock and worry. I think I know now the problem. My Daughter is more than attracted to him, she WANTS him. Din help me as I try to explain to her the problem here, though I believe she isn't listening. I just hope Link is doing okay, and Zelda didn't try anything bad to him.

Omake end. Yeah, if you can guess what Zelda did, you get a free block off internet cookies. The whole Zeldas thing is important by the way. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Omake. Have a great day, and see you next chapter!

EDIT 1: Italic and some minor fixes.