Chapter 6: Prophecy, Monster, Goddess, and Junkyard 1/2

Over 2,000 views. How. I am honestly beyond surprised this story got THAT much. I mean, I expected at least 2000 views long after I either lost where I was going with this or just finished it. Whatever came first. This is actually reaching 3000 views, which is even more surprising than 2000 views.

I am so glad it has that many views, favorites, and follows. It shows to me that people have a interest in it, and it makes me want to write more of it. All I can say, is thank you so much for doing what you guys have done. I won't ask for anything, and quite frankly, I say do what you wish to do. When done without asking, it feels so much better to me, as it shows that they are willing to put in the effort to do it without asking. I am just expressing how much this surprises me, and makes me happy.

Also, I finally decided to make this a LinkxThalia pairing, as it was something I just kept coming back to in my head. It is a one sided with Zelda, but that is it's own can of worms to explain. Which I ended up going into at the end. Eventually, I said fuck it, and just made it the pairing. Please, enjoy this chapter, and have a great day!

As I watch the Great Fairies Sword drip Great Fairies Tears into containers for the Camp, and one of my bottles. To fill a bottle up fully, usually takes about five minutes, mainly because it is a decent sized bottle. The containers are about a third of the size of my bottle, so it fills up much faster than I expected. Once they are fully filled up, I seal them up and take them to the infirmary to be locked up, and I just walk around the camp again.

I find nothing of worth to talk about, and I just go back to the Hermes Cabin, to find the people in it arguing about who win in the upcoming capture the flag game against the hunters. They ignore me, to busy with the argument about it, and I just lay down to sleep off the impending headache.

About three hours later, I am awoken by one of the cabin members, telling me that the game will will happen soon, and we were to watch. The member leaves, and I just look at the wall, irritated. But I just head to the edge of the forest, and watch the game, listening as well to it.

To sum up the game, the campers would have won if Percy didn't pull a idiotic, yet understandable move. Thalia in a rage causes lightning to strike Percy, who gets up and starts to make the creeks water to float, until I run up to Percy, and smack him hard on the back of his head. It knocked him out, making the water fall back into the creek, and some of it splashes on him, waking him back up.

At that point, I was already next to Thalia, just talking to her, trying to calm her down, and Zoe was looking smug and worried at the same time. When a green mist starts to form, and it is slowly coming to us. Chiron gives a shocked look, as a humanoid figure appears from the green mist, and by Din I starts shaking in fear. A walking corpse. Like a redead, but actual human. It just slowly walks forward, until it reaches Zoe, and it speaks.

"I am the spirit of Delphi. Speaker of prophecies of Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Pytheon." The noticeable femaleish voice hisses. It looks at Percy, then it looks right at Zoe. "Approach seeker, and ask." It finishes, looking straight at Zoe.

"How do I help my Goddess?" Zoe asks, confusing me at the question, but then it shows Artemis was in chains on a mountain, kneeling with her hands up, like she might have been holding something.

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains,

Two shall go missing in the land without rain,

To reappear to help The Bane of Olympus show the trail,

Campers and Hunters with the help of the Son of The Moon combined shall prevail,

The Titans Curse must one withstand,

And one shall perish by a parents hand

It speaks, before the green mist returns to it, and it falls lifelessly to the ground. At that, I faint due to it being landing RIGHT NEXT to my foot, and it looking to much like a corpse, though I think Thalia caught me, as I was next to her.

I come back to with a quick shock, thanks to Thalia in the Infirmary. I look at her with a confused look. "Please tell me you aren't going to say you are my mom." I say joking. She laughs at that.

"Ha, no. If I was your mom, then something else would be at hand, and I wouldn't have allowed myself to die when my child needed me so much. No, I want to take you to the Head Counselor room, to talk about the prophecy with us. You might have some ideas, and understanding that we don't about it." Thalia says.

"Well, lets go then. That way, it can be figured out quickly." I say, getting our of the bed. We walk towards the Big House, and enter it to go to the councilor room. We walk into the room, to see Chiron and Dionysus sitting at an odd looking table, and Grover eating white balls with groves on them, with crackers on the table, and bottles filled wit ha dark liquid that looks foamy and fizzy. The councilors minus one area, is taken up by the respective cabin leaders, most of them I have yet to meet. I see Zoe sitting at the spot for Artemis cabin leader, and I see Percy sitting at the Poseidon's spot, and Thalia just stands next to me.

"Thalia, why did you bring Link here? He isn't a council member." Chiron asks.

"I figured he might have more ideas then we might be able to come up with, besides the obvious for the prophecy." Thalia says, seriously. Chiron drops it, as at the end, another head is helpful.

So some discussion on the prophecy occurs, until Zoe slams her fist on the central table. "All this mild talk won't help us find Artemis!" Zoe yells, irritated.

"Zoe, first, they are discussing about it. But I think I have an idea of what it wants done, besides the obvious. The ones that worry me are the Bane of Olympus, and the Son of The Moon part." Thalia says. Thalia, Percy, Zoe, and I know that what that line is referring to, but Artemis made it hard to talk about. "We have no clue who this Son of The Moon is and quite frankly, it is concerning at the fact there might be this, not including the fact that The Bane of Olympus can be a multitude of creatures, though if it was Typhon or the Kraken, Olympus would be on high alert, and one person for sure will die, while two will go missing. All we can do is go west, to a unknown location, and worry about some unknown monster, AND find a demigod that may not exist. No, I know that you will try to have your entire group as hunters, but it needs to be campers and hunters, meaning you have to choose more than hunters." I say. Zoe sighs at that.

"I know that. If I was a complete moron, I would do that, taking nothing but hunters. I am the lieutenant of Artemis's hunt for a good reason after all. But I am aware of what it said. I know who I want to take with me, since I was the one given the prophecy too. Thalia, Phoebe, Grover for a stayer maybe able to help as well, and Link." At that, the room goes silent.

"Zoe... You want a male to go with you?" Chiron asks, quietly, with a hint of shock. Dionysus looks at Zoe with a strange look, and the rest of the campers just look on with shock.

"Yes. He told me about his adventures, with three daughters of Apollo that are apart of the hunt confirming his honesty about his experiences. He easily went through adventures that would make every single Hero of Olds adventures seem like a walk through a park in comparison. He quite literally faced against creatures comparably to a few Olympians, and won. It is his story to tell, and it was a rather long story. Even if it was summarized. He will be a great asset to the quest, even if I would rather have another female on it, but I am not a raging idiot who would deny someone with obvious power to help. Grab what you need, and meet up at the hill." Zoe says, seriously and with a bit of force. The Stoll brothers give a shirt to Zoe for Phoebe. She takes the shirt. After that, the meeting breaks up and Percy looks upset. Thalia sees it and goes to talk to him. I leave to go grab my stuff, and wait at the meeting point, which has a tree with a gold fleece on it.

As I wait, I notice a little dragon resting at the tree. He seems about half grown, if I were to guess. Then again, I haven't dealt with dragons besides them trying to kill me, like Volvagia. The dragon laying by the tree suddenly sneezes, startling it self into waking up. It looks around confused, then looks at me, starring at me. It then lays back down, to sleep in front of the tree. I just stare at it, confused as to what the actual hell did I just witness. I then look at the fleece, and notice that is is an actual gold fleece, and I can feel the power coming from it like crazy. That explains the dragon, and why it is sleeping here then. It must be guarding the fleece from those who would try to steal it. I look closer at the tree itself, and see that even though the fleece seems to be healing it from some sort of poison looks to be in it, trying to kill the tree.

That confuses me even more. Why in the ever living fuck would a person poison a tree for? Granted Ganondorf cursed the Great Deku Tree with a death curse, so I guess this tree must be a guardian of sorts, that or a barrier producer. The dragon though, seems to be keeping a closer eye on me now though. I continue looking at the tree, when I decide to pull out the Ocarina of Time, to play a special song to see if it will help the tree. The Song of Healing, to be exact. Playing the haunting, yet soothing melody, the song that can heal a multitude of things. Anything form a bad day, to literally sending the dead to a peaceful afterlife, the song can heal many, many things. But the one thing that I remember when I played this song above all else, besides who taught it to me of course, it was to a man who lost almost everything to an evil tyrant who destroyed his entire world.

The man was named Bardock. When I saw him in the forest, he was bordering death due to his injuries. He didn't have much time left, and when he saw me, he looked upset, yet oddly content. Sort of like he knows he is fucked, but is happy about something he did. He was ready to pass on, but due to him being in the Lost Woods, he would not be able to without outside help, which I told him flat out. At the time, he looked upset at that information, until I explained that while he couldn't pass on here, I had a way that could let him pass on to the afterlife of his world.

"Boy. Do me one favor before you do it. Help my son, Kakarot, when you can. I couldn't be a father for him, but I think you can help him." He pleads to me, with the little life he had left at the time. I nod my head, for I know at some point, I would be heading to his world in the future. I then play the Song of Healing, and watch as I see his entire life play out, witnessing everything he did, and the reasons why it was done, up to the point he arrived in the Lost Woods. After the memory journey with him, he starts to fade away, leaving a mask that holds a tiny portion of his soul, powers, and abilities for me to use. I put the mask on, and transformed into a fully healed version of him, and his tiny section of his soul the remained was able to teach me about the Sayian form, their powers, abilities, and techniques he had gained over time. He saw my point of view, and agreed to let it be, knowing that I would go there one day, to fulfill my promise to him. I swore not to use it like Fierce Deity's Mask, unless absolutely necessary. Of course, I still have his mask, though I believe that he is close to doing what Darmani, Miku, and Deku did with their masks.

As my little trip through memory lane ends, and the Song of Healing ends in it's playing, I see the tree going from it's technical better, to a truly better state. I could FEEL the power difference, and how much better and healthier aura around it. Simply put, it could possibly withstand anything now short of being completely destroyed by being ripped into extremely tiny pieces.

After about 20 minutes of waiting, I realize that the other group members will leave at the rise of the sun, so I just walk away from the hill, to go back to the forest, to just look around a bit, see if anything is different that, or just deal with a stubborn stocked monster in the forest. Whatever the case is, I just head to the forest to just find something to do.

A few hours of exploring it, the sun starts to slowly rise from the sky, so I decide to head back to the hill that the tree and dragon are on. When I get back there, I see a guy with multiple eyes leaving it, and see the group, minus one of the group members, waiting on the hill, looking at the tree with shock.

"How, I though the tree was healed by the Golden Fleece?" Grover said, confused about the tree new condition.

"I guess while the Fleece is a powerful healing item, it can't heal everything. It could only stop the poison, not destroy it I guess. If anything, it's being healed, and the fleeces power seems to make the camp even safer and harder to attack. That's a good thing." Thalia says, looking at the tree a bit closer than Grover.

"That does make sense, but who could have done it?" Grover asks, confused still about the tree's miraculous recovery.

"I did. I noticed that the tree was suffering from some form of poison, so I healed it." I said walking to them. Grover looks on with pure shock and a bit of awe.

"The type of power, or magic, is equivalent to Pan! To heal a tree like this, is powerful magic indeed!" Grover says, with a look of awe still, while Zoe just shakes her head.

"Enough. We need to go. We must rescue Artemis. If we don't, it could lead to a war between the Gods, which is something we don't want." Zoe says, making everyone focus back on her.

"Aren't we missing someone?" I ask, wondering where Phoebe was.

"The shirt the Stoll brothers gave, was lined with centaur blood, which is a poison to most living beings, and makes them break out in painful hives. It will take to long for the poison to flush out, so it will be safer for her to stay behind, and leave in a group of four." Zoe says, to answer my question. I nod my head in understanding.

We then head to the white van, as Thalia explains more about their world, the technology, cities, and some information for their buildings. It does give me a better idea of what to expect in this world. Mostly so I don't react oddly to the fact that technology is far more advanced than I have yet to see. I thank Thalia for just telling me what to expect.

As Zoe drives the van through the streets, as Thalia said they were called, with backed up traffic, as we head towards the city called Manhattan, a major city that also is the location of where the Olympus happens to be located at. As Zoe continued to drive through the insane traffic located here, we eventually go through a tunnel of Manhattan, and I continue to ask Thalia questions about a multitude of this about this world. They have been to the moon, which is both impressive, and a bit worrying. Eventually, after quite a bit of talking, questions being answered, driving, we pass though places like New Jersey, and reach a part of the land called Maryland. Zoe stops the van in front of a building called The National Air and Space Museum.

"The trail Artemis left comes here. It doesn't stop here, but there might be clues here. Stick together, we don't know what to expect." Zoe says, as we group up.

We walk through the museum, and that's when I notice, that this world uses a completely different language for writing. Quite frankly, I get the feeling that the spoken launguage is quite similar. I decide to wait until a better time to ask a few questions, as something in the building is setting off my danger sense. While walking around, Thalia is knocked over by something invisible, and Zoe near instantly has a bow and arrow ready at the spot, Thalia quickly got up and has her spear ready, and I have my Gilded Sword ready for combat. Percy reveals himself, looking panicked about something.

"You! How are you here!" Zoe says, irritated at the fact that Percy is here, I think.

"How did you catch up with us to begin with?" I ask, keeping my sword out, looking at Percy.

"Blackjack, but there isn't much time! Some guy named the General is here, and rose some skeleton warriors!" Percy says, clearly worried. Zoe quickly gets from irritated to worried.

"How many!?" Zoe asks, clearly panicked at the idea of these skeleton warriors.

"Twelve of them. But that's not all. The General said he was sending us a playmate to distract us. A monster." Percy says, calming down a bit.

Something about what Percy says, seems to spook Zoe. "The General!? It can't be. You must have been seeing things!" Zoe says, seemingly spooked about this General guy.

"I don't think illusions can crack marble floors." Percy says, with a sarcastic sounding tone. After that, a loud growl is heard, like an angry monster, then a child yells kitty, and a giant lion comes barging through, making the people start running away in fear. Zoe quickly tells us to scatter, and keep it distracted, while she thinks of a way to try and kill the lion, called the Nemean Lion.

When we scatter, I pull out the Hylian shield to compliment my Gilded Sword, test a slash at it and watch as my sword just scrapes against it's fur, doing no damage to it. I quickly jump backwards to give myself some space from it, watching Zoe fire arrows that just shatter off it's fur, and I closely watch the Nermain Lion for an opening, when I notice it get aggravated by Thalia's shield, which she is pointing at it to try and scare it I believe, and it goes to claw at her with one of it's paws, which if she got hit by, she would have been killed easily.

If I am ever asked what was I thinking, I will say I don't know, and my body just moved. I didn't realize what I was doing, until I pushed Thalia out of the way of the Nemean Lions claws, and most of it hit my shield. One of the claws happens to hit my leg, going deep enough for me to feel the claw, but not enough to cripple my ability to fight. Of course it hurt a lot, but I handled worse. The Lion roars at me, and I jump right into it's mouth, shocking it, and the others, before I hold it's mouth open with one hand, thanks to the Goron strength, as I don't think I could have done that without the Silver or Gold Gauntlets, and stab the monster through the mouth with the Gilded Sword. The Lion, without warning, forces me out of it's mouth with a roar, an its takes a single step, before it falls to the ground, dead. It slowly turns into a golden dust as it leaves behind a pelt, which I assume is as strong as it's fur before death.

I quickly have to deal with an angry Taget, who while healing the cut, yells at me for not being careful by getting that cut. I was lucky it didn't go to the bone, but I could have easily lost that leg. Thalia, who just finally realized at what just happened, runs over to me, and smacks me in the back of the head, pissed at me pushing her and getting that injury, only to my, and the rest of the groups shock, especially Grover from what I can tell, she hugs me, thanking me for pushing her out of the way, and saving her. I know for a fact that my face speaks confusion, and shock. Thalia quickly ends the hug, and takes a step back, with her face red.

It was probably my second hug I ever got. The first one I got from Cremia after I helped her with her milk run to Clock Town. The first time I got a hug, I felt odd about it. It was a feeling I can't really describe, due to the fact I never really felt that way before. Warm and fuzzy, I think would work for the first time. This time the feeling is slightly different. While I felt the warm and fuzzy feeling, Though as soon as it appears, it leaves, like it never happened. That confuses me, as it feels like it could have been there, but it couldn't grip on something, and left.

While I was having those thoughts, Thalia looks at me with a strange look at my reaction, from what the part of my mind that was not focused on that emotion. Zoe also took notice to my reaction to the hug Thalia gave me, though hers was more confused. The other two were just focused on something else. Percy grabs the pelt, to take in case we need it in the future I think.

I was pulled back to reality when we had to make a run for it from the skeleton warriors, and run back into the van. As we left, a helicopter started to follow us as we drove off. I start to worry, what will they do? Attack us? Make it crash into us? We just sit in the van, trying to evade it, as Thalia hopes for her father to strike it with a lightning bolt, which I don't think will happen.

"I think I have an idea on how to deal with the enemy chasing us." I say, pulling out my bow and nocking an arrow infused with ice powers. Percy, Grover, and Thalia all quickly yell at me to stop. "Why are you stopping me from doing something about those chasing us?" I ask, confused at them yelling at me.

"Because killing mortals isn't right!" Percy says, with Grover nodding along. Thalia has a different opinion to it, though.

"Because they could have families of their own, that may have required them to stoop to the level they are at. Besides the moral part, in terms of legality, we can be held accountable in mortal laws. That would be a whole mess to itself. Not even counting the fact it hasn't been stated if you are considered a citizen yet, due to your circumstances." Thalia says. I sigh, and but away the bow and Ice arrow.

"So you basically want one of the gods or goddesses to do the deed of killing them, to get them off our asses?" I ask, confused and a bit irritated. While I don't like the idea, I do know it is necessary from time to time with some people. Some people are beyond help in many, many ways.

"Yeah. It is the best option besides losing them." Percy speaks before Thalia can respond, which seems to annoy her.

It annoys me really. I know the Gods and Goddesses are real, and my own Goddesses Din, Nayru, and Farore exist but don't truly interfere with the world. They don't interfere at all in all seriousness after they finished what they wanted to do. Other than that, they left the Triforce for the races of Hyrule to do whatever they want with. Percy, Thalia, and Grover seem to believe that The Gods would actually do anything during a quest, which I highly, highly doubt. Unless they are willing to get in severe trouble, which is possible due to Artemis being captured, and I am willing to bet 100% that Apollo is going to get involved. If I understood his relation with Artemis correctly of course, with one interaction that I watched.

Eventually, we lose them by going into a subway, buying tickets, and going south toa city. We switched trains twice, to make sure we for sure lost the helicopter. Good thing to, that thing was murder on my ears. Taget was staying under my hat, as she would cause more problems than it's worth at the moment. We get off at a spot, that Percy calls a railway yard, and it was the end of our ride because of it..

We walk around a bit, Thalia complaining of the cold. I light my fist on fire, shocking the group, but Thalia comes closer to my firey fist. Perks of the fusion of my Goron mask, easy to produce flame.

"Link. How are you producing that flame?" Percy asks, confused. Grover looks like he wanted to ask that same question, as does Thalia and Zoe.

"To make a long story short, it is a power I got a while back, and it is easy to do. It normally is a attack, but I can use it for light and warmth. I don't mind the cold, or warmth to much, but it is to help you guys, so it isn't a problem. It won't harm you, before you ask." I explain easily. The only ones who don't accept the explanation, but won't push it, for now, are Zoe and Thalia. Then again, they do have a better idea about what I am exactly, compared to Percy and Grover. Not that I mind of course.

After about five minutes of walking randomly, I put out my fist fire, which seems to disappoint Thalia a bit, for some reason, but she notices the guy near a barrel which is on fire. After some talking a bit, Percy looks west sadly, and the homeless man points at a train that I know wasn't there before, and when I look back, he is gone, with the fire.

An hour later, we are rolling on the train west to Artemis and I am willing to bet Annabeth. I am just sitting on one of the cars, just feeling the wind flow by me. While it is a lot of wind due to the speed of the train, I don't mind it. Taget is sitting in my lap, enjoying the wind with me, when the homeless man from earlier sits to my side on one of the cars, which was easy due to the size.

"Hello again." The homeless man says. I look at him, and I can tell, that he is hiding something. It takes me a minute to realize it. He isn't a homeless guy.

"Hello Apollo. I am somewhat surprised that you are involved." I say to Apollo, still sitting on the car, feeling the wind. Apollo chuckles at that.

"Please call me Fred. My father doesn't like it when we interfere with mortal quests, but it is my sister that is apart of this quest, and quite frankly, I am willing to bend the rules to try and help her and the quest members anyway I can." Apollo says.

"Understood Fred." I say back, watching as he starts looking at me.

"It's interesting. You look closer to one of my children, but you can't be. You are from a different world, and I never visited your world. It is a scary coincidence that you look the way you do. Though, that might be the magic surrounding you. I know you still don't truly understand your body and others in terms of puberty among things. I was honest when I said that the time travel, the group you grew up with, and knowing your... issues mentally, it isn't a surprise that you are affected by. Even if they don't really seem obvious to others, or yourself. The simple fact that Zoe, the biggest man hater besides my Sister tolerates you, says a lot. I hope you will make progress on your issues outside of this quest though. My children will help you. I think young Thalia will help you more than you think." Apollo says.

"What do you mean, Fred?" I ask confused. I have noticed that Thalia was acting weird around me. Which is something that seems odd considering her personality, from what I picked up on it at least.

"It isn't my place to say. I think it is up to you to discover in this case. Though, I think Aphrodite might have a hand in this." He says, muttering to himself the last part. I just wonder to myself, what could he mean about that. "Anyway, I need to go talk to Percy. Thalia will be coming up here in a minute. Don't do anything stupid." He says, before disappearing. As he said, Thalia does come up, and sits next to me.

We just sit there for about an hour, just sitting there. Oddly enough, she seems to at times, look at me. Though, I assume it is to confirm that I am still there, and looks at Taget, who fell asleep at some point. I could tell because when a fairy sleeps, their little ball of light around them dims a lot. It's comparable to a freshly made fire that is given enough fuel to continue staying alight, and a dying fire, slowly dying due to a lack of wood.

"Can I ask why you are up here, and not in a car?" Thalia asks me.

"I wanted to feel the wind. I also don't really feel comfortable in a small, enclosed space like the cars." I say, quietly and moving Taget to my hat so she can sleep peacefully, without the worry of me forgetting her or getting blown away.

"Huh. I know that there are plenty of cars to sit in, but I needed to just come up here. My cousin, Percy, can be very irritating, but observant when he want's to be. While me and Zoe have been peaceful, it is only a temporary agreement. If the quest wasn't as serious as it was, I would have argued with her on every occasion I was given. Percy discovered that they tried to recruit me back when I was on the run with Luke and Annabeth, as I told you before. I almost accepted, but that would have meant I would have to leave Luke behind at the time." Thalia says.

"If you were offered to join them now, would you?" I ask. Thalia seems to think on that for a minute.

"No. I wouldn't. Not because of Luke, but for my own personal reasons." Thalia says, surprising me a bit. To me, she seems like someone who would fit in perfectly with the hunters, in a sense. I won't ask a the why, as I don't think it is my place to ask. "Link, you should sleep soon. I don't think I have seen you sleep yet. Thinking on it, I haven't seen you eat, drink anything beyond your potions. Why is that?" Thalia says, looking at me with a curious eye now.

"That's hard to explain. The best explanation I can give, is that I developed a way to survive on eating and drink once a month due to what I went through. Normal Hylians are like humans, they need to eat, sleep, and drink regularly to be in tip top shape. I don't know if it was because of my lands Goddesses doing something or what, but I don't really need to do any of that. I can do it, but it isn't necessary beyond the once a month deal, eating and drinking wise. Sleeping, I need to do about once a week, at least. I am unsure as to why, that's just what I know." I say, explaining the best I could. I don't know the details beyond what I discovered myself.

"So, will you go into a car to sleep?" Thalia asks, her voice sounding a bit odd. Maybe hopeful? Not really sure honestly.

"Soon. I am feeling a bit tired." I answer. I can feel the sleep coming at me, but I just want to feel the wind a bit longer. It feels nice, and a bit chilly. I notice Thalia starting to shiver, and decide that it might be better for her to get warm, not feeling the wind. "Alright, I will head towards a car." I say, only for Thalia to jump into the car I was sitting in. I just say, and move to go to a different car, but she stops me.

"Hey, just jump into this car. Closer and easier than going to a different one." She says, with a noticeable tone of sleepiness, and a bit of something else. Not wanting to cause a scene and annoy the others, especially Zoe, I just slid into the opposite side of Thalia, and just sits there.

Thalia seems to fall asleep quickly, while I just look out the windshield, as it is called. The others may have told me about this world, but being told and actually experiencing it is two different things honestly.

I remove the brown glove of the back of my left hand, and see the mark of the Goddesses of Hyrule. The Triforce. As I look at it, I slowly start to fell upset. Seeing it just makes me feel upset about everything I went through, but it also makes me think. Why was I chosen to be the land of Hyrules Hero? Why was it that I had to suffer this dreadful curse of existence that is being the Hero of Time? Some would say it is a blessing to have such an important role, but those who say that are either naive, or fools. Being a Hero is nothing more than a curse, as the most effective heroes, are those who have to suffer the most through out their life's or journeys. Maybe when I was younger and less aware of the curse of being a Hero, I would have loved it.

Now? I hate the title. A title that makes you seem important, and actually someone who others can view as dependable, able to over come all odds, do whatever is necessary. Hero is another name for scrape goat. If not a scrape goat, someone who is viewed as being able to do the impossible with no problem what so ever. Though, I have heard of the idea that the best hero's, are those who didn't ask to be one. Slowly, I start to fall asleep, because of my thoughts, and it just goes dark.

My dreams are weird. Like, prophetic weird, which I don't like. But this dream was less bizarre for me than normal. Granted I usually have nightmares, but that's besides the point. I find myself on top of a mountain, looking over the city I believe, with an ocean and bridge nearby. I turn my dream self around, to see the mountain looking strangely flat on the top, where a tip normally is. I slowly move forward, to the top. At the top, passing a few things, I see Artemis holding up something. I don't see what she is holding though, but what ever it is, it must be extremely heavy for a goddess to not be able to lift it. I look around, and notice a building being slowly rebuilt, brick by brick. Who ever is building it either wants to take their time, or trying to avoid attention. Either way, I am willing to bet that it is important to some degree.

I am pulled to the awaken world, by Thalia shacking me. "It's morning Link. The train's stopped. We need to go." Thalia says, in a strange, close too quite tone. It is actually starting to concern me. I am unsure as to what is making Thalia act like this. Which worries me even more. It is concerning to me that anyone can act like this, with no problem and without noticing. It's like something is controlling her, without her knowing.

"Thalia I-" I start to say, only for her to interrupt.

"Let's go Link. Got a Goddess to rescue after all!" she says, grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the car. I sigh, not wishing to push it in front of the group now. Unless it actually threatens the others, then I will do something. Doesn't mean I won't question someone who knows her better of course.

We find ourself's in a place called Cloudcroft, in New Mexico. From what I can understand from the others at least. I go with Percy and Grover to a grocery store, as they called it, while Thalia and Zoe go get food from the coffee shop, as it was called. We get directions from the clerk, though the clerk does point out that the best way down, is either with a car, bus, or regroup, and after a bit of discussion, Thalia and Zoe go to get a second opinion, Grover is eating something, leaving me with just Percy.