
"Percy, you have noticed Thalia's odd behavior right?" I ask, straight to the point. He gives a strange look at me, before it seems to slowly dawn on him what I mean.

"Yeah. Thalia hasn't been acting like herself, for the most part, since you got here. I know flat out you didn't do anything to her. You don't seem to be that kind of a guy. I am not sure what is wrong with her, I am a guy, so I don't know. For the most part, she mellowed out with you around. " Percy says, confused as well. I sigh, knowing that he wouldn't know.

"Is there someone in our group that I can ask about this?" I ask Percy.

"Well, there is Grover. He might know something. But I can't promise anything though. He was the one who knew her the longest among our group." Percy says, though he sounds more worried about something.

"Thanks, Percy. Before I ask Grover, what is the problem?" I ask him.

"I have been having dreams about the quest. Annabeth is being held hostage like Artemis, and I am worried about her. She's my friend, and when the Winter Solstice is over, she will be killed if we don't reach them in time." Percy says, visibly upset at this point.

"That makes sense on your reasoning to be here with us. I believe we will find and rescue the two of them." I say, before starting to walk over to Grover. "Now Grover, I have a few questions for you, if you don't mind." I say to Grover, who flinches at me being behind him.

"W-What kind of questions?" Grover asks, calming himself from the accidental spook I did to him.

"You have known Thalia for a long time correct?" I ask him. He nods his head in yes, finally calmed from being spooked. "Can you tell me if she has been acting weird as of late, from what you know of her?" I ask Grover, who looks confused, before he quickly realizes what I am talking about.

"Yeah. She is normally a more angsty, anti feminine type of person. Easy to anger, hates stuff like barbies, and dresses in more darker colors. While that's the same, when you are around, her emotions, and to clarify, Satyr, and we can get a feel of emotions, though not an accurate reading, and I noticed that whenever you are around, or mentioned, it's like something in her is tempered. The odd thing, is that I don't think it is one hundred percent her own thoughts. While I knew when we meet, she gained a bit of a crush on you, though I thought it would quickly die, it's like something was influencing her to go beyond that. I know flat out it isn't you, mainly emotions and body language, but it is worrisome. Someone is messing with her, and I think it might be permanent." Grover says, looking on with concern, a bit of anger, and a odd look.

"Do you have an idea on what might be doing this?" I ask, curious, yet I have my own idea.

"Honestly, it could be a few things. Humans are interesting in the sense that they can either instantly fall in love, or it takes a life or death situation to realize this. Hades, most beings with emotions have that problem. I can tell you that something tried to influence you, but it couldn't do a full job with you. What it is, I can't say." Grover says, getting quiet at the end. I get up, realizing that not much else could be said, and I just wait back with Percy, shortly later being joined by Grover, as we wait for the Thalia and Zoe.

The two girls return eventually, and Thalia looks pissed for being forced to carry the food and drinks, while Zoe looks a bit smug about something. I have a feeling it was something I would rather go without knowing.

The group eats some of the food, and then a breeze comes through. A breeze that carries a warning, yet reminds me of the forest when I was much younger. But that doesn't stop me from feeling the threats coming to us. Grover seemed to be overwhelmed by the breeze, and passed out from it. We decide to carry him, as we couldn't leave him behind.

We reached the edge of the town when they attacked us. To me, they looked similar to Stalfos, skeleton warriors that seemed to be very good at combat. The main difference, is that they did have a grayish transparent skin on them, with uniforms I can only assume has to do with the area we are in. We back up, to protect Grover, when two more jump out from the forest behind us.

I quickly pull out my Hylian Shield, and the Master Sword. Something told me that it would be necessary to deal with these Stalfos like creatures. We split up, each of us taking on one to prevent it from going after Grover, and the one I take on, fires it's handgun at me, and it bounces of the Hylian Shield. Taking advantage to it's confusion, I slice the arm with the gun off, and stab it right in the chest. When I stab it, it let out a screech, comparable to a Keese that doesn't have the ability to handle Fire elements. It screeches, hurting my ears a bit, before it collapses into a pile of bones, and turns into a silverish dust. The other skeletons where distracted by the death of it's brother, which I assume isn't normal for them, and jump to help Zoe and killer her skeleton, it two turning to a silverish dust. The other two skeletons suffer the same fate, and Zoe looks at me in with a look of shock.

"How. I have been around for thousands of years, but I have never seen a monsters essence turn to a silver dust. Those monsters don't normally die like that. Killing them is supposed to be near impossible." Zoe says, with a look of total shock. The others are just as confused, and when hearing her words, she also gains a look of shock.

"I honestly have no clue. The sword I used, maybe the answer." I say, lifting the Master Sword.

"Whatever the case is, Artemis might know more, and we need to rescue her to ask her." Zoe says, getting over her shock of the ordeal. Though, I can tell she isn't full over it.

Suddenly, we hear what sounds to be a loud animal announcing it's presence, as it unleashes it's cry, and a moment later, barges into the area, destroying trees, a sign I assume is like the one we saw earlier, and making us all to roll out of the way. It squeals at us again, and I quickly jump on it's back, based on a hunch. Using the Iron Boots, it tries multiple times to knock me off, before I smack it with one of my boots, making it squeal in pain, before calming down. I assume it surrenders to me, and I get off, when it squeals again, this time, in what I assume is a tone for us to get on it, to go to our next destination.

"So the Boar is a blessing of Pan?" I ask, curiously. I assume Pan is a god, god of nature as a guess.

"Yes. Pan is the God of Nature, and the figure of Satyrs." Grover says, slightly out of it. "He went missing a thousand years ago, a human saying that Pan was dead, but we satyrs never stopped hoping, believing that he wasn't dead. That was something satyrs have been looking for, for years. I am the closest yet to find him." Grover finishes.

After that, we just stay silent for the remainder of the time, eventually stopping to get off the boar, who proceeded to eat a few cacti, and drink some muddy water. It burped, and sped off back into the forest. We then decided to follow the road for about and hour, set up camp for the night, when a bright light from a car blinded us temporarily, before a white, long looking car pulled to a stop in front of us.

The backdoor of it opened up next to Percy, and a sword was instantly under his chin. I quickly pulled out the Hero's Bow, with the Master Sword and Hylian Shield on my back, and an Ice Arrow nocked on my bow, ready to fire at the being that would threaten Percy with their sword. The swords owner slowly came out, based on the fact that Percy was slowly moving backward, to prevent the sword from going into his neck.

The man, as it is revealed to be the owner of the sword, just gives Percy a grin that has some anger behind it. "Not so fast now, are you punk?" The man says. He is a big man, dressed with a strange hair cut, a white shirt, black pants, a black jacket, darkened glasses on his face, and boots that looked like they were made for battle.

"Ares." Percy practically growled out.

The god just glanced at us. "At ease, people."

He snaps his fingers, and everyone's but mines weapons fall to the ground. He looks at me confused, but still keeping his sword underneath Percy's chin. "What are you playing at boy?" He looks at me, with some confusion, and anger at me.

"Nothing." I say, deciding it might be best at this time to put away my bow, but keeping my hands at the ready to grab my sword and shield. He just laughs at me.

"I admit, you have spunk kid. At least you are more respectful than the brat here. No need to worry about me attacking you, no matter how much I want to attack this kid" At that I quickly but my hand at the Master Sword's hilt, equipping the Golden Gauntlets as well to be safe, "but I am with my lady, and she doesn't like blood on her, the car, on me, or near here. So no bloodshed today." He finishes. I keep the gauntlets equipped, but I move my hand away from the two weapons. I know flat out, if me and Ares got into a fight, it would be a tough fight. Quite frankly, I could win, but it would be at best, a costly victory, unless I pulled out either the Redeemed Sayain Mask, or the Fierce Deity Mask. One would be overkill, the other would be a danger to everything that can't keep it's interest for five minutes, overkill, and potentially damaging to the very balance to this reality. Needless to say, I would go with the Redeemed Sayain mask first. I don't want to pull it out unless pushed, mainly because I am close to becoming one with it. And I think unlike the other three masks I fused with, I would no longer be a full Hylian once I fused with the Redeemed Sayain mask, if my guess is correct.

"The only ones my lady want's to talk to, are the brat in front of me, and the warrior dressed in green." He says, before snapping his fingers, and the place behind us opens. "Now, go get food or whatever. My lady wants to talk to you first, brat." Ares says, before pushing Percy non to gently, into the car. "Now that we are alone, tell me, boy, when will you reveal your techniques to an opponent?" Ares asks, making me freeze in shock, and a bit of terror, because of a simple reason. The techniques he is talking about, are techniques I made, that I would use in combat if pushed.

"H-How do you-" I start to say, before he laughs a bit.

"I am the God of War, warrior. While I don't know the techniques you have, I know you know of them because I can sense them. While I maybe mister asshole to my enemies, and that brat in there, I respect actual warriors, and those who have seen shit that most don't see. So I treat you as a warrior, not a brat that deserves nearly no respect." He says. "Now, my lady will be done with the brat soon, so I will tell you this. Be on your best behavior with her, and don't call her ugly. She is the Goddess of Love after all." He finishes.

"Aphrodite?" I say, a bit shocked.

"Yep. She got herself all worked up when she found out you have a near impossibility to feel love, but I will let her explain that." He says, as Percy leave the car, looking confused. "Brat, go join your friends in that place. Warrior, go in the car. She will see you know." Ares says, and I go in, watching as Percy enters the place, giving me a worried look, and a glare at Ares.

As soon as I enter the car, my nose is assaulted by a a multitude of strong, flowery and other types of smells that makes me nearly nauseous from it. Then I notice the lady sitting on one of the seats. "Sit Link. We have something to talk about." She says, with a feminine voice, with a strange underlining tone in it. But I sit, just to be polite. Not going to piss off the goddess that could make me end up kissing a tree or something.

"You are an interesting boy Link. Capable of so much, yet unable to truly understand one of the biggest things life could ever give you. Though, no fault of your own, just how you were raised. Apollo gave you The Talk, which he gives the physical, and mental understanding of what it means to be an adult, but he left out the emotional, to a degree. While I understand he couldn't help you in the sense of the emotion, I might be able to help you there, and understand your emotions." Aphrodite says, in that same tone, that I think she does all the time.

"One of life's biggest things? Emotions? What do you mean?" I ask, confused, and a bit worried. I mean, she is talking about this so easily and causally, that I actually worry she could see through the disguise Artemis put back on me.

"Love Link. I am talking about love." Aphrodite says, in a more soothing tone now, though the original tone is still there.

Love. Wait a second. Is it possible. "Aphrodite, are you the reason Thalia has been acting weird around me?" I ask, semi curious, semi worried. She sighs, but smiles at me.

"Somewhat Link. The most I did, was grow the crush she had for you, and made it grow into a desire to be with you. If she wasn't already aware of your problem, she wouldn't even try, and joined the hunters of Artemis, and quite frankly, I think you should have something good for you, learning about your life. It is sad though, that you hide your true looks under the magic disguise, and I wish I knew why." She says, no longer with the tone, but more sad. Though, I do have a bit of a heart attack, at her knowing about the disguise.

"Whatever the case is for the disguise, you look handsome regardless. I know you look at me with nothing other than confusion, not my beauty, not my figure" at that, she waves her hands down in shape at her body, "or my goddess status. You are looking at me with confusion, and I wish to try and fix what is damaged with you. While Apollo can heal the physical, and to a minor degree, the mental, he can't fix something like emotions, or certain mental issues. Most Gods and Goddesses can't, unless it falls under our domain. You have no ability to feel love, or lust. I wish to fix that for you, so you can finally see life through a new set of eyes and understanding. I just want to spread love, even if some would call me a leg spreader, I do it not out of lust, even if it is a domain of mine, but love. I want you to be able to feel what most will be able to feel, even if it sounds odd for a god or goddess to say, especially from the past of yours." Aphrodite says, seeming to be sad at this point.

"I take it you take your love domain seriously?" I ask.

"Yes. While I don't like the hunters, because they spit on what I represent, I don't hate them, because I understand their mentality. I just wish to help you, as you need it more than you think." Aphrodite says, sounding at first upset, before turning to a sad tone again.

I think on this for a few minutes, and I think she figures that anyway. Love. I don't know what to think. While I can tell she has intentions beyond what she has said, she has been honest to me the entire time, about what she want's to do. She wishes to let me feel two emotions I never felt before in my life, due to the screw up that time travel did on me in a mental sense. I then weigh the positives and negatives, from my understanding of both. Love is a double edged sword, as love and hate are two sides that can happen easily, and lust from what I know, is something that could get me in serious trouble if I am not careful. But the positives, is that it would give me a whole new perspective to look from, and let me finally understand what Thalia feels, as I unknowingly ignored any attempts to talk to me. I sigh. "Before I give you an answer, I have one more question." I say, to answer a question I had for a bit now.

"What is it Link?" Aphrodite asks.

"Were you trying to help me when Thalia hugged me after the Nermain Lion attack?" I ask, curious.

"Technically. I only noticed because Thalia hugged you, and that's when I realized you needed help. While I grew Thalia's love for you, I was looking for a way to help you with your issue. I was aware of you, but I didn't really bother until I realized it at that moment." Aphrodite answers, honestly.

I sigh. "Then my answer to your offer is yes, with one request of my own." I say.

"I have a feeling I know what it is. You wish for the lust to be slowly introduced, so it doesn't instantly overwhelm you, correct?" She asks.

"Yes. Not surprised you figured that one out." I say.

"I maybe a bit ditzy, but I am not stupid. Giving you full access to the emotion of lust, would be a very, very bad idea. Due to you not being accustomed to it at all, like normal humans, you would get overwhelmed and be driven by it. So I plan on having it be introduced to you in small gaps, until it can be fully integrated without a problem." Aphrodite says.

"Thank you. " I say to Aphrodite, who just smiles at me.

"Well then, I will tell you it will hurt. How much I can't say, but it will hurt when it is done. I will only be firing a pink orb into you, so it can work it's magic." Aphrodite says, before putting her hand up, and firing a, indeed, a pink orb of magic, that hits me in the chest. At first, I feel nothing, but slowly, I start to feel a pain in two places. My heart area, and my head. It increases to the point that I must have blacked out, as when I came to, I see my head on Aphrodite's lap. Oddly enough, it is soft feeling.

"Is it done?" I ask, wincing at my voice. It sounds slightly different.

"Yes. But I need to be tell you this. In order for it to have fully worked, I had to tie your love to a source so to speak. Thalia was the only choice, due to her being the strongest for you. So don't be surprised if you start being closer to her, and notice things you didn't pay attention to before, due to your circumstances. Thats what the pain in the chest was. No, it isn't a soulmate deal, or anything like that. Even if she were to die, you would keep your access to it. I had to tie it to her, to make the emotions come out correctly. If I didn't, they would have stayed buried. Even then, after what I did, the emotions won't come out right away. It will take a while, possibly a few days to a week." Aphrodite says. I sit back up, and notice the moon barley moved.

"How long was I out?" I ask, worried.

"Ten minutes at most. Don't worry, the other were made aware that the talk would be a while. I know you will find happiness with Thalia, once you realize it. One final thing. Your journey will take you through my Husbands junkyard. Don't take anything, and you will be fine." Aphrodite says. "Go to your friends, Link. I hope that disguise can come down soon. It is a shame it is currently hidden." She says. I would leave, but I felt wrong. Something told me that this was something big she did, but what could I offer her as thanks? Then I remembered, the Couples Mask.

"Aphrodite. I know what you did was big, so I wanted to offer you something that might interest you." I say that, before pulling out the Couples Mask. She instantly takes a interest in it.

"I can sense the love coming from it. It was made in front of a couple being married, I bet." She says, a bit shocked.

"Correct my lady. I offer it to you, as I figure you should be given something unique like this, as it does represents your domain." I say.

"I... Thank you Link. I know you offer it as a thanks to me helping you, but such a gift is more than you expect. I accept, but be aware that instead of giving me a thanks, you have made it where I owe you three times the amount I offered you now." Aphrodite says, seriously.

"No need to say that. I feel you gave me something priceless, so I give you something that is priceless to the Goddess of Love. A mask that is the proof of two lovers becoming one in terms of marriage." I say.

"The Ancient laws say other wise in this case. I know you are on a quest, so we will talk about it later, though be aware, you will find my only to repay you is something you won't expect." She says, before shooing me out. I leave, and Ares looks at me.

"Heh. I see my lady helped you. While I am not a love god or goddess, I can tell you are different than before, even if it isn't obvious yet. I will be going with my lady now, and I know what you gave her. I will tell you this, it is a serious situation you put her in, and the laws are beyond our control. I know you did it because you had good reasons, so that is why you are still alive right now despite the situation you unknowingly put her in. Stay safe, warrior." Ares says, before entering the car, and it drives off. The others quickly run outside, to see me.

"Link, thank the gods you are okay!" Zoe says, happily.

"Yeah, I am okay. Aphrodite wanted to talk with me, is all." I say, not wanting to talk about the whole situation with Thalia involved. Don't want to give a false hope for her, in the off chance that it doesn't work at all. Not that I don't believe Aphrodite, but it is better to say nothing until proven, then to announce it, and found to be false.

Zoe just gives me a look, that says she doesn't believe that, but doesn't push it as we start to near the entrance of a place filled with scrap metal and all sorts of random junk.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"The Junkyard of the Gods. Anything the Gods don't want, whether it is cursed, a failure, or just a mistake, gets thrown into this place. Do not take anything, as it was left here for a reason." Zoe says, on guard.

We slowly walk through the junkyard, looking around it and seeing interesting, yet useless items. I was half tempted to use the Song of Storms to see if it could lift curses off of the items, but that would be both unnecessary, and stupid to be honest. Though, some of the items make me wonder, what they were intended for. Eventually, we reach what looks like giant metal mountains, in the shape of toes. We decide to walk around them, to avoid a confrontation, and almost succeed.

Almost being the key word.

As we near the exit, what sounds like a bunch of boulders scrapping on the ground, but the bolders being made of metal, is heard behind us. We turn around to see a bronze giant, in some form of Battle Armor, I assume to be Greek based on it's creators origins, and it looked pretty messed up. Melted parts, rust all over it, and disfigured at points. It looks like it needs a good cleaning at worst.

"Talos! Someone must have took something." Zoe says, looking at Me, Percy, and Grover.

"I didn't touch anything." I say. Percy and Grover mimic me, and Thalia also says she didn't take anything.

"It is a defective model, after all, maybe this is part of the reason why it's here." Thalia says. Talos seems to not like being called defective, and goes to attack Thalia.

Thalia quickly dodges the attack, while Zoe pelts Talos with arrows, that just bounce off of it, and Grover does his best by throwing acorns. Give him credit, one of those things leaves a dent on Talos. I notice what looks like a shaft you could climb into to get inside of it, and get an idea.

"Guys, I need you to keep Talos distracted. I noticed an opening shaft on it, that I could use to get in. Before you try to argue with me, we aren't doing anything except annoy it, and it is our best option." I say. The rest just look at me with a defeated look, minus Thalia. But I am unsure of what look she is giving me, but it worries me.

The others distract Talos and I am able to get inside of it. I place a couple of lit bombs in it, and try to get out of Talos. To my horror, Thalia somehow snuck in at some point, and the exit was damaged into being blocked.

As the wait for the impending explosion from the bombs, something odd happens. As the explosion happens, instead of dying like I thought would happen, though the injuries are a close second to it, me and Thalia are forced through a portal that opened from a sudden influx of power, and we are sent into a place that looks familiar, and the last thing I remember before I pass out from my injuries, is trees, and what looked like Saria rushing over to me, which shouldn't be possible.

Well, that took longer than I wanted. Writing certain parts were a BITCH. Mainly writing the Nermain Lion and the Apollo train part.

Fun fact about this chapter, I originally wrote the entire thing in one go, but it was fucking shit, rushed beyond belief, and was just horrible. So I decided to rewrite almost the entire chapter. The only part untouched was the pre-quest section. As in the forest, prophecy, and councilors. Other than that, the entire thing was fucking rewritten.

Also yes, the Bardock thing is important, and will come up at a point in the story.


"Finally! I found the spell!" I say, in joy. "The spell that will reunite me with the one I love! Link! I will finally be able to make us one! I will have you, and there is nothing that can stop me!" I yell in joy.

"ZELDA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!" My father yells through me door.

I ignore him though, as I start the surprisingly simple spell. About two thirds of my magic supply is used, but the magic works. But the promised portal to summon my love doesn't seem to work. I look closer at the spell, and "AAAAHHHH!" I scream in anger. I should have read the whole thing! I needed to have the portal be placed here, or else it will send him to the place he spent the longest in! Meaning he must be at his home. Now, to find the Kokiri forest. If the Kokiri refuse to give him to me, I will throw them into the Shadow Temple, so they can suffer for trying to keep me away from my Link! Now, to first deal with my father.

King Daphne's POV:

I realize that My Daughter is truly insane. I am honestly surprised the Spirit of the Goddess Hylia hasn't left her yet, due to her actions. My guards have discreetly looked over the Castle, and I happen to have found my daughters secret Diary. I was a fool. My daughter is truly insane. She nearly RAPED the Hero of the land, for her desires. He was lucky enough to get out when he sensed something was off, which explains why he visited me in the middle of the night, to say he was leaving. He may have pushed it into the depths of his memory, from my last interaction with him, but it will only take seeing her to make it come back, possibly. Link maybe a blunt, and sound arrogant, but he just can't portray himself any other way, as it just is his way of acting. Minus the Arrogant part. It just sounds like it, but he is actually humble. Though, he hates being considered a hero, which is why I only wrote about his adventures in the private Royal Family diaries, journals, and the True Hylian History Timeline.

I know what my Daughter has done. She has used a the Portal spell to drag him from where ever he was, to her to force him into being her Brood Stallion for all intensive purposes. She has a room to keep him locked in, chains so he can't run away, and the only way in and out is the key she has. She plans on using him as a sex slave for Din's Sake!

She has her room locked with her magic, which tells me she is attempting the spell, based on what she just yelled. Her scream of rage tells me she didn't read the entirety of the spell, and it backfired on her. But she knows of Links home, to an extent. Not the location, just what it is called. I refuse to allow this to go on any farther. My Grand Nephew should be worried because my daughter is acting like a cat in heat. I love my daughter, but the creature that is in that room, is NOT the daughter I raised, the daughter I comforted after the death of her mother, the one who introduced me to my Grand Nephew. No, The Zelda I know is dead now. The one in there is a mockery of her, and one I won't allow to continue with this charade. But she must have left, based on the fact I finally got the door open, and she isn't there now. I leave the room, and summon the General of the Hylian Army.

A few minutes of waiting, and I grow more and more worried about Link. Zelda is beyond any known help, and quite frankly, I am not risking the Triforce in this mess. I refuse to risk the chance of Ganondorf getting the Triforce of Power, and I fear Zelda getting the Triforce of Wisdom, so I won't mess with it.

"My King, you summoned me?" My General comes in, kneeling to me.

"Stand General. This is a serious time. My... No Zelda has truly gone over the edge. She is no longer my daughter, and is a threat to Hyrule. Have the army hunt her down, and bring her back alive. Have messengers spread the word that Zelda is no longer considered the Princess of Hyrule. She has been planning on breaking the laws of the land and world, and has already broken a few that even I wouldn't pardon." I say to the General, who has a look of absolute shock on his face. I give him a moment, as the news would shock anybody who wasn't expecting it. He quickly gets over his shock.

"U-understood, my king. I will do as ordered." He says, clearly still a bit shocked, and runs out to carry out my orders.

Impa then steps out of the shadows. "My King, do you wish for me to hunt her down two?" Impa asks, roughly, firm, yet sad. I kow she is upset, as she helped raise Zelda after my wife's death. She was also her bodyguard for so long, so I know she is seriously upset at her as well.

"Yes Impa. You are to hunt her down as well, and bring her in." I say, as seriously as I can without bursting into tears. Impa nods, and disappears back into the shadows of the room. I send my remaining guards out, and just put my face into my hands and cry. I cry, sob, all of that, at the fact that I failed as a father, failed as a Grand Uncle, failed as a king in this whole time. I thought my daughter was just going through a phase when she was younger, but over time I started to get seriously concerned. Link visiting me that night definitely didn't help, and then there was all this. This is too much. I quickly shudder to calm myself, which is semi effective. I looks at my hands, to see my robe is wet with tears, my hands are seriously wet, and the floor has a big wet spot in front of my throne. I can still feel tears slowly coming down my cheeks, but I do my best to steel myself once again. I have to be strong. For Hyrule. For Link. For the Future of Hyrule. For Myself. For those who depend on everything! I must stay strong! When I find you Link, I will make sure to apologize to you, and return your bloodline to the Royal Family, by making you it's Prince. I know you will try to reject it, but it must be done. You are the only one left to be considered a Royal Family Member. I just hope you, the Goddesses, Hylia, my wife, and whatever remains of my true daughter, Zelda, can forgive me for my actions to come.

Omake end.

Shit, made that even longer than I planned. But it happened, so enjoy that. Have a great day, and I feel like shit. Chapter 7 of this will come at some point. The Omakes are canon by the way.